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/lit/ - Literature

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20088757 No.20088757 [Reply] [Original]

How long should/would it take you to read pic related?

>> No.20088764

There was only 6 words so it took me less than half a second

>> No.20088768

About 2 seconds. There's only six words (though five of them are unusual names) and an image of dubiously artistry.

>> No.20088774

A month

>> No.20088775
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>TFW filtered by "Herman"
*sigh* almost made it bros

>> No.20088787

Long enough to make you seethe and seem intellectually inadequate.

>> No.20088801

Only made it halfway through. No regret.

>> No.20088820

Sounds about right.

That's what I'm trying to figure out. I was going to do it in about a week but I burned out on reading.

>> No.20088887

I hate everything about the sea and ships, so I stopped after chapter 1.

>> No.20088932

Ironically based.

>> No.20088950
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You goofballs make me laugh sometimes

>> No.20088955


>> No.20089032

Been reading it for a week and I'm halfway there... WHOOOAAH living on a whale! (Surprised how easy to read and entertaining it is)

>> No.20089897

4-6 weeks

>> No.20091207

>How long should/would it take you to read pic related?
the first time i read Moby-Dick, it took me slightly over a week at ~100 pages a day (with a couple of days without reading in the middle because i was working on some big projects for university)
However the second time i read it over about a month for a /lit/ read-together thing and i appreciated it a lot more with it spaced out with more time to reflect as i was in the process of reading it.
I'd say you should read it over about a month or maybe just a few weeks but feel free to read some other things at the same time, I'm a slow reader though so you might be fine reading it more quickly.
>That's what I'm trying to figure out. I was going to do it in about a week but I burned out on reading.
in that case i'd say take a month, it's a dense book to try to read quickly
I can reccomend William Dreyfus's lectures on the book (available on Youtube), though it's best to leave that until you've read the book so you don't go in already knowing somebody else's interpretation

>> No.20091505

I’ve been reading this book for like 2 years. Every time I put it down I forget all about it. I can’t even be bothered anymore even though I only have like 100 pages left

>> No.20091672

I tried to speed-read like an idiot and I think I missed a couple of sections in the middle. Thanks for the lectures, but I'll look at them after my second reading.

>> No.20091696

How do you guys find time for other books? If a book takes longer than a week, my need for optimization kicks in and I start speeding through.

>> No.20091847

I remember reading it over the course of a week after checking it out from the middle school library for a book report, though being a middle schooler at the time I obviously had a lot of free time.

>> No.20093592

You understood all of it?

>> No.20093599

Is there really any fucking point in continuing past that point anyway. Like I get it Melville has beautiful prose. Obviously Ahab is never gonna get the whale so why bother reading

>> No.20094245

By reading them, anon.