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File: 158 KB, 682x1023, Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20059336 No.20059336 [Reply] [Original]

Plato is the only turning point in world history. If one thought that all this incalculable sum of energy is not employed in the service of knowledge, then the instinctive desire to live would probably have been so weakened in the general wars of annihilation that suicide would have become a general habit, and perhaps the people might have experienced the final remnant of a sense of duty when they strangle their parents and friends.

>Post books that explore what would have happened if Plato had not existed

>> No.20059407

>Plato is the only turning point in world history. If one thought that all this incalculable sum of energy is not employed in the service of knowledge, then the instinctive desire to live would probably have been so weakened in the general wars of annihilation that suicide would have become a general habit, and perhaps the people might have experienced the final remnant of a sense of duty when they strangle their parents and friends.
Sir pls this is a Wendy's

>> No.20059412

No scholarcism no liberalism, no humanism, no modern philosophy, no enlightenment. Instead, just Christian monarchy. Sounds based.

>> No.20059436
File: 27 KB, 290x350, david_-_the_death_of_socrates_inline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's have our points clear, what do we understand by "Wendy's"?

>> No.20059448

>Christian monarchy
How will this happen exactly?

>> No.20059511
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x816, D8022EC5-E47B-4457-8F5E-972487EB8D0C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20059528

No enlightenment meaning no modern philosophy, atheism isn't socially acceptable, no humanism, no liberalism, no french Revolution, no democracy, monarchy and christianity stay.

>> No.20059597

>souless dystopia

>> No.20059610

Christianity, at least proper sort of catholic christianity, is neoplatonic. Figuring out how Christianity would look like without Plato is a project in itself. To be honest, if Christianity is true, you can make a good case, in the line of multiple Church Fathers (most famously Justin Martyr), that there would always be some sort of Plato figure who would give philosophy (in the Platonic sense) to the Greeks to prepare them for the teachings of the Christ.
Anyway, philosophy existed before Socrates/Plato and would continue to exist after them (although it wouldn't be called that), it would just be way more gay.

>> No.20059696

>Christianity, at least proper sort of catholic christianity, is neoplatonic.
Actually, Catholics preferred Aristotle through Aquinas. And Christianity as such is closer to Stoicism than to Neoplatonism.

Without Plato (and Aristotle/Epicurus consequently), Christianity would have probably adapted to the philosophy of Heraclitus (which is a Pre-Socratic that a lot of Catholic thinkers like).

>> No.20059817

I think the turn to Aristotelianism came with the translation into Latin of many of Aristotle's works in the 12th century, did it not? Looking at Aquinas, people sometimes overstate his Aristotelian-ness. I think he claimed to synthesize Plato and Aristotle, or at least to have tried to, if memory serves me. But I digress, point is he was also quite influenced by the platonic Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. And looking at another influencial figure in the Western church, Augustine, he was also neoplatonic.

>> No.20061312

Aquinas channeled Plato to complete Aristotle and fully integrate his thinking into Catholic doctrine.

>> No.20061427

But no Plato means no Platonism for Jews to steal from, so Judaism is radically different and Yeshua bar Yosef never gets born, AND no Plato means no Aristotle which means no Alexandrian ideology so not only does Yeshua bar Yosef never get born but there's also no Koine Greek and Koine culture therefore there's no mass of spiteful mutants to act as hosts for early Christianity.