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/lit/ - Literature

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20095669 No.20095669 [Reply] [Original]

I personally am a fan of some. I love my Nook SimpleTouch, I can go to Library Genesis and get any book I want for free and dont have to worry about physically carrying a huge book (a la War and Peace) around when I'm at a beach or at a coffee shop or something. e-Readers that are basically stupid iPads are dumb though.

>> No.20096250

Should I buy one off ebay? And, what kind of charger does it use?

>> No.20096254
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>> No.20096589

I started reading a lot in 2020 and couldn't bother to keep ordering books online and I work a job that has me for months away from home often without internet

Bought a kindle, never connected to the internet and download ebooks off zlibrary, overall very positive experience with them

>> No.20096816
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We have this thread every fucking day.
To put it succinctly, here's the best way to go in my opinion (it's what I've done myself):
>buy a newer Kindle with Internet connection
>pirate epubs and mobis from Zbooks
>(convert epubs to mobi using any of a plethora of free conversion sites)
>email ebooks to Kindle
>Amazon doesn't care
Bazinga. This way you don't even need a PC, just your smartphone.

>> No.20096855
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>buy non niggerware ereader
>download epub
>put on ereader

>> No.20097030

It's an easier process for me to download epubs from libgen and paste them into the Kobo disk when connected to my computer via usb.

>> No.20097055
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I could never read something that wasn't on real paper. I used to do it when I was younger with simple shit like fanfiction, but when it comes to actual reading I love having a physical possession and representation of my accomplishment.

>> No.20097064

They're useful, but most of them are too small.

>> No.20097066

What is wrong with people

>> No.20097077

do you not consider finishing a piece of literature an accomplishment?

>> No.20097087

I don't. I consider it leisure.

>> No.20097115

They're not sold in our country. The only one with some degree of support is the kindle, and that's the one I'm least interested in as it doesn't support epub.

But from what I know, they're a better deal than any general purpose electronic device. E-ink seems the best for reading.

>> No.20097132

Honestly, good for you. I don't have a proper PC is why I like my method.

>> No.20097826

its comfy.

>> No.20097836

It's good when you're commuting or away from home on vacation or whatever, but I haven't touched it in awhile because I can't stand looking at screens all the time. I read mostly normal physical books again.

>> No.20098288

I do literally the same thing with the kindle when it's connected to my computer via USB using calibre

>> No.20098972

I want an ereader with a "big" screen because I read a lot of scanned books. I don't need any additional features. I'm thinking about getting a kobo forma. Do you have any recommendations?

>> No.20099114

I kind of fuck myself over with one because I always download too many books and then end up not finishing any of them
When I was buying paper I had more "respect" to books and always finished them before buying new ones, now I just get a shitton and delete them without finishing

>> No.20099174

Your ereader is going to be at the bottom of a garbage hill hundreds of years before my hardcovers get there.