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20079703 No.20079703 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book?

>> No.20079712
File: 19 KB, 333x499, the second sexism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it anything like this book?

>> No.20079719

>20th century French "philosophy"
I'm fine

>> No.20079749

i'd like to have my first sex first desu

>> No.20079754

>Antinatalist turns out to be an incel also.
Oh wow. I love how he pretended to receive death threats as well to avoid showing his incel looking face.

>> No.20080057
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Tits or GTFO

>> No.20080073

Actually one of the best pro-feminist books you could possibly read. It was written before all the third-wave bullshit so it’s nowhere near as retarded as some of the shit people are coming up with now

>> No.20080178

Lmao I'm a misogynist but I still like to fuck women. not like that benatar pussy-less motherfucker

>> No.20080219

A closet Hegelian despite attempts to refute him. Had a hard on for her boyfriend's autism.
Occasionally made some insightful comments.
That part on women in literature is kino.
Had a habit of going on and on about the same point, like a merry-go-round.
Drags on way too long, didn't know when to shut up and move on.
Overall pretty good. Might wanna consider getting the abridged version though.

>> No.20080629

this is one of 15 books at most my mom will bring with her when she moves. as her son I think she is a failure of a woman. I understand this could mean the pathology is with either of us. still I want to ask: is it Simones fault?

>> No.20080643
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This one's better

>> No.20080652

>as her son I think she is a failure of a woman.
damn, you kiss your mother with those fingers?

>> No.20080659

traditionally, as far as I gather, she would have been expected to have some kind of a caring function

>> No.20080662

It's one of those shitty, insane books that people defend by going
>w-well it's not like those crazy third wave feminists!
Like that's some sort of accomplishment

>> No.20080669
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>written by a woman

>> No.20080825

I only support TERFs.

>> No.20081538


>> No.20082076

It's also one of those books you've never bothered to read

>> No.20082123

It’s central premise is moronic and it seems like de Beauvoir knew it. She conceded that men and women are different in very substantial ways yet still asserts they should be treated the same but never gives any justification as to why. The only logical conclusion to this particular point is you either abandon it and revert to 1st wave or move on to 3rd wave. Yes 3rd wave is retarded in and of itself but it makes sense why explaining 2nd wave, which is also retarded.
Also for all her supposed feminist gusto de Beauvoir was extremely submissive towards Sartre. She consistently makes mention of how he influenced and “encouraged” her thinking. It’s pretty obvious he just wanted to fuck as many women as he could and convince her to let him do under the guise of “empowering” her. They were in a “open relationship” yet he fucked numerous women and she had what? 1 or 2 relationships and she constantly talked about how she just wanted him. He played her like a fiddle

>> No.20083457

that makes Sartre... umm.. bbbased?

>> No.20083460

Never read the first one, so haven't tried it.

>> No.20083462

One day people will realise post modernism is inherently far right wing.

>> No.20083501

In literally two sentences you proved my point.

>> No.20083511

Idiotic take. The argument is that men and women are inherently different but both are entitled to being treated with basic respect and decency. That isn‘t the same as demanding to be treated the same. Treating a dog and a horse with respect will not look the same. But the principle is the same. You‘ll feed the dog raw meat and the horse fresh grass. But both have received the same amount of respect for their natural diet. Equality would be to demand that both get raw meat. The dog will thrive and the horse will perish. Feminism (at least that with at least oke brain cell) never argued that they want to be treated the exact same way as men. They just demand the same consideration and dignity that men are granted and that is never asking for too much.

>> No.20083759

there is not nor has there ever been any reason to go beyond Qur'an and Sunnah.

>> No.20083786
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>> No.20083839

>The Sex

>> No.20083842

>comparing humans with animals
You fucked your own argument

>> No.20083862


>> No.20083904


>> No.20083913

I didn‘t. I used animals to explain the concept to brainlets like you. I didn‘t say men are like horse and women are like dogs. How dense are you?

>> No.20083961

You're fucking retarded

>> No.20083964


>> No.20084105

Haven't read it in years and parts of it seemed like bullshit, but I wouldn't know the exactitudes of ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek civilization well enough to understand her claims about them, but it was still certainly interesting. I'd read it again if I cared enough to.

>> No.20084107


>> No.20084130

Is it about women or buttsecks?

>> No.20084907


>> No.20085224

its worth reading if you care about how women have been perceived throughout history
even if you hate women add it to your list of things to read

>> No.20086672

You’re a moron who doesn’t understand feminism. What you just described is called 1st wave feminism. As I stated there’s not a whole lot of issues with that and it has more or less rationale premises.
What de Beauvoir theorised in was 2nd wave feminism, whereby yes we acknowledge that men and women are very different in certain aspects, even in terms of their superiority and yet the should still be treated the EXACT same in EVERYTHING. An easy example to understand would be sports, men are so much better and clearly more dominant in virtually every sport and yet 2nd wave feminism would argue that they should be treated the same. That’s moronic.
This board is such a shithole with so many spastics like you giving their 2 cents in topics the know fuck all about and just end up looking like imbeciles.