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20078527 No.20078527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pongo Edition

Previous Thread: >>20072671

>> No.20078528

Old thread hasn't even reached the bump limit.

>> No.20078533

you deserve death

>> No.20078537

Im really addicted to caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. It helps with managing anxiety and boredom but its not healthy. Why did God mean by making me a weak and anxious mess?

>> No.20078566

Like I said in the last thread God doesn't turn your life into shit on purpose. Your life is your responsibility.

>> No.20078577
File: 175 KB, 1000x1339, frederick-appleyard-the-artist-and-his-muse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my heart doesn't know how to love a woman anymore. The only one I ever loved, it was not appropriate for me to love her, and yet, although I had the courage to confess my inclination to her, who had as little experience of life as I had, she did only what was necessary to damage my heart. I don't hold it against her, I know she did her best for the greater good of everyone, and I knew even before I told her that I had no chance of securing her passion, but I grieve that knowing how much I loved her she didn't put more distance between us so that through distance my feelings would eventually fade. She came and still comes to see me, we always have dinner together, she continues to talk to me about her sorrows, to introduce me to her family, she answers my invitations and comes to visit me. She does everything as if she had to keep some sentimental reciprocity in her while I have all the reasons to believe on the other hand that it is not the case. I could undoubtedly seduce another woman without too much difficulty, but since this one gained her hold on me, nobody else has the salt that gives taste, the chaste beauty, the good will, the candor of heart and the love of arts and letters that she composes in her like the jeweler his jewel. I wonder how long she will make my soul languish, and I have at the same time some envy to not see her any more to hope to recover a functional love, and at the same time I dread to have her no more at my side and to have only the insipidity of the other women.

>> No.20078579

>God doesn't turn your life into shit on purpose
Then why did he plague all the Egyptians with locusts and frogs and the like.

>> No.20078586
File: 125 KB, 736x938, Léon_Bonnat_-_Job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God doesn't turn your life into shit on purpose.

>> No.20078589
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What's stopping you from having sex today?

>> No.20078596

You only get one pure, uncomplicated, knock you off your feet, love in life.

After that it's about if the woman is tolerable and a eugenic positive to breed with. A kind of love based around sunken coasts and shared experience does develop, it isn't life you can't ever love again, you can, but it will never be that first love.

The payoff is that raising kids, provided they are not retards, is immensely satisfying in the long run, and provides a sense of purpose unlike anything you have felt before.

>> No.20078598

God doesn't really do much when you think about it. Evil NEET, actually.

>> No.20078599

The Bible is folk mythology. The real God is within your Heart.

>> No.20078602

My feet hurt.

>> No.20078606



>> No.20078607

Cope! Love is real and incredibly so! You're just jaded and depressed lol

>> No.20078610

Explain why my greatest love story is my third one

>> No.20078617

I don't think you read my post, because I outlined not one, but two different kinds of love.
I am not sure where you get "love doesn't exist" from that.

Honestly, you sound panicked. Like you read half a sentence you didn't agreed with and rushed to respond.

>> No.20078622

Sounds like something you should be doing. Because I have no idea what you even mean by 'greatest'.

>> No.20078645

Why are glasses and cups getting bigger?
I found it interesting to see how wine glasses were once small, but then I realized when I was a kid a standard water glass was 250 ml, but now its 300 ml and getting bigger. Coffee and tea were drank from cups that could hold 150 ml, 200 ml at most, while some cups these days even reach up to 500 ml.

>> No.20078675
File: 57 KB, 888x260, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /pol/ so superior to every other board?

>> No.20078679

Listen, you're the stupid bitch saying YoU GeT oNLy OnE lOvE StOrY!!1 as if love isn't an infinite and unlimited resource, it's really funny to me. I have pity for you, because your life must fucking suck.
Love you though! <3

>> No.20078683

There is no "two different kinds of love". There is only one kind of love. If you think there are different kinds of love you are confused.