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/lit/ - Literature

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20081956 No.20081956 [Reply] [Original]

will literature as an artform ever surpass music?

>> No.20081976

Music fucking blows, dude.
Insidious, emotionally manipulative horseshit.

>> No.20081993

Both are the same when it comes to acclaim and integrity. This pic represents the neo hipster circle of urban 20 year olds who cling to certain art forms that are long petered out. This type of music just represents what they like. Nothing more. Probably can be said about these literary circles as well.

>> No.20081997

It already did.

>> No.20082006

they are not in competition with each other

>> No.20082017

always has been

>> No.20082062

Well, we have much older literature available than we do music. We only have a vague idea of what Greek music was like and most of that is actually theory by non-musicians/composers which we can find no proof of it actually being followed. Even then before recording came along we do not really know what was intended since the ways in which we notate music are rather vague and leave much to interpretation and before the rise of equal temperament we don't even know exactly how things were tuned, just a vague idea. Hell we did not even really standardize for a ridiculous amount of time and even those who used BPM used it in either a very different way or had horribly incorrect metronomes. But we have been laying down ideas in a concrete fashion for ages and continue to do so. Suggests where society actually places the value. Take that as you will, it is a silly question to ask.

>> No.20082070

>really standardize for a ridiculous amount of time
did not really standardize TEMPO for a ridiculous amount of time.

>> No.20082152
File: 451 KB, 2500x1658, Neandertalceva-piscal-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, we have much older literature available than we do music.
anon people have been making music since they first starting hitting rocks together in a rhythm
we have musical instruments that are tens of thousands of years older than the oldest known literature

>> No.20082156
File: 365 KB, 693x1000, richard-wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already has when Wagner used music for literature.

>> No.20082298

Anon, a paragraph is not a bullet list, you can not ignore the context of the whole. Unless you are "special," if that os the case then I apologize.

We do not actually know if those instruments were used for music or communication or some other purpose such as calling game, or even if we had music in those times. It is purely speculation.

>> No.20082301

music is for trannies who want to marinate in their own delusions

>> No.20082348

>Anon, a paragraph is not a bullet list, you can not ignore the context of the whole
actually anon i just read the first couple of sentences of your post and realised that you know fuck all about anything so i didn't bother with the rest. i just went back and scanned through it again and my opinion hasn't changed.
>We do not actually know if those instruments were used for music or communication or some other purpose
the early instruments that archaeologists have found show knowledge of scales and intervals that are pretty close to modern ones- some of them are still playable (or exact reproductions can be played, like the bone flute from the picture). if they were used for "calling game" as you suggest, there would have been no reason to make the instrument sound musical. the fact someone went to the trouble of making the holes at the correct places shows a musical sensibility.
>It is purely speculation.
ok anon whatever. at least your last statement was correct, it is a silly question to ask, you are an idiot, and so am i for replying.

>> No.20082368

lol. The notes on early instruments closely align with other things as well. You should research deeper than wikipedia.

>> No.20082403

??? i have seen that flute on display in cerkno. you really are an idiot anon.

>> No.20082405

I hate /mu/tants.
I don’t buy or listen albums, I don’t go to concerts, I don’t watch it read interviews of musicians, I don’t follow their lives closely.
Musicfags is one of the worst subcultures out there due to how hypocritical they are in posturing like hipsters about “real sound” and their obsession with authenticity and not selling out while behaving like the stereotypical consoomer.
I only listen to pop/videogame music/anime OPs as a quick pick me up when I’m down and to classical to pay my respects to Western culture, I couldn’t give less of a rat’s ass about the rest of this subculture/fandom.

>> No.20082469

This might be the most brain-dead retarded thread I've seen

>> No.20082484

What does your seeing it have to do with anything? The holes on early flutes align more with what is natural for the fingers, and this does not vary much with things like the size of the air column in the flute and its overall shape, which have a fair amout to do with tuning and a knowledge of tuning would suggest finger hole placement and size would vary in relation, they don't. Furthermore these flutes bare little to no resemblance to the scales which developed in the areas they were found, a few just happen to line up alright with the modern western scale and we say PROOF! while ignoring the rest, which is just idiotic if you know anything about tuning and physics of instruments. The thing is we have never found two or more flutes in the same region and from the same period to show they were tuned alike, which is what is actually needed to reach that conclusion. We have some which are close and interesting but none that can be seen as anything more than tantalizing when it comes down to it.

>> No.20082943

No artform can surpass music. Literature is TAINTED and IMPURE. ONLY MUSIC IS PERFECT.

>> No.20082959

literature is a dead art form. great music can still be found today.

>> No.20083004
File: 57 KB, 327x327, hits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you use mu to demonstrate music as an art form? what a fucking faggot. i honestly agree with you that music is the most pure artform but your manage to be such a cockgarbling queerravaging homomuncher about it (like most music fags) that i must join the opposing team in pure spite. radiohead sucks fucking nuts and so do you for listening to them. same with that 2 percent milk motel or whatever that faggot yuppie seattle shit is. listen to some real music some time like freestyle jazz, tribe tek, old school metal and kidzbop you pretentious snotty faggot. and read paradise lost while you do.

>> No.20083041

Music and literature are both ancient and exist as complements to one another because neither can truly achieve what makes the other great without partially becoming the other, the moment you add lyrics to music and it’s poetry and therefore literature, the moment you add songs to a play it’s a musical or opera and now music is inherently part of it in its current state. The attitude of competition between mostly unrelated mediums is immature tribalism propagated by people who don’t truly engage with art except insofar as they can try to make themselves look cultured, you’re not concerned with truth and beauty, you’re a poseur faggot.
>dude nirvana and Radiohead
This would be like someone saying that the lord of the rings was one of the greatest works of literature ever.
>flaming lips
kek, I take that back, your pic is the equivalent of saying that Harry Potter is one of the greatest works of literature ever

>> No.20083052

it's a potato

>> No.20083067

Thats just not true.

>> No.20083071

old school metal sucks faggot

>> No.20083075

>great music can still be found today.

>> No.20083078

>muh emotions
>muh math
>muh immediacy

Remind me why these are at all relevant in discussion of art?

>> No.20083093

I really wish music would be free of pictures

>> No.20083101

my fl studio project files desu

>> No.20083136


>> No.20083140

Are you a schizo or just an autist? Literature and music are both beautiful, and art is supposed to make you feel things as well as think things, the two of which are inherently interelated, unless you’re a soulless husk

>> No.20083145

ignore that poster he is a soulless husk.

>> No.20083147

based, hating music is underrated

>> No.20083165


>> No.20083184
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I mean, does music do anything for y'all other than make you want to dance? I don't understand the big fuss, music is fun and there's no good reason to use it for anything other than dancing and emotional control. Y'all too autistic to enjoy music like that?

>> No.20083188


imagine loving music HAHAHAH

>> No.20083226
File: 2.21 MB, 1024x1024, yeah mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music is cool big fella

>> No.20083275

>will literature as an artform ever surpass music?
No, and what's worst is that Video Games have surpass Literature.

>> No.20083281
File: 171 KB, 377x366, Screenshot 2022-03-17 10.43.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true The Elden Scrolls has surpassed religious scriptures, philosophy and Play Boy magazine.

>> No.20083283
File: 53 KB, 608x608, crest_3000x3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Bladee and Ecco2k album out today.

>> No.20083286

Beyond based.
The only exceptions to this rule being, as we all know, Bach, Mahler, Mozart and Led Zeppelin.

>> No.20083288
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 1617825215705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you're right, good lookin out

>> No.20083337

bladee fans be like “my bad” when people ask what theyre playing

>> No.20083518

holy pleb

>> No.20084135

Mozart is so out of place in that low IQ, entertainment music collage.

>> No.20084145

Go back to r*ddit, if you don't like music you have a malformed brain

>> No.20084146

You notice the difference in these posts is anon talks about music and you talk about people who don't like music. These are subtle differences but obviously when talking about people you can basically always find flaws.

>> No.20084179

have you read the birth of tragedy by nietzche? if not I think you should. It has a lot to say about your question. In my opinion no, because music can do (even if it doesnt most of the time) what literature does plus something else (in terms of BoT, written and spoken word is largely Apollonian with maybe a little bit of Dionysian flare in rhyme and meter, where music with lyrics has all of that plus the greater Dionysian strength of the music to back it up).

>> No.20084185

no. music is the only genre that can bypass all higher thought. it can be experienced on the deepest level.

>> No.20084188

nta but you're dumb as fuck

>> No.20084314

Gravity's Rainbow is sorta like the banana album