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20090472 No.20090472 [Reply] [Original]

He filtered millions of midwits during the last 30 years and he's finally been proven right. Russia and Chinese don't offer any meaningful alternatives to western world

>> No.20090482

>my jewish trans empire is the only meaningful state of the world
ok golem

>> No.20090501

Ukraine is the final death knell of his retarded theory, and we’re all better off for it.

>> No.20090505

you WILL get HRT and you will be happy

>> No.20090619

pol is just satire bro

>> No.20091175

Wrong, I would exterminate all kikes in a heartbeat if I had the power

>> No.20091516

He got btfo by Patrick Deneen

>> No.20092288

His thesis is meta-historical in the sense of "progress". Liberalism, for Fukuyama, represents the end stage of political developement in the sense that he thinks that no system can meet the human need for recognition the way liberalism can.

>> No.20092469

He's correct and the only way to move beyond liberal democracy is to move beyond the human brain.

>> No.20092485

if might makes right the jewish trans empire is in fact the greatest state ever created

>> No.20092488


>> No.20092494

i used to want him to have more a fatalistic spenglerian take but after reading the book it's just circular reasoning. it's not even "liberalism good" it's "reaganite neoliberism good therefore inevitable because i say so" but this requires the existence of an eternally unchanging individual subjectivity which itself emerged within historic memory. it's a fool's errand to take a temporal thing and claim it lasts forever. i'd always imagined "the end of history" to be a rigorously argued case for late capitalist nihilism but it's just pop-journalist triumphalism for the post-soviet financial empire

>> No.20092500

revolutions are impossible to foresee by definition. the french aristocracy were still feasting in their mansions as the mob kicked in their doors and dragged them out

>> No.20092502

lets judge it when it belong to history

>> No.20092505

most human currently (nggers) dont want recognition, want food

>> No.20092555

Toppling hegemony is toppling hegemony.
Low watt bulb post

>> No.20093894

Midwit post, current society is the optimal one even if our brains were more advanced

>> No.20093929

>Russia and China don't offer meaningful alternatives to the Western World.
>Therefore history has ended

This is fucking retarded, here, watch me do the same thing as this midwit, circa 340BC:
>Every nation worth reckoning is a pagan aristocratic kingdom.
>Persia is the greatest pagan aristocratic kingdom
>Therefore Alexander the Great and the pagan aristocratic kingdom of Macedon is not a meaningful alternative to Persia
>Therefore history has ended with pagan aristocratic kingdoms surely being the only logical form of governance

The problem here is that 1) History is not defined solely by ideology, and 2) ideology is less susceptible to change than other historical factors, such as economics, technology and political boundaries. Therefore, Fukuyama's thesis is nothing but Western Copium at the fact that our economy is failing, and Asia is going to leave this century being even richer than America and Western Europe. The map is going to be redrawn back to a 14th century configuration, where the West is comparatively poor and Asia is rich; the economic center of gravity is shifting towards Asia in a historically inevitable process which will leave the West in the dust. By 2100, Bangladesh will rule the waves like Britain once did, and India will be the workshop of the world, meanwhile Europe and America will be littered with old; old factories, old men, old skyscrapers and old roads, phones and cars. America will have a population of only 170 million in 2100.

So keep on coping, but it doesn't matter.

>> No.20093955

> America will have a population of only 170 million in 2100.
Unless the US reaches South Korea-tier fertility in the next few years and stops all immigration for the next 80 years there's literally no possibility of this happening.

>> No.20094091

The liberal western world is only the end of history in a world free of Jews.
You cant have a post-racial utopian system when there is a group of people who will never give up their racial identity.
Fukuyama is only right in an idealist sense, but is completely fucking wrong in a real world sense.

>> No.20094112

Don't feel like reposting from the other Fukuyama thread up.

The End of History is a great work, but the greatness is mostly from reintroducing Hegel's views to a contemporary audience and wedding them to modern pol sci.

It's biggest weaknesses is that it seems to misunderstand the dialectical, or moreso, to understand it at a very shallow level. Thus, Fukuyama doesn't grasp that history isn't going to end, there are still contradictions in the modern liberal state. Indeed, he elucidates the main contradictions identified by the right and left quite well, but doesn't see how this will lead to further sublation and changes in the liberal state.

His diagnosis of the right wing fear of becoming Nietzsche's Last Man is perfect though. It very accurately predicts BAP, Jack Donavan, modern /pol/ spin off culture, the obsession with masculinity and conflict.

Here is the original repost:

Fukuyama did correct this later. His view is that we will tend towards more regional and global governance structures, spurred on by crises. Global warming is a likely driver for some sort of global governance long term, but it will likely take major wars and crises for it to take root.

He also identifies transhumanism as another emerging trend. I think he's right here, but neglects changes in machine learning and AI that will also dominate life in the future. 90% of data was created in the last two years. Smart appliances will soon make the internet ubiquitous. Machine learning means we may soon see reverse domestication in computer viruses and other self replicators as mechanisms for mutation and natural selection emerge. The networked nature of the modern world will mean these new simulacra of life won't be locally restricted.

We now have the ability to write Unicode and JPGs to DNA. Current hard drives boost far more stable storage and huge boosts in efficiency. 165,000 terrabytes per cubic ml with current techniques. Potentially a petabyte per cubic ml in the future.

What he misses is how the dialectal has been applied in biology, biosemiotics, neuroscience, cognitive science, and self-replicating systems/far from equilibrium entropy physics. This isn't his area of expertise, but it's a place where Hegel is coming back strong (information ontology has helped here too).

If you can link Hegel to biology, which many have done, you can start to see that the trends he is identifying aren't just a neat way to view politics, but actually a very deep insight into how complex, self-organizing, dynamical systems MUST progress in a world tending towards greater entropy. This grounds the insight in physics and the mathematics of synchrony and self-organization (important given how ascendant physicalism is today, but ironic given the source).

So, a better view would focus more on current contradictions and potential sublations in the future, as well as grounding the dialectical in other special sciences closer to physics and mathematics.

>> No.20094128
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The reason I think hes wrong that nobody talks about, is that human beings are not a liberal animal. We are not individual hunters like a big cat, but rather we are pack animals that are evolutionarily designed to live in tight packs. Humans are the most socially adept animal of them all, and we will never settle for a system that is based in competition and individualism such as this current globohomo gayplex you see before you.
Humans are never going to keep a system based in liberalism when we are the species that is entirely built for cooperation and being social.

>> No.20094146

You’re thinking about capitalism dude.
But yeah liberalism is just neoimperialism with a human rights and freedoms coat of paint on it and no one likes that,

>> No.20094152

BTW, Fukuyama's two volumes Origins of Political Order and Political Decay is the better polsci book. Hands down the best set on state development I've read, not so much due to Fukuyama's own additions, but because it is an extremely good analysis and summary of all the main theories in state development, with good case study examples.

On this point, because I know it can sound crazy, but I can probably scrounge a few papers I have saved, I might as well repost:

Hegel's Absolute Concept, the whole idea of the coming into being of the Absolute, in fact jives very well with life as viewed as far from entropy (Boltzmann Entropy) systems that store Shannon Entropy about the environment in their genomes and nervous systems to build fitness. The tendency towards entropy drives complexity in that more computational power and information about the environment increases fitness and sustains a lineage.

Informational representation in life, a result of evolution, will never fit to an ideal solution because the algorithmic (Kolmogorov Complexity) entropy, while necissarily less than the Shannon Entropy for all non-random systems (i.e. such strings of bits can be compressed), and indeed less for known random strings because of block coding, is uncomputable. An algorithm of length Y cannot compute the shortest possible algorithm that represents string Y+n because doing so entails logical contradiction. It essentially recreates the Barber Paradox in abstract form, resulting in halting problems, faliures in both digital and mechanical calculators.

This means life will always have to default to a form of semi-random walk to glean information from the enviornment. This walk is also necessitated because, in the language of complexity studies, the environment represents a moving landscape with optimal solutions constantly changing, and because so many natural dynamical systems have limitless potential iterations (see also: "period three implies chaos").

The genome acts as a one way membrane that lets information about the enviornment into the lineage, but does not let useful information leave. Teleology makes sense in the frame of biology, it is the tendency of the system to maintain itself.

As Deacon notes, there is a close relationship between Shannon and Boltzmann Entropy outside the two being the same formula (subbing out log2 for the natural log for phase space entropy vs information).

An increase in Boltzmann entropy does not mean and increase in Shannon Entropy. A page does not gain information (at least for the words printed on it) when it gets hotter, but an increase in Shannon Entropy (and thus Kolmogorov Complexity if it is not totally predictable) always means an increase in Boltzmann Entropy because some portion of the phase space of a system accounts for the Shannon Entropy.

>> No.20094181

Because capitalism is an integral part of liberal democracy.
Individualistic society goes hand in hand with capitalism.

>> No.20094193

He's just a typical globohomo shill

>> No.20094209

And Gottfried

>> No.20094218

Also, Boltzmann Entropy often is a signal on to itself as variance from equilibrium entropy tells us something about the world, as when a cup of coffee being hotter than the environment tells us it was made recently.

So there is a link between the dialectical and life as we find it. Progress towards ever greater representation of the world, as Hegel predicted. Strides towards AI and gene editing for intelligence become the next obvious step here and liberal democracy and global order represents a system that will support this progression.

The Great Courses has a great intro on information theory that is free with a membership. The Mind Body Philosophy course is also excellent, as is the Philosophy of Science one.

Terrance Deacon on the biosemiotics, and the link between thermodynamic and Shannon Entropy (unfortunately he does not explore algorithms as a means of storage and prediction about the environment, Yao Entropy, Kolmogorov Complexity, etc.)


Hegel as a framework for modern science:


Notably, opposition to Hegel inspired logical positivism, which in turn collapsed under Quine and others. Logical Positivism in turn gave us the incoherent Copenhagen Interpretation of QM and is responsible for some serious ongoing problems in the philosophy of science. Hegel offers a new way to think of some of these things, particularly for emerging fields like biosemiotics (the field is older, but only recently gained rigor and began moving from a humanities discipline with a problem with pseudoscience, to a true science).

Hegel in cognitive science https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00011/full

Hegel as foundational on biology: https://journals.isss.org/index.php/proceedings59th/article/view/2658#:~:text=In%20Hegel's%20view%2C%20nature%20develops,%2Dequilibrium%20self%2Dreferential%20structure.

>> No.20094220

>be Roman
>live in the peak of the Roman empire
>write some thesis stating that this is the end of history
>2000 years later...

>> No.20094222

Perhaps I exaggerate, but it will be less than 330 million of today, by at least 1/10th I believe. Although 170 million is I think reachable, given that America tends to shut off immigration after a certain critical mass is reached, and Americans are sub-replacement fertility without immigration.

>> No.20094271

Dostoevsky refuted him in Notes from the Underground.

>> No.20094318

You are all retarded. Liberalism is a mind virus that drops the fertility rates of women and cohesion of families and therefore is an ideology for to-be-extinct groups. How much simpler can this get, fucking retards. None of the philosophy matters, people just don't breed, therefore it won't last for long.

>> No.20094323
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>he's finally been proven right
Enjoy your falling globohomo empire

>> No.20094327

>How much simpler can this get
Well, for starters, we don't understand population growth. It's impossible to pinpoint the cause. China has shit population growth and they're not liberals. Liberalism is not the cause. The cause appears to be complex and Malthus was probably the closest one to identify it.

>> No.20094396

That's only goods, not services

>> No.20094410

Population decline isn't necissarily negative. If causes medium term problems for pensions, budgets, and public services as the dependancy ratio shifts due to rapid growth in retirees, but this hasn't talked standards of living in countries with rapidly greying populations.

If anything, it's unclear if the long term effects of large scale migration actually improve the outlook for budgets in the long term, or just kick the can down the road while actually increasing liabilities due to the fact that immigrants tend to earn less and thus use public services more and pay less in taxes (all things equal).

Second, population decline has obvious long term benefits for resource scarcity, climate change, and pollution. It also can lead to higher per capita investment and income. Declining populations, in some cases, seem to spur on greater economic equality due to labor making gains due to scarcity.

There are lots of good things about a declining population. It's going to be particularly bad for those already ultra wealthy, as their political influence and share of wealth is likely to drop, but that's generally a positive for long term growth.

It's not even true that population size grants strategic benefits. To be sure, in the case of the US, the costs of defence don't go up much with additional migrants/birth, while these do result in net tax gains (at the federal level, migrants have been show to be a net drain on state/local in many cases, depending on their skillets and labor market conditions). This gives the US more manpower and more funding for defense, but the gains likely come at reduced political stability at home, which may be a net drain on defense since it leads to bipolar diplomatic efforts and defense priorities due to political polarization driven by mass migration.

Second, a huge population is a liability. A huge proportion of China's GDP can't be mobilized for war because it just be used to provide basic subsistence to a huge population.

The proliferation of drones with various combat roles will likely make manpower alone less and less relevant to strategic level defense. Japan has a very small military numerically, but a large defense budget that funds a very high quality air and naval area denial capability (the Mitsubishi F-2 is sick, very excited about the F-3).

Point being, population decline isn't necissarily a bad thing, and likely is a good thing long term.

The single biggest risk to global security right now is the exploding population of Africa. The region will be fucked by climate change later this century. It has weak states. Sub-Saharan Africa just passed 1 billion people in 2015; it will have more people than all of Asia by 2100. Over 50% of humans under 18 will be African by then. Waves of migration will hit not just Europe, by likely East Asia too. The Americas have a solid geographic barrier but can expect some trouble too. More population growth in Europe won't stop this problem.

>> No.20094433

Well goods are much more important

>> No.20094453

>Hurr we need to outbreed other groups
Is brain dead thinking.

Europe's best bet would be to start investing huge amounts, defense level amounts (2% of GDP) into high population growth areas, particularly Africa due to the proximity relative to other rich areas. Economic development is the best bet for reducing birth rates and giving people an incentive to stay home.

Right now, remissions have grown to absolutely dwarf foreign aid. That is, people from poor countries moving to rich countries and then sending money back is a huge source of income flows back to the developing world. Simply paying people not to migrate is worth considering.

But here conservatives shoot themselves in the foot. They want isolation. They want low taxes. They want to ignore climate change. They want, in essence, to maximize life for Boomers and ignore long term risks. So sending billions to develop poor countries in an effort to stem explosive population growth and reduce incentives to migrate is anathema to them. Increasingly they have no appetite for wars, and so won't step in to keep stability that will lead to less migration.

Instead they stick their heads in the sand. Libyan mass migration is all the fault of Western interference, same with Syria or Afghanistan. This historically illiterate. They had full blown civil wars that were sure to result in refugees before a single Western bomb fell. Hell, Afghanistan had its war for decades and the Taliban never held all of the country in the 1990s.

While it can be feel good to blame Hillary Clinton for ISIS, the fact is that Jihadi revolts had been picking up steam since the 1980s and had already hit Syria and Egypt. Assad, and his inability to modernize and offer higher living standards, as well as his short sighted tight fisted response to food price surges in 2011, is the biggest person to blame for the war. Having soldiers open up on crowds of civilians with belt fed .50 cals is a good way to get your army to mutiny, but he had a circle of yesmen who bought their own propaganda and dint recognize the risks.

>> No.20094475

>urope's best bet would be to start investing huge amounts, defense level amounts (2% of GDP) into high population growth areas, particularly Africa due to the proximity relative to other rich areas.

>> No.20094483

It's based on final goods though, which isn't a good lens to look at it at all. If the profits of an Iphone sale accrue 65% to Apple, 10% to a Taiwanese chip manufacturer, and 25% to a Chinese factory, then it doesn't matter that the final good comes from China and is stamped as an import. Most of the value is Western IP and profits are accruing in the West.

Obviously it is a strategic problem that so much shit is made in East Asia. Ironically, a carbon tax would push a ton of manufacturing back to the West because there are huge externalities to shipping stuff around the world at all stages of production and from China's poor enviornmental regulations and high coal use.

This will never pass because people will balk at any major jump in prices and throw a fit, even if it leads to long term net real wage growth as factories open in the US.

If the pandemic is any indication, Western voters will respond to even moderate hits to income by rapidly voting for the return of the status quo.

I think the only way it works is if all the tax revenue gets handed right back out to people as cash payments, but this will get spun as the source of price increases, rather than the increases being due to moving manufacturing back home and pricing in the costs of pollution into products.

People really do not get macro, they always assume a direct relationship between money supply and inflation, and always claim it is the main mover. This is true even after 2008 when a decade of huge increases in the money supply and low interest rates resulted in two periods of deflation and historically very low inflation.

>> No.20094485

The West and China worship the same gods, they only differ in their rituals. The West breaks the spirit of the native population through providing an overwhelming amount of vices and comforts while also breaking them with propaganda espousing pridelessness, while the East breaks the spirit of its population partly with the former but also with the inhumane educational and working conditions.

When a human has his dignity continuously trampled, especially a man, he tries to seek quick pleasures that temporarily alleviate his accumulated directionless angst. He, being an unwise troglodyte, cannot usually rationalize his feelings but the quick pleasures provided by society help him feel somewhat human and free, until they return to the indignity they have gone through before that small gap of perceived freedom. Quick pleasures do not require sacrifice. Self-sacrifice is required to nurture and properly raise children. In the West children are an "enjoyable nuissance" rather than a result of conscious self-sacrifice. I notice more and more fathers who are completely uninterested in sharing their accumulated knowledge with their offspring. Mothers, sometimes, can be even worse, seeing their newborns and toddlers as an attack on their modern womanhood, staining the perfect image of the careerist Western or Socialist woman (yes, Socialism is no less feminist than Liberalism, if not more).

In short, a man with well-adjusted instincts recognizes what values and reforms cause a society to decline and what to grow. The disregard of the tribal units and kinship causes a mass confusion in people's values that only the more animalistic races do not struggle with, primarily the Negroids. The West and East have created the dysgenic combinations of high intelligence and high servitude, intelligence greater in the former while servitude in latter. Where is the importance of children in their minds? At the very top? Of course not, children are but one of the many things in life.

>> No.20094513

>muh traditional values
Okay bro we've all already read this crap for a million times already. Nazis lost WW2, Jews control everything, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.20094526

You fucking retarded whorespawn. Hitler was nothing close to a traditionalist in any sense of that word, not to mention I did not use that word and do not care about its definition that is equally vague as anything Liberalism has to offer. Don't ever reply to me again you half-brained sub-100 IQ mongrel.

>> No.20094541

>spergs out like a woman
Stop talking about manly qualities when you're spiritually female

>> No.20094550

I can murder you barehanded in less than 30 seconds, whoreson.

>> No.20094555

Alright loser

>> No.20094599

Women cannot be autistic

>> No.20094717

He’s absolutely right dumbfuck, this is the exactly what China is doing right now.

>> No.20094748

China is just exploiting Africa like all other powers have done since forever

>> No.20094767

Educate yourself before spouting drivel

>> No.20094894

Stop posting brainlet

>> No.20095088

He was almost right: woke, therapeutic oligarchy is the final stage of societal development, not 90s liberalism. It's not his fault that he failed to predict the actual final stage, social media didn't exist in his time.

>> No.20095109

>woke, therapeutic oligarchy
That system is not sustainable long term

>> No.20095115

>the fact is that Jihadi revolts had been picking up steam since the 1980s

gee i wonder why. fucking neocon subhuman retard

>> No.20095133

>He filtered millions
To save billions

>> No.20095408

You're referring to anyone specific?

>> No.20095639

You pseuds are legit retarded. Not a single mention of Kojeve (who formulated the original end of history thesis that actually makes sense). Utter fail. KYS.

>> No.20095820

No, it was just food for thought. Imagine if a Roman claimed that the peak of the Roman empire was the end of history like Fukuyama did.

>> No.20095842

That didn't seem like an argument.

>> No.20095858

Upon reading the post, it also doesn't seem like you have any idea what a neocon actually is aside from it being some sort of slur.

Giving free money to poor people and having the West dedicate a substantial share of GDP to deal with income inequality is like the opposite of neoconservative thought.

They would claim that aid would distort markets and ruin those countries. Instead, it would be better to have the poors go to the West, push down wages, uh, I mean, fill the labor shortage!

Then they'd turn around and tell their core voters that the minorities they just brought in to work for them were going to replace said voters, rape their kids, and destroy society unless they voted for more neocons.

Then they'd pre-emptively invade a country.

>> No.20095878

not reading your reddit spacing. all amerikike interventionist apologia is neoconservatism or running interference for neoconservatism.

>> No.20095952

This. And by extension all Neoconservatism is Trotskyism by another name.

>> No.20096028

Everyone who claims the liberal world order is collapsing has such a delusional view of the world. Do you not consider people? Who gives a fuck if more countries will trade with China? American culture and liberal ideology is still utterly hegemonic. The entire modern world’s comprehension of science and technology is based on a secular liberal perspective. Even alternatives to liberalism like socialism inherit this exact same framework and just expand upon it. The average young person in the developed world is a narcissistic, nihilistic consumerist dreg with no strong attachment to community or culture. This will happen to any country that develops, regardless if they’re liberal or not. Fukuyama explores this in his Political Order books. Do you have any real solution for how we abolish liberalism ideologically and socially, or do you think squiggly lines on a chart will mean that people will suddenly reject individualism and secularity? It’s not gonna happen any time soon.

>> No.20096042

America will collapse in 10 years because of hyperinflation and run out of its budget

>> No.20096049

>Everyone who claims the Roman world order is collapsing has such a delusional view of the world

>> No.20096054

Buddy it's long since America abandoned liberalism and science. You're a bit slow sorry.

>> No.20096099

China is on the brink of entering developed world status and while their youth are consumerists, they're also passionate nationalists, neck deep in a grand narrative about the inevitable ascendancy of their civilization.
China's model is an answer to the nihilistic malaise gripping the west. It's a way of being a strong, industrialized economy, without abandoning your collective sense of self.

>> No.20096725

Nationalism is the only way this was accomplished, and like all nations, China will eventually lose its collective identity to liberal cosmopolitanism once it develops. It will take a while, but it will happen. There’s no place in the world where this trend hasn’t occurred in the long-term. China is aware of this considering Marx predicted it would occur so I hope they take the necessary steps to obliterate any sight of liberalism

>> No.20096868

Xi is a failed attempt to breathe energy back into the decrepit communist system.
We will witness the collapse of China before 2030. Russia's already burning itself out in the muddy fields of Ukraine and will collapse shortly after.
America has no rivals. World history becomes American history. We will chart the future.

>> No.20096889

liberal triumphalists gonna be bleating about the end of history while some shaman is making scrying powder out of their spleens. dude MY SOCIETY is ETERNAL and INEVITABLE. I promise I'm the first person in history that thought that!

>> No.20096925

Russia vs Ukraine is proving that the liberal order far surpasses its autocratic Russian/Chinese rivals. There is no alternative, any competitive form of government in the future will have liberal democratic structures.

>> No.20097015
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Not really. There had been attempts at governmental reforms for ~100 years leading up to the Revolution with figures like Turgot and Necker. Louis XVI was instating liberalising reforms throughout his reign like the Edict of Versailles, and the very reason the Estates General (which turned into the revolutionary National Assembly) was called in the first place was to mediate reforms. People in power were well aware of the threat of revolution and tried to avoid it, but by that point the French state was so paralysed by a rotten core of pensions and privileges, fiscal crisis and countervailing interests, that every attempt to change was either blocked or neutered as to not infringe on one or another faction.

>> No.20097152
File: 25 KB, 474x665, 2F5EAF6F-97FF-454F-9676-F04BF14BE6C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He filtered millions of midwits during the last 30 years and he's finally been proven right. Russia and Chinese don't offer any meaningful alternatives to western world.
Chong, tongue my anus.

>> No.20097853

both hegel and your philosophy of science are gay and lame

>> No.20097862

>Reddit space
We used the enter key back in 2003 newfag

Imagine guzzling /pol/cum so hard you actually think line breaks are a culture choice.

>> No.20097916

>America has no rivals. World history becomes American history. We will chart the future.
Who's we? Me, you, and Paco?

>> No.20097940

People have been saying that China will collapse since the 80s. It's all a cope. China is the emerging world power and it's a Marxist-Leninist one. Get fucked.

>> No.20098069

you do understand that your asian dream will still be a a secular atheist society, ie a society ruled by bourgeois businessmen, with more or less plebeians pretending to be like them and deluding themselves the upper class cares about them, contrary to the pagan aristocratic kingdom which is just some nobilities and militaries not caring much about anybody below them

>> No.20098094

>History is not defined by ideology
>No one can foresee history due to other extraneous factors having larger impact like economics and technology
>History will inevitably work out the way I say it will because I said it is inevitable
Cool story bro

>> No.20098177

>meaningful alternatives to western world
Notice how they insert this stupid term just to call everything deviating from anglo-liberalism as meaningless?
The alternative that those countries are proposing are meaningful, and better than the the globohomo.
Seethe. Dilate. Cope.

>> No.20098189

As long as states act in their own self-interest in geopolitics there's no such thing as the end of history. In other words, international realism simply refutes the idea that liberal democracy is the endstage of history.

>> No.20098250

>Russia and Chinese don't offer any meaningful alternatives to western world
They never WANTED to give an alternative to westerners. They just want the right to choose their own form of civilization without western encroachment. Not every country needs to become a liberal democracy.

>> No.20098257
File: 69 KB, 1125x952, Bomb the serbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will live in ze liberal democracy.
And you will be happy.

>> No.20098472

>if I had the power
and nobody with your convictions ever will

>> No.20098717

The USAsian is the most delusional race to ever curse this planet and the only thing that has ever allowed them to never come face-to-face with their own contradictions was their ability to throw money at all problems to make them disappear. Gonna be tough on them when thats no longer possible

>> No.20098725

You do know that Russia is curbstomping the ukronazs, yes? Or do you not see how Baghdad Bob 2.0 is playing out from both the white house and the media

>> No.20098760

Define "meaningful." Power is power.

>> No.20100075

Russia, China, Saudis, the UAE, and India are all in a soft alliance against the US and NATO, which basically means the US and its vassal states.

Fukuyama saw the end of a bipolar world order and anticipated an indefinite unipolar one. Now the world is going to be as it was meant to be: multipolar

>> No.20100282

>just under 10k deaths
>over 30k casualties
Russian is bleeding it's youth AND still losing the war.
American won history, living experience tells you that. The future of the world will be dictated by the whims of the America's elite.