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/lit/ - Literature

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20075419 No.20075419 [Reply] [Original]

I read Twilight in elementary school trying to get a gf

>> No.20075756

Every time I get outed as a pseud I start bumping threads from the last page until the dreaded thread is deleted.

>> No.20075766

I kinda raped a girl in middle school while she was sleeping

>> No.20075768

I download books faster then I read. Somedays I feel more satisfied seeing flashy books in my epub than actually reading them.

>> No.20075775

How is this /lit/ related?
did you hit her with a book once she woke up?

>> No.20075779

>Every time I get outed as a pseud I start bumping threads from the last page until the dreaded thread is deleted.
Based asf. The worst is when the keep bumping the thread you were exposed in.

>> No.20075780

I have around 370 on my Kindle and read around 50 :(

>> No.20075787
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I browse reddit.

>> No.20075790

I order books and then never read them.

>> No.20075809

I started just writing down books I am interested in rather than just amassing a huge backlog. Once I've finished my backlog I will just buy one at a time otherwise it just gets too overwhelming.

>> No.20075829

I reading the bible and when it got to leviticus or whatever. Where it describes in detail how the arc of the convenant is to be housed. I got totally bored and skipped to the new testament and finished it. Then told every one i read the bible. Even though i skipped everything in between

>> No.20075835

I was reading"""

>> No.20075840
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i needlessly sexualise the characters i deem cool, or have rape/violent fantasies about those i dislike
if the general story is grim I'd run a parallel simulation in my head where the world is fixed and nothing bad happens (and my self-insert is present in it)

>> No.20075842
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I get a crush on pretty much every cute girl in every book I read

>> No.20075843
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>I reading the bible

>> No.20075857

I corrected it >>20075835

>> No.20075863
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>I cowected id

Too late fuckwad

>> No.20075898

when my now gf and i just started dating she lent me a book and i overwrote one page with extremely graphic sex fantasies about her and then came unto it so that it would stick together with the next page (didn't really work so i had to use some glue as well)

>> No.20075967
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I fumbled a big heavy textbook into my crotch and damaged my peen

>> No.20076467

I thought that Ready Player One was good when I was 20. I’ve read 100s of books since then and my taste has changed considerably. But the fact that I ever enjoyed that book will always haunt me and degrade my confidence in my own opinions. I can’t even say that it was a childhood mistake.

>> No.20076473

The only book I have finished this year is Treasure Island by R. L. Stevenson. I tried reading other books but I'm too lazy this year for some reason.

>> No.20076475

I like to collect good books but I haven't read most of them

>> No.20076480

I actually haven't read that many books from start to finish. I've read the entire Redwall series, the entire Harry Potter series, and maybe 15 individual books total.

>> No.20076484

i don't read any books really because i fell for the greeks meme and don't enjoy reading them. but i also don't want to miss any references in books so i don't read those that interest me either because i'm afraid i'm unprepared for these works

>> No.20076490

I only read Eccleasiastes.

>> No.20076493

ur on a good path, have confidence in ur opinions

>> No.20076498

Holy fuck anon.

>> No.20076499

yeah but then i dont get the dopamine hit of spending my hard earned money on something

>> No.20076513


>> No.20076515

I can’t read. It’s embarrassing, but I think I have undiagnosed dyslexia. I like to refresh the /lit/ catalog and cry about all the threads that I will never understand.

>> No.20076516


>> No.20076559

I wrote an infamous mlp fanfiction.

>> No.20076583

My enthusiasm for the first 50% of a book is much greater than the last half. I’m always excited to start a new book but I’ll rush once deeply in it to get to another book even if I love the current book. I guess it’s a grass is always greener type thing

>> No.20076602

I read about 100 pages of Journey to the End of the Night and concluded that I wasn't going to get anything else out of the book, or from Celine in general, despite enjoying what I had read.
It was a weird reaction that I haven't had to any other writer before or since.

>> No.20076622

I forgot to add that I have started publishing book reviews professionally (only 2 so far) and I live in fear of anyone finding my old (locked) goodreads account

>> No.20076629

I loved first half of the journey but was indifferent to second

>> No.20076644
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i have literally only read russian literature.
i have never read a single book that was non russian / soviet.

>> No.20076672
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I hate dragons. I just hate them so fucking much it's unreal. If I suspect that a book has dragons in it, I will not read it. I am racist against dragons.

>> No.20076677

this is a little autistic but mostly based

>> No.20076719
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>I only read science fiction, fantasy and romance. Most of my to-be-read log consists of Star Wars and Marvel related novels.
>I wrote a 55k word action romance novel. I've been working on it for about 5 years. I constantly procrastinate because I'm afraid to put myself out there even though I only planned on sharing it with one other person and possibly my therapist. I got a really shitty critique from a beta reader who stopped just short of saying I was ignorant/stupid for writing it. I once went to a writing group who shit on it pretty hard, as well.
>I love the LOTR movies but couldn't get into the books when I tried reading them as a teenager. I'm going to try again now that I'm slightly more well read/intelligent.
>I used Spark Notes to get through my philosophy course. I got As in both classes and haven't touched it since.

>> No.20076897

I have only read one book by Nietzsche years ago (BGAE) but I still relentlessly post in Nietzsche threads accusing pretty much everyone of misunderstanding him

>> No.20076898

What’s it called?

>> No.20077047

I write erotica that I know I'll never publish anywhere because it's too degenerated.

>> No.20077088

I am the kind of asshole that would normally tell you that you are a philistine or something of the sort. But if it helps you get thought life then good on you, it is a harmless hobby and you may end up reading more complex books as you keep reading and your tastes evolve.

>> No.20077878
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>I share the same board as these people.

>> No.20077908

Start by hiding all /sffg/ threads, then please fall for the meme and start with the greeks. You're young and have a bright literary future ahead

>> No.20077937

I will never respect any post accompanied with an anime image. Not a single good quality is acquired from exposure to it, on the contrary it lulls the developing brain into degradation.

That's a confession right?

>> No.20077941

I actually read the books i post about.

>> No.20077965

The first book I ever re-read was The God Delusion

>> No.20078261

I read the fellowship and two towers and dropped it at the start of the return of the king. Loved the the hobbit but I found lotr more tiresome. I'm very new to reading so I probably just have a shit attention span and need to read more.

>> No.20078304

You guys aren't serious right?
How do you get filtered by children's literature

>> No.20078327

I may have ocd and adhd.I get very anxious while reading that i'm not understanding or interpretating something wrong.

>> No.20078341

was it cupcakes?

>> No.20078346

Extremely based. You can also read the philosophical works of Petrarch, the Pensées of Pascal and the sermons of Bossuet to get even more Ecclesiastes.

>> No.20078544

I browse the catalog from the bottom up so I can save shitty threads from dying

>> No.20078692
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I keep my manga next to my complete works of Aristotle.

>> No.20078699 [DELETED] 

I only read ebooks, but once I finished them, I purchase physical copies that I never touch.

>> No.20078752

I'm really poorly read and didn't know where to start so I just looked up the /lit/ best books and bought as much as I could afford.

>> No.20078758

I think the hobbit book is trash

>> No.20078763
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I have wanked reading pic related.

>> No.20078775

I read books using 'word runner' (rapid serial visual presentation) on kindle fire.

>> No.20078786

I had to google what that was. Looks atrocious. Still better than audio books..

>> No.20078802

Okay, to be fair, I also read books normally. I admit, I also listen to audiobooks, but my favourite way to read is with word runner, because I read atrociously slow and often backtrack, and word runner stops me from doing that.

>> No.20078853

Do you write self insert fanfiction

>> No.20078900
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i only read like 140 words per minute and now i feel like a brainlet. i could be reading faster but i to really remember what happened i have to read at the speed i think the characters and/or narrator would speak and internalize what each of them is saying with a specific voice, so that it's like a movie but in my imagination.
am i retarded?
i googled reading speed and while the average appears to be like 250 words per minute some anons in archived threads claimed to read at over 600 words per minute.

>> No.20078907

I once wrote a self-insert Silent Hill fanfiction. I have no other /lit/ sin so severe.

>> No.20078929

Post pic

>> No.20078943

I can't for the life of me attempt Hegel

>> No.20078950

That's the book I'm trying to get my 45 half illiterate roommate into reading with

>> No.20078963

>i fell for the greeks meme and don't enjoy reading them
What a tragedy. I fell in love with the greeks

>> No.20078965

I didn't know that D'Artagian was the main character in the three musketeers, or even that he existed until I read the book when I was 25. Nobody ever fucking mentions him when they talk about the three musketeers. They do my man dirty.

Also I had coon and loon mixed up in my head, AND I didn't know that coon was slang for raccoon. So I used to get extremely confused whenever it was a topic. I didn't realize my mistake until I saw someone call a raccoon a coon in a movie, and I didn't realize that I had gotten loon and coon mixed up until... today, actually.

>> No.20078971

>kinda raped
what, you tea-bag her or something?

>> No.20078974

Anon. Hegel is not THAT difficult. What is really difficult is his usage of vocabulary. Once you develop an understanding of every concept in Hegel and you understand what he means by each word it becomes more accessible. There are many Hegel glossaries that you can look up. Read them and you will be able to read Hegel. Believe me it's worth it, Hegel is so amazing.

Maybe watch Wheaton College's Hegel lectures on youtube before starting? They have four pretty good and accessible lectures on Hegel.

>> No.20078979

I can’t understand anything other than philosophical realism. I can’t see how consciousness isn’t emergent. I really want to have a different worldview.

>> No.20079030

In 9th grade I got introduced to Anthem by Ayn Rand and subsequently consumed both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged in the same year. I became enamored with the ideal of self reliance and independent, heroic man. I still am.

>> No.20079061


>> No.20079069

>Spark Notes
What is that?

>> No.20079085

I'm reading that atm hehe

>> No.20079089

KEK. Give us an example anon.

>> No.20079113

Just power through it man. Re-read parts that are confusing, use the dictionary for any words you don't understand.
LOTR was an absolute joy to read for me, I went through 100~ pages a day at times.

>> No.20079125

I’ve read Bukowski after the age of 20 and I’m not ashamed of it.

>> No.20079129

I guess

>> No.20079140
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I couldn't finish the And Quiet Flows the Don

>> No.20079722

How was it?

>> No.20079729


>> No.20079753

In elementary school, a girl was trying to rest her head on my arm and I kept moving down the bench, too focused on something retarded I was doing. I doubt she posts here but I knew she liked reading so if you're here I'm sorry );

>> No.20079770

pls be bait
I think Dragons are cool, but only the Beowulf kind who burns villages and hoards treasure. Le wise and peaceful ancient dragon is such a stupid trope.

>> No.20079803

I read twilight because I thought it sounded romantic.

>> No.20079806

Okay hear me out. Moby-Dick, but with dragons.

>> No.20079917
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I have wanked reading pic related.

>> No.20079951

Try audiobooks anon.

>> No.20080125

no, but i compile it in my head while reading

>> No.20080141

I have literally never read a book. All I read about are the discourses around books, plot summaries, etc. People can't tell because it doesn't come up that much and even if it does it barely matters because most people don't read and the ones that do do it so infrequently that it doesn't matter

>> No.20080293

Amateur. I have over 2000 and I've only read about 5 of them.

>> No.20080301
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I read as much fanfiction as actual literature.

>> No.20080314

Last two months i have read 20 fantasy books with dragons as main protagonist and feel no shame. And i have also read 3 books about geochemistry and organic petrology of coal in past 2 weeks.

>> No.20080344

With books seperated into other books (like the bible, illiad, herodotus etc) what I usually do is I read one, for example genesis, then move onto different book entirely (some silly fiction, like a King novel or some fantasy), finish that then read exodus etc. It prevents burnout, especially for the bible, and you can really appreciate each passage.

>> No.20080370

Reading the NT is more than most Christians manage anyway, unfortunately.
Reading the entire Bible cover to cover is the reserve of
- Priests/Scholars
- Extremely pious people who have the whole thing memorized and have a Bible quote for every situation
- Atheists who went on a mythology binge

>> No.20080453

I once got told by a philosophy professor I had that you could literally memorize every word of the Bible by doing the following
>saying the phrase aloud 3 times while looking at it
>saying it once without looking at it
>writing it down 3 times while looking at it
>writing it down once without looking at it
And you pick 5 verses each day, review the ones you've studied until you're going over about 25 each day, and when you take on another 5 you drop the oldest 5 and continue on for the whole book that way.

>> No.20080462

Reads fantasy and science textsbooks, yup its a stemfag.

>> No.20080526

That's a slow ass way to memorize any book