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/lit/ - Literature

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20102699 No.20102699 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else like this? I couldn’t care less how well written something is if the plot isn’t good and the characters are people I feel nothing for. As long as the author is competent enough to tell the story they want to tell, I’m happy.

>> No.20102712


>> No.20102717


>> No.20102876


>> No.20102880

>Anyone else like this?
No, absolutely no one else likes this, no one has ever, only a vapid fool like you could. You're a freak of nature and your transparent attempts to seek validation or some kind of affiliation to an imagined group of 'plot and character enjoyers' is revolting, I hope that you get castrated, and that it's not until the moment you pass away that science finds a remedy for castration so that the universe will never have the misfortune of another human being in anyway as self-servingly narcissistic as you ever sully existence ever again.

>> No.20102884
File: 7 KB, 472x437, 1645293080201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prose? Heh. Puh-leeze. I only read because I've run out of anime to watch.

>> No.20102902

Prose doesn't have to be 'beautiful' or anything to be good.

>> No.20102920

>I don't read books, but I want to talk like I do
the thread

>> No.20102924

If you just want it to be "good enough," then sure. Without at least paying lip service to the quality of prose, there's no distinction between Cormac McCarthy and Stephen McKing(tm).

>> No.20102933

I don’t watch anime but you probably do.
True. I just need it to be satisfactory or good enough to tell a good engaging story though.
I read genre fiction. I read, I don’t circlejerk here about the greeks and classics.

>> No.20102935
File: 187 KB, 1000x667, really_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read genre fiction. I read, I don’t circlejerk here about the greeks and classics
Ladies and gentlemen, the genuine and unrepentant philistine

>> No.20102948
File: 306 KB, 666x666, 590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAAAAAS kween!!!! U do u sister!!!!! Ha HAAAAAAAA!!!

>> No.20103016

Go back to your boring books


>> No.20103024
File: 375 KB, 666x666, 1049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slay kween!!!! YAAAAASSSSSSS!!!

>> No.20103032

You are right and wrong.

Story and character are important. People on lit who sneer at "plotfags" are idiots. But prose is important too. Firstly, because good prose is enjoyable in itself and bad prose is painful. But more importantly, because a writer who is bad at the sentence and paragraph scale will not (cannot) be good at the larger scale either.

>> No.20103037

>I read things... I so many things... I read so many books like I could name so many authors and the books they write... because I read so much. I don't even know which one to start with, like to pick one would be so hard because there's so many books I read all the time so many books with plots and characters. I love so many good plots in so many good books, which I've read a lot of, honestly I'm not stalling. I read books all the time I wouldn't have to stall because I like so many genres, like... genre fiction, that's a genre I like
You don't read at all. We get it.

>> No.20103052
File: 145 KB, 739x550, 2853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooooo!!! you drew a table!!! i hate tables why didn't you draw a cathedral or a big titty orc!!! nooooooooo!!!

>> No.20103054

Prose = style
Characters, story, themes = substance
Simple as.

>> No.20103074

Because this is probably too abstract for brainlets to understand, prose is the mechanism and the medium of writing. It is the singular most important aspect of writing in the same way that an artist's style is the single most important aspect of his art. Picasso could take something as mundane as a table and PURELY by virtue of his mastery of the medium make it interesting and beautiful. Cormac can take something as simple as a dude walking around Nashville and turn it into a masterpiece by the exact same mechanism. Subject doesn't, has never, and will never matter.

>> No.20103185

How can you say that when books like Twilight are popular?

>> No.20103225

Because popular doesn't mean good. If it did we'd have no politicians or celebrities or fast food.

>> No.20103226

There's a difference between 'story' and 'plot' first of all
>Let us define a plot. We have defined a story as a narrative of events arranged in their time-sequence. A plot is also a narrative of events, the emphasis falling on causality. ‘The king died and then the queen died’ is a story. ‘The king died, and then the queen died of grief’ is a plot. The time-sequence is preserved, but the sense of causality overshadows it. Or again: ‘The queen died, no one knew why, until it was discovered that it was through grief at the death of the king.’ This is a plot with a mystery in it, a form capable of high development. It suspends the time-sequence, it moves as far away from the story as its limitations will allow. Consider the death of the queen. If it is in a story we say: ‘And then?’ If it is in a plot we ask: ‘Why?’ That is the fundamental difference between these two aspects of the novel. A plot cannot be told to a gaping audience of cave-men or to a tyrannical sultan or to their modern descendant the movie-public. They can only be kept awake by ‘And then— and then—’ they can only supply curiosity. But a plot demands intelligence and memory also.

also, all aspects of the book—plot, character, style (prose), themes,—has to be good for the book to be considered good. A good sense of style helps the writer convey the intricacies of the characters, for example. It doesn't matter if you can create the greatest characters ever conceived if your writing style is awful.

you are retarded

>> No.20103233

>Oh my fucking god, someone in this god forsaken thread actually mentioned a specific example of a fucking book instead of speaking in vague generalizations!

>> No.20103254

There’s obviously something good about it for millions of people to be obsessed to this day. Meyer made an impact with her books… and people say her prose isn’t good

It’s good enough to tell the story.

>> No.20103261

You mean "Snowqueens Icedragon," right?

>> No.20103263

something something lowest common denominator, wish fulfillment, etc

>> No.20103280

No. That’s the 50 shades author…
It doesn’t even matter. It was read. By millions. It left a mark in history. All with “bad” prose.

>> No.20103377

>It left a mark in history
nigga it was published 17 years ago. Come talk to me in 75–150 years, if its still being discussed as fervently as it is now, then we can talk about making it an honorary member of the canon

>> No.20103437

>No. That’s the 50 shades author…
Sorry, I get my dreck-shovelers mixed up sometimes.

>> No.20103449

>There’s obviously something good about politicians for millions of people to vote to this day

>> No.20103969

in my opinion both matters. I don't want to read 1000 complicated words describing something completely boring, dull and unrelated. But I don't want to read a story that describes the whole idea in a plain manner.

>> No.20104969

Comparing politics to buying a book…. Huh

>> No.20105495

No. I'm reading Lord of the Rings right now and it's an absolute chore because 90% of the book is just pages upon pages of dialog. Dialog reitering stuff I already know, dialog that dances around what needs to be said and then once it's been stated it keeps going for an extra two paragraphs. Some of the prose is nice but it's really sparse and constantly interrupted by inane conversations about what they did, what needs to be done, what they're going to do, and how they plan to accomplish it.