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20057170 No.20057170 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Hindu Philosophy?
Please do the needful sirs

>> No.20057173
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>> No.20057184
File: 100 KB, 445x648, Surendranath Dasgupta (1932) - A History of Indian Philosophy, 5 vols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dasgupta's A History of Indian Philosophy is the best survey.
For primary sources, the Gita and Upanishads are where you start.

>> No.20057208

The primary sources are the first 3 vedas.

>> No.20057216

Start with Gita.
But it would be great if you get a little bit of backstory of Mahabharata, which is pretty great fantasy story in itself.

>> No.20057218
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>> No.20057225

The Upanishads are religious ritual performance instructions with a few remarks on monism and pantheism mixed in.
The Bhagavad Gita is a caste system-based ethical behavior guide. Although they may serve as sources of inspiration for metaphysicians, they are not philosophy works per se.
India has a rich philosophy tradition, which is completely separate from religious writings and oral traditions.

>> No.20057258

This thread sounds like a bait. But https://archive.org/details/EncyclopediaOfIndianPhilosophiesBibiographyVol.IIKarlH.Potter/page/n7/mode/2up

>> No.20057279

Don't start with primary sources

>> No.20057292

>India has a rich philosophy tradition, which is completely separate from religious writings and oral traditions.
Interesting, can you elaborate and perhaps recommend me some essential books to read in order to understand the different branches of Hindu philosophy? Also, is it safe to say that Advaita Vedanta is the main Hindu school of thought both in India and in the west or is this incorrect? Obviously apart from Shankara what lead to Advaita proponents like Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda becoming so popular in the west, perhaps the similarities with Christian thought?

>> No.20057297

I can't tell if this is supposed to be a pro or anti Christian post.

>> No.20057313

This, start with Guenon.

>> No.20057314

Is there actually a complete translation of any of the Vedas? Because it seems mostly to be Rg Vedic hymns or The Upanishads. With the bulk of the Vedas missing.

>> No.20057332

Where do you start for learning hinduism or non-dualism from the perspective of somebody who wants to put it into practice? I like the gita but I feel like a basic rundown of the world/self view would be a better start. I don’t want an 800 page manual.

>> No.20057353

>Also, is it safe to say that Advaita Vedanta is the main Hindu school of thought both in India and in the west or is this incorrect?

Incorrect. Advaita is actually a pretty minor view now and tends to find its home among the highly educated wealthy and westernized. Sankara is seen as national hero for his contribution to Hinduism by articulating strong counter arguments against the then dominate Buddhism, but the vast majority of Hindus practice some form of Bhakti, or devotional practice. They just worship their deity like any other.

>> No.20057355

Advaita is just one school of philosophy from India. It is not the "main" school of philosophy any more than Stoicism or Platonism ever was in the Western world. There's Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, and Vedanta, all of which are distinct and have their own fields of study. The Nyaya, for example, was very concerned with the form of logic as demonstrated through speech, and regarded grammar as the means to analysing how individual words can be combined for the sake of transmitting thoughts. The Yoga school of philosophy is, in contrast, much more idealistic and less logic-based, seeing the mind, rather than physical substances, as the ultimate source of order.
Because these schools of philosophy all explore a few similar ideas but drive them to radically different conclusions, it is necessary to regard each one of them as a completely different form of interpreting and interacting with reality. One must not make the foolish assumption that it's all just funny sounding word-games made up by Indian people, or that they are the equivalents of the ancient Greek and modern Western schools of philosophy.
Although it may be good to read secondary sources so as to get a good overview on them, it is better to read the original sources, while keeping in mind the definitions and examples of main concepts given by each author, so as to see how they play around with each idea and deal with it either the same way or differently from other philosophers.

>> No.20058285
File: 61 KB, 472x600, ASHTAVAKARA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga

>> No.20058489

Could you recommend something to that gives a broad outlook of Indian philosophy ?

>> No.20058510

Damn, why is Hindu imagery so scary? Like imagine worshipping this

>> No.20058533

Supreme is Indra over all. The Rig Veda cured ny erectile dysfunction. Especially the last hymns about fucking your daughter and publicly cumming on her back and mocking indirectly ascetics for having useless swinging micropenis.
source and citation incoming. Flipping pages rn

>> No.20058538
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>> No.20058552
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take your jadibuti, schizo

>> No.20058556

Im joking but I seriously want an explanation.

>> No.20058576
File: 78 KB, 1200x800, g03-krishna-with-yashoda-1200x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well not really, this specific image is an ugra (terrific) rupa of the Goddess Kali, the Goddess of death and destruction. There's plenty of saumya rupa imagery, that confirms to ideals of sattvic depiction. (What a Christian may consider "divine, i.e - look at theotokos!)

>> No.20058596

Would worshipping Kali be the equivalent of worshipping Satan?

>> No.20058599


>> No.20058667

>The Upanishads are religious ritual performance instructions with a few remarks on monism and pantheism mixed in.
Incorrect, the Upanishads are not focused on rituals, they are primarily concerned with imparting knowledge of Brahman. All the ritual instructions are contained in the earlier non-Upanishad portion of the Vedic text.

Where do you start for learning hinduism or non-dualism from the perspective of somebody who wants to put it into practice?
This text below


Essentials of Indian Philosophy - Hiriyanna is a good overview of Indian philosophy that is only about 200 pages

>> No.20058986

Nisargadatta Maharaj's I Am That is a good introduction to Advaita.

>> No.20059187
File: 484 KB, 720x1466, Screenshot_20220313-113635_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having a tough time finding the exact daughter money shot verse. Still lookin

>> No.20059199

Bhagavad Gita
easy and short

then Guénon of course

>> No.20059371
File: 168 KB, 805x236, RishiRogan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20059820

I gave up my search but I had a point about primordial incest being linked to the hero and sexual vigor. One must induce great energy yet conserve it. This feeling of heroism is linked with romanticism and veneration for the metaphysically primordial reified Gods.

>> No.20059829

Dynamism within ones own being results in a calm ecstasy contained within an ascetic. As microcosms of the galactic message it does not map to us being incestuous. That was the joke however saying that it does.

>> No.20060045

It's good to talk about translation when discussing this stuff too.

>> No.20060094

You have to understand the symbolism. The head she holds in her hand is the head of a demon she killed, but also symbolizes the detachment from rational mind and transcending it.

>> No.20060103
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Is pic related a good introduction? Any other recommendations?

>> No.20061532

>by articulating strong counter arguments against the then dominate Buddhism
wrong, only an advaita practicioner would think his arguments against buddhism are strong, since all he does is create an obvious strawman that not adress any of the main point of buddhist philosophy, his critique of pratikiasamutpada is probably the worst ever articulated and his understanding of sunyata is just incorrect , and buddhism was already decaying by that time, muslims did a lot more to end buddhism in india than shankara, in fact thanks to shankara a lot of buddhist concepts stay in india in the shape of advaita notions, that's why so many people called shankara a crypto buddhist

>> No.20061876

Listen, I have no horse in this race as I am neither an Advaitin or a Buddhist, but I had a suspicion someone would take umbrage with that term so let me explain my meaning.
I consider it strong in that it provides a systematic critique that doesn't just rely on recourse to scripture, that offered effective (if not justified) pushback against Buddhism (that, importantly, persists to this day), and was universal and generalist enough to provide a tangentially united front for the various, and often disparate, Vedic strands against nastika of different kinds (and again, importantly, continues to do so).

This to me is strong in the historical sense. You can debate the truth value of its specific claims with someone invested in that debate.

>> No.20062101


>> No.20062179

I don't know, man. Maybe it's my western sensibilities but worshiping a four handed three eyed monster wearing a necklace of human heads and a belt of arms would be weird regardless of the symbolism. Are you saying Hindus are supposed to read a positive message from this?

>> No.20062749
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>> No.20062770

Indian "art" looks demonic. Anyone who says otherwise is a kike. How you can take literature of a people seriously that use six million vowels in one name, half of which are 'a' is beyond me. You want to read literature from a mongrel and servile slave race that comes in by the millions to the West to drive wages and antagonism to bad work conditions down. Yes, I know Brahman cast doesn't necessarily mean pajeet, it still doesn't refute what I am saying. Anything that comes from mongrels cannot be good.

>> No.20062982

>comes in by the millions to the West
If Indians are comming to Your country and ruining Your lives, then who truly is the slave race?

>> No.20063727

It looks fucking cool, I'd rather worship something imposing and capable of holy violence instead of some Jew who got killed by other Jews. Christianity and Judaism are servile religions, turn the other cheek and all that.

>> No.20063772

It's the deeper symbolism, when contemplated it communicates with certain subconscious and unconscious structures, leading to inner change and higher consciousness.

In my opinion, it's not needed, you can take the direct path trough silent meditation. It will take longer, but it's safer.

>> No.20063796

im currently reading the rig veda
shit's boring as hell