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File: 854 KB, 2048x2048, 0616A125-8E86-4068-8A1D-905CC007464A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20067945 No.20067945 [Reply] [Original]

The top three images are in essence, the horror lovecraftian horror gives. (usually) Fish-like/slug-like alien beings from beyond anything understandable that taps into that fear of the unknown.

Despite the fact that Cthulhu taps into all of that, look at the three bottom images. None of these evoke lovecraft, they evoke shit that has nothing to do with lovecraft (aka badass art, muscles, angry eyes). And guess what, a massive chunk of art based on Cthulhu is like this. I think because of Cthulhu’s sheer power in the mythos, people elevate that to the highest echelon.

Even though Lovecraft himself drew a picture of him, I never thought that was what Cthulhu looked like, I always thought that Crhulhu would be beyond the understanding of form for any human to see. Dagon is lovecraftian horror. Cthulhu has been morphed by people into something else entirely, missing the whole purpose of Cthulhu’s placement in the mythos in the first place.

>> No.20067966

>cthulhu, created by lovecraft, should no longer be considered lovecraftian
>because some retards drew him a way I don't like
anon, I...

>> No.20067994

lovecraft describes the carved effigy of cthulhu as having an octopus head, a human body and draconic extremities/wings. if you aren't paying attention to the story, you take this as the literal, gospel truth. however, elsewhere lovecraft makes it very clear that this is an interpretive representation, not a photographic recreation. in essence, think of how abstract ancient carvings of animals were, and then amplify that level of abstraction about a thousand times since something like cthulhu is beyond any frame of reference humans have ever had. the real cthulhu doesn't have two arms and two legs and a human torso. it doesn't have giant bat wings. it probably doesn't even have tentacles as we'd understand them (suction cups, etc). the most lucid description of its face is as a "mass of feelers", which means it's less of a literal octopus and more like a bundle of polyps and arms that could perhaps be interpreted as tentacles. humans can't grasp how this form could move and speak and kill, so they project familiar attributes onto it

>> No.20067996

>1984 should no longer be considered Orwellian

>> No.20068004

I don’t understand why Cthulhu has so totally eclipsed everything else Lovecraft did. I thought At the Mountains of Madness was far superior. Actually I can think of half a dozen of his stories I found more interesting.

>> No.20068016

Top left looks söy

>> No.20068017

I’m OP.

You missed the entire point of what I said. I was pointing out that Cthulhu has eclipsed everything lovecraft ever wrote to the point where Cthulhu isn’t even lovecraftian anymore. I used art as an example. But you can find examples in video games (i.e. Cthulhu saves the World) or books (Sweet Dreams Cthulhu).

Thanks for missing the message. Use your brain next time.

>> No.20068021

100% thank you. So many fucking idiots forgot this that they now apply stereotypical Cthulhu as fucking canon it drives me insane

>> No.20068040
File: 81 KB, 663x717, 2F6B4AB4-9DA0-43F4-9D33-4840B1A0E5FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of your further opinions related to this topic are now irrelevant because of the sheer cringe of how hard you missed the simple point of this post. AKA I’ll spell it out for you:

>1984 was a horrible example comparatively to Cthulhu. 1984 is a story that doesn’t belong in a mythos. Call of Cthulhu does. 1984 is a story. Cthulhu is a character.

>> No.20068049

>I’m OP.
Doubtful, op would never post something this stupid.
>You missed the entire point of what I said.
>has eclipsed everything lovecraft ever wrote to the point where Cthulhu isn’t even lovecraftian anymore
I don't think so. I'd ask for some citations supporting your claim but thankfully you have provided two.
>Cthulhu saves the World) or books (Sweet Dreams Cthulhu
These media artifacts clearly owe their entire existence to the premise of Cthulhu being in them. Specifically, they derive ironic humour from placing Cthulhu in a context incongruous with his character. Did you hear me? Yes, in order for Cthulhu's role in these works to be meaningful the audience must have the Lovecraftian iteration as their preconception.
So am I retarded or did you just disprove your own point? M'thinks so. M'thinks so.

>> No.20068058

>lovecraft police

>> No.20068065
File: 3.35 MB, 4032x3024, FCA6E98D-7F1F-465A-877E-D824284E949C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not . . .

That’s not what OP was saying tho? They were implying across the board I think.

>> No.20068070

Yup. Here they are again with this redundant shit.

>> No.20068076

Why is this sub so obsessed with a mythos. Just read it and either enjoy or don’t. Have an opinion and then just fucking calm down. So many autists lose their mind over this shit.

>> No.20068082
File: 51 KB, 474x586, vbtjhfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovecraft created him and this is the picture he drew of him. It looks more like the bottom 3 pictures to be honest.

>> No.20068085


actually I take that back, it doesnt look like any of them at all, I am not suprised I have never seen this real picture before desu.

>> No.20068086

That is what OP was saying. He seems to object to Cthulhu not being depicted in a strictly Lovecraftian spirit but that is tantamount to complaining that a *particular* depiction of Mahomet is not in a strictly Muslim spirit. Beyond this puerile complaint he doesn't substantiate his angst.

>> No.20068092

He looks like an average 4chan poster eating spaghetti, those bottom 3 images actually made it scarier in comparison.

>> No.20068097
File: 55 KB, 679x468, 81C7IZULp6L._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crafted in material beyond the imagination of man.

>> No.20068113
File: 28 KB, 450x450, 11358673-5654433752993611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.

>> No.20068114

The three bottom images make him look like Godzilla.

>> No.20068116

Still OP.

The fact they joke about it in a meta sense still confirms the overall narrative that Cthulhu is more popular than anything else in the mythos, hence why he would be part of the joke, and in the title. Yes you would be aware of him being the mythos. Still proves the point. Thanks for doing it for me. People call it the “Cthulhu Mythos” to differentiate it from other lovecraftian lores for a reason. It’s not called the “Azathoth Mythos”. List off for me how many novel editions, and how many tabletop rpg versions of the three word phrase “Call of Cthulhu” exist?

>> No.20068119


>> No.20068123

He looks so at peace

Is that fucker sitting at a park or something

>> No.20068131

If something is not portrayed in spirit, shouldn’t it be considered something else entirely?

>> No.20068136

No. Not really. Slightly different yes but not entirely different

>> No.20068139

No one cares. Except for me since I replied. I just wanted to let you know.

>> No.20068143

It’s the mass depiction. It’s Cthulhu’s popularity OP is referring to. I still think it doesn’t matter desu, Cthulhu is in the lovecraft mythos whether he’s popular or not.

>> No.20068146

>The fact they joke about it in a meta sense still confirms the overall narrative that Cthulhu is more popular than anything else in the mythos,
Cthulhu being the most popular of Lovecraft's monsters is only incidental to your point in the OP; though you have previously claimed to know it much better than I, so I'm not sure why I should now have to explain it to you.

>> No.20068148
File: 111 KB, 682x935, 31A7CAE9-A12D-4ECF-9A71-FEE50E77563E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause Lovecraft is popular

>> No.20068157

>"What if Cthulu wasn't just a story?"
>Cthulhu emerges from water
>Tom cruise is looking up with a shocked expression while he's taking off his sunglasses
>Music by Hans Zimmer starts playing
>"We've known about its existence for years"
>shot of Tom Cruise running
>Vin diesel is talking with Dwayne
>"Looks like we've got one mother of a fish on our hands"
>Vin Diesel smirks
>Music gets even more intense
>shot of Tom Cruise running with Ana De Armas dressed scantly
>Army men and tanks shooting at Cthulhu
>buildings collapsing everywhere
>shot of Tom Cruise holding onto a missile as it flies through the air
>"Benji could you please open the missile DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!"
>shot of Vin Diesel driving his dodge charger r/t 1970 into Cthulhu's face in slow motion
>music intensity at its peak
>black screen as soon he's about to hit him, music goes quiet
>title fades in
>C T H U L H U
>cut to Kevin Hart signing a cheque for his last payment on the house
>cheerily walks out front door and puts cheque in mailbox
>giant tentacle slams into the block behind him, demolishing his house
>horrified look on his face as he hears the destruction
>turns around
this is what lovecraft envisioned

>> No.20068159

If this is actually what OP meant then he's dumb. Why would he make a thread stating something that everyone already knows?
>because he's retarded
That would be an adequate explanation, but no... no, I refuse to believe it.
And why the quibbling over drawings?

>> No.20068164


>> No.20068166


>> No.20068171

We are all retards because


OP is indeed retarded. Conclusion reached

>> No.20068176


>> No.20068196

That's because he is. The pop image of Cthulhu is a winged Godzilla with tentacles and has about as much depth.

>> No.20068271 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 800x450, 1647335143617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open on a quiet oceanic vista
>little boy (speaking mandarin) excitedly runs up to middle-aged man as he steps off boat
>man smiles and messes his hair
>close up on eyes, they widen (as much as they can)
>oceanic vista from before but there's a giant lump of water rising
>jump cut to close up of father's face
>he appears to be chewing
>cut to wide shot of family sitting at the table
>giant slimy tentacle covers it
>little boy smiles as mother cuts him a piece
>jump cut to family
>they appear to be getting on a plane
>they are departing for the US
>even grandmother and grandfather are with them
>Title card: H.P. Lovecraft's "The Immigration to Innsmouth"