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20110364 No.20110364 [Reply] [Original]

“The only thing an old man can tell a young man is that it goes fast, real fast, and if you’re not careful it’s too late. Of course, the young man will never understand this truth”

Norm Macdonald - Based on a True Story

>> No.20110392

I miss this nigga so much, Norm Macdonald Live is the work of Gods and peak of human comedy - it simply doesn’t get funnier than that.

>> No.20110398

that show is norm's absolute magnum opus, it's seriously so fucking funny

>> No.20110417

Is his book worth reading? Looked up some quotes on Goodreads and seems to me its competently written, the prose, at least. Maybe he used ghostwriter… idk

>> No.20110433

A big chunk of the book is a dialogue between Norm and his ghostwriter (I am of the impression that there was no ghostwriter). Regardless, you should read it, or better yet, torrent the audiobook. He reads it himself, and his voice is beautiful and makes the story great. Adam Egret does all his own parts, if I remember correctly.

>> No.20110437

Norm was amazing

>> No.20110445

Oh that sounds great man, I wasn’t aware that there was an audiobook read by Norm himself. Never gave a shit about any of the worshipped Anglo celebrities but for some reason his death affected me greatly, felt like I lost someone very close to me.

>> No.20110517


Epic funny man making le bad jokes. You get it guys, right? They're BAD on purpose!!!! And people get very upset because he's not very politically correct, what fools! HAHA

>> No.20110528

Let me guess, you like comedians like Dave Chappelle and Eddie Murphy.

>> No.20110535

> the young man will never understand this truth
That’s because it literally isn’t true from the young person’s perspective. It’s like a person in australia telling a person in america that it’s february 5th and not february 4th. Both and neither are true

>> No.20110555

I read this in norm's voice. No one has a better HAHA than good ol norm

>> No.20110720

Norm was actually pretty /lit/ and he drops some references to this in his jokes on Norm Macdonald Live every so often

>> No.20110765

I don't know how that refutes him. I like Norm as well as Dave Chappelle and Eddie Murphy.

>> No.20110777

of course you wouldn't know how that refutes him. Fucking faggot.

>> No.20110784

Imagine thinking that Norm MacDonald was funnier than Chevy Chase or Will Ferrell

>> No.20110848

David Koechner said in an interview lately that Norm was put forward a few grades at school because he was very advanced in math and that he had trouble socialising because he was so much younger than everybody else. I always knew Norm was smart but I hadn't realised he was academically smart. I'd always chalked it up to a kind of folk wisdom, but I suppose that was just the strength of his humility. It makes sense that he was gifted academically.

>> No.20110928

For me it's that he spent his career on these hollywood scumbags. He pokes fun at them but he's friends with most of them, and they're all pieces of shit and why should I care. He'd have fucking Judge Judy on his Netflix show, like I don't give a damn, who is this for? It just seems extremely low effort, like he's a barnacle hanging off his ship and I'm supposed to cheer for him.

>> No.20110933

actual retard

>> No.20111070

He almost got a philosophy degree (unfortunately this proves he was not smart)

>> No.20111110

It’s a measurable fact.

>> No.20111164

Only middle school boys find Will Ferrell funny and only actual boomers find Chevy Chase funny.

>> No.20111166

>Life is short.
Life is the longest thing you will ever experience. It’s the exact opposite of short. I’m LMFAOing at your retardation.

>> No.20111209

I think it's totally fair to say that many comedians were funnier than Norm, but I've never liked any of them as much as I did him. Norm just had this impish charm that somehow made you feel like all his stupid bits were an in joke just between you and him. It's a different kind of comedy, and I don't know how he did it

>> No.20111238
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>it goes fast, real fast, and if you’re not careful it’s too late

>> No.20111318

It's a superb book and, yes, he wrote it himself. It's not just a comedian's dumb bio, it's a real novel. And I agree that you should listen to the audio book version which he narrates.

>> No.20111470

It's such a shame that he died because I would have loved to have seen more novels from him. I enjoyed Based on a True Story but you could tell he had more to offer. While it's clever it's still part-memoir and I was excited to see him attempt a wholly fictional prose novel.

>> No.20111489
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I’m gonna fucking kill myself

>> No.20111667

No don't, you could be the next norm MacDonald