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20087390 No.20087390 [Reply] [Original]

How can I copyright my idea or make it so my ideas aren’t stolen by others?

>> No.20087400

hire a lawyer

>> No.20087407

Make your opinions so absurd and abhorrent that people won't want to copy or take credit for them.

>> No.20087428

I’m scared because I shared some of my ideas with some people and they said they were going to steal them. Is there any way I can claim the copyright before they copy me? Can I write a letter explaining all my ideas and mail it to myself with a date so they know anything past that date is a rip off?

>> No.20087461

Don't share it then until you've made or finished some work regarding it then, retard. If you wanna share it then just write it down or something.

>> No.20087466

See >>20087428
if I write it down and date it and mail it to myself then am I good?

>> No.20087482
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>How can I copyright my idea
the only thing you have to do is add a copyright message.
if you want a simple way of proving that you came up with an idea first, write it down and mail it to yourself using a registered method (i.e. some method where you have to sign for it) as this will act as proof of the date you had the idea.
>make it so my ideas aren’t stolen by others?
you can't. you could get a patent but that will only apply in your own country.
china exists. every idea that you could possibly have can be stolen, copied and sold for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.20087504

So what date should I use? I’ve come up with the idea years ago, should I use 2019 as the date or should I use the date of the day I sent the letter to myself?

>> No.20087591


>> No.20087649

Ideas are dirt cheap. It's all about the execution. Relax.

>> No.20087697

Is it for an app? If so make it and release it. You know your friends are gonna give up before finishing

>> No.20087775

You should want better authors to take your ideas away from you and make them better.
The capitalist system makes you hoard these ideas. Like a parent who keeps his child locked in his playroom forever.

>> No.20089074

>How can I copyright my idea
you can't copyright an idea. "Copyright" means the *right to *copy - and profit - from a written work, a work of art, or a work of music. See how the words "copy" and "right" are put together into one word to give it that meaning?
>or make it so my ideas aren’t stolen by others?
the only way to do this is to not tell people your idea. People be stealing.

>> No.20089094

I know this is a cliche but there honestly are no original ideas. Even when you recombining the ideas of others, you have to really get weird to even be able to argue that it hasn't been done before.

>> No.20089096

by writing it and publishing it. You can't copyright an idea, but you can copyright the written expression/audio-recording of an idea.
Then you publish it, that way there is proof that your idea was made public at a certain time. Then you can sue anyone who copies the expression of your idea, which acts as a deterrent.
the date you sent it because otherwise you could just use the date you were born which would be ridiculous

>> No.20089097

Hire a lawyer. If you are serious. Depending on what your "idea" is you may want to have it either Patented or Trademarked instead of Copyrighted. There are definite distinctions between the categories. A lawyer is better than asking a bunch of randoms on the internet.

>> No.20089106

>Ideas are dirt cheap. It's all about the execution. Relax.
This is the rule for which there is no exception.
Likely a half million other people have had the same "idea".

>> No.20089129

>I copyright my idea

You can't. You can only copyright texts and other expressions of the idea. And you need to prove you're the originator of the text, which most likely needs a record of it somehow.

Basically, don't post your shit here if you're concerned.

>> No.20090000

Finish you book/essay then publish it, retard. Intolerable nonsense to "copywrite" an idea, very pseud, very naive.

The idea doesnt matter, its the execution. If you are a bad writer, a good idea is useless to you.

>> No.20090139

My idea is for a film/cartoon/book. Can I go to my girlfriends house and write the ideas on paper and then mail it to my house with a date on it? Would that work?

>> No.20090151


>> No.20090215

Tell them to me and I will protect them

>> No.20090230

No you can actually copyright ideas and concepts. Disney has done it before and so have some major publishing companies.

>> No.20090450

Why not?

>> No.20090459

There are some serious restrictions on this. It can't just be "there's a cool hero guy" or something.

>> No.20090524

Can I copy right my idea if I have a full cleaned out world with extensive lore and also the general plot of the film/book or whatever?

>> No.20091293

Based retard OP

>> No.20091612

What part of publish it don't you understand?
If you write 250AD on a picture of Mickey Mouse, that doesn't mean you now own the trademark and copyright of Micky Mouse, idiot.
No it's not the ideas that are being copyrighted, it's the expression of them. Don't confuse OP. It needs to be in a tangible form.
The example is trivia books, the facts themselves aren't protected by copyright, but in some situations the arrangement of them is.
People have sued over 'conceptual' art like 4:33, however that was only possible because they had the concept in a tangible form: a track on an album with no sound. It wasn't just a handwritten note "four minutes and thirty three seconds of silence" they actually followed through.

>> No.20091615

write it down here OP, we will all vouch it was your idea.

>> No.20091628


>> No.20091968
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kill anyone who uses your idea

>> No.20092418

write idea down
provide all proper citation and bibliography
sned to library of congress
send out to multiple jounrals publishes magazines etc...
setup a youtube channel
post it on reddit
post it on a peristant chatroom/forum
start your own magazine
focus on the magazines and publications that libraries public and college stock
make a youtube channel
make an nft of it,
put it on the block chain
carve it on an emrald tablet.

also make sure you aren't a bigot
becuase even if you are published they will steal your shit if you a bigoted cunt