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20087259 No.20087259 [Reply] [Original]

I would honestly just like to know who the fuck this is even for. Seriously, who's the audience?

>> No.20087264


>> No.20087286
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the "ambitious"

>> No.20087357

What is happening here?

>> No.20087805
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Wealthy elites of course.

Looks like 4chinners are punking Wikileaks. Or the NSA 4chinners are

>> No.20088560

Low/mid level technocrats in public or international institutions (and middle management in massive companies) that want to larp as being in on the big conspiracies.
Conspiracies theorists will also pirate the ebook on tor.

>> No.20088590

i don't understand why they are so openly and comically evil, are they just a cover for somebody else? or do people in the elite unironically believe this shit?

>> No.20088596

That can't be real

>> No.20088604

Those "elites" are unhinged. Just look at the ridiculous response to the current affairs in Eastern Europe. The entire non-western world is quickly realizing how lunatic they are. At some point they just lost connexion to reality.

>> No.20088605

what's the thesis of this book?

>> No.20088608

You faggots never read it. I haven't read it either, nor will I ever do it, but I'm 100% sure it's just some boring neoliberal / open society garbage about building back better.

>> No.20088613

true, but why the inflammatory titles? they used to be good at making their titles sound inoffensive and democratic in the 90s and early 2000 while accumulating power and money, but now they sound unhinged and out of a bad 80s movie

>> No.20088644

The implication of this book existing is that all of human history was also faked. Are these people fucking stupid? I know Bill Gates is unironically a good person because he used to post on a hacking forum I read and help people, but what the fuck is going on?

>> No.20088650

Globalists =/= neoimperialists
It’s funny because people on /lit/, supposedly a smart board, don’t understand what globalism even is.
Globalists are individuals and NGOs working towards a globalized world where everyone is integrated into the world economy.
The globalist vision of the world sees it as a world without political borders, labor and capital could be easily mobilized and transported wherever there is demand for development. Policial power and economic activity would be incredibly decentralized and spread over the entire globe.
By contrast the neoimperialists are influenced by the legacy of the old European empires that carved the world based on the principles of the core and the periphery.
Europe and America, the West, were designated the core where economic activity happens while Asia, Africa and Latin America where designated the periphery, which is used for extracting labor and resources to be transported to the core of the empire. The periphery is purposefully kept undeveloped to keep the system going, while in the globalist vision development would happen everywhere.
Globalists come from all over the world while there are no globalist Western COUNTRIES, they all operate on neoimperialist principles.
China is the only country that acts on globalist principles
The difference between the neoimperialist and globalist strategy can be explained with the policies the West and China take towards Africa.
The West sends economic aid to keep them dependent, and in turn African labor and resources pour into the West.
China INVESTS in development in Africa AND Chinese labor floods INTO Africa rather than the other way around.
The key difference in approaches here is that the West wants to keep Africa perpetually underdeveloped while China invests in Africa to integrate them into the world economy and to turn them into trading partners.
The globalists are the good guys trying to create a richer and freer world where development is spread across the globe and people are free to move where they please, the neoimperialists want to keep their empire built on oppression going.
The problems that are attributed today to globalism are actually because we inherited a world built on imperial principles and in opposition to this new globalist vision,
For example, let’s take immigration.
Critics accuse globalists of wanting to flood the first world with third world labor to depress wages. Thing is in a globalist world immigration flows would be from everywhere to everywhere. German engineers could move to Ethiopia because their skills are needed in building bridges or American software engineers could emigrate to Thailand because their skills are in demand there.
Immigration flows in only one direction, from the third world to the first...

>> No.20088652

They do.

>> No.20088656

...because that’s how an empire works, the core importa resources and labor from the periphery.
Remember that the Roman patricians were importing labor from the provinces.
The bad guys are neoimperialists, not the globalist, who are good guys trying to create a richer, freer world.
I’m going to read both that book and The Great Reset to learn more.
In all likelihood they don’t mention eating the bugs or living in pods, those are just right wing memes that misunderstand globalism.

>> No.20088671

Not reading retarded shit from mass repliers begging for attention

>> No.20088674

also notice that these space criminal pieces of shit represent Earth as a globe. lying is a sin. i hope this entire world is destroyed before these fuckers can pollute it with more galactic felonies

>> No.20088685


>> No.20088700

>china are the good guys

>> No.20088728
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they're probably just naive idiots under psionic mind control. god only knows why bill gates thinks that currency debasement and prostitution helps the middle class. it's almost like communism is just a ponzi scheme

>> No.20088776

It's just a standard clickbait title. Are you unfamiliar with contemporary culture?

>> No.20088799

i don't think the WEF gets money from clicks

>> No.20088827
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δεν θα γίνεις ποτέ γυναίκα

>> No.20088830

They get attention

>> No.20088865

why would they need attention from plebs?

>> No.20088869

>>It’s funny because people on /lit/, supposedly a smart board, don’t understand what globalism even is.
>Globalists are individuals and NGOs working towards a globalized world where everyone is integrated into the world economy.
>The globalist vision of the world sees it as a world without political borders, labor and capital could be easily mobilized and transported wherever there is demand for development. Policial power and economic activity would be incredibly decentralized and spread over the entire globe.
>By contrast the neoimperialists are influenced by the legacy of the old European empires that carved the world based on the principles of the core and the periphery.
this has been the dream of the first classical liberals. there is nothing new since the bourgeois took over 200 years ago

if you dont like it, you should have prevented 1789

>> No.20088928

It doesn't matter from whom, it's about spreading it and helping it go viral. Plebs aren't isolated from the rest of the world.

>> No.20089154

it was, I saw it real time when it dropped

>> No.20089242

Western Imperialism is not Roman Imperialism, Globalism remains the end goal of Western Imperialism ("the planet is ours!") in order to reach beyond ("born to early to explore the universe"). The current instantiation of Globalism is a suicide dive for the West. The world around is already mobilized by Western technomancy and necromancy, the final step would be the eradication of foreign material from already conquered soil. Globalism as it stands however seeks a neo-magian alchemical mixture in which the West and the rest no longer exist (the philosopher's stone). One cannot rule if one no longer exists, the West has so much more to give but the distortion of a truly Western Imperial form (by extra-cultural material) has forced the expression (in which the hammer always hits something) in an ultimately destructive direction. The "globalists" as they are referred as are nothing more than parasitic distorters seeking supremacy over the only thing of any real value in the world: Western Culture. The only path forward is to expose this disease for what it is: a cancer, and showing that the only treatment is excision and chemotherapy. Evolve or die, but for the love of God, don't commit suicide.

>> No.20089289

but plebs don't need to do anything, just comply with the authorities. the authorities are the ones running the plan

>> No.20089304
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>but plebs don't need to do anything, just comply with the authorities


>> No.20089330

but that's not my opinion, that's the whole point of the great reset, building stakeholder capitalism, the question is why even let plebs know they are building it if it goes against their interests

>> No.20089409

>are they just a cover for somebody else?
Yes, Jews. The point of Klaus Schwab is that he's an evil German (and thus NAZI) snake-man. Don't pay attention to who signs his checks.

>> No.20089478
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>Don't pay attention to who signs his checks.

>> No.20089791
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you want a great narrative? read Gang Weed the Movie

>> No.20089821
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What makes you think there's supposed to be an audience

>> No.20090015

Kantbot go to bed pls.