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/lit/ - Literature

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20097796 No.20097796 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really the best fantasy literature can offer?

>> No.20097871

No Tolkien is

>> No.20098262

Tolkien could not into prose.

>> No.20098279

And you could not into grammar

>> No.20098347

Maybe the best Catholic fantasy… but not the best overall.

I think it’s pretty safe to say BOTNS is more esoteric/allegorical than actual literature. My. Ingest issue when I read them is that my old/New Testament knowledge is pretty lacking so I didn’t get even a third of the references.

I’d argue Dune is better “fantasy,”

Hell, depending on the day I’d even put A fire upon the deep ahead of BOTNS.

>> No.20098467

he references Zoroastrian terminology more than biblical but im guessing that def went over your head if the biblical references did

>> No.20098473
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>> No.20098475


>> No.20098476

>BOTNS is more esoteric/allegorical than actual literature
Good literature usually is somewhat esoteric

>> No.20098482

So I should not read this if I am not mentally retarded, that is to say, I am not a christfag?

>> No.20098494

if you dont know what cacogenesis means or amensha spentas youre fucked regardless of religion

>> No.20098545

The best fantasy literature would be something along the lines of magical realism

>> No.20098609

Magical realism is for posers and I mean that with 100%. With 1000%.

>> No.20099020

You’d be correct. Any good reads on Zoroaster you’d recommend?

Fair, but I felt this was more thinly veiled code than an independent story. My point is this the “story” was less of a priority than the “message.”

Yes, still read it. Even if you don’t get it 100% it’s still a fun read.

>> No.20099029

That's a sci-fi novel