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20106589 No.20106589[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain the mindset the modern wine drinking dog fucking woman?

>> No.20106595
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>painting of the dog on the wall

>> No.20106629

When you take every woman with a dog this way, it’s you who are the degenerate.

>> No.20106676

dogs are like the perfect micro children.

they're cute, relatively low stress whilst also requiring some base effort and can act as a surrogate for actual reproductive success. the problem is, just like vidya for men, what was once a side activity or half way house of real achievement rewired the brain so it became the priority.

now you dont want kids you have your floofers, or you dont want to put effort in your degree because you want to replay new vegas (dear fucking god please save me im so fucked, ive been in a dopamine spiral for weeks doing no work. im slaving away day in day out on new vegas and other mindless vidya which has no impact on my life whilst things that matter slowly strip away and i become a failure oh god)

>> No.20106884

Same but with Elden Ring and porn

>> No.20106916

It has a long title but the book is called: Attractive women have no use for a man other than reproducing, all their basic necessities are taken care of by the state or her getting a job.

Because of this they look for purely physical features, women care more about looks then men do nowadays and this of course sacrifices commitment and doesn't lead to stable relationships so she never has the ability to reproduce this is where dogs come in and replace children.

>> No.20107233

Our culture is absolutely fucked. It's beyond repair at this point.

>> No.20107279

I hate seeing a woman drinking wine from a glass. Look at what this one does with her lips afterwards. Disgusting wino

>> No.20107351

I'm pretty sure all of the following things are written by wine aunts with pets
>New York Times Magazine
>London Review Of Books
>Huffington Post
There might be non-fiction books about this phenomenon, but you could easily explain it by looking at it as a slippery slope. First, she is a student drinking wine. Then, as she graduates she lives alone and gets a dog or a cat, until she gets bored and then gets another one. This is now a huge part of her personality and mindset. There. Explained it for you. Men aren't that much different. Just more efficient about alcoholism.

>> No.20107352

>women care more about looks then men do nowadays
anon, I...

>> No.20107475

my diary desu

>> No.20107490

>women care more about looks then men do nowadays
Bullshit. Fame and Status still play a role on the contemporary age.
Also, she will fuck one guy after another only until her looks drop.

>> No.20107503

It's been fucked for years. You're just starting to see the effects of it.

>> No.20107821
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the floor is Chinese stir-fry

>> No.20107847

I don't understand people talking about how many times they've played New Vegas. Its a good game, but does it really have that much replayability? Legion is underdeveloped and Yes Man is just House but with an annoying voice, so I'm not sure what else you can do in your sixth something playthrough. I've personally played through it three times and the third time was a bit of a slog because I knew everything that was going to happen and how to do it.

>> No.20107852
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Top shelf post!

>> No.20107894

The world ended in the late 90’s

>> No.20107983


>> No.20107995
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>It's a "the world is irreparably destroyed because it's somewhat difficult for me to a girlfriend" thread

>> No.20108146


>> No.20108173
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>> No.20108224

Women will date outside of their preference all the time. There is so much more that makes a man than his looks, but you wouldn’t know that. Being good looking is a great bonus, though

>> No.20108227

wow... this is so me

>> No.20108268
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>sister out of state meets my baby daughter for the first time
>she's telling her about all her """"""""cousins"""""""", the dogs.

>> No.20108275

Mods and roleplaying. My current playthrough is a Fiend who's mindlessly pillaging through the wastes with Cook-Cook and crew. There's a mod that lets companions eat corpses, and our goal is doing as many drugs as possible and conquering New Vegas, ruling over its ruins

>> No.20108343

Honestly that's pretty much the default human condition, I think you've let anime or incel memes rot your brain.

>> No.20108426

Trannies get out

>> No.20108428

Where are these "supposed" Incel memes coming from because I don't see any

>> No.20108432

I’d take alcoholic dogfucking gf desu

>> No.20108435

back in my day, newfags tried to keep it to themselves