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20117084 No.20117084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>this is a real book

>> No.20117089
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They should have used the alternative cover

>> No.20117091

I've never heard about it therefore it must not be real or must not be important *trollface

>> No.20117092

I don't understand for the life of me why is Scandinavia so cucked. These people used to pillage and conquer European regions, now they let their daughters spread their legs and fuck negroes like it's nothing. I'm sad that the rest of Europe save Germany is dying but I'm happy Scandinavia is going the way of the dodo.

>> No.20117098

>Phil Blackman

>> No.20117099

>inb4 ackshually Finland is not le Scandinavia
Nordic countries, whatever, you get the idea.

>> No.20117118
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>Schwarzmann Name Meaning Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant spelling of Schwarzman


>> No.20117122
File: 580 KB, 750x1624, 1E727CAA-D069-44C2-AEAE-238A881A04BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the author
Does he have an actual cuckold fetish?

>> No.20117135

>These people used to pillage and conquer European regions, now they let their daughters spread their legs and fuck negroes like it's nothing.
They were poor-ass niggers, so they had to do all that hard and dangerous shit. Now they are rich-ass niggers, so they can forget about that and just do whatever they want to - which includes indulging in exotic dick/poon.

>> No.20117136
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This sort of thing would still trigger me few years ago, but I've learnt that women don't deserve any better.

>> No.20117147

>Designing the front cover of “How to Marry a Finnish Girl” was exciting and I wanted to be involved in the process. As a marketer I know the importance of retail packaging. And as a PR guy I know the importance of building buzz. A book’s cover is its first impression. So naturally I wanted something striking and intriguing.
>My editor hooked me up with the super talented, and super patient, graphic designer Laura Noponen and basically gave us free rein. My editor never suggested a photographer for the cover. I guess my face would deter customers.
>Here was my original pitch to Laura..
>date: Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:55 AM
>subject: Re: Vs: Book cover
>Laura, hi
>If you don’t know, the book is called “How to Marry a Finnish Girl” and the subtitle is “Everything you wanted to know about Finland, that Finns wouldn’t tell you.” It’s a humor book about Finland, but it’s quite edgy – it’s not a tourist book at all, and avoids all the typical Finnish cliches. It’s targeted to Finns and foreigners who already know quite a lot about Finland. So I’m looking for a book cover that’s both 1) Humorous and 2) Edgy.
>I have two ideas for the book cover….
>1. Do you know that famous Väinämöinen/Aino painting of the man chasing the woman in the lake? The cover would be a depiction of that painting, but the man is a foreigner, of maybe African or Middle Eastern descent. The idea is to take that classic painting, update it to 2011, and show what modern Finnish couples look like.
>2. Ever seen a 1950’s American cookbook? I’ve attached a few examples. That 1950’s American-woman-wearing-high-heels-while-baking is the complete opposite of a modern Finnish woman – and therein lies the humor. I love that 1950’s illustrator style, it’s again very popular thanks to that show “Mad Men”. I kinda picture the classic “Elovena” girl, blonde hair and high cheekbones, but in a classic American dress baking some Karelian pastries. Maybe her husband is an African guy wearing a suit, heading out to work. It would be a clash of American and Finnish cultures, all done with that 1950’s font and style.
>Do any of those ideas resonate with you? Do they stir your creative juices at all? :-)
> Thanks so much for working with me on this!
>– Phil
>Yeah, my idea was to take Finland’s most sacred piece of national history and turn its main character from a God into a Somalian. That would have a sold TONS of books!! After several drafts back and forth (like I said, Laura is VERY patient) we all agreed on the cover you’ve seen. I absolutely love it. A modern Finnish couple in love! Or maybe it’s a foreigner groping a white girl. You decide!!
>But I wanted to depict a modern Finnish couple.
>After several drafts back and forth (like I said, Laura is VERY patient) we all agreed on the cover you’ve seen. I absolutely love it. A modern Finnish couple in love! Or maybe it’s a foreigner groping a white girl. You decide!!

>> No.20117151

Here’s the link to the article btw. http://www.betterfunner.com/2012/10/how-my-books-cover-was-designed/

>> No.20117158

poor-ass niggers create hard ass niggas hard ass niggas create good ass nigga times good ass nigga times create wack ass niggas wack ass niggas create poor ass niggas.

>> No.20117160


Wait, this is a real job? Like I joke that because of my brown skin, I have the NEED to go to finland and fuck their women but this is just silly.

btw You whites wants some brown girls? I don't mind trading.

>> No.20117180

>btw You whites wants some brown girls? I don't mind trading.
We'd take them if we wanted

>> No.20117183

The cover designer said it was meant to be controversial and humorous.

It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.20117185

you mean nigger? I've heard Americans calling blacks "brown"

>> No.20117188

he's just jewish

>> No.20117190
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Of particular interest is the chapter "How to marry the current finnish PM"

>> No.20117197

>that BPD histrionic narcissism stare

>> No.20117264

He should be killed.

>> No.20117273

In America they mostly have mulattos, so they are brown instead of actually being black.

>> No.20117314

Brown doesn't mean anything. Black/negro is the label for people with these genes.

>> No.20117418

You can tell this guy sees niggers as literal subhumans.
He wants the cover to show beauty being defiled and as such is driven to use the nigger as the destroyer of purity (white woman). He wants not equality but pure shock value. He could have used bestiality to the same effect.
>Yes my cover show a BLACK GUY fucking a white woman, yes, how shocking, how disgusting, I know right, aren't you shocked?
Look at the cover, it shows a virginal white girl, in a wedding dress being groped by 2 inhuman black hands. The niggerhands do not belong to a man but to a corruptor. You can't see his face or body or anything that shows humanity, only his tainted hands sullying beauty. Even more important, there are two black hands of different color, showing the nigger is not a person but a mass, a dehumanised entity who will destroy the west.
Somehow this white guilt literal cuck subconsciously agrees in everything with the most recalcitrant racist. Only while the racist wants to destroy what he sees as evil this faggot wants to be destroyed and subjugated by what he considers inferior. He does not see the nigger as an equal but somehow he is driven to masochism and death by a twisted racial narrative.

>> No.20117479
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you have fallen into this author's/publisher's game, this book is 100% some shitty dating advice or pick up artistry. you are doing free advertising

>> No.20117508

>That 1950’s American-woman-wearing-high-heels-while-baking is the complete opposite of a modern Finnish woman
I was almost about to read your book, OP, but I see I've dodged a bullet.

>> No.20117512
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would this book help me?


>> No.20117522

I don't think the author wrote it for Finnish girls seeking BBC.

>> No.20117529

his is a comedy book you stupid sperg lol

>> No.20117554

cringe, go to some nigger tier country and you'll find some pillaging populations still

>> No.20117623

Christian universalism and liberalism, too much comfort making people weak, soft, and docile, and just the post-WW2 zeitgeist being what it is in general.

There has probably never been a worse time to be born a european, save for late antique times. At least then europeans were replaced by slightly different europeans rather than pakis, ayyrabs, and congolese negroes.

At first it triggers you. With time you'll come to think that maybe a group of people that are so hell-bent on their own destruction, even if not in small part due to indoctrination, maybe deserve to go the way of the dodo, if for no other reason but to put them out of their patently visible misery. Lifeforms that lack even the slightest hints of a self-preservation reflex probably wouldn't last much longer even if you somehow managed to save them from themselves once or twice.

>> No.20117656

stopped reading right there, buddy

>> No.20117659

why don't they just watch their own national television, it's probably the 1st program?

>> No.20117895
File: 1.15 MB, 1269x830, Finland-PM6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not care.

>> No.20117907

i just read the kalevala and apparently what you have to do is just go kidnap a lady and put her in a sack and ride off on your rad sled, or if she has powerful relatives who stop you sometimes you have to do weird chores like chasing demon reindeers and shit
don't just make one out of metal though, it's weird and cold

>> No.20118161

Everyone deserves dinosaur underwear.
>He doesn't know about Finland's historic inbreeding

>> No.20118173

that what what what stare? is that a thing?

>> No.20118252

Biggest lovers of BBC are still american women, by far.

>> No.20118275

Why do you think I want to legalize rape in some fashion so "chuds" like me can finally get laid. That's the problem with the right, they're so naive with concepts like honor they don't even realize the left doesn't play by those rules. If they stoop low, you stoop lower, that's how you win

>> No.20118380

>Biggest lovers of BBC are still american jews, by far.


>> No.20118755

>Stop! I can only get so erect!

>> No.20118830

wonder how it will go down in history after about 30 years or so. Pretty funny and odd to think about.
>once there was a different race that lived here, they did some great advancements but then one day they all collectively killed themselves by merging themselves with Africa and mutilated their genitalia. The end!

>> No.20118917

Da nigga cycle, sheeeet