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20064128 No.20064128 [Reply] [Original]

no shame edition

>> No.20064176
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pic related +
anything by hegel

>> No.20064204

>filtered by Hegel
How does one get filtered by meaningless trash? Genuinely asking.

>> No.20064210

right now i'm getting filtered by toni morrison but i think i can figure her out
i'd recommend you read absalom absalom, it helped me make sense of some stuff in tsatf and the rest of faulkners stuff

>> No.20064229

I appreciate the rec but I think I just hate stream of consciousness and, honestly, what's the harm in just avoiding it.

>> No.20064245

You could say Gravitys Rainbow filtered me, I could say it sucks my balls.

>> No.20064251

You tell us

>> No.20064265

oh then you'd hate absalom absalom, never mind.

>> No.20065597

I was debating on reading this next after getting through Letters from A Stoic, I wanted some Midwest Angst Stuff, and I know it's considered Southern Gothic, so would this scratch that itch, or is it just Southern Stream of Conscious?

>> No.20065617

I am a cat by Soseki
I don't get the japanese humor

>> No.20065651

Funnily enough, I got filtered by As I Lay Dying harder than SATF. I felt like I completely understood SATF by the end of the book. I missed a major plot point in As I Lay Dying because of the way it was written and my lack of attention. I love both books, though, so I don't know if filtered is the appropriate word to use here.

>> No.20066856

alcoholics anonymous
anything by allen carr

>> No.20067090

prior analytics

>> No.20067185

Portrait of the artist as a young man just got me. The vocabulary was too ascended for my peanut brain

>> No.20067431

I was mostly enjoying Moby Dick but it was so exhausting to read every night that I had to shelf it for awhile.

>> No.20067886

what do you mean 'filtered'?

>> No.20067917

The Alchemist
I've tried to read it several times but I just kept getting filtered

>> No.20067931

Thomas Sowell.

>> No.20067959

The Bible.

>> No.20067971

That's too bad

>> No.20067980

Heidegger's Being and Time. I didn't make it through the introduction.

>> No.20067982
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I think I gave up after 80 pages.

>> No.20068184

Brothers Karamazov
>hurrr long Russian names and nicknames
>me not religious because where is the pitchfork factory in hell now me religious
>what if we talked a long time in a shack while it's cold out and I got overly emotional due to our family history

>> No.20068187

well what do you think of the bible and what is your definition of shame

>> No.20068190

metaphysics by aristotle
>being new

>> No.20068193

as far as 'filtering' goes montaigne and his essays really are quite nice

>> No.20068234

>getting filtered by corncobby chronicles
good god this board is bad

>> No.20068329

I finished TSATF a fortnight ago.
I didn't really "get" why it is considered so highly but I'm not American.

>> No.20068402


Well it obviously filtered you

>> No.20068493
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I just don't get it

>> No.20068502

Sound and the Fury is really difficult but I'd recommend getting through it if you can. The ending isn't so much satisfying [bittersweet], but it explains the story well.

>> No.20068519
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This is the ultimate world-wide filter meme book
I manage to power through almost anything, but this one is just pure fuckery

>> No.20068696

I gave up on this pretty quickly. Maybe one day.

>> No.20068923
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>And Quiet flows the Don
>War and Peace
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.20068934

You should read Mason & Dixon, a vastly better book and a lot more accessible imo.

>> No.20068941


>> No.20069198

I am another anon. Recommended Pynchon reading order??

>> No.20069213

whatever you do, start with tcol49 so you can get a good sense of his style without slogging thru 700 pages

>> No.20069217

Kant filtered Hegel, so I'm not sure why I would care what he has to say

>> No.20070229
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i cope by saying the dutch translation was bad but secretly i know i'm too much of a retard for it

>> No.20070587

imagine getting filtered by a text some people doubt the divinity of due to simplicity

>> No.20070618

Mason & Dixon
Ratner's Star
Gravitys Rainbow
Doctor Faustus
Bend Sinister

>> No.20071612

Based and honest take.

>> No.20071775

Aesthetic Theory - Adorno. I didn't have the background.

>> No.20072141 [DELETED] 

20mg adderall xr twice daily convinced me that I understood Deleuze. I was only...Deleuzional. Even geeked out of my mind I couldn't make it through the first twenty pages of Phenomenology of Spooky Ghosts. So I guess you could say Hegel and Deleuze filtered me hard. I can at least believe that I'm just too low IQ to understand Hegel, but reading How To Make Oneself a Body Without Organs (or whatever it's called) from Thousand Plateaus while sober...I just can't see how this could make sense to anyone, whereas staring at Hegel makes me feel like I'm looking at a really hard math textbook. Maybe it's supposed to look like that, maybe that's the grift.

>> No.20072245

>For in the end the anus also expresses an intensity, in this case the approach to zero of a distance that cannot be decomposed without its elements changing in nature. Afield of anuses, just like a pack of wolves. Does not the child, on the periphery, hold onto the wolves by his anus? The jaw descends to the anus. Hold onto those wolves by your jaw and your anus. The jaw is not a wolf jaw, it's not that simple; jaw and wolf form a multiplicity that is transformed into eye and wolf, anus and wolf, as a function of other distances, at other speeds, with other multiplicities, between thresholds. Lines of flight or of deterritorialization, becoming-wolf, becoming-inhuman, deterritorialized intensities: that is what multiplicity is. To become wolf or to become hole is to deterritorialize oneself following distinct but entangled lines. A hole is no more negative than a wolf. Castration, lack, substitution: a tale told by an overconscious idiot who has no understanding of multiplicities as formations of the unconscious. A wolf is a hole, they are both particles of the unconscious, nothing but particles, productions of particles, particulate paths, as elements of molecular multiplicities. It is not even sufficient to say that intense and moving particles pass through holes; a hole is just as much a particle as what passes through it. Physicists say that holes are not the absence of particles but particles traveling faster than the speed of light. Flying anuses, speeding vaginas, there is no castration.
Yeah I see what you mean.

>> No.20072269
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I got tired of flipping back to the glossary

>> No.20072388
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This one made me lose my cool with all the fedora tipping

>> No.20072394
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This one did too. Analytic philosophy is NOT for me

>> No.20072471

Not a book, but two short stories:
"Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" and "Rashomon".

>> No.20072493

>I got tired of flipping back to the glossary
Thanks for the heads up never reading this

>> No.20072545
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Absolutely no clue what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.20072914

just let it kind of wash over you i think. try and find some truth in the imagery if youre enjoying it. not like its science or anything

>> No.20073047

I might have got filtered by it, but I didn't really enjoy it either. It felt that there was so much symbolism that the book just went over my head.

>> No.20073059

The antics of Satan and co were pretty amusing, and the Pilate bits were really gripping for some reason. But I just don't get what it was trying to say, you know?

>> No.20073523
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The man without qualities I just don't get it. Maybe it's the German translation. It's not that it's not interesting. I don't know what it is, I've tried for years and I just stop after a 100 pages at most.

>> No.20073529

Given the sheer length of the unabridged And Quiet Flows the Don, I can see how that would filter people. My hardback copy is like 1500 pages and weights way too fucking much. I can see it filtering people just for being exhausting to hold for long periods.

>> No.20073533

Same dude. I can press through any book as long as I have a vague idea about who the characters are and where they are, but Finnegans Wake is just like reading a foreign dictionary

>> No.20073538

Watch Daniel Bonevac’s lectures on YouTube. He overshares about his life which is annoying but it makes Frege and most of the other analytical philosophers readable

>> No.20073749

You don’t even need to, it’s sci-do schlock, very thoughtfully crafted, but ultimately schlock. Just use context clues for shit, if you don’t get every detail it doesn’t matter.

>> No.20073817


>> No.20073848

Lolita made me too uncomfortable to finish it

>> No.20073861

they talked about being schizos in capitalism. anti-oedipus means the opposite of killing your father and fucking your mother.

>> No.20073864
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>> No.20073869

Not trolling

>> No.20073884

Future Christ

>> No.20073951

If you want Midwest angst I'm begging you to read William Gass

>> No.20073964

Got filtered by The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea. I don't understand it. From what I understood the novel is a testament that live is greater than glory, but then Mishima goes ahead and plays sudoku, although while he has a wife and kids? I just don't get it, can any kind anon explain?

>> No.20073970


>> No.20073982

It's the other way around lol

>> No.20073991

Sorry I laughed. The mother's son hates the sailor for giving up on the horizon for a post-imperial life

>> No.20074020

Oh I thought it was the other way around. To me it seems Mishima makes the kids out to be psycho retards. "At the age of 13, Noboru realised his own genius". Yes, he left behind the sea but his life on land seemed to be a happy one. Perhaps this book has literally flown over my head

>> No.20074056

My reading of it was a dedication to imperial Japan. He did stab himself to death so idk how much of a psycho retard he was

>> No.20074072

It's called Seppuku and it wasn't him that's a psycho retard, it's the West

>> No.20074082

I meant the kids were the psychos lol. Idk man, I think I really messed this one up. Although thank you for your explanation.

>> No.20074139
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anybody else get filtered by the demonstrations and just start accepting the new propositions like sure wtv u say buddy god is great

>> No.20074158
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i liked his style in dandelion wine but for some reason it filtered me here

>> No.20074159

Thomas Carlyle - Past and Present

>> No.20074259
File: 222 KB, 1400x2059, 1642182422993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's best to see marx and communism from an ethnopolitical view. throughout all history, jews have established pockets of non-assimilating communities in host countries. rather than creating value (producing), they are often in the business speculation and money transferring parts of the host nation economies. over time, the jews squeeze the host nation of its wealth and the host nation excommunicates the jews. this has happened 109 times already (check wikipedia).

the jews, like marx, like communism, sees the world as "oppressed" vs "oppressor", being that "oppressed" works for them geopolitically. this is why degenerate values like LGBTQ are pushed by jews in the west but shunned in israel.

tl;dr - jews disrupt/destroy everything beautiful and natural. like the african karp.

>> No.20074279

>>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
if you are truly interested in stream of conscience, read a summary of the whole book first. the read the prose.

>> No.20074296

>start with tcol49 so you can get a good sense of his style without slogging thru 700 pages
i couldn't DISAGREE more. i did exactly this...

>want to get into pynchon
>"what's the most accessible work?"
>read it
>wtf is this post modernist piece of shit story with no character development?
>come back to /lit/
>"oh that's his worst book, try this 700 pager"