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20076588 No.20076588 [Reply] [Original]

She called me a jjew, she called me short and said my vebage was infinatile

she called me a scrawny weak jew

stupid korean whore

>> No.20076595

Sir, this is a McDonalds.

>> No.20076599

the chad korean whore vs the virgin weak jew

>> No.20076613

Well she was right.
If she were wrong you would have murdered her like a real man.

>> No.20076655


she no lie your wife when it come masculinity

she have principle for whore

your wife just grab and rob you then fuck your brother lie vampire

>> No.20076658


that why you no recover for vietnam

that why you have protistute from vietnman make you tea

>> No.20076669


you no murder wife who take son to your brother house

deluson delusion

you loss leg for delusion of your bullet head politician sunshine kennedy

>> No.20076742

She sounds based, can I have her number?

>> No.20076766


she told me she went to a meeting and jews eat people

>> No.20076771


she told me talmudic jews eat people, in soup

like old witch tales

>> No.20076779


she told me jews eat humans

she can tell fbi where

>> No.20076785


not a joke

the truth

she might die though in tell this

>> No.20076791

but fbi now talmudic too
like rosemary baby

everyone is in on it

>> No.20076797


but anon

if you not talmudic and genuine christian

she saw this

>> No.20076806


You think funny
but it very not

>> No.20076814


Not funny

everyone in on it

>> No.20076822


no escape

jesuit are talmudit

>> No.20076832


You are jesuit talmud

>> No.20076838

jews are cannibals

>> No.20076846

fbi agent


you can not go against

but you can hear

>> No.20076852

they are evil

>> No.20076857

opus dei

if you hear me

please respond

>> No.20076869

the jesuits are immoral like the talmudicist

you are our only hope

>> No.20076878

please help us

>> No.20076890
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>> No.20077524
File: 43 KB, 680x513, 314971343134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20077607

>Oswald was ranting about the Jews again. Diana could not stand it anymore. It seemed that every second of his was devoted to this singular obsession. To Oswald, it was the Jews who ran the banks, press, and trade unions. He began a new diatribe at dinner, proclaiming to the Mosley family how a Rothschild-Marxist-Freemason conspiracy had been forged to discredit German National Socialism. Diana had had enough. She demanded that he shut the fuck up. Oswald was filled with rage at this female insubordination. He demanded that his wife apologize immediately or face his primal wrath. She continued to insult him and questioned the chances of their marriage surviving. Oswald would not tolerate these words. He immediately flung his chicken tenders at the bitch. After cackling like a madman, he proceeded to throw his plate at her as well. As Diana began to bleed from the piercing strike, Oswald felt a sense of great satisfaction. He denounced his wife as a kike-lover and then picked up a knife. He began stabbing Diana as she screamed for him to stop. After laying down the law, Oswald ended his attack. He then repeated his demand for an apology as his wife trembled in a pool of her blood.

>> No.20077610

>Diana begged for forgiveness and pledged to be forever loyal to him. Oswald threw her against the wall and continued to elaborate on his racial theories for some time. When he was finished, he cleaned up his wife's blood and provided her with bandages. Diana was in extreme pain and went to sleep. Oswald locked her away and began writing various anti-Semitic pamphlets and preparing for his speeches. That night, he left his residence to attend a meeting of the British Union of Fascists in Manchester. At the conference, Oswald gave the final speech of the night in which he outlined why the industrial extermination of the Jews was necessary. Even his fellow fascists were repulsed by the open savagery Oswald advocated for. Loud boos drowned out Oswald's increasingly unhinged remarks. He denounced the attendees as sellouts and cucks. While Oswald was away in Manchester, Diana woke up and discovered that she was locked away. After calling for Oswald and receiving no answer, she became convinced that she was going to be locked away forvered and starved to death for her disloyalty. She found a pistol in a drawer and shot herself. At the meeting, Oswald stormed out and vowed to purge all the traitors when his day would come. After returning to his residence, Oswald discovered Diana's corpse.

>> No.20077614

He realized that the circumstances of her suicide could easily lead to his imprisonment if discovered by the authorities. Oswald thus came up with a brilliant scheme to avoid persecution from the Jew-controlled police. He thoroughly cleaned the room and then placed Diana on the kitchen table. He took the knife he stabbed her with earlier and began cutting her body into bite-sized pieces. He then glued the pieces of the smashed plate back together and began to eat the chunks of his wife's body one by one. When he was finished eating the entire corpse, he declared that he had become MOSLEY, for he was no longer merely "Oswald Mosley" but had in fact merged Oswald and Diana Mosley into a singular entity. As MOSLEY, he was also no longer a "he" but now identified as non-binary and began to use they/them pronouns. MOSLEY then chopped off their penis with the knife. Suffering from excruciating pain, MOSLEY called on the phone for immediate medical assistance. Moments later, they were helped into an ambulance. At the hospital, MOSLEY fell into a coma. The doctor saw that the cause of MOSLEY's agony was their chopped penis. Unable to reattach the severed penis, the doctor placed an emergency order for a prosthetic penis. In that moment, MOSLEY arose from their bed. They suddenly grew squid-like appendages and strangled the doctor to death, presuming him to be a Jew. MOSLEY's bleeding suddenly stopped and the transformed creature began to rapidly expand in size. The hospital was destroyed in MOSLEY's epic attack and they began to terrorize the capital of international Jewry, London. MOSLEY destroyed much of London with their new squid powers until a special all-lesbian unit of the British Army equipped with mechas was deployed to fight them. The Super Special Lesbian Squad (SSLS) overcame great adversity to defeat MOSLEY in combat and saved the peace of the British Empire.

>> No.20077619

Meds. Now.

>> No.20077621

My ex of 4 years told me that the guy she cheated on me with (that she met the night before) treated her better than I did in all our time together even after I helped her get out of an abusive home.

It gets easier. Start hitting on others at a bar or something

>> No.20077661

You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.
You. Meds.

>> No.20078475

I hear you bro, what'chu want muh nigga?