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20088214 No.20088214 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books to recommend to normies who need an explanation for inflation, etc., but who won't accept this administration's excuses (e.g. mugh transitory, COVID, Putin, etc.)? I think it's pretty obvious to most people now that we're in deep shit but they still seem confused why or don't know what to do.

>> No.20088217

No one cares about your retarded argument with your tranny friends.

>> No.20088222
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>here are my opinions
>look at my opinions!
>books for this feel?

>> No.20088237
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>> No.20088320

What do you care about, anon? My guess is that you care that there are too many people on earth, and not enough to sustain them

OP asked for books on macro economics, and you just hand out insults, what are you trying to cope with?

I don't know OP. Maybe the best thing to do is run some field experents. Go out and find some homeless person who wants a gobby. Blow them out of the kindness of your heart. When they cum, blow them again and again and again, until none of the cummy goodness comes out any more, and the homeless dude complains that their balls hurt, and asks you to stop. Explain to said person that we are the balls, and cum is what we produce, and the rich and powerful and zealous are the homeless man. When the balls hurt, so do we for a little while, until the pain goes away, and you can go back to blowing the homeless dude again happily, like nothing happened before.

>> No.20088421
File: 229 KB, 1200x1698, DeficitMyth_3d_frontView-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book if you want to know how the dollar is used to keep you poor and get politicians reelected. Excellent book

>> No.20088428

>OP asked for books on macro economics

OP specifically asked for books on macro economics that agree with his silly opinions, that is not the same thing.

>> No.20088508

>silly opinions
Which ones exactly? that inflation exists? or that the Biden administration is making up excuses to ignore or justify or pass the buck on inflation?

>> No.20089502

Obviously you realize there's different theories. The more conservative monetarist idea is inflation is always purely a monetary or demand phenomena and can be solved with interest rates e.g. if the Federal Reserve increased the rate of interest by *whatever they think number* percentage than demand would decline a recession would play out and everything would eventually pick back up just at a lower price level. The alternative Keynesian idea is you should be able to spend or reform laws if it's just supply issues without having to create mass unemployment and austerity to cure anything.

>the Biden administration
That's kind of right but you're assuming a change of government is going to result in much. You can see a lot of hot takes on the Federal Reserve and Trump appointees there.
America imports most consumer goods so they could be made cheaper if the federal government would lower tariffs, problem is that's not a popular idea with anyone right now. There's a lot of barriers to building more housing... but most of that comes from local governments and they don't want the federal government telling them what to do. Maybe a republican government would fast track a lot of new oil and gas infrastructure but companies are looking to profit by exporting that to fill the growing demand elsewhere globally e.g. so Germany doesn't have to turn back on nuclear plants or try to stop heating housing with oil, etc.

>> No.20089511
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>> No.20090598

MMT is bullshit

>> No.20090626


>> No.20090933

I posted that image, and i agree with you. I don't think paying stuff with inflation is moral, or impervious to the boom bust cycle. But that doesn't change the fact that it is the dominant economic framework. And that we're getting fucked up the ass by it every day.

>> No.20090954

Wait so does /lit/ actually believe muh putin, muh covid, etc? Seeing a lot of seething replies

>> No.20091059

>the dominant economic framework
lol no or the IMF wouldn't exist

Literally everything mainstream adjacent rests on interest rate policy as opposed to fiscal and magic ratios like debt to GDP and such still... not to mention most of the world obviously are engaged in managing exchange rates in various retarded manners and nationally borrowing foreign currencies

>> No.20091215

Ha! If you're asking for economics books to explain the ongoing inflation, you've already been duped. The economics of it are very straightforward and uninteresting. It's a naked power grab by the elite.

>> No.20092465

> Inflation is about the money supply
Yeah we get it, but some people don't--why? I think >>20088421 was right to recommend this book to OP but I don't actually believe the elites believe in this stuff, they just endorse it because it's helpful to their end. They knew sooner or later something was going to happen the entire time but they never stopped and now things can only get worse from here. How worse and how do we prepare for it and inform others is, I think, OP's point. I'd say read all opinions on inflation (which tend towards one view anyway) and the history of inflation and policies like quantitative easing, etc. to familiarise yourself with the forces and patterns we are seeing today.

>> No.20093564

Fiat Money Inflation in France
by Andrew Dickson White

In the aftermath of the Revoluton the French thought it wise to convert to paper money and that printing moar of it would solve every problem. Hyper-inflation ensued. Plus ça change...


>> No.20093724

>It's a naked power grab by the elite.
Historically that's not a good strategy. The elite have a disproportion claim on future revenue already which inflation devalues, the only way to make up for that is to grow the relative claim even larger which always creates political instability and tends to result in having most of your wealth expropriated.

Basically every economist besides Marxists or Austrian retards will tell you inflation is about the price level, the relation to "money supply" is a little more complex than a simple 1 to 1. You can't even get a consensus on what the "money supply" really is. Someone like Milton Friedman just pointed at Fed statistics and say that's it but MMT say's functionally the Fed doesn't even understand what money is. You can find a lot of libertarians claiming "cryptocurrencies" are money and others claiming only bullion is "real" money and everything else is just a claim against that norm which everything must always return to.

>> No.20093742

Economic facts and fallacies by Sowell

>> No.20093786

saving this for 9/10 threads on this board

“any recommendations for books that [support view I already hold]?”

>> No.20094749

This shiz seems a tad harsh. OP, in his fumbling politeness, has called attention to a perennial fundamental concern: the value of money. That he does so when common discourse is often deflected to meaningless matters of identity is laudible. Lurkers lives matter.

>> No.20094786

Spectacular bait thread.
OP is a pro.

>> No.20094930

Maybe you don't need a book:

“Slavery was never abolished, it was only extended to include all the colors.”


>> No.20094931

>who need
do they "need" an explanation?
if they don't want to know they'll never accept it
you can't "wake people up" who don't want to wake up

>> No.20095113


>> No.20095116

The end of the invisible hand - why the command economy solves everything. Future book by anon.