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20086684 No.20086684 [Reply] [Original]

Is orwell's 1984 a good read?

>> No.20086699

No, George Orwell is peak midwit. Low IQ American "conservatives" in name only like him but he was a liberal moron who believed in spooks like democracy and joined the side that murdered priests during the Spanish Civil War. If he was alive today, he would have supported the Ukrainians. I hope he is burning in hell as we chat hear so pleasantly, a hell that is eternal and will never end.

>> No.20086731

What is a good read then?

>> No.20086768

>who believed in spooks like democracy
What system is better?

>> No.20086775


>> No.20086778

read it and report back

>> No.20086782

yes but more than good its necessary. it will blow your mind how many concepts are relevant today and aspects of the dystopia that are really happening as we speak. its scary how smart he was

this might be the stupidest post every made on 4chan. you should never offer your opinion on anything ever again.

>> No.20086870

Yeah, it's fun stuff. There's a reason it's on the English curriculum in almost every highschool, though. It's not some super-secret revelatory work. Every millennial remembers having read it, which is why it shows up on so many lists. Give it a read, if only to gauge whether others have actually read it themselves.

>> No.20086886

Don't confuse the deficiency of your imagination for a revelation of universal principle.

>> No.20086908

Not as stupid as a post with no argument or refutation. You actually write and reason like you're incredibly unintelligent.

>> No.20086957

shut the fuck up idpol faggot

>> No.20087008

fucking hell
you actually did it anon
you went full retard

>> No.20087272


>> No.20087288


>> No.20087297


>> No.20087329


>> No.20087336

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.20087432

I love these "anti identity politics" people

>> No.20087450 [DELETED] 

the one that kills fags, trannies, put women back in kitchen and nigs on chains

>> No.20087744

The commune has direct democracy. Though no one need be pressed upon by some decree made by such bodies.

>> No.20087844
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Oh yeah, no advertising

>> No.20088432

Not what Engels said.

>> No.20088498

If you're not a midwit, then yes

>> No.20088612
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>> No.20088922
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>> No.20089057

Engels doesn’t get a say so anymore. He’s as worthless as any tankie if he thinks the end goal of communism is “dictatorship of the proletariat”.

>> No.20089139

government fucks everything up.
doesn't matter what kind it is.
if there is a hierarchical system it's going to fuck people.

>> No.20089160

Anarchism is a challenge to all unjustifiable hierarchies, not a dissolving of all hierarchy. You cannot function as a society of any kind like that. That’s just chaos. War time.
A series of communities that directs their own business will be like no government ever seen. If a wrestles youth feels like he’s getting “fucked up” in any of them, he’s free to wander by himself for a while

>> No.20089167

this but unironically

>> No.20089169

>he’s free to wander
who makes sure of that?

>> No.20089173

it's good.

>> No.20089179

Is he able to leave his family? They should help him prepare for it, and send him on his way. Wishing him well, hoping for his return.

>> No.20089192

is he able to leave the
>series of communities that directs their own business
without his sovereign authority free movement is not a guarantee, thus anarchy.

>> No.20089216

yes but it's aging poorly. some of his essays still hold up
t. american

>> No.20089223

What community are you thinking you can direct into some kind of cultish authoritarianism, that might impede our hypothetical wandering lad?

I’m away from screen for a few hours. Clean up your argument before replying. Give a scenario maybe. Have a nice day.

>> No.20089240
File: 6 KB, 298x169, 1million years dungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't let you leave your home country without passports.
if they need men of working age they will not let them leave, see russia and ukraine today.
is it such an implausible thought that one of your towns values profit over individual freedom?
imprisons people in work camps from what would be seen as minor violations in other towns?
anarchy is sovereign authority.
if everyone may be more dangerous than you then you don't fuck with anyone and you try not to pull attention to you being weak.
and the tuff guy villains get bounties on their heads.

>> No.20089249

Yeah, its both full of interesting concepts and actually well written (unlike Brave New World, which is full of interesting concepts but a shitty book)

>> No.20090291

>if you feel as if the commune is treating you unfairly you are free to wander
This line of reasoning can be used for Capitalist America or Anarchist America and its a dumb line of reasoning for both. If you feel like you're getting fucked by the system by either the government or the commune you are "free to wander" as you please. But I guarantee you there are either two things that are going to happen
A: you hop from one community to the next(assuming these communes are friendly to outsiders) begging on the street, being only supported by the system that you think is fucking you over
B: you wander in the wilderness to avoid the communes all together and you end up dead from any number of things.
And don't think for a second that one guy can survive alone inside the wilderness. Even if hes well trained for survival, hes not going to be able to properly hunt for food because hes spent most of his life inside communities that farm for their food. Theres a reason why lone wolves are rarely seen.