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20069172 No.20069172 [Reply] [Original]

Democratization takes many forms. The most famous being political democratization, i.e. the transformation of monarchism or fascism into democracy, many books have been written on this subject but I wonder if there are any books on the democratization of society beyond the political order?

For example in historiography the mainstream of academics don't believe in the great man theory anymore and instead use the "history from below" approach.

In writing, not a long time ago only a select few learned people wrote books, now everybody writes books (I recently came across a book written by a cleaning lady spilling the beans on what weird things she encountered in her clients homes).

There has been democratization in beauty as well. Hollywood increasingly casts average looking actors, Clothing companies use obese, unattractive black women as models when they previously only used thin and attractive white women.

Paralympics can be seen as an attempt to democratize sports, so that even disabled people can participate.

Feminism can be seen the democratization of the sexes since feminism demands equal rights for the sexes and wishes to topple the patriarchal aristocracy.

Similarly, the LGBTQ movement represents a desire to democratize sexual orientations, trying to topple "heteronormativity".

Mass immigration and the cult of diversity on a fundamental level is nothing but the democratization of races and ethnic groups.

Art, architecture, music, culture... Democratization leaves no stone untouched. Has any book every been written to talks about all these trends?

>> No.20069193

>I am a demagogue

>> No.20069192

any volume that traces the developments of postindustrial capitalism will sort you out

>> No.20069203

I think what you're really looking at with "democracy beyond politics" is cultural protestantism.
> An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of America
Is written by a bluepilled faggot, but it elaborates in detail on the cultural impacts of mainline protestantism that formed the sensibilities of the modern western elite.

>> No.20069207
File: 15 KB, 279x200, 4ea5ce01eb4e58d7590aa344ad5ba93a--gilles-surf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you are describing sounds similar to the concept of Deterritorialization. I wouldn't go to bat for all of these guys but the idea was first explored in the work of Giles Deleuze and Felix Guattari "Capitalism and Schizophrenia". These guys take their observations and take it in a more Marxist direction, but their observations are accurate in my opinion.
Another would be the works of Jacques Ellul, who predicted the decline of civilization due to the pursuit of technological efficiency over culture and quality in "The Technological Society".
These might be too unrelated for you but your post did make me think of them.

>> No.20069357

>Art, architecture, music, culture...
Roger Scruton is good on this

>> No.20070282

I think a lot of low brow right wingers observe that modern (abstract) art is ugly, modern music is distasteful, modern architecture is ugly, movies used to be better, modernity is vulgar and profane, there's no decorum anymore and so on but they can't put their finger on what caused all of this (including me). Your explanation seems to be democracy caused this?

>> No.20070308

We both know the answer

>> No.20070309

Maybe Mcdonald's individualism and the western liberal tradittion? Talks about aristocratic individualism and egalitarian indovidualism. I haven't read it tho

>> No.20070321


Any basic art history book would explain it to you idiot but you’re too wrapped up in your culture wars to even try to understand

>> No.20070323

You keep using this word but meaning something else.


>> No.20070328

J- J- J-

>> No.20070333

what even is the meaning of "democracy" at this point?
I don't understand what you're saying, anon. people keep going on about it, democracy this, democracy that. we have to protect our democracy with lies, censorship, propaganda, and even violence. anything is justified to protect this so called "democracy". could you please enlighten me?

>> No.20070645

They finally replaced this billboard. Now it's a CK ad with a bunch of thin, attractive, young white people skateboarding.

>> No.20070658

I have thought about this topic. Describing the ruling class as Jewish is not nearly accurate. Imagine someone who doesn't know what pizza is and you tell them it consists of tomatoes. Yes, pizza includes tomatoes and it's an important part but far from the whole deal, and the person would have a perception of what pizza is that isn't totally divorced from reality but also far from it.

>> No.20070670

Something something equality something something everybody can participate something something no aristocracy something something mediocrity.

>> No.20071705

seconding this

>> No.20071929

Ever heard of this guy called Marx??
Wicked shit.

>> No.20071960

george soro's books, unironically

>> No.20072027

oh look another one of these guys

>> No.20072180
File: 69 KB, 232x198, 1631113958100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20072215

I think when a Democrat is President the powers that be relax a lot. Trump drove them all crazy and they were pulling stunts like this nigger cow in their TDS. Now it's all fine. Doesn't mean their antics let up completely of course but they're not as obsessive about it.

>> No.20072928

This sounds like something Evola would talk about

>> No.20072936

>long, obtuse rant about literally everything but literature
>books for this feel?

>> No.20073034

>the transformation of monarchism or fascism into democracy
You coupling fascism and monarchism together and implying that their relation to democracy are in any way directly comparable is proof that you are a reactionary retard. My suggestion is to read a Harry Potter book.

>> No.20074733

>Has any book every been written to talks about all these trends?
I have no idea, Zizek probably has something, though.

>modern (abstract) art is ugly
Not sure if a shift toward abstraction and non-representation in modern art is an example of what OP is referring to. It's even more high brow and elitist than the art that came before it. Clearly you have been excluded from the group that has the context to appreciate it. Perhaps it became "democratized" in a strict sense that technique in representing things in the world accurately is less relevant, though.
>low brow right wingers
>(including me)

>> No.20074747

Adorno's Culture Industry
Baudrillard's Consumer Society
Bauman's Consuming Life
Lasch's Culture of Narcissism

>> No.20075026

can't speak for bauman but the other three are what you're looking for OP

>> No.20075822
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Post more recommendations please friends. Have a relevant gif for you trouble

>> No.20075891
File: 184 KB, 900x1200, 1647373459261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away; all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life and his relations with his kind"

>> No.20075907
File: 45 KB, 280x400, Dust_jacket_first_edition_of_The_Rising_Tide_of_Color_Against_White_World-Supremacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
