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/lit/ - Literature

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20101841 No.20101841 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here read a book that genuinely changed their life? Looking for some soul shaking literature

>> No.20101842
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>> No.20101893

I've read all the arguments from the redpill and incels before and I agreed with them basing myself from experience but this really cemented it.
I know is bias from having a woman directly tell you what you already know but still, The order and the way she describes things really gives you that shift of perspective. Her second book is good too.
Will definitely change your life depending on how ¨redpilled¨ you are OP.

No book I've read has changed me my life but I personally believe you only change by doing what you've been avoiding or neglecting. That's why ¨be like water¨ is considered wisdom.

>> No.20101900

Don Quixote.
The problem is it's long as fuck and it's literally only worth it if you read until the last chapter, in spanish.

>> No.20101904

Lord of the Rings when I was 13
An edition of Lovecraft when I was 15

>> No.20101949

I read Mishima and I became a gay bodybuilder.

>> No.20101976

Jung's work on alchemy had a huge effect on me as well. Not just his own writing, but the work of his disciples on the topic as well

Agreed, although I read it in English and still got a lot out of it.

>> No.20101994

What did you'll get out of Don Quixote and Jung?

>> No.20102092

Nice pic, love him.
The 120 Days by Sade blew my teenage mind open, to experience something so heinously transgressive basically removed the scales from my eyes and gave me a Nietzschean transvaluation of all values.

>> No.20102149

I don't think it's possible. You already have all the knowledge you will ever possess. Yes you can learn new skills but you will always be fundamentally the same. You will always have the same fundamental weakness, and no book can change that.

Go find a way to make enough money to support yourself and then go live a quiet life and die. That is all you can do.

>> No.20102293

Butcher's crossing. after the last page you'll never again put other people's opinion over your own guts. it's not something you hear and know, it's something you experience and learn over time.

>> No.20102311

The Bible

>> No.20102321


>> No.20102339

percy jackson and the lighting theif
percy jackons and the sea of monsters

>> No.20102372

Damn, everything this guy wrote is super dark.

>> No.20102432

Atlas shrugged

Went full get shit done mode and ended up on 200k salary.

>> No.20102452

Remains of the Day had a pretty profound impact on me. It hit way too close to home. Almost immediately, I started making changes to diminish (if only slightly) my detachment from other people. I've found a woman with whom I'm pretty sure I'll spend the rest of my life. It's not my favorite book or the "best" book I've ever read. My personal aesthetic tastes run much more esoteric and experimental. But it is the book that's had the most direct impact on my life.

>> No.20102462

I don't know about genuinely changed but Bataille's The Story of An Eye was so fucked up I got horny

>> No.20102466

Criticize rand all you want, her books are very motivating if money is concerned this much I can’t deny

>> No.20102471

The BIble
12 rules for life
Mein Kampf

>> No.20102494

> you only change by doing what you've been avoiding or neglecting
Thanks fren. Never knew I could get wisdom from 4chan.

>> No.20102498


>> No.20102543

Reading Confederacy of Dunces kinda fucked my head a bit. I started thinking about what would it be like to be someone like Ignatius Reilley: an anti-social embarrassment with no self awareness. And then I realized I was him all along. My whole outlook changed and I realized how autistic I was and is.

>> No.20102566

One Straw Revolution. Soil and plants are the most important things on earth.

>> No.20102575

Man, idk, for me that last chapter was like a dissonant note at the end of a beautiful symphony. What was its meaning? What are we supposed to take away from it? Is the story of a madman coming to his senses a triumphant one. or is it the downfall of a hero, a defeat of a man, crushed under the yoke of consensus reality?

>> No.20102596

Steppenwolf I guess, it meant a lot to me when I was younger especially.

>> No.20102605

The creature from Jekyll Island

>> No.20102620

> you only change by doing what you've been avoiding or neglecting
I love this phrase.

>> No.20102971
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I can't shill this tome hard enough. It's like an encyclopedia of the human search for meaning, without any ideological bullshit in the way.

>> No.20103120

Literally the weakest of the "big theories about religion" guys.

Hegel's outdated Philosophy of Religion is a better version of this. Lets not get into Eliade.

>> No.20103359

Can’t wait for you faggots to leave the gene pool

>> No.20103478

troubles jg farrell

>> No.20103577

what would you recommend over those then?

>> No.20103589

As I Lay Dying

>> No.20104078

Tao te

>> No.20104101

>Anyone here read a book

>> No.20104125
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Literally improve thyself, approach women with your honesty, get girlfriend and/or laid.

This book is like the poker supersystem of the dating world.

Ignore the twitter drama, political bullshit, color pills, feminism, PC SJW, le reddit, etc etc.

>> No.20104134

On the Genealogy of Morality

>> No.20104353


>> No.20104377

Thanks, anon. I was already planning on reading this after In Search of Lost Time (on book 6/7 currently) and now I'm looking forward to it even more.

>> No.20104416

Journey to the end of the night and death on the installment plan

>> No.20104454


>> No.20104481

infinite jest + war and peace. they aren't the best books I've read but the ones which at time of first reading had the greatest effect

>> No.20104522
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Dragon ball.

>> No.20104533
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>> No.20104534

Reading the lord of the rings as a kid superseded christianity in a goofy roundabout way. I always felt a large amount of angst regarding Catholicism: I wanted to believe, but didn’t truly, and it took some time to come to terms with it. I think lotr filled the need for spiritual catharsis by proxy because I didn’t need to apply it to our reality. I partially credit it for keeping my moral compass intact.

>> No.20104544

A book is just ink on paper, it won't change your life. Specially if you expect the book to do the work for yourself.

>> No.20104565

Can an ESL read Faulkner untranslated?
I've read some literature in english, not much though

>> No.20104571

Tolstoy Gospel in Brief

>> No.20104595

wow you're so deep.

>> No.20104650

It's true faggot, everyday people come here asking for books to change their lifes, and it's fucking pointless. Posters here are desperate for "something" and expect to find it inside of a book. Most of them would gain more insight by touching grass, doing sports and connecting with friends.
>Maybe if I read St Augustine I'll meet God
>Maybe if I read Nietzsche I can become the ubermensch
>Maybe if I read Evola I'll stop seething about jews
>Maybe if I read 719291 books against fascism I'll be happier
>Maybe if I read the entire western cannon I'll get a gf
People here read for any reason except reading. They like the idea of reading but dislike reading, that's why it's categorized and turned into a dick measuring contest.
>I read 100 books this year
>I read Finnegan's Wake
>I read the entire Frankfurt school
>I read 300 pages an hour
While there's nothing wrong with any of this it shows there is a sentiment of reading as a means and not as an end. Specially inside this board's culture. OP is asking about books to "change his life" because he can't go out and do what he knows he has to do. He wants change without changing.
You're a faggot. Kill yourself.
>inb4 you're projecting
Maybe but I'm right anyways.

>> No.20104665

Kys nigger faggot, name a book or stfu

>> No.20104703

Crime and Punishment affirmed my Christian beliefs and made me realise the strength of conscience thoughts

>> No.20104722

Nice essay. Not reading it, bitch.

>> No.20104731
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>> No.20104736


>> No.20104744

i've managed to read Inifnite Jest (using the Infinite summer annotations of course) being 20 and ESL, Sound and Fury 21 - you should be fine.
just read for a few pages non-stop to sort of catch the rythm of a foreign language.

>> No.20104754

unironically this

>> No.20104781

>The genius was reduced to name-calling
Can anybody recommend a book with this feel?

>> No.20104824

Nigger faggot

>> No.20104833

Why make an essay length response when there is a word (nigger) that perfectly describes you?

>> No.20104876

Perhaps it's become a bit of a meme, but Storm of Steel is the only book thats had a really profound effect on me. This is because it showed what the author was capable of withstanding and that no matter what I do in life, I should easily be able to withstand the stresses.

>> No.20104889

You're right. It feels like people don't read for reading here. It's the same tier as the guys I know who min-max productivity all things, and watch movies at 2x speed for efficiency. Why even do anything if there is no end for all these means?

>> No.20104919

In Praise of Older Women

People on here (rightfully) meme about how great milfs are, but even beyond that, it’s a beautiful portrayal of life during wartime. Seeing how the narrator was able to find deep connections and even a sense of stability through what we’d ordinarily see as “superficial” or “transient” love affairs changed my perspective on what it means to love. I also learned how to take better care of my partners, which helped me have better relationships. And I realized that it’s okay for relationships to end, which is something that I wish I’d known sooner.

>> No.20104929

>And then I realized I was him all along.
fuck bro I think I might Ignatius too
wtf do I do

>> No.20104934


>> No.20104951

What changed your life about these? I read journey and I feel like I missed the "deeper" message based on the way it's revered in here .

>> No.20105000

yes but you have to keep in mind the american dialect is a product of mixing cultures, languages and races. for American authors like faulkner it's a lot of afro-anglo-franco-americana (by americana i mean native american) phonetics. in as i lay dying, you're reading southern white trash speak which is an uncanny and weird evolution of 16th and 17th century english. As I Lay Dying and The Sound & The Fury are very accessible but there are criticisms of his other works. For example, the most recent publication of Absalom, Absalom! has been criticized that editors have white-washed Faulkner's language regarding characters who are purposefully supposed to be mixed raced and speak creole, cajun, carribbean or whatever.
I'm honestly not sure how ESL or even non-American readers would be able to absorb contemporary American authors like Toni Morrison or Cormac McCarthy who speak/write in very specific dialects without someone telling them.

>> No.20105329

Soul-shaking lit is dependent usually on where you're at mentally. reading nietzsche or camus won't do you much good if you're not in a place to absorb them

ESL 2nd-worlder Asian retard post on the level of "why read philosophy when you can do something practical bro". Your shallow sparksnotes takes on the literature that you have read may make you feel superior to those around you, but fundamentally you are a slave and an insect who has never reached the bottom of anything he has encountered.

>> No.20105410

Death Sentences by Dr. Matthew C. Harris

>> No.20105652

Pedro Páramo, Meditations, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.20105687


>> No.20105761

so you want a sparknotes version of personal interpretations of works of literature? Fucking read it or fuck off, you just want everything the easy way.

>> No.20106049

>back against the wall

>> No.20106108

>You have been visited by the Happy Mishima at famiry styre Mongorian BBQ prace
>reply "BANZAI SAMURAI!" for extremely good luck and delicious bbq pork in the future

>> No.20106122

That book would be very personal and differs from person to person. You have to read the right thing, but also pay the right time in your life

>> No.20106123

>back against the wall
Get real, he made that post and tabbed back over to his furry porn and probably won't bother to read our responses. He doesn't give a fuck lol, he's not backed up against anything, the whole conversation is pointless

>> No.20106154 [DELETED] 

No and anyone who says it did it a retard/liar.

>> No.20106158

Posting homoerotic men on the internet is how we will save the white race brother HH.

>> No.20106169

This has never happened except to the most gullible, easily influenced fool.

The act of reading a book to better yourself and making progressive action towards that area is what has changed peoples lives but they will misattribute their breaking out of their shell to some stupid larp book like Sun and Steel

>> No.20106178

Based, is 12 rules for life really that good? I'm conflicted about picking it up because I feel most of what Peterson says is just made up on the spot

>> No.20106189

>OP is asking about books to "change his life" because he can't go out and do what he knows he has to do.

100% right