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20113533 No.20113533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

philosophy section at the book shop

which should I pick?

>> No.20113572

You should pick up some matches and torch the cabinet

>> No.20113580
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>> No.20113590

It's strange to feel like a foreigner within what is ostensibly your own culture.

>> No.20113610

is this the two minutes hate thread?

>> No.20113614

God. Kill it with fire. Incels are fucking justified in forming their own brand of epistemology at this point

>> No.20113628

This shit just means I'm up to date. Nothing new or worth reading has come out
You are a pussy

>> No.20113640
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Do women feel empowered demeaning and maligning men? I find it queer that much of feminine and feminist philosophy is focused on attacking men and masculinity. Can women not manifest themselves other than as mere antithesis to men and develop an identity independent of men?

>> No.20113644

No they're Adam's rib, and Adam is a piece of God, so they're essentially a subderivative

>> No.20113672

The Mary Beard one. Not a bad book.

>> No.20113679

Furthermore, women are like black people, their existence is a negation of civilization since neither contributed much to the building of civilization they are solely defined by what they subtract from existence, not by what they add to civilization, everything is derivative of man, who is a derivative of god, positing any sort of alternative to that is a historical

>> No.20113695

Have sex

>> No.20113697
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Strange? Try heartbreaking.

>> No.20113707

>You are a pussy
You will never be white

>> No.20113716

A new store

>> No.20113717

>hey are solely defined by what they subtract from existence

This is just retarded. Women are traditionally defined by childbirth, what they give to the world. Women provide the raw potentiality for civilization, but they are incapable of the actual ordering so it falls to men to make the potential actual.

>> No.20113766

Attacking white men is the safest form of rebellion ever. It's so embarrassing.

>> No.20113771

That's not philosophy. That's the ideological BS section.

>> No.20113781

Absolutely embarrassing post. You need to have sex

>> No.20114071

Kaczynski was right again.

>> No.20114086

>you dont want to read about good feminism
>this is like 1984 and the handmaid's tale squared!

>> No.20114093

buy used and never directly support these companies again

>> No.20114117

This. So much this

>> No.20114123

>no freedom of expression allowed in the land of free

>> No.20114327

Men who hate women isn't a manual. I rated it 1/5 on goodreads

>> No.20114335

If men were any good they would not stand for this shit, but here we are.

>> No.20114367

Reminder when Mary Beard got her ass kicked on the subject of Roman history by some random autist?
>here are your experts bro

>> No.20114388
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>Go to used store
>Ahh, will I buy this 6 volume Lincoln biography for $20, or the collected works of Livy, Polybius and Tacitus for $15?
>Choices, choices.
Honestly why would you even go to a non-used store at this point? The only choice there is between Fuck Wypipo by Ngubu Muchebe or Fuck Men by Naomi Goldberg

>> No.20114414

Based thrift store chad. Reject modernity, embrace the classics

>> No.20115189

I don't like used books (I like breaking-in and wearing them myself) so I usually order them online. Thankfully I live in the heart of Europe so even if I went into one of these hellholes the furthest I'd get would be something like that sad gay life book

>> No.20115196

A little life

>> No.20115217

I'm getting a feeling that this is just one part of the section and that the owner decided that feminist books should fall under the philosophy category
I'd be surprised if the philosophy category was large otherwise, at my local book store it's like 100 books max while the feminism section is separate and larger

>> No.20115223

Masculinity is also bad for men sometimes

>> No.20115225

When did that happen?

>> No.20115363

Shut up faggot