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/lit/ - Literature

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20058421 No.20058421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so true

>> No.20058427

Teenage women who're experiecing their first love tend to fall into first category. The latter category is mostly reserved for dysgenic degenerate whores.

>> No.20058515

A part of a woman's maturity is subconsciously realizing that true love with a prettyboy as portrayed in media isnt real and that dating a modestly looking man with good resources - status, money is far more important and realistic.
That why the primary audience of these billionaire novels are 22+ year olds who are close to losing their youth.

>> No.20058569

>Teenage women
No older than 14.

>> No.20058639

This, and love is a dumb meme. I was a pretty shit-tier boyfriend for a few months to this girl in high school but she "loved" me and I fucked her and she's still clearly at least partially hung up on me years later and probably always will be weird. Same thing sort of happened with another girl, both of them are now gross whores and I can tell that their bfs/husbands will have to put up with a lot of shit.

>> No.20058656

there's love and there's desperation. people will put up with almost anything if they believe that it will lead to whatever they want. they wanted to fix you and you ruined them. well done anon

>> No.20058660

I'm proud. They absolutely did try to "fix" me, and I dumped them for it.

>> No.20058664
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Clean your pussy foid.

>> No.20058698

I wasn't being sarcastic. it's the way these things turn out more often than not and you did it twice. quite an accomplishment.

>> No.20058704

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.20058712

I am aware, I accepted the compliment.

>> No.20058716

The point of literature is to see how the stories we tell reflect on our real life views and choices.

>> No.20058758

Read better literature then because your choice to post in retarded offtopic threads is a poor one

>> No.20058910

>even watered down and modernised and then remade for cinema Austen triggers OP
lol wait til he finds out about Ellis Bell

>> No.20058945

You're here too, pal.

>> No.20058963

>romance for men is neotenous unrealistic animay schoolgirl inexplicably falling in love with their sorry incel hides aka pedophilia
>romance for women is being an adult professional and making rational decisions based on logic and compassion
so true

>> No.20058968


>> No.20059003

I can smell your pus filled unwashed vagina from here.

>> No.20059013

>one is for incel virgins
>one is for fat whores

>> No.20059017

My mommy is a pretty and nice lady and she likes Bridget Jones's Diary and I liked watching it with her.

>> No.20059024

you don't have to agree with the dichotomy presented in OP, there are plenty of James Bond movie 'romances' for men and plenty of cutesy tearjerker teenage love stories for women, and it's fine if you enjoy right as a fucked-up fantasy, but if you genuinely think right is "adult", "professional" and "rational", you're pretty much dead inside.

>> No.20059033

Shit-tier writing here. You should have just cut to the chase instead of trying these pathetic attempts to front-load it that just undermined the point.

>> No.20059035

Here’s the real caption

>I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass and rusty nails for some sweet underage virgin pussy, no matter what age I am.
>It’s so wonderful to be wanted even when I was sure I was much too undesirable for this

Yes, so true.

Can you guys just create a password protected r9k since you can’t keep your board straight. Stop coming here

>> No.20059059
File: 95 KB, 1300x866, 123438401-empty-egg-carton-box-tray-or-container-isolated-on-white-recyclable-cardboard-or-paper-packaging-fro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tick-tock sweaty

>> No.20059064

I agree with the assessment but incelposts are fun. I enjoy a good lying bastardization of a boring plot, it gives us something to talk about.

>> No.20059068

I have an uncircumcised wiener and unwashed balls

>> No.20059078
File: 15 KB, 460x276, al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to score points with your team by posting snappy one-liners.

>> No.20059087

Cope. It lacked it rhyme or reason and sucked my balls.

>> No.20059147
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>> No.20059151

you're a dork

>> No.20059159


>> No.20059171

I don't get why people make fun of internet losers for identifying with Gosling here. If anything, it's Gosling that is unrealistic in this role because he's tall and somewhat attractive. Wouldn't the stereotypical incel be more like K than K himself?

>> No.20059184

>I don't get why people make fun of internet losers for identifying with Gosling here
it sounds like you actually do get it

>> No.20059189

that's about all I have to say on the matter

>> No.20059194


>> No.20059209
File: 2.62 MB, 640x850, Greekangrygirl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

majority of incels are good looking, atleast there isnt anything wrong with their looks.
gosslings good looks in this meme imply that these people are emotionally stunted, that there is something very deeply wrong with them that their very being regardless of looks maladjusts them from the rest of the population that these people, akin to an android, could never relate to a well adjusted "real" human

>> No.20059220

>majority of incels are good looking
No they're not

>> No.20059223

>majority of incels are good looking, atleast there isnt anything wrong with their looks.
this is absolutely not true

>> No.20059238

see /cbt/ or /waywt/. most posters are above average in looks
cope harder shillbot

>> No.20059248

>see /cbt/ or /waywt/.
I have no idea what those places are nor do I want to visit them.

>> No.20059249

I don't know what that is and from the sound of it, I'm glad.

>> No.20059260

first day on job, shillbot newfags ?
go back to shilling on reddit

>> No.20059262


>> No.20059268

90% chance this is high effort bait, 10% chance you're a seething schizo who is angry about something so specific that we will probably never understand what it is

>> No.20059271

100% chance youre both massive cock sucking cum guzzling faggots

>> No.20059274

Keep seething.

>> No.20059285
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>keep seething

>> No.20059287

wow, I'd never heard that one before

>> No.20059299
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so true

>> No.20059342
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Don't care, still like it

>> No.20059353
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based beyond belief

>> No.20059365

>picks the most pseud shitflicks to represent art in film
lol, lmao

>> No.20059374

>arthouse films are more sophisticated than anime for teenagers
wow so profound

>> No.20059394

peak reddit

>> No.20059402

I knew I would get some pedantic response like this. You are legitimately retarded.

>> No.20059428

youre literally an american
go back to consooming this months flavor of capeshit

>> No.20059444

No, I won't. I hate that shit. Unlike you, I don't have to desperately talk myself out of watching anime, I just honestly have never liked it or anything like it.

>> No.20059472


>> No.20059522
File: 432 KB, 739x518, 1592524020820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die mad about it

>> No.20059537

your opinion on art is de facto invalid due to being american

>> No.20059568

Both of these are written by women
It's a clear cut cultural difference

>> No.20059585
File: 97 KB, 1009x617, 1643624404567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>die mad about it

>> No.20059602

oh, that's the point? Well shit, keep posting extremely low quality bait threads, as long as they're tangentially related to any narrative medium.

>> No.20059657

A Silent Voice was garbage.

>> No.20059664

I didn't need your permission, faggot.

>> No.20059671

you lack confidence in your samefagging, typical of a limp-wristed euro

>> No.20059700

is /lit/ this strapped for ideas that we’re recycling /tv/ threads that are still up on their respective board?

>> No.20059705

if you don't like it, make your own thread. faggot.

>> No.20059979


>right panel

Delicious mushroom shaped sperm competition

>> No.20060413

why women do this to themselves? its not healthy.

>> No.20060432

I had a girl try and convert me to Baptist theology. it didn't work out. at all.

>> No.20060473

they're both fantasies...
except we can see the one reflected in the other.
The guy wants the innocent girl, who is like a child.
The girl wants a rich guy.
But the guy only gets the material girl.
And the girl only gets the schlubby pedo.

>> No.20060496

Clearly not otherwise you wouldn't have posted this snarky reply.

>> No.20060521
File: 107 KB, 750x735, 26afcbed04030b06ec1b22ef2b1feba5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do americans consider any girl that hasnt taken at least 50 cocks and is younger than 21 a child and attraction to her pedophilia?

>> No.20060546

she's not actually a child, but this attraction to innocence, to a girl who can be taught and led, is very pedophilic.

>> No.20060559

maybe you have a point, maybe you don’t. You wouldn’t happen to be a pedophile anon would you?

>> No.20060571

No, I draw a firm line at 16. But even actual pedos are not as mentally ill as >>20060546, Attraction to innocence and submisivness is pedophilia now? Sorry that I dont want to date men I guess

>> No.20060580

you guys are so broken

>> No.20060594


>> No.20060598

i never said i there was a problem with attraction to children. not that its my preference.

>> No.20060603

>settling for reality isn’t healthy

>> No.20060610

>modestly looking man with good resources - status, money is far more important and realistic.

you're projecting so hard i bet you're a little rich fag aren't you?