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/lit/ - Literature

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20057253 No.20057253 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of books do trannies like to read?

>> No.20057260

Manga, YA fiction, whatever "queer fiction" the NYT/Goodreads/BookTok is shilling that week

>> No.20057284

Depends what kind of trannies you mean. FtMs are a culture with distinct features, MtFs are not.

FtMs are upper middle class and upper class daughters of indulgent coastal/managerial elite parents. WASP nouveau riche types who think they're the intellectual vanguard because they read the New Yorker but can't tell that it's weird to let your confused daughter lop her tits off. Those girls read NYT shit, YA, queer propaganda generated by other coastal elites with rich parents.

MtFs are just ugly autistic men, or twinks. If they're twinks they do twink things, so who cares. If they're ugly autistic men, they do whatever you do, except they're also retarded and crazy and even more terminally online. They don't read books, they watch a lot of youtube and spend a lot of time on lesbian dating apps threatening to rape biological women for politely rejecting them.

>> No.20057287
File: 5 KB, 80x121, DonQuixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don Quixote. They identify with the title character and his insanity.

>> No.20057290

Living Rent Free for Dummies.

>> No.20057294

Trannies don't read anything except for PMs from their Discord "friends" and dumb opinions from Twitter reposted on /pol/. What they waste their free time on instead is doing gay RPshit and playing video games where they can roleplay as girls.

>> No.20057299

I'm reading Don Quixote right now. Gonna go for either Stoner or Wuthering Heights next

>> No.20057301
File: 18 KB, 75x118, Screenshot 2022-03-13 001709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck! Look at that head!

>> No.20057302

Don Quixote is too redpilled for trannies. They'd much rather read something that validates their belief that reality is what they imagine it must be like than something that makes them feel like mentally ill, delusional self-liars.

>> No.20057305
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There's no market for them in the classics. Only recently did our government stop killing them.

>> No.20057308

>implying Don Quixote doesn't validate the mentally ill
cringe and realistpilled

>> No.20057312

Tranny here
I'm reading ASOIAF currently, I'm 300 pages into the first part of Storm of Swords currently and it's really great
Reading what /lit/ has said about the series put me off the book for a long time but it's surpassed my expectations and I'm enjoying it far more than the tv show which I quit in season 3
Before that I did a re-read of the Hobbit, LOTR and read the Silmarillion for the first time in January as well as A Hero of Our Time and Call of the Wild by Jack London
Been making my way through Chris Wickham's book The Inheritance of Rome since December but very slowly, finished Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K Massie in that month and it was really great, I love Robert K Massie's writing style

>> No.20057335

Oh I also read Dune when the film came out
I really wanted to see it but I'm too stingy with money and so I decided to just read the book instead and I thought it was great

>> No.20057362

Looks like the /leftypol/ meeting.

>> No.20057396

they don't read it would take away from anime and netflix time

>> No.20057414

I once chatted with a tranny who told me that they never watched any of the anime which the reaction images they used came from, and I've noticed that trannies will often make threads about video games they play but not about anime, so I assume that most trannies rarely (if ever) watch any anime at all.

>> No.20057437

Esoteric Talmudism like Marxism

>> No.20057462

you are not, were not, and will ever be not a woman

>> No.20057480

215 IQ

>> No.20057485

What about the droid attack on the wookies

>> No.20057499


>> No.20057509

They're big fans of the works of J.K. Rowling.

>> No.20057539

i advise you to stay as far away as possible from trannies

>> No.20057563

In my experience the ftm individuals I have known are from the lowest rungs of society. One step above homeless with drug addict parent(s never) and a 100% frequency of childhood sexual abuse trauma. I have never met a single example of your ftm description.

>> No.20057566

Trannies confirmed advertisement behavior driven normies based on a sample size of one.

>> No.20057570

Yeah it's embarrassing and I'm willing to admit that reading /tv/ threads and buying into the Dune hype is what made me read the book

>> No.20057579

I've realized I don't dislike trannies as a whole so long as they make an effort to pass and play down the insane parts of their personality

>> No.20057634
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>> No.20057692

Why does he have such a long head….

>> No.20057710

The ones I know were all university educated upper-middle class types. Not that anon btw.

>> No.20057781

Not sure about the works of JK Rowling in general but definitely Harry Potter
I've read them so many times and I love the series and I know a few other MtF's who feel the same

>> No.20057799

Twitter trannies, libtard YA
4chan trannies, Mein Kampf or Capital

>> No.20057804

Yeah pretty much
A lot of us were former fascists/neo nazi larpers

>> No.20057819

Wikipedia articles. Trannies lack the willpower to read anything more than sparse and simplified, pre-digested material, hence their inability to consolidate any form of personal character that isn't just a mockery of the gender they seek to imitate.

>> No.20057822

Not true

>> No.20058455

Guénon, Evola, Gentile and Spengler

>> No.20058628

A tranny's concept of "Gender" is shamelessly derived from anime and pornography.

>> No.20058644

Now that you have recognised your weakness for succumbing to peer pressure and suggestive marketing in the media you consoom, perhaps it is time for some self reflection upon the life choices you make and why you make them.

>> No.20059135

manga, comics, starwars, superhero stuff

>> No.20059828 [DELETED] 

Look for the redpill charts

>> No.20059887
File: 80 KB, 315x480, FangedNoumena_01_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every tranny I know had a Nick Land phase. Land is mutuals with one of them on Twitter.

>> No.20059895

What is the concept of gender in pornography?

>> No.20059906

Fluid, sexualized, and interwoven with dominance and submission dynamics. Trannies don't want to be women, they want to be male fantasy women in porn.

>> No.20059925

Type-Driven Development with Idris
Category Theory for Programmers
The Gervais Principle

>> No.20059941
File: 94 KB, 548x309, Deleuze_becoming_woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really seem to love him and Deleuze for whatever reason

>> No.20059968
File: 164 KB, 959x1386, IMG_20220204_150159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bronze age mindset, shadow of the torturer, i sexually identify as an attack helicopter, fanged noumena, her body and other parties, sexual personae
>t. tranner (high iq agp typology)

>> No.20059987

>i sexually identify as an attack helicopter
That short story was better than it had any right to be. It's a shame the Twitter mob decided to cancel the author.

>> No.20060007

You forgot the TG Storytime stuff, sis.

>> No.20060008

This tweet alone justifies the existence of one of the most retarded websites

>> No.20060009

Nick Land has many tweet of this and higher quality.

>> No.20060012

no, that was included when i said agp

>> No.20060039

Nah. You might as well have skipped Fanged Noumena and said it was included when you said "high IQ tranner".

>> No.20060048

tfw too intelligent

>> No.20060095
File: 424 KB, 1312x748, lets_all_love_land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you aspire to be a philosopher, but slowly come to the realization that the only field you'll ever be a genius on is shitposting on twitter

>> No.20060228

>tranny thread
>becomes nick land thread

>> No.20060875

YA shit