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20110748 No.20110748 [Reply] [Original]

This board has made me hate niggers. I don't like this situation. Any books to make me stop hating them?

>> No.20110755

Even as bait, this is some sad shit. It's probably true as well, which makes it all the sadder.

>> No.20110767

If you're being serious, 4chan in general is a very caustic place. Anons will make fun of you for not "being able to handle the banter or some shit" but I'd seriously recommend some time away from here, make a conscious effort not to engage with any online communities like 4chan or Reddit; at first you might be scared of missing something but I promise you we'll all still be here after a couple months or a year. Awhile back I left entirely for almost a year and a half and when I came back, things were exactly the way they were when I left; you're not going to miss anything

>> No.20110771

You just hate poor, rude, ignorant people. There are plenty of good blacks around who "act white."
Disregard the rest of them as social refuse, if you must. Nothing wrong with crossing the street and moving from the neighborhood when the situation calls for it.
No books for this, of course.

>> No.20110800

The other day a black lady saw a meter maid about to write me a parking ticket and she dropped a quarter in the meter for me. Thank you, kind negress.

>> No.20110808

Read some August Wilson

>> No.20111148

What does it even matter? You hate the idea of them based off the sites saying. However if you met one you'd probably be normal and cordial like you would with anyone. As long as you're not taking drastic actions I don't see the issue. People somewhat overrate the issue of racism in modern day. Largely its been rectified from law and society at large, where it matters. Having a handful of individuals who are racist doesn't really matter.

>> No.20111152

just think about how whatever brown people are doing to the west, white people are presently doing it to the east

>> No.20111158

This thread has made me hate White people

>> No.20111171

Baldwin, Ellison, Wright, Gaines

>> No.20111196

I assume you're from an almost entirely white area? I notice black-lovers and black-haters are usually from some 98% white town up north. People here in the South think black people are kinda dumb, and they can't speak right, but we know it's because they all come from broken homes.
I'd recommend you listen to black music from before the CIA destroyed black society. Modern black music is designed to spread discord by focusing on the "black experience". Motown and blues are universal and timeless.
There is no black literature that can help you though, because it's all about being black.

>> No.20111204

Nah. That hatred has been in you all along, I think. Luckily for you, that hatred is in right now so you can probably get some social freebies from it. Careful though; I think masculine hate trumps white hate a little bit.

>> No.20111206

>you're not going to miss anything
There can be 10 strong meme cycles come and go over that time. On return you'd be an out of touch newfag boomer.

>> No.20111213

Yeah no. All the most fervent black haters I know are ethnic whites from Chiraq or some other big city.

>> No.20111215

invisible man is the best book ever written by one of them

>> No.20111217

i've heard that race relations in the south are simultaneously better and worse than in the north
true or false?

>> No.20111220

But will any of those meme cycles be worth sticking around for? Memes are pathetic and fleeting now, they're weekly fads at best and rarely reach the comedy heights of memes past

>> No.20111254

>by focusing on the "black experience".
What do you mean by this? I assume you're speaking of hip hop. They're just modern pirate alphas who do whatever they want. But is motown and blues not about the black experience as you say? What makes it black other than a black guy strumming notes then?

>> No.20111278

Oh ho hooooo, getta load of Mr.
>Memes are pathetic and fleeting now, they're weekly fads at best and rarely reach the comedy heights of memes past
over here.

>> No.20111279


>> No.20111283

I don't hate black people, just black women because I live around them 24/7

>> No.20111313

How about sticking to just hating those black women.

The other day a coworker, black woman, was in the break-room punking scammers that keep calling her. It was glorious fun.

>> No.20111329

I don't know what I hate more, niggers or nigger loving withes.

>> No.20111349

I don’t really consider myself racist because I still try to judge people as individuals, but growing up around black people has really helped shape a negative opinion about them. Browsing 4chan every day for a decade has just affirmed those views.

>> No.20111350
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Interesting, and now that you mention it people who have lived around and/or worked around blacks tend to have the weirdest ideas about them. Same with the Irish.

>> No.20111357

*never lived around

>> No.20111365

this anon is correct, you need to live around these guys to see if you like em or not. I live on houston and I can assure you that they are subhumans

>> No.20111415

>because they all come from broken homes
hahHAHAHAHAHhahahahaha hehehehe ha
my god
you are retarded. Have fun getting genocided in the country your ancestors built. Wasn't some black south african leader chanting "kill all the white people" in front of a huge crowd last year? Retard. What else could you expect from the dutch?

>> No.20111436

I've done both, and I think they're a different species. Does that count as a weird idea?

>> No.20111468

I was a dedicated anti racist when I lived in a mostly white mountain town (I just didn't like natives then, because my main interactions with them were drunks panhandling and pissing in public)

But like, every experience I have with black people, for days at a time, is unpleasant. Blacks in a Mercedes with body damage and HBCU plates driving erratically on my way to work. Incompetent black coworkers. More black murderers in the paper. I get fast food and deal with black workers who mumble and get everything wrong. I get home, black kids are in my driveway, literally stealing my kids toys. They mumble that they thought nobody lived here and take off. I get on social media, and black academics are explaining why they don't tip and the Supreme Court nominee is explaining why maybe sex offenders are punished too harshly, and randos are explaining why it's ok to riot and start structure fires.

>> No.20111500
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 99C45516-8EC7-4E1E-9D0A-678DC433A359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t really like blacks, but the only girls who have ever gone out of their way to talk with me have been black girls. Maybe I should just give in and get a black waifu

>> No.20111507

Go for it. I’m addicted to cute petite black girls and I am tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.20111525

>You just hate poor, rude, ignorant people. There are plenty of good blacks around who "act white."

I actually hate white acting blacks because they mimic all the worst aspects of white people, while being made into unquestionable YASSS KWEENZ because they know how to use the modern racial dialectic and diversity quotas to their advantage. At least they have sex with dweeb white guys like me.

>> No.20111545

I am really only intolerant of propaganda where every other doctor in media is black and you can't go 5 seconds without being told how cool and worshipful black gay trannies are, and no-papers Africans being given free money for entering the EU while I am denied any help by the government because I am privileged enough although I am poor as fuck. Obviously the African guy has no fault, if I were given free gibs and de facto immunity from the law when I do not have documents, no vaccination, not a fucking thing that is required of actual citizens, I'd do it too. Sadly if I go somewhere else in the EU they won't let me wash dishes without a couple STEM degrees. That kind of annoys me.

>> No.20111596

Niggers are ugly, smelly, dumb and anti-social. And deep down everyone knows that.

This wouldn't be a problem if people could just ignore this fact or look at it from a distance. Even though mosquitos might have the potential to be annoying you won't be actively annoyed by them unless you are forced to live somewhere with a lot. Likewise, the undesirable traits of blacks wouldn't be emphasized, and therefore wouldn't be a issue, if not for the media shoving them down people's throats, the government handing privileges and cities being swarmed by ghettos.

>> No.20111612

Maybe see why internet retards who don't even read have such an effect on you? Not getting enough external experience?

>> No.20111627

You're right, anon. OP should go live Detroit instead of listening to people on 4chan.

>> No.20111658
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Are you a ricecel Butterfag?

>> No.20111663

Not every nigger is black, and not every black is a nigger

>> No.20112466


>> No.20112485

Ralph Ellison’s the invisible man

>> No.20112501
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I remember being forced to read this in high school, it is comically mediocre.

I've found masturbating to giant negress titties helps. I'd say consider fucking one, but more than half of them have herpes to say nothing of HIV and other diseases. Which is sad, because they are very easy lays if you're remotely functional and white, I was beating away half the affirmative action fund when I was in college.

>> No.20112512

>when I came back, things were exactly the way they were when I left; you're not going to miss anything
That’s weird. I also left for a year, came back and realised everything was 10 times worse. Most boards are literally just battlegrounds for warring discord groups (chuds/trannies) or agitprop shills (Russia/ukraine), there are almost no real people left and the traffic has died considerably.