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20083485 No.20083485 [Reply] [Original]

i feel like he gets a bad rep because the portion of his fanbase that are pseudo intellectual reddit brainlets but i read 12 rules for life and it was pretty good

>> No.20083488

He‘s trying to control life instead of surrendering to it. Does he seem to be enjoying his stay here?

>> No.20083496

what in ur opinion should he be doing differently? i wouldn't say he's trying to control it neccesarily, i interpreted it as the importance of taking the challenges of life as advantages to grow character

>> No.20083661

nihilist detected

>> No.20083695

Nothing could be further from the truth
For example, his most controversial stance is that he refuses to use people‘s made up pronouns. This makes him hated by liberals and seen as „based“ by the rest. The problem is that he thinks that refusing to call people whatever the hell they want to be called is his protest against the downfall of society. He argues that people trying to control the narrative is a sign of imminent collapse. And he‘ not wrong. Not about needing special pronouns being a clear sign of deteriorating mental health nor about it being a sign that our society is completely rotten down to it’s base. The issue here is that he thinks that humanity can hold up the crumbling construct by sheer force and willpower and by demanding that the weak links pull themselves together and act like normal human beings again. That is never going to happen. Never in the history of humans has anyone been able to become functional again simply by being told to toughen up and get a grip. Social destruction is imminent. The sanest thing one can do is let it burn to the ground and rebuild on it‘s ashes. All the lgbtq‘s are genetic dead ends anyways. The few couples who adopt babies and traumatize them is too small a group to actually change anything. What he‘s trying to do is take a once imposant castle who has been slowly decaying over hundreds of years and restore it back to it‘s glory. But the decay is faster, so it is an uphill struggle society can never win. Just let it crash down and start from scratch. That‘s the kind of surrender that i‘m talking about in contrast to trying to use force and control to keep something up that is hopeless to ever become inhabitable again. It‘s simply a waste of time and energy that could be put into making plans on how to rebuild once the fire has ran it‘s course and to make sure you‘re capable of being on the side of humanity that will build society up again when the time has come. And if it doesn‘t happen in this life time, make sure you leave children behind that are sane and healthy to carry on your legacy.

>> No.20083708

Trump and putin have made the same mistake. They try to go back instead of moving trough it and let nature do it‘s thing and purge the weak. They try to make it illegal for people to be degenerated when the solution is to abandon all restrictions and let the weak die from their degeneration so that the ones who are strong enough to not be tempted by it will be the last one‘s standing. If you make homosexuality a sin, people won‘t stop being faggots. They will just become better at hiding it. But if you let everyone be as faggoty as they want, they will drug and fuck themselves to death and everyone else will be able to just move on and forget that ever happened a few generations down the road. If you‘re worried that the degeneration will be able to get s hold on the minds of impressable kids, stop. Only weak kids are able to be persuaded by degeneracy. This is a cleansing, a purging. It is nature separating the weak from the strong as early as childhood. Stop messing with it. You‘re looking like a fool.

>> No.20083717

The only people who don‘t agree that this is the best approach are the degenerates or those who need all their willpower to not succumb to the temptations of degeneracy. Those are the ones that need to go extinct and ofc they will do everything they can to halt their own extinction. People like peterson are degenerates that only pretend to not be degenerates so they think every other degenerate should be able to stop being a degenerate by pulling themselves together. He wants to go back because he knows very well that he would not make the purge because he is not actually same and healthy and capable. He‘s just pretending to be and his whole theatre could come crashing down any moment if he ever lets his guard down for a second. The only ones that have an interest in keeping society alive as it is or to go back are the ones that sense that they are not part of the new society that would rise from the rubbles. So to them this is a matter of life and death and they act accordingly. It is a species of humans about to go extinct and they are putting on a last fight. The rest can just lean back, observe, prepare and enjoy the show.

>> No.20083763

I love how he just talks with such confidence about subjects he has no clue on and gives his unsolicited opinion outside of his field of expertise.
If you have some level of authority and have "doctor" in front of your name. You get to get away with everything.

>> No.20083804
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Pretty much everything he has worth saying is in his lectures on the bible and a few movies that he did like 10 years ago that are available on youtube.

Everything he's done since then including his books is a rehash of that.

He was a pretty good internet daddy if you had poor parenting, but the obvious failings of his own life should caution you against taking too much of what he says to heart.

>> No.20083923

Anon you assume that degeneracy is an inherently genetic trait. And I am willing to accept that as far as homosexuality is concerned, it is. But that's only a small part of the prevalent "degeneracy" you describe and you seem to ignore that it has cultural aspects too (i.e. a perfectly healthy-minded individual can be corrupted by peer pressure or the cultural/social norms)

>> No.20083929

apparently his new book will talk about wagner.

>> No.20083941

Most children are poorly parented. Children with no direction generally get swept up by whichever powerful group gets to them first be it religious, political or otherwise.

Degeneracy starts with the parents. While obviously there some kids that are born rotten, the difference for many children is in the rearing they receive.

>> No.20083944

What comes first, the willpower or the parents? Rationally speaking you at least need some willpower not to spread your genes incontinently.

>> No.20083946

That‘s the opposite of what i‘m assuming. I‘m assuming that there is people who are weak and those who are strong. The weak are those who fall prey to degeneracy, no matter what form it takes. Being weak or being strong is not genetical, it depends on one‘s upbringing. In this way, one could say it is almost genetical since it is being passed down from generation to generation but it can not be found in one‘s cell. It‘s not the health of the flesh alone that determines strength, it‘s the combination of health of soul, mind, heart and body that does. If you haven‘t been raised in an environment surrounded by people that are healthy and strong like that, you will most likely be purged. I‘m not saying that if you had a shit family, you‘re doomed, because there‘s always the rags to riches stories about people who made it against all odds. But what those stories fail to acknowledge is that they didn‘t really make it against the odds. They made it against the observable odds. Maybe they were physically unhealthy or their heart was broken due to abuse and trauma. But they might have had inherited an exceptionally strong and healthy soul or an exceptionally intelligent mind to balance it out, help them find ways to heal what has been damaged and become strong anyways. Not everyone that has been born into degeneracy succumbs to it, but most do. The fact someone can easily abstain from the degeneracy around them is the best indicator of someone who‘s actually strong. That‘s why demanding that people stop being degenerates so you and your loved ones do not get tempted will always be a sign of exceptional weakness. If you‘re strong you have no issues abstaining from degeneracy even of it is flung into your face from every direction. That‘s why shit like demanding that fast food and porn get banned is pathetic. If you know that shit‘s degenerated, walk away. If you can‘t, congrats, you‘re next in line for the extinction train.

>> No.20083950

Exactly. That‘s what i‘m saying. Weak families get purged usually with no survivors. And that is a good thing. There‘s the occasional kid that might rise above the rest of it‘s family but it is definitely mot the norm.

>> No.20083953

Good post

>> No.20083954

>his most controversial stance is that he refuses to use people‘s made up pronouns
Did you really just make a massive rambling blogpost based on a false pretence? lmao

I don’t like Peterson, but he’s never said he would “refuse to use people’s pronouns”. His entire contention was against LEGISLATING pronoun use, Ie, not simply mandating what you can’t say (hate speech) but mandating what you CAN say. He has no issue with using people’s pronouns as a matter of courtesy, his problem is with the government policing people’s language to the extent that they dictate the terms through which you express yourself. And despite not having an issue with trans people I do actually agree with him on this front.

>> No.20083955

People with no strength will always be those who have the most children with the least consideration. That‘s why things like welfare and child protection service is just a waste of resources that slows down natural selection. Parents who are weak will usually breed weak children. If one would take away all installed cushioning like drug use laws, those families would have died out many generations ago.

>> No.20083959

well explained, i agree then.

>> No.20083963

I‘ve read his two books but haven‘t followed his media presence very closely so yeah it could be that i am not fully informed on what his stance is there. It was just one example that seemed to be fitting and known by many. Basically every argument he makes in his books could be answered in the same way.

>> No.20083965


My boi Keef DESTROYED this retard

>> No.20083972

I would say it depends on the child. Generally speaking children are so dependent on their caregivers for social cues that bad caregivers will outweigh willpower for the most part.

I appreciate what you're saying, but to take the stance that you shouldn't speak out against degeneracy or try to convince people to stop doing it because you won't change the overall trajectory of society is a bit fatalistic.

With all things there is spectrum. Some people will never turn from degeneracy no matter how much information you bring them. Some people's are just waiting for one person to tell them otherwise.

>> No.20083983

>Some people's are just waiting for one person to tell them otherwise.
If you have it in you to overcome degeneracy, you do not need anyone to tell you anything about it. You know it when you encounter it. If you‘re sane, you can‘t see a drunk person and not see it for what it is. You can‘t see a trans person and not realize that this is degeneracy‘s ugly face. If you need someone to tell you what is and isn‘t degeneracy then you need to get purged.

>> No.20083993

I think that's a pretty myopic take. Have you never changed someone's mind during a conversation?

I agree that some people are beyond saving, but I also believe that some people can be saved with a little help.

>> No.20084015

Ok, i‘ll give you that. Some people might just need the right informations that they haven‘t found until then. But i‘m talking about more impactful things like laws that prohibit the advertisement of smoking. If you‘re so weak that you start smoking because of an add then by all means smoke until you die of lung cancer. But if you smoke because everyone you knew growing up was smoking and even told you that it „strengthens the lungs“ or some crap, then yeah, you might need someone to come along and tell you „btw, smoking is unhealthy and here’s proof“. But if you continue after you know your ways are not good, then that is an even bigger weakness.

>> No.20084115
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>> No.20084231

Psy-op for enhancing harmless trad identity.
Identity politics is harmless for the Capital.

>> No.20084235

what a tool

>> No.20084458

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.20084773

Did this bitch do ANYTHING noteworthy outside of riding her dad's coattails to make her worthy of the e-fame/ e-revenue she currently has?

>> No.20084799

Decent academic but his book often make unjustified leaps of logic in order to support his political beliefs

>> No.20084868
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tommy was a clever boy

>> No.20085178

>You can‘t see a trans person and not realize that this is degeneracy‘s ugly face
Humanity has a pretty bad track record for this. Homosexuals are still seen as degenerate by billions of people. You could double down by saying homosexuality is degenerate as well or that it's a false equivalence but the point remains that I see no reason to trust gut reactions and to entrench them - if we codified all base instinct and lived by those rules for all time, we'd have never developed a civilization or moved beyond the barbaric tribalism of the past. It's worth scrutinizing our beliefs.