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20064538 No.20064538 [Reply] [Original]

A conspiracy that has been unfolding over centuries, a despotic-parasitic archontic power structure that bleeds into all levels of reality, conspiracies within conspiracies, a truly never-ending rabbit hole. Where betrayal is affirmed, and innocence is forever lost. "What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end." Man becomes a stepping stool, an automaton for a self-proclaimed prophet of the future, it's all futile. An all-encompassing metaphysik will always remain incomplete, a hole will always be left for the outside to come in. Existence is riddled with treachery, deception, and illusions...O how right were those Orientalists. All is flux but nothing is new under the sun either, how paradoxical. Most are lost in a structure that was built for collapse, a collapse that is never-ending...humanity is a tragedy, inheritors of the first true tragedy being the light-bringer Prometheus but is it not all-too-human to forget, to forget his brother Epimetheus who unwisely accepted Pandora's Box. We are curated by a black box immersed in a simulacrum that is untouchable. Ghosts and spirits of nye emerging once again as we remain hypnotized. We stretch our bows back and let the arrow fly into a sea of darkness, only some remain that hold the flickering flame of their arrow in this dark tunnel. Catastrophe is not uncommon to the human being, deluge upon deluge, death is our lot. What is Eternal? Is the Eternal a cruel joke as well, another psyop to put the faithful saints in a black box of hope? Who knows? Until our destruction, whether brought upon us by ourselves or by the so-called "gods" let's achieve a sense of calm that is envied upon even by the gods, to be able to withdraw and endure the horrifying storms of Poseidon and the hellfire's of Hades, millennia upon millennia.

>> No.20064572

This guy was a phenomenal writer but he was cracked. I've been reading On the genealogy of morals and the things he says are so ridiculous.
Here are some for those that haven't read him

>Cleverness is not a virtue
>Christianity was the Jewish revenge on the world
>The man of strength displaying his strength to do evil things is not evil
>Evil is made up
>Those who say they are patient are weak
>Those who say they don't get angry are weak
>Those who say they don't want to commit murder are weak
>everybody that isn't a psychopath and is governed by a code of morality is weak and bad.
>bad and weak are the same

>> No.20064604

Have you at least considered picturing for yourself what the ancient world looked like and thinking about what philology consists of?

>> No.20064736

Reeks of slave morality from the first sentence. You were filtered.

>> No.20064809

If you think the current elite are ubermensch, or aristoi in the Greek sense, you're lost buddy. Best way to describe them is as Archons. They're is a higher almost kingly attribute to ubermensch that these decadent elite don't have, they're simply pretending to be ubermensch

>> No.20064824
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You called?

>> No.20064840

Klossowski extremely based

>> No.20064843

>Those who say they are patient are weak
>Those who say they don't get angry are weak
>Those who say they don't want to commit murder are weak
>everybody that isn't a psychopath and is governed by a code of morality is weak and bad.
>bad and weak are the same
Sounds like most women's implicit beliefs

>> No.20065419

If you think it's ridiculous to suggest that the world isn't a Good guys vs Evil guys Marvel movie or at least that morality is much more nuanced than that, you aren't ready for Nietzche.

>> No.20065428

How can Evil be made up, but bad and weak are the same? Being weak is a made up thing too then?

>> No.20065478

Evil and bad are not the same thing. To say something is bad for you is to say that it weakens you in some way.