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20102989 No.20102989 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't all atheistic/existential/absurdist philosophers and thinkers devolve into nick land antihumanism. I feel like they're just being dishonest with themselves or admitting that they are being dishonest with themselves about the nature of reality.

>> No.20103005

because most, even if they don't realize it, have a will to live, and are quite hypocritical about it as well.

>> No.20103036

Also because most of them were born in a post-Christian matrix. Their way of thinking about things is Christian whether they are Christian or not. This is evident in the righteous, idealistic SJWs, a phenomenon which would absolutely not happen in the truly atheistic China, for example.

>> No.20103132

I have issues with China as well. because of that atheism among other things.

>> No.20103156

You really don't understand the concepts. Nothing about those is inherently negative, it's a blank slate.

>> No.20103164

because most of them are content with what they believe in, and they don't think about truly radically retarded ways to enter the future

>> No.20103201
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Yes but why would they move beyond the blank slate? Sarte died a maoist. Why would he care about maoism. why would he care about workers. why would he care about anything? It's absurdity stacked on absurdity.

>> No.20103212

He would care for any number of reasons, there are lots of operant factors in the world and the reasons people care about things have way more to do with them than with abstract concepts.

>> No.20103393

That seems like complete bullshit.

>> No.20103413

They don't though? 90% of atheistic philosophers are secular humanists and liberals, like Dawkins, Peter Singer, Sam Harris and so on, these people are turbo liberals.

>> No.20103633

You think it's complete bullshit to suggest that most decisions are based on personal and practical factors rather than autistic memes?

>> No.20103756
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Not all atheists are Bataillean

>> No.20103826
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Because their minds, like all of ours, quite literally have protection mechanisms in place that prevent them from fully apprehending the horror of the situation. If anyone were actually able to fully apprehend the sheer magnitude of futile suffering in this world they would go stark raving mad.

That's why Nick Land went insane to begin with - only a select number of neurotics and terminal depressives (Schopenhauer, Mainlander, Zapffe, Cioran, Ligotti, Bataille, Bahnsen, Hartmann, et al.) can actually apprehend the full ramifications of what it means to exist in physical reality. It's akin to being driven insane by the sight of a Lovecraftian abomination.

>> No.20103830

Bruh Sartre wrote a whole book called Existentialism is a Humanism