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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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File: 122 KB, 844x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20082828 No.20082828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, Reddit commies are trying to take over /lit/

>> No.20082845

fuck niggers.

>> No.20082846

>11 hours ago
I wonder if they made any threads up right now lol

>> No.20082847

That image is ancient
Now piss off with your bait

>> No.20082852

oh, so that's why this board has been more active recently. And it's funny, even /pol/ wants /pol/ gone. /b/ got destroyed by normies, /co/ by ponies, /a/ by pokemons and shonen, now it's /pol/'s turn.

>> No.20082854

They honestly don't have the autism-born endurance to shift the culture. You need to have the persistence of Guenonfag and Bakkerfag, the willingness to spend 18 hours a day arguing the same shit for months, years even.
Otherwise they are just one of countless raids that come and go.

>> No.20082855

It's literally from years ago

>> No.20082856

>the more leftist boards

>> No.20082863

Guenonfag ruined the board because now half the threads are about Pajeetshit so at least we know enough dedication can make a change.

>> No.20082874

As others are saying, this image is ancient.

Raids on 4chan aren't really effective anyway. If people stay on 4chan long term, they either have a dormant sense of humor that awakens, or they grow a sense of humor, either way this makes them eclectic enough to enjoy the site on its own terms. If they can't or won't do this, posting here for them is painful and they leave quickly. The only "long term raiders" of 4chan are deeply diseased people, imagine going to a furry forum just to keep posting that you hate furries while they most ignore you and continue writing diaper erotica. Only people unironically far more broken than any 4channer can "raid" 4chan.

>> No.20082880

One of you guys made this post on Reddit on purpose just to make this thread

>> No.20082893
File: 2.79 MB, 476x480, 1647211492212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screenshot is from 6 years ago

>> No.20083189

They have no fucking chance of colonizing any place where we can speak freely.


>> No.20083232

I dread the day 4chan flips again, the /pol/ seep is just finally getting back to tolerable levels.

>> No.20083244

He's right: even now when I shitpost about paying taxes for single mothers and israel, anons here flip out in shock or mock me for being a /pol/Chad who will call out all evil in the world.

>> No.20083264

I still can't believe leftypol is a real place and not a term made up to describe lefties on /pol/.

>> No.20083271

This is the exact same script thats used in those bunkerchan images. Fuck off and kys.

>> No.20083274

Not only is the image ancient, its also fake.

>> No.20083277

Its not real. Someone from /pol/ made it up and keeps posting this image along with another imageboard version everywhere.

>> No.20083295

4chan made me socialist. I don't get why it gets a right wing rep

>> No.20083303

some people really need to find better things to do with their lives

>> No.20083305

And how many hours did you spend trying to dig this up?

>> No.20083308

/leftypol/ did exist, but it's been defunct for years by now. It also wasn't a reddit board.

>> No.20083333

Careful what you wish for. The next culturally dominant board might be like /soc/ or /x/ or something else totally obnoxious.

>> No.20083340

>11 hours ago

>> No.20083342

Hi, I checked, chickenoflight literally doesn't even exist anymore because the account was suspended and the account above didn't make that comment either (at least not in the last four years, I stopped scrolling)

>> No.20083354

You might want to work on that reading comprehension.

>> No.20083378

You might want to lurk more.