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/lit/ - Literature

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2005630 No.2005630 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite fiction character:

Why favorite:

>> No.2005639

Name: God
Description: Big douchebag
Why favorite: He's more powerful than anyone else

>> No.2005646


>more powerful than anyone else
>more powerful than Goku


>> No.2005651
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Name: Mary Katherine "Merricat" Blackwood
Description: Eighteen years old, socially withdrawn, prone to magical thinking & batshit insane.
Why favourite: Love the way curious dissonance in her personality. Very sweet but so very twisted at the same time. This saccharine passage "She was the most precious person in my world, always. I followed her across the soft grass, past the flowers she tended, into our house, and Jonas, my cat, came out of the flowers and followed me" combined with her actual actions in the plot serve to create one of the most intriguing female protagonists I've ever come across.

>> No.2005671
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I'm afraid I must concur.

>> No.2005683

Name: Henry Chinaski
Description: Alcoholic, Smoking, Womanizing fuckface
Why Favorite: Because everything he ever says or does entertains the shit out of me. Aslo his entire philosophy on life and existence, despite being warped, makes complete sense.

>> No.2005688

Name: Tarvish
Description: Creator of the best threads on /lit/
Why favorite: Because he is the best tripfriend ever.

>> No.2005689

Lord Henry Wotton
Witty, homosexual-sodomite manipulator
>Why favorite
He thinks trolling is an art.

>> No.2005690


Harry is one badass motherfucker.

>> No.2005698

Name: Harriet M. Welsch
Description: Precocious preteen busybody baby dyke
Why favorite: See above

>> No.2005699

Name: Sherlock Fucking Holmes
Description: Greatest detective to ever live, occasional user of cocaine, heroine and morphine, trained fighter, ect...
Why favorite: see description

>> No.2005701
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Name: Weronika / Véronique
Description: Two women who look exactly alike.
Why favorite: They break the fourth wall, and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2005704

Name: ChampionOfTheLegion
Description: Relatively unknown tripfag. Staged an /x/ raid done by /b/ as being done by /lit/.
Why favorite: He's probably going to do it again. Oh, and you never see it coming. And he's a fucking moron.

>> No.2005705

Name: Ferdinand Bardamu
Description: Wounded romantic, scarred cynic.
Why: His misanthropy is balanced with a bizarre idealism based in compassion, a compassion which he persistently tries to convince himself he doesn't have. I can relate.

>> No.2005707

Name: Larry David
Description: Social assassin, swan killer
Why favorite: Walking id, oddly sexy

>> No.2005737

- Natasha Rostov
- Audrey Hepburn in Russia during the French invasion
- self-evident

>> No.2005744

Name: Paul Atreides
Description: Badass Emperor but caught in his own visions of the future
Why favorite: Inspired fanatic loyalty from those around him and took over the empire with good intentions

>> No.2005749

Name: Werther
Description: Young, sensitive artist who obsesses over a woman (Lotte) and then kills himself
Why favorite: I really identify with the character as I have gone through something similar (except I didn't kill myself)

>> No.2005755

Awesome choice. Will you have my babies?

Name: Tom Ripley
Description: All round nice guy and psychopath, isn't above murdering his friends if convenient.
Why favorite: He is an unscrupulous asshole and knows it, but he still tries to do good without feeling the need to repent.

Not to be confused with the wimpy shit played by Matt Damon in that terrible film adaptation.

>> No.2005763

Name: Anyone doesn't have personally identifiable information on /lit/
Description: They don't have a name, tripcode, or use the e-mail field to maintain an identity.
Why favorite: Because.

>> No.2006050

He's a true badass.

>> No.2006067
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>> No.2006068

Bane:Joe Christmas
Description: Biracial,adopted,murderer
Why favorite: He's a classic "nowhere man". He struggles with his past and who he is and where he's going. He trying to make sense of his ethnicity and similarly his predisposition to negative actions & thoughts.

>> No.2006075

Name: Thomas Pynchon
Description: Fictional montage of sound
Why favourite: Q, Q, Q (Q, Q[Q], Q, Q, Q), Q, Q (Q) Q, Q. 269

>> No.2006076

Name: The Underground Man
Description: A depressing guy with sadistic tendencies who lies constantly, speaks in a very indirect manner and is in general pathetic
Why favorite: He's a male version of me when I was 16

>> No.2006079

Name: Jean Valjean
Description: redeemed ex-con, noble, kind, brave and incredibly strong
Why favorite: He saves a little girl from her abusive foster parents

>> No.2006078 [DELETED] 

refer to

You are doing it wrong.

>> No.2006084
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These are real people!

>> No.2006093

Name: >>2006084
Description: 4chan user
Why Favourite: So adorable, eh doesn't get jokes and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.2006097

I entirely agree with your assessment of yourself.

Protip: That last one was somebody impersonating the OP and trolling

>> No.2006101

Name: May Kasahara
Description: precocious, defeatist(?), crazy (well, that moon thing anyway), frank/blunt.
Why: see description.

>> No.2006117



i didn't even cry when my dad died so go figure

>> No.2006119

I made a horrible womanish squealing sound and then laughed heartily. You are a bad man!

>> No.2006284
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Name: Patrick Bateman
Description: Serial killer, businessman, dubs guy
Why favorite: Check'em

>> No.2006289


Tears came to my eyes at the end too. I love Les Miserables, it's easily in my top 10.

>> No.2006324

Name: Darsie Latimer
Description: Badass, doesn't afraid of anybody
Why: Because fuck the Jacobites.

>> No.2006331

Name: Lennie Small
Description: Professional rabbit fetishist
Why favorite: Tell me about the rabbits, George.

>> No.2006336

>Professional rabbit fetishist
You're bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.2006414

fuck yeah

gosh I don't know who my favorite character is aside from Holmes. Willard is high on the list, but he's from a film--I haven't ever read Ratman's Notebooks. i'll just go ahead and pick somebody before i start listing hundreds of names

Name: Snitter
Description: One of the main characters of The Plague Dogs. He's a damaged little fellow: good-natured, but a mental and emotional basket case, with a big gash all along his head from experimental brain surgery.
Why favorite: His dialogue is bomb, I love it. If you've read Watership Down he is alot like Fiver. I really enjoy how Adams portrayed his thought processes and mental afflictions, and revealed his backstory.

>> No.2006444
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Name: Dr. Faust
Description: "Darn-it Jim! I'm a DR. not a doctor," Says My bones.
Why: The most mainstream character in ever-way of presenting a story. based on the alchemist based on the pursuit of knowing and doing everything [IE polymath/neo-ducks,R-homme, H-unversalis.]
>Inb4 Robert Johnson at the crossroads:

"Here I am man; Dare man to be!" JG'S F.

>> No.2006455
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>Professional rabbit fetishist

"He found a formula for drawing comic rabbits:
This formula for drawing comic rabbits paid.
Till in the end he could not change the tragic habits
This formula for drawing comic rabbits made."

---Robert Graves (1895-1985)

>> No.2006468

Name: Gertrude Johnson


The protagonist of "Pictures from an Institution", a novel by Randall Jarrell. Gertrude is a Swiftian novelist who has taken a job teaching creative-writing at a rural women's college.

Why favorite:

"Every place was like every other to her; she saw the difference, but she didn't feel it. Wherever she went, she went in Gertrude.... She had made up her mind. _If I can stand myself, by God, you'd better_ she could have said; must often have said."


>> No.2006490
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Favorite fiction character:

Name:Raoul Duke
Description:Journalist, author, hedonist, cynic.
Why favorite:He lives in a constant state of excess and mania. Coming to the precipice of death, imprisonment, and madness, he evades capture and annihilation while maintaining a certain semblance of amiable innocence. All the while making hilarious observations and social commentary.
tl;dr for the lulz

>> No.2006540
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You're horrible.

>> No.2006543
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In the eyes of the people of Beowulf he is vile, incapable of higher thinking, and the epitome of all that is wrong in a creature. In John Gardners' eponymous novel, he is an a perfect existential nihilistic solipsist.
A perfect existential nihilistic solipsist. Didn't I mention this before?

>> No.2006578
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Name: Candide

Description: Eager to learn, adventurous, doesn't have a good sense for money

Why Favorite: Has no clue what he's doing the whole book. All he does is think with his dick and it leads him into shenanigans all around the world.

>> No.2006609

Kieslowski doesn't get enough love here in America.

>> No.2006610

Name: Aureliano Babilonia
Description: The last in the Buendia family
Why favorite: His cousine painted faces on his dick before having a great fuck

>> No.2006620
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Favorite fiction character:

Name: Samwise Gamgee
Description: A young hobbit and the gardener for Bag End
Why favorite: He gives me hope that I can accomplish things greater than myself.

>> No.2006642
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Name: Peter Wiggin
Description: Political genius and psychopath.
Why favorite: Because he's like Ender, but more cunning and less of a moralfag. Sure, Ender won the war, but it's Peter who ends up being king of the world.

>> No.2006644

oh my god i hate you so much

>> No.2006652
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Haters, they gonna hate.

>> No.2006654
File: 20 KB, 243x400, Baroness+Emmuska+Orczy+-+The+Scarlet+Pimpernel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name: Sir Percy Blakeney
Description: An English gentleman who on the surface appears to be a dimwitted dandy but secretly nighttimes as a masked hero rescuing French nobles from the Revolution
Why favorite: The original masked hero, hates on revolutionaries, is just a boss in general

>> No.2006664


They seek him here,
They seek him there;
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven,
Or is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel.

Also, Orson Scott Card sucks.

>> No.2006669
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Favorite: Hamlet
Who: Some guy that went around killing Nazis during World War II
Why: Cuz he was married to Johnny Cash's sister.
pic related. it's him

>> No.2006802

Thoughts on the sequels?