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20116994 No.20116994 [Reply] [Original]

any good secular books about Christianity that arent all "religion bad"? this one is recommended a lot, but its kinda shitty. I'm barely past the first part and this motherfucker thinks all the psalms were written by David and that the Torah was written after Isaiah and Jeremiah. I can hardly imagine the other bullshit hes written that I'm not gonna know any better to catch

>> No.20117063


>> No.20117071

>the Torah was written after Isaiah
It was though unless you buy the "Moses wrote Genesis" jew larp

>> No.20117077
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>Readers will be aware that the islands embracing England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales have commonly been known as the British Isles. This title no longer pleases all their inhabitants, particularly those in the Republic of Ireland (a matter to which this descendant of Scottish Protestants is sensitive), and a more neutral as well as more accurate description is ‘the Atlantic Isles’, which is used at various places throughout this book.

>> No.20117814
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Pic rel has received a lot of praise from various Christians despite the author being more of an agnostic/atheist bent.

>> No.20117820

The positive secular view on Christianity is based on the (correct) assessment that most Christians don't believe the nonsense in their bible and use the whole thing as an excuse for other kinds of moral systems.

>> No.20117826

Apparently /ourboy/ Peter Heather is coming out with a book about the rise of christianity soon.

>Christendom: The Triumph of a Religion
700 fucking pages!

>> No.20117835

peak reddit post

>> No.20117849

he also refer to Muhammad as "The Prophet" multiple times despite a good chunk of his readership being made up of unironic christians and practically no muslims.

>> No.20119496

>Buying anything written after the 16th century

>> No.20119504 [DELETED] 

only Redditors like him

>> No.20119524

God I hate modern historians so fvcking mvch

>> No.20119535

I was about to recommend this

>> No.20119655

ok so recommend something then

>> No.20119669

The Bible

>> No.20119674


>> No.20119772

There is no reason to believe the Torah wasn't written after Isaiah and Jeremiah other than "Jews say so."

>> No.20119785

the majority of ancient history is "[x] said so"

>> No.20119801

It's now generally agreed upon by historians that what could accurately be called Judaism started around 500 or 400 BC, and their "history" before then in the OT is basically a bunch of extreme exaggerations and bastardizations of events in the region that happened to their Yahwist predecessors or other groups altogether. The strength of the evidence is so much that if this was not tied to religion, it would be presented as accepted fact.

>> No.20119804

No one really takes most of it at face value either, and the older the sources the less reliable they are.

>> No.20119812

>the older the sources the less reliable they are
untrue. sources closer to the events in question are considered more reliable
and you have no choice but to take them at face value, if there are no dissenting opinions. disregarding the because of supernatural claims is a byproduct of your worldview, not the historical method.

>> No.20119820

The funny part is lots of proclaimed creationists don't really believe this stuff, they're semi-open about the fact that they believe in something resembling evolution and conventional geology but defend creationism on the belief that rejecting it as a possibility would be bad for society. This was my impression of William Jennings Bryan in the Scopes Monkey Trial.

>> No.20119827

We shouldn't entirely dispose of sources just for including them but whenever supernatural claims are involved, you have to apply a heavy amount of critical thinking.

>> No.20119834

> you have no choice but to take them at face value
Not true, and there is a difference between disregarding a claim entirely and being skeptical about it. Most historians are skeptical even about well documented events.

>> No.20119838

>and you have no choice but to take them at face value
This is where you're wrong. Historians almost never take things at "face value", least of all ancient pieces with supernatural events.

>> No.20119853

>everything in the Bible happened.

>> No.20119998

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20120021

I finished this a month ago. Macculloch really does not like Catholicism.

>> No.20121307

Anything by David Bentley Hart.

>> No.20121332

Unfortunately religious studies as a field is doing great work with every religion except Christianity.

Religious Studies with respect to Christianity is literally 99% Jews and anti-Christian polemics. Not even joking

>> No.20121394
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Read Roland Bainton.

>> No.20121425

>thinks all the psalms were written by David
Why? David is named as the author of only 75.

>> No.20121470

idfk, ask him

>> No.20121514

not secular

>> No.20121527

you are right, its actually good unlike op's book

>> No.20121838

From someone who knows nothing it seems to me, based on a cursory glance and supported by nothing but my own observations, Catholicism is basically synonymous with laziness. Knowing how to take it easy is one thing, but it seems the European Catholics at least have taken it so far that it isn’t even funny how lazy they are

>> No.20121856

its funny because catholics say the same about protestants, particularly the sola fide varieties. I do think it rings more true for catholics though. all you need to do is show up for sacraments and you're saved, and even if you arent then you still have a chance for purgatory. they make the need for a true relationship with God tertiary in exchange for mystical traditions and worldly ethics. the very things Jesus criticized the pharisees for

>> No.20121861

Nice to see spiderman into theology

>> No.20121873


>> No.20122066

I was surprised to see that the boy share the exact same name when I first saw this.

>> No.20122070

>fcking autocorrect
*they both

>> No.20122075

>Source: My ass