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/lit/ - Literature

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20080556 No.20080556 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent there any books on the male form, theres a ton of simps talking about the female form but none for men

>> No.20080559

Women's sexualities aren't nearly as visual. The only real appreciators of the male form are homosexual men.

>> No.20080562

I wouldnt touch anything written by a woman anyway I'm talking about men talking about men

>> No.20080579

Men are so beautiful. Womeme are the unaesthetic sex.

>> No.20080586

Books portraying males (male) in a positive light will never be promoted again unless fascism makes a massive resurgence. You'll have to search for them yourself.

>> No.20080617

Clearly didn't read the greeks.

>> No.20080635
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Guys are so beautiful

>> No.20080638

Because nobody gets in shape by reading books.
You're searching in the wrong medium.
There are bodybuilding communities on YouTube.
If you want to be those philosophers who balance the mind and the body. Then you also have to balance your intellectual life with your normie life.

>> No.20080644

there are thousands

>> No.20080694

Read Mishima. Particularly Confessions of a Mask and Forbidden Colours.

>> No.20080788

Well because women dont necessarily like big muscles. It's a male power fantasy which is why only gay men and gym bros are attracted to them.

The male form for a female is - Tall, lean with slight muscle tone, and white.

>> No.20080795


>> No.20080826
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man booba

>> No.20080832

Mmmm. Now THAT'S hot.

>> No.20080884

the year men stopped wearing crop tops is the year humanity started going downhill.

>> No.20081135

Men aren't suppose to be "desirable". If you want to be seen as desirable then you're a homosexual and effeminate.

>> No.20081146

There is? I’ve never heard of those kinds of books. Example of a few? If anything, I only know the opposite especially with the Greeks.

>> No.20081159


>> No.20081165

Yes, and I'm more masculine than you. Got a problem?

>> No.20081188
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never heard of tom of finland anon?

>> No.20081212
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A baseline of self-awareness would have prevented you from typing this, Anon

>> No.20081235

If you had "self-awareness", then you wouldn't follow the aesthetic philosophy of a country of pederasts.

>> No.20081401

how did you find the literature board

>> No.20081651

>Women's sexualities aren't nearly as visual
Data collected from dating sites say otherwise

>> No.20081692

If you're referring to the attractiveness ranking meme, that's actually my point. If their sexuality was visual, and they viewed so few men as actually attractive, no one would ever have sex. Men's attractiveness is binary to them, and only a small part of the whole

>> No.20081723

Dating sites are like only 10% of the population and cater to the most vapid. Almost all of my relationships with women have shown me they're not nearly as shallow as men.

Or, I am very good-looking.

>> No.20081767

You're getting it wrong, ALL of those women decided that theses men were attractive wo were these men?... The most attractive. you get my point?

They're "shallow" in when they're looking for sex. And guess what's the whole purpose of these image carousels?

>> No.20081775


>> No.20081805
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Weird science

>> No.20081838

Where are their body hair?

>> No.20081946
File: 31 KB, 287x475, STUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's interesting since it relates the male form and masculinity to the subject of architecture. I wanted to check it out from my uni's library, but I was too embarrassed. I'm a straight guy btw

>> No.20081986

i know he was one of the supposed losers in the film but man, he was beautiful. i would suck him off in a heartbeat

>> No.20082072

One can only hope

>> No.20082083

I know Europeans are pretty fucking gay

>> No.20082087
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>The only real appreciators of the male form are homosexual men.
well, this is /lit/ after all
my diary desu ages 16-20

>> No.20082092

>Why arent there any books on the male form, theres a ton of simps talking about the female form but none for men

>> No.20082095

first meant for>>20080559

>> No.20082112

A protruding chest is a feminine trait.

>> No.20082169
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Yeah he was a cutie

>> No.20082185

>no chest hair
shit taste bro

>> No.20082199

That's a good question. The only answer I have is this; appreciation in the male form comes through action. Writing about the bulging hews of Hercules falls short of having a sculpture of it. Also if you write about bulging hews you sound gay. Look towards sculpture.

>> No.20082750

>chicken legs

>> No.20082767
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I look like that and I get nothing good from it
(Except for free random sex with waitresses and hair dressers)
My life is kino why does no one write a book about me? Why don't I write a book about me? Now that I'm /fit/ the liberal lunatic women who used to squeal at me squeal for me and they pretend to be less liberal to get there if it turns me off.
Women rate everything less then the top 10% of men (20% if youre being roughly generous) as worthless or so even as worthless as non existant.

>> No.20082769

American drive thru legs
Do you even drive, dyed?

>> No.20082773

How much do you bench tho

>> No.20082793
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This. A touch of femininity makes them go insane. This is why they scream at KPop and Boy Band Brad Pitt guys who arent a man's man. Do you think a woman wants to hop in a car and see this GENTLE man or some belch and a protein shake? Unless youre wearing a bear pelt and being actively cheered as the alpha triumphant over foes denounced and opponents conquered she wont buy into the overly manly mans man. She will dissimulate it even if youre Dan Blizerian she will find a coy comment. But it gets emptier and more hollow. But if its a smart guy award of excellent business you might as well have earned a gay nerd sticker in unga unga woman economy for reminding her theres such thing as boring.

>> No.20082811

>Women rate everything less then the top 10% of men (20% if youre being roughly generous) as worthless or so even as worthless as non existant.
This can’t be true, I’m not top 20%, and I’m definitely not top 10% but I still don’t have trouble meeting women through friends, clubbing or at parties (though I am too autistic with messaging to use dating apps), I’m not even very in shape. I am probably in the top half of guys because my jawline is decent and my face isn’t completely hideous but I’m definitely not an 8 or above in terms of attractiveness, you’re right that women are much pickier than men but I don’t think they’re quite that picky, all the girls I’ve dated (though not all the girls of hooked up with) were physically attractive and in shape too. I don’t have a lot of money or property for my age (well I do now due to some inheritance from my mother dying but that only happened a few months ago and I’ve only met one girl since then who didn’t know about that stuff until after we had been dating a while) and I don’t have status really, I guess I dress nicely, but having a 6-7/10 face and some decent fashion wouldn’t be enough to date 6-8/10 girls. I’m decently hung as well but they need to already want to fuck me in order to find that out.

>> No.20082824

>This one's interesting since it relates the male form and masculinity to the subject of architecture.
Is Joel Saunders an Ayn Rand pseudonym?

>> No.20082831

>wouldn’t be enough to date 6-8/10 girls if you were right about how picky they are

>> No.20082835

Was this just the director being horny?

>> No.20082836

Sorry meant to say that I forgot to add that part

>> No.20082860

The simple answer, and the point that was originally being made, is that women ARE very picky about attractiveness, but being super hot isn't actually a very big part of how they assess someone's worth. They're simply not that visual. Someone being hot is a nice bonus, but most guys aren't hot, so they look for other things.

>> No.20082877

Actually the Fountainhead is talked about in Stud. I really recommend it, even if it goes a bit into queer territory, but that's just the nature of looking for masculine subjects

>> No.20082886

>Someone being hot is a nice bonus, but most guys aren't hot, so they look for other things.
So it is my basic bitch level intellectuality and style that gives me success? It’s not like they just see me as non-threatening and safe because things always turn physical quickly (which I think I want to stop because I’m only one occasion has that happened and it led to a genuinely fulfilling connection with the women rather than me almost immediately realising that I’ll never love her and ending things.

>> No.20082891

>I really recommend it, even if it goes a bit into queer territory
Like bullshit queer theory crap, or homoeroticism? Because if it’s the latter then that’s not a problem for me at all because I’m a fag.

>> No.20082904

More homoeroticist theory. Very masculine.

>> No.20082908

No comment, you can decide how you judge me yourself.
Constructed physique is closer to androgynous archetypes of discipline than it is to femininity or masculinity, otherwise women wouldn't work out. A large chest is reminiscent of giant breasts made for cushioning a child. Obviously, a man with boobs would be more feminine, but so is a man with an abnormally large chest in comparison to the rest of his physique. What I don't get is why homos don't admire the penis but instead balloon their muscles up to the point where they are basically the idealized form of an FtM. Or they need to make the cock ridiculously huge as if to mock it's sensible and nuanced power even when flaccid. This is exactly how a woman might perceive the value of the phallus: a hard erection. But the phallus is specifically what differentiates men, who can piss standing up (symbolic of their mental capabilites) and women who must sit down to piss lest they wet their legs (subservient to the ground of reality and it's forms.) Men are born with penis, women vagina. But homos are not men (they are boys) thus they don't care about masculinity, only vascularity. All male pornstars are spiritual women, thus all idealized forms of masculinity are feminine.

>> No.20082919

That’s fine then I’ll check it out, thanks for the recommendation

>> No.20082966

so, based on your theory a 140lbs scrawny manlet is manlier than Plato if he has a bigger dick. Your cock worship is actually a feminine trait

>> No.20083023

No, I said a bigger dick is, like bigger muscles, the way that an outsider would view their own (disembodied) body in the mirror. It's the way you look at someone else, specifically with a sexualized gaze. A scrawny manlet is approached as the opposite of the 'erect' rather than as a basal man. A woman can never know shit about what it feels like to handle your erect, unsexual penis, and piss from it, because the erect penis is specifically *only* for women to handle and admire, as it is for homos an object to mock via extremifying, and for FtM's to mock via only having access to a crude intepretation - which, guess what - fixates on it's inflation as a primary purpose. Homo's won't ever be not gay in the most gay way because they always make their men of fancy look feminine. Even the most masculine homos look overly preened like an object of sex. It completely bypasses kinship because it's all about sex. Anyway I'm just rattling on.

>> No.20083025

*handle your flaccid, unsexual penis.
But I think here the mistake also works.

>> No.20083032

It's a cool idea thanks for sharing

>> No.20083080
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Gib milkies

>> No.20083082

Start with the Greeks

>> No.20083090
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Books portraying men in a positive light are being produced on an increasing scale – by women.

>> No.20083137

Based western fujoshi

>> No.20083154

The history of art teaches us that women do not appreciate men the same way.

Whereas men have dedicated an endless amount of art to women through literature, poetry, paintings, music, sculptures, etc., women have dedicated almost nothing to us. Not even in modern times.

I think this is proof of how women have a harder time falling in love for a man.

>> No.20083175

Those are bitch tits

>> No.20083743
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>> No.20083789

So non homosex cant be mirin is that what youre syaing?

>> No.20083914

uhhhhhhhhh read Confessions of a Mask

>> No.20084020

Wtf i love gays now

>> No.20084774

Great recommendations guys.

>> No.20084795


>> No.20085273
File: 226 KB, 234x373, 41461786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are wrong anon. Here is the superior alpha males.
And we will worship their perfect physique. They will breed the wife you'll never have.

>> No.20085296

maybe try /lgbt/

>> No.20085450
File: 50 KB, 600x583, 1647131878729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so good

>> No.20085508

It’s incredible how there are people not perceptive of how incredibly racist all this “Blacked” shit is, like besides the civil war era stereotyping, the black guys look like they belong in racist propaganda cartoons trying to portray them as nothing other than tribalistic savages.

>> No.20085564

>the black guys look like they belong in racist propaganda cartoons trying to portray them as nothing other than tribalistic savages.
It's not racist if they fuck white women, as well as sissy white men. It's not racist, if they DOMINATE.
You sound like a weak body black male. Sorry blackie, but only the true superior highly muscular black specimen will breed the white women. Only 300 pounds black specimens of lean muscle, and a 8 inch thick black dick are dominant enough to breed the white women.
If you do not meet these criterias, blackie, you are only slightly over the average white male, meaning you suck.

>> No.20085634
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>It's not racist if they [are judged purely in relation to race and how they interact with other races]
I am almost certain that one day it will be revealed that 90% of the blacked posters on this site, contrary to being angry hapas and subversive Jews, will be revealed as terminally online /pol/lacks who get a kick out of it from how taboo it is for their racism

>> No.20085665

Nice deduction.

>> No.20085681

Nice and also true