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20078601 No.20078601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For when you’re feeling extremely misanthropic and disgusted with humans

>> No.20078648

Rilks's book of hours
Nietzsche's The Gay Ass Science

>> No.20078650
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x2739, Christian Recs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20078678


>> No.20078711

Die fröhliche Wissenschaft

>> No.20078782

Listen to the audiobook for “a new earth”

>> No.20078792

Crime and Punishment epilogue

>> No.20078896

Unironically, the ending of The Stranger

>> No.20079062

>ITT: old books that have no relevance whatsoever to contemporary life and society

>> No.20079249

you are actually a soulless husk

>> No.20079256
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>> No.20080011

Christianity is a death cult. Catholicism especially.
But you can (and maybe you should) find happiness in Christ's words.

>> No.20080035

Unironically the Brothers Karamazov was extremely whitepilling. Dostoevsky is overflowing with compassion and love of humanity

>> No.20080058

Have faith only in God.

>> No.20080064

kek but On Practice and Talk on Questions of Philosophy are somewhat life affirming

>> No.20080071

I love Smerdyakov

>> No.20080251

>Have faith only in God.
Believing in God is too hard. I just can’t bring myself to believe in miracles.

>> No.20080589

Elaborate on that?

>> No.20081208

just look at the Stanford Philosophical Encyclopedia for Hope.
since that is clearly what you are reaching for.

But it is hard OP I admit.
the two movements we got out of the world wars and the napoleonic wars were the surrealist and the existential movement, and other than some new age revivals a work that revives the human spirit has been rare.
and even more rare in book form.
most of the media that makes people feel good about themselves have lately been music, movies and video games.
The Celestine Prophecy, The Four Agreements, Ishamel, The Alchemist, The way of the epaceful warrior, Joshua,The Book of Enoch, Prometheius Rising.

>> No.20081233

>no Quo Vadis
shit chart

>> No.20081294

There are some writers whose works emanate pure love for our fellow humans, who always bring inmense joy to my heart whenever I read them, even if they can seem dark at times.
One of them is definitely Dostoevsky, others are Kipling, Stevenson, Plautus, Kazantzakis... but above everyone else is Cervantes. His works are the product of overwhelming bonhomie, the purest soul amongst the great writers.

>> No.20081303

And yet you're existing entirely within one.

>> No.20082638

Fear and Trembling - Kierkegaard

>> No.20082644

>Best Life affirming/Restoring faith in humanity book(s)?




>> No.20082647

Brothers Karamazov is always my #1 pick for such things, though I'm not terribly well-read

I don't think the tripfag has business telling others to return to leddit

>> No.20082653
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Namefags being absolutely cringe...pottery

>> No.20082656
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>> No.20082660
File: 32 KB, 314x500, Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20082662
