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20054238 No.20054238 [Reply] [Original]

You can instantly tell who's low IQ based on their reaction to this book

>> No.20054277

IQ is a useless tool unless you score exceptionally high or exceptionally low, and even then, it doesn't indicate much. People who put a lot of weight on it usually aren't as bright as they think.

>> No.20054282

>woe is me, I can't relate to anyone!
What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.20054296

This. I'm ~145 and am rightfully known as a very thoughtful and reflective person while my brother is ~130 (still way above average) and is rightfully known as a drooling retard who barely has inner voice. The spread from 'low normal' to 'high normal' is a total meme.

>> No.20054331

Im 130 but I live in a third world brown country and am the smartest person ever met by every person I have ever met. I do not know how electricity works nor do I posess any merit.
Ooga booga

>> No.20054346

130 can definitely make a smart person, I'm just saying it doesn't mean much on its own. On the other hand, being 140+ is an actual profound part of your being that differentiates you from others. Obviously this is conjecture but it is apparent to me that there is a sort of 'critical mass' of raw intelligence that forces a change in you, and thinking is no longer 'optional' in the way that I believe it is in people at lower levels. If you want to fake being stupid at that level, you're going to have to really work at it.

>> No.20054357

Virtue can make a fool seem gifted, lack of it can render a genius indistinct from a sucker.

>> No.20054361


My internet rule of thumb is that anyone who posts their IQ is actually 50 points dumber for taking IQ tests seriously

>> No.20054414

It's like a super power. Very rarely was I not the 1st person to finish a test. But I am weak in many other areas.

>> No.20054817

I like this.

>> No.20054826

Sounds like you’re dumb and coping.

>> No.20054832

Aaron Clarey is a gen x grifter

>> No.20054839

didn't read it, what's their main argument on what makes someone high iq?

>> No.20054951

that;s literally the opposite of the truth
IQ specifically aren't designed to measure outliers. anything 140+ is very hazy
seems the one who isnt as bright as they think... might just be you!

>> No.20054990
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>> No.20055004

>top of my highschool class
That literally only says you were good at following instructions. Every assignment I ever had in high school was painting by the numbers, no dynamic problem solving at all. So yes this is a very midwit thing to say.

>> No.20055016

my IQ is 49

>> No.20055069

>IQ specifically aren't designed to measure outliers. anything 140+ is very hazy
You don't see how this basically proves the point? Once you past a certain point, you are actually different. The scale doesn't work on you anymore.

All you've really shown is that making a big deal about 150 vs 155 is silly, not that either of those is similar to 100.

>> No.20055092

What it was designed for is irrelevant, because in the real world it is used exclusively to identify outliers.

>> No.20055132

150IQ, never read it, it sounds dumb and gay

>> No.20055138

t. special ed kid

>> No.20055166
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>> No.20055362

Schools are designed for the lowest common denominator so pretty much everyone over ~115 iq is going to be bored and unchallenged by everything until high-school. If you aren’t externally motivated by letters on your report card and the approval of some mean cunt, it becomes this monotonous prison rather than something like a game you want to win and that psychology stays with you for a long ass time. You could have been developping a skill from the time you were 5 until 18, but instead you were put through the wagie demoralization machine. It is a played out observation, but it is hard to put into words how much it sucks.

>> No.20055369

Any additional papers or books about this?

>> No.20055438

Nice cover

>> No.20055512

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if you think IQ is a real thing you probably have low IQ.

>> No.20055568
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Why would someone complain about all the dumb people around them but never seek a position in which that isn't the case?

>> No.20055579

What gives you the idea that this is the norm? Something you want to tell us?

>> No.20055598

Norm? I was talking about the author here anon. The fact that he's unhappy because he has to interact with dumb people is one of his core arguments in the book. Of course that's something a person can change themselves

>> No.20055635

The true retards are the ones in American public school at all.

>> No.20055731

145 here. The book reeks of someone desperately seeking further validation for their high number. It's a stream of consciousness akin to a drunken rant, with the prosaic quality of an autistic man trying to sell insurance.

The central contention is nice and even accurate in some cases, but despite the general high-IQ addiction to rationalism, he's reached each and every one of his points through pure seethe. Cry harder. Adapt.

>> No.20055807

I haven't read the book, but if you're 145 IQ then you're at the 99.9th percentile, best out of 1000. It's hard to find a community of people at that level.

>> No.20055830

What positions is that exactly? Well I suppose you could go live in solitude out in the woods. Speaking of which funny story I know a guy who tried that once...

>> No.20055848

And what happened?

>> No.20055891
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I think I'm there at critical mass. I have never seen a sportsball game as remotely interesting and I always saw the gorilla in that famous ball pass video. I always felt Iike I was from another planet. I involuntarily am a pain in the ass to normies and thrive and jive in seclusion. I am tranquil, equanimous, concentrated and always investigating something. This is what I like doing but I'm always lectured and dumped on by normies who tell me and beg me to stop torturing myself like that. It's never been anything remotely like torture. I love math, philosophy, history, physics, archaeology, etc. I really am awake and do not ask for a coffee to get me through my studies. I ask for coffee and sometimes desperately a cigarette to keep me awake when my studies are interrupted. That's when normies are high energy and want to interact.

>> No.20055893

He's in ADX Florence Supermax Federal Prison, in Colorado.

>> No.20055895

It’s a good thing then that the only thing IQ measures is how well you do on IQ tests.

>> No.20055906

Well I'm at 145 and I have very few of those traits. I'm abnormal but I'm not a sperg. It's not just about IQ.

>> No.20055916

"Height" only measures how far you go up on a standard ruler, it has nothing to do with real life situations.

>> No.20055928

Unless you’re Warrick Davis and people are trying to play football with your tiny head

>> No.20055939
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I commend him for being more composed in his book than he is on his Youtube channel. Every video he flies of the handle and is hostile to his audience members for no good reason. He is already hostile to normies and women why add hostility to friendly listeners? He's more unhinged every episode than any Stefan Molyneux tantrum even THE ONE FUCKING DOLLAR tantrum.
>shit man what r we supposed to do now that everythings fucked
>Y-yes s-sir
I can't believe not a single audience member grills his bitch ass in the super chats or call ins. Dullards! The beginning of wisdom is embracing the empty painful horror and enduring insight to the end and beyond the other side of the shore! What a faggot! Fact is some of us are lucky and the game is fucked. Own it.

>> No.20055953

Let me guess...depression and holocaust exist too, don't they

>> No.20055957


Sounds like you're insecure in your identity

>> No.20055959

I am too smart for your bullshit I can read graphs and make them myself

>> No.20055964

Interesting bundle you got there, Shlomo Stormberger

>> No.20055965

It WAS hard to find a community at that level. Then the university system expanded in the last century and all the really smart people started moving out of their small towns, brain draining them, and moving to Massachusetts and California and New York to be around universities (and New York City, which had always been an attraction for the intelligent due to population/wealth/art density). The Bell Curve talks about this towards the end of the book. These days it's really not hard to find a community of intelligent people if you're willing to move to NYC, the Bay Area, or Boston.

Read Taleb's post on medium about IQ. IQ tests measure stupidity, not intelligence. IQs below 100 correlate very well with worse life outcomes (covered in Bell Curve) while IQs above 100 stop correlating with improved life outcomes because other factors start to dominate (willpower, connections, luck). Taleb's post mainly explains how the psychologists and social scientists screwed up their statistics math on the overall correlation.

Anything by John Taylor Gatto, most of his stuff is free online.

>> No.20055971

I'm not a sperg. I'm probably more charismatic than you because I am dumber. I just am more drained by normal unstimulating life than everyone else and am more stimulated by academic pursuits than anyone else. I'm a fanatic at heart.

>> No.20055980

i realized this in the 7th grade

>> No.20055993

I realized this at 3 years old and my parents wanted to "punish" me with expensive military school. They could not wrap their heads around me wanting that despite my pleading. They eventually just admitted military school is expensive and they just wanted to discipline me into content submission that it was a bluff beyond their budget. They stopped me from applying to scholarships and bought me video games instead.

>> No.20056005

Seriously at 4 actually but it was because when I watched Pinochio I saw the characters IRL and I can't explain it but it felt like I was going to be Pinocchio being kidnapped from dark tempting jackass detour after one and another for 18 years. The sheer physiognomy of my urban demographic monkey town settled this dissastisfaction in me. Dukkha. Dukkha. Dukkha.

>> No.20056019

Based and conscious and neither conscious

>> No.20056042

most of the people I know who care about it are massive narcissists.

>> No.20056059

Thats how you feel about them. I tried to be the humblest person I can be. I'm not too far from selling all my things and joining a Sangha. I just don't get to be proud of immaterial things unseen and share that joy. It frustrates people and they insult me no matter how nice I am. Normies numb themselves into contentment to custom and current popularity. How can a noble savage be kind to such insensate lepers and lobotimites? No amount of slave morality and prostration can satisfy the insatiable herd of amerigolems.

>> No.20056117
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Less about the book and more about the concept of IQ but I think its always useful to keep in mind that IQ is meant as a measure of 'mental age', meant to test how much better a kid is doing on average compared to his peers of the same age. IQ 100 means youre developing at the same rate as most of the kids. people get all stuck up and judge their entire selfworth over a measure used to track how quick kids are learning. Its fitting in that sense since its essentially the same sort of uncritical mentality of schoolchildren extended to the whole of society: whoever gets the higest grade is the bestest, whoever is the lowest grade is worthless.

I legitimately dont care how you cannot solve little abstract puzzles meant to test children if you turn out to be a genuinely compassionate person that takes care of other people, or is able to make incredible art, or become a firefighter and save lives. you might even turn out to make a brilliant breakthrough in a field that does not require the particular skills that IQ samples by getting this g factor from a bunch of arbitrary tests.

>> No.20056141

>These days it's really not hard to find a community of intelligent people if you're willing to move to NYC, the Bay Area, or Boston.
Well I'm not going to lol

>> No.20056150
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>aaron clarey wants to tell normies he's a libertarian
>with beers in hand
>and femoids present
Heh. Sperg. Took him many times to learn before being a smokey agreeable slimeball like you should be around normoids.

>> No.20056166

This is probably why Mishima is gay.

>> No.20056197

Good, the other parts of the country need smart people too.

>> No.20056294

This. People obsessed with iq are generally absorbed by the credential and its social weight. An intelligent person, in my opinion, is lucid enough to see past widely held preconceptions about things and form values based on their own experience rather than adherence to some higher force. This generally correlates with iq, but there are a lot of exceptions too. Lots of high iq people are basically as soulless as the run of the mill npc because they have found a niche in which they can function as a whole while abandoning independant thought almost completely.

>> No.20056295

Murder Machine by Padraig Pearse discusses this. It's especially focused around Ireland but it deals with the English education system so it applies to a lot of people

>> No.20056309

I read this book so fast nobody can tell I’m gay

>> No.20056706

Thanks for the rec, it's interesting. Very rhetorical but I wasn't aware of this stuff. Gatto mainly attacks the system America adopted from the Prussians, but I wasn't aware the English were doing it, too.

>> No.20057542


>IQ is a useless tool unless you score exceptionally high or exceptionally low, and even then, it doesn't indicate much. People who put a lot of weight on it usually aren't as bright as they think

IQ correlates with aptitude like height correlates with basketball skill

>> No.20057550


>anything 140+ is very hazy

I scored 155 on Weschler twice under monitored test conditions years apart. Yay sample size of 2

>> No.20057572

It always surprises me how many genuine believers in IQ testing there are on 4chan, because it is something that's always been obviously stupid to me, and only exists because people wish you could quantify intelligence into a neat little package.

The caveat is there's some truth in the broad concept, just like there's a pinch of truth in Meyers-Briggs test results. It's true high IQ-measured people tend to share traits: they have idiosyncrasies, they struggle socially. But that doesn't validate the IQ test itself, and we don't need the test at all to observe this. All it gives us is this close to meaningless number based off little info. Instead of caring about IQ tests, start caring about accomplishments.

>> No.20057573

Jordan Peterson recommended The Bell Curve to us in class and said black people have lower IQs than whites.

>> No.20057631
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you would argue that this is meaningless?

>> No.20057641

The tests for a general intelligence statistic have been done across hundreds of thousands of participants, a huge sample size. The intelligence score IQ correlates highly with income and specific careers. This is a perfectly reasonable way to quantify intelligence. Why are you denying statistics?

>> No.20057669

Yes, its built for white kids while actively not accommodating black kids with a completely different method of retention and overall learning.

>> No.20057783

>the only other factor outside family income is IQ

You are not very bright.

>> No.20057802
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>IQ is a useless tool unless you score exceptionally high or exceptionally low
The exact opposite is true lol. You haven't actually read or familiarized yourself with ANY of the science have you? IQ is only a useful predictor outside of the extremes, and it is incredibly correlative there. Things like college degrees, artistic temperament, salaries, antisocial behavior all have very established IQ correlations/clusters. It's the single strongest predictors of if a person will end up in prison or have a successful career for example.

>> No.20057806

How do you define “useful predictor”? 50% and up success rate?

>> No.20057837

If you had an above average IQ you'd see the phrase I used was 'single strongest predictor' which is perfectly explicit.

>> No.20057846
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it's called bait anon

>> No.20057909
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if i speed through an iq test i'll get a score of a 140
if i take my time i'll get 90

this has happened to me. this has made think online iq tests are bullshit

>> No.20057911


this has made me think*

>> No.20057917

i have a 150 iq
i am 35 and still live with my mom

>> No.20057994

What do you mean exactly by IQ testing doesn't work or doesn't give any information? There are hundreds of studies on the role that IQ plays and the results always indicate it plays a massive part in virtually every facet in our lives from educational attainment, criminality, income, to tying your fucking shoes. And the reason behind this is because the real thing that IQ tests measure is the g-factor, also called called general intelligence, which essentially means that the performance of all cognitive tasks is determined by partly by a common factor. And this cognitive factor exists. If you look at studies where they compare the IQ results of normal and autistic children, the pattern is the same: autistic children have lower mental capabilities and score lower on the test. I am surprised at how anyone can even disagree with this, since it's so mindnumbingly obvious that IQ is real lmao.

>> No.20058006

>IQs below 100 correlate very well with worse life outcomes (covered in Bell Curve) while IQs above 100 stop correlating with improved life outcomes because other factors start to dominate (willpower, connections, luck)
I don’t really like Taleb but that’s actually a really good take. Kinda like how earning more money improves your quality of life and happiness up to a certain point (say, $50,000 a year), but anything beyond that and you see almost no benefit to your mental well-being.

>> No.20058017

haven't read it before, also don't really care :p

>> No.20058019
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>You can instantly tell who's low IQ based on their reaction to this book

>> No.20058030

My entire school experience was figuring out ways I could do the least amount of work without coming under the attention of the teacher.

>> No.20058032

You can't be 130IQ and be a drooling retard though, that's an oxymoron by definition.

>> No.20058058

I get bored with the tests halfway through, so I just answer randomly, I've always gotten something along the lines of 120 IQ

>> No.20058090 [DELETED] 

hehe the red man bujmped hos head on the line..

>> No.20058095

Having weird interests and being asocial doesn't make you high iq.

>> No.20058099

Is that why high and low IQs correlate so much in opinion?

>> No.20058110
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IQ talk is very gay. It is always le suffering artistes attributing their suffering to how special and smart they are. Boring. As the demonstrably smartest person on /lit/, I hereby declares all IQ talk gay and lame.

>n-n-n-not a real IQ test!
I know, that's why I'm leaving a link so you can take it and it still works differentially. Everyone claiming a higher score in a special secret test that goes to another school without posting their own results from the linked test is cringe.

>> No.20058122

when do you demonstrate? What have you made? What have you accomplished?

>> No.20058124


>> No.20058172

IQ is a meme 99% of the time. It can fluctuate wildly based on many factors.

>> No.20058252

I took that norwegian online iq test and scored 110 on the first attempt, but then i took it a bunch of times in couple of days and i scored 133 max. So whats my iq

>> No.20058265

Mensa.no? I got 115 in my first attempt, 115 again in the second, 125 in the third then 115 again in the final one. IDK.

Take the icar 60 test. It's the toughest so that will be the most reliable, in a sense. Though I was scared of taking it seriously so I just answered 1/3 of it seriously and got 90.

>> No.20058329
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Isnt full scale supposed to be average of those 3 down there?

>> No.20058477

>It's the single strongest predictors of if a person will end up in prison or have a successful career for example.
Honest request, do you have any sources? Don't know where to start.

>> No.20058728

While it's true that IQ was devised to test learning impairment, it's still a good indicator of one's potentional. A person with 100 IQ has more potentional to learn complex tasks than someone with 70 IQ regardless how malleable the human brain can be. However yeah, apart from extreme cases like you said, having a 100 IQ or 120 IQ barely makes a difference.

>> No.20058741

I know a retired doctor who watches football. To dislike sports doesn't make you smart lol

>> No.20058748

i read it and it was very cringe and masturbatory and had no self awareness as you would expect from such a title

>> No.20058785

>i was BORN SUPERIOR, that is an irrefutable, scientific fact
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

>> No.20058803

No one said that, you insecure faggot. It's basic statistics, someone will be at the top. I wonder if you also deny that 6'8 people exist to cope with your status as a manlet.

>> No.20058822

Read The Bell Curve.

It's not a "take", this isn't a debate. That's what the data show.

This is another known problem with IQ tests. Testing the same person repeatedly gets different results depending on a variety of factors. The test itself is not very good, even if it is predictive to an extent. Kind of like eyeballing the temperature of a piece of metal based on the color after sticking it in a fire.

>> No.20058834

>IQfag calling someone else insecure
KEK, the projection is palpable. Sorry that i hurt your narcissistic ego Einstein
>comparing an obvious, tangible trait like height to IQ which is meaningless outside extremes

>> No.20058853

>It's not a "take", this isn't a debate. That's what the data show.

It absolutely is a 'take' since it measure success in terms of terms of wealth, as opposed things like capacity for intellectual/aesthetic satisfaction. It isn't wrong to point this out, but it a measure that's been specifically chosen.

>> No.20058865
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>>comparing an obvious, tangible trait like height to IQ which is meaningless outside extremes
good thing I'm at an extreme then

>> No.20058929

That's unironically smart, especially at this point in history.

>> No.20058936

I have no interest in reading this book or anything about IQ

>> No.20058994

> It's not a "take", this isn't a debate
If it’s not a debate then why are you arguing something as pointless as semantics when I agree with what he says? Stop being autistic

>> No.20059008
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I'll never stop being autistic.

>> No.20059196

>You could have been developping a skill from the time you were 5 until 18
this is what I hate so fucking much, I don't understand why parents don't just pick a skill to teach their kid? Literally just an hour a day or something but only a tiny majority of parents seem to do it.
I remember getting a kids math book before going to first grade by my parents and I loved it so much, then in school they forced me to think in certain ways, made me use some kind of blocks to solve problems instead of my mind or on paper and I've heard it is horrible in America with something they call common core I think. Then they make you calculate the same kind of problem over and over again like you're grinding the most boring rpg you've ever played. Really killed the natural math interest in me as a kid.

>> No.20059288
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>I don't understand why parents don't just pick a skill to teach their kid? Literally just an hour a day or something but only a tiny majority of parents seem to do it.
Most people don't "think" at all. They act on instinct, reflex, or in accordance with propaganda. So parents, when raising their kids, seek the path of least resistance. They do what was done to them, what the media says they should do, and what seems convenient at the time. Unless they were forced to learn an instrument and saw some value in it in hindsight, they won't force their child to learn an instrument (unless media pressure influences them). If they went to public school and didn't loathe it (and sometimes even if they did) they'll send their children to public school.

Then you get children who do get the benefit of involved parents, but if they weren't taught that they should do that with their own children, they can simply "forget" it and put their children in public school and let the TV babysit because they need "alone time" away from the responsibilities of being a parent.

There's also the issue of what to teach your kids if you're willing to put in the effort. My parents forced me and most of my siblings to memorize poetry when we were young (mother would read it aloud, we'd repeat it back, every day until the entire poem was memorized). I think that had a huge impact on my memory, but it's hard to tell without any possibility of controlled experiment. Will I do that with my kids? Yeah, definitely. Will my siblings? Probably not, since I don't think they rely on their memory the way I do. Suppose you teach your children to maintain internal combustion engine cars and they get banned when they're about ten years old, that's somewhat wasted effort. You can't really predict what skill will be useful to your children across their whole life.

Personally I plan to homeschool my children and teach them a lot of survival skills and athletics/combat stuff. But I fully expect them to live primarily in peaceful cities and they'll curse me for not teaching them how to navigate bureaucracies and promotions to higher salaried positions.

>> No.20059314

I've always resented the fact that I have an average IQ.

>> No.20059339

Why? As long as you're not retarded it makes no difference. Gumption is unironically more important than an extra 15IQ points.

>> No.20059399

superiority is genetic, manlet brainlet

>> No.20059409

did you wash his penis?

>> No.20059423

nice inspect element skills, gayboy

>> No.20059439
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Ok so do you follow that IQ means superior cognitive power not just test scores? Do you understand that these people have greater equanimity, tranquility, rapture, persistence, and ability to defer gratification and remember? Do you understand that a tree can be vigorous and big and robust? Do you understand that some bulbs are more luminous than others? Why then would nervous systems be all equally dull in dendrite and brilliance then?

>> No.20059468
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I want to expand on this. Say you mr 145+ say something beautiful, inspiring, brilliant, and out of this world amazing. You are now uncharismatic!
Say I say something mildly interesting and digestibly relatably stimulating. I am now imputed as double your senior! Everyone starts booing and guffawing at your fancy boy display and cheering for my diluted version of your pitch.

And this is how I am more charismatic because in this ugliness I am percieved more, though I am less beautiful.

>> No.20059478

>If I do better than you then I'll look better than you
wow so profound

>> No.20059488

Ok retard if I do WORSE than you the dummies think I did better because I did it the DUMB way they like! If you do better than me than no one will look! Swine is averse to jewels, swine.

>> No.20059505

People can't tell your IQ just by looking at you, retard. I don't know how it is in your third world shithole, but here it is considered really bad manners to go off about things like that IRL.

>> No.20059515

I understand all that, I was asking why you're resentful about it and wasting energy on that rather than on improving yourself where you can and achieving your goals? Raw INT is much less effective than actually working on your skills and strategies for everything except IQ tests and pure mathematics.

>> No.20059544

people can though.
Nikola Tesla writes in his autobiography that he was denied gifts because at a glance wealthy townsmen would tell him "you are too bright for this". There is a particular passage where it mentions a coin that was handed to him but then quickly taken from him. The only thing we can gather is that his sight and movement was more graceful than normal and this gave it away for a keen observer.
you're implying bullshit for the sake of your own blab and joy for blabbering. it's not a joy to listen to. I do improve myself. What kind of a retard assumes the tortoise and hare? Hey at least it bumps the thread.

>> No.20059560

Nikola Tesla may well have been the smartest man to ever live, he made a career out of being smart, and he was a hopeless autist. At 130 and 145 we both have considerably capacity to hide it (or at least just be seen as 'smart', rather than 'too smart'), and the difference between us certainly wouldn't be clear on its face.

>> No.20059576
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I was really hoping I was being grilled by Mr Gumption not 145

>> No.20059591

Really not a reasonable thing to think. I agree that other things matter a lot too though, that was kind of my point.

>> No.20059594

I'm 145, I'm not sure if I'd rather anything be different because I've settled into limits. I don't think it's a curse though, there's nothing really haunting about noticing patterns. Maybe having to choose the lanes you want to stick in is tough because of all the stuff you could potentially do but don't have room for? That's really it though

>> No.20059596

No one ITT has actually read this book

>> No.20059613
File: 61 KB, 670x632, 1633190460719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a 150 iq
>i am 35 and still live with my mom

>> No.20059630

I have 165IQ and failed my first year in college

>> No.20059634

very sad

>> No.20059658

I was asking an honest question and hoping to give helpful advice but okay.

>> No.20059672

I think the "curse" referred to is being raised in a society that says everyone should be treated equally. But then you're smart young, so you notice that that doesn't really happen, and that the people who get preferential treatment aren't the ones with the most merit. But people still rally on about equal this and that, all while perpetuating a machine of unfairness. So then you get pessimistic about society at a very young age and withdraw and never learn to C O P E with everyone else.

>> No.20059680

give props to the author

>> No.20059684

This headline is a good IQ test by itself

>> No.20059689

For me, a lot of the issue is that they encourage us to oooh and aaah at people having other natural gifts (height, athletic abilities, etc.) but enforce a taboo against making other people aware of your intelligence. Also, they present standardized models to us that are based on other levels of intelligent and penalize us for not following them ("how can you be learning this very simple thing if you aren't taking notes?") and then turn around and pull the old "you can't judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree" when a model puts them on the short end of the stick.

>> No.20059712

If he had an above-average IQ he would have put the question mark inside the quotation marks.

>> No.20059739

I just cannot help it, I have a massive inferiority complex and this is one of the things that's constantly gnawing at my mind.

>> No.20059778

I like dumb people because they are funny and also make interesting observations that smart and mediocre people wouldn't. people who don't try to conceal their intellectual shortcomings are the most fun to be around.

>> No.20059780
File: 44 KB, 1071x358, hurhur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled 158 IQ. People who complain about not being able to relate to others due to some difference in IQ are idiots. All people fundamentally have rather simple, self-centered interests. It is not necessary to understand higher-level abstract concepts to understand this. You can easily make yourself "relatable" to normies by taking interest in their lives and figuring out what it is that they want. You can further get them to do what *you* want by convincing that they should do what you want to get what they want.

>why parents don't just pick a skill to teach their kid?
Because they don't stand to gain anything from it. The goal of parents is to raise kids, not to be idealized human beings, but to not hate the parents and manage to make more babies somehow. Teaching kids anything that is not beneficial for either or help them be less of a nuisance until they leave home is a wasted effort.

>Most people don't "think" at all.
Most people do think, quite a lot. Mostly this is thinking about what they want. The more successful ones go a step further and figure out how to get what they want.

Picrel is original. The real reason most people who are smart are not successful is because they want to mentally masturbate about something like quantum physics or obscure philosophy instead of learning to lead people. Finding people with good enough technical skills is easy. Finding people who can lead and convince others is hard. "Intelligent" people refuse to learn the latter because they don't find it immediately stimulating enough.

>> No.20060016

I've known too many people who have no idea what they want and willingly turn their brains off to accept that most people think. They may want or desire, but they don't think.

>The real reason most people who are smart are not successful is because they want to mentally masturbate about something like quantum physics or obscure philosophy instead of learning to lead people. Finding people with good enough technical skills is easy. Finding people who can lead and convince others is hard. "Intelligent" people refuse to learn the latter because they don't find it immediately stimulating enough.
I learned to lead people and it's incredibly frustrating, because the minute you start leading you find yourself fettered with a million different interests. Both from higher up the chain and from below. Getting anything done through people is, for an intelligent/capable person, twice to ten times as hard as just doing it yourself. But you are onto something: namely that smart people simply don't pursue wealth or other easy metrics of success any more than less smart people do. What one puts their mind to is more important than how much mind they have to work with, especially now that almost all the world's knowledge is freely available online.

>> No.20060026

never heard of it. never reading it. assuming its pseud bullshit about "woe is me im so smart that NOOOOO one else can relate oh boo hoo" and also the author likes girl cock

>> No.20060037

Damn bro you got next week's lotto numbers?

>> No.20060087
File: 23 KB, 500x375, 1493479982043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is a fruit of nobility and nobles only in that yes there is a middle class and lower class but further still there is a lesser race under that lower class. Regression to the mean. Creme de la Creme rises up.

I'm humble as an estranged noble only late in life realizing I am the noble savage ala Brave New World. However I would be such a prissy prejudiced prick if I knew the implications of my IQ growing up.

>> No.20060136
File: 87 KB, 328x448, 1623851398538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I was smart as a kid and praised too much for it, but luckily(?) I grew up poor so I didn't get too big a head about it and learned early to put my head towards resource acquisition and thrift rather than jerking myself off over test scores.

I do feel like there's a growing class awareness among those who should be nobles but aren't, for whatever reason. Not the IQ assortative mating talked about in Bell Curve, but just people realizing that they're not meant for the peasant/subject life. /biz/ has a bunch of budding NEET nobles, funny enough. The FIRE community (early retirement) also seems to get it somewhat. Just haven't seen anyone manage to get a generational thing going yet.

>> No.20060182

you sound like you're just a retard anon

>> No.20060322
File: 474 KB, 509x656, 1586368646065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your blog entry faggot

Literally every post about IQ devolves to drooling idiots thinking they're special

>> No.20060353

Hoes mad
U mad
I aint even mad
Count the (you)s and look at yfw
Clearly I hit a nerve and you do care that I'm right.
Everything you like sucks. Everything I like has got you filtered, bored, and hating that it's so valueable

>> No.20060357

I agree. Anyone who thinks high IQ is a curse is a midwit.

>> No.20060489
File: 116 KB, 895x1077, ygm1jpojl7sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice bing on a board surrounded by othater smart people.

>> No.20060845

Are you a retard, or what? You do that if the whole sentence is a quote.

>> No.20060930

>they encourage us to oooh and aaah at people having other natural gifts (height, athletic abilities, etc.) but enforce a taboo against making other people aware of your intelligence
It's a taboo against boasting of your natural gifts. You look like an asshole when you go around telling people "I have a 150 IQ" to impress them, just like anyone who brags about his height or appearance. Athletes don't brag about being tall, they brag about their wins and stats. Similarly, you don't brag about being intelligent - you brag (if you need to brag) about your accomplishments. Test scores, GPA, research papers, knowledge accumulated, there's no shortage of socially acceptable outlets here. Just don't annoy people with "muh IQ" drivel

>> No.20060966
File: 2.49 MB, 1280x720, jiheon weight 0-18338346-[02.23.666-02.37.500].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a low iq is way worse

job prospects are limited
you have to live in poverty because of this
you read but you don't retain information
get the worst choices in wife material(stupid women, on average, tend to be ugly )
stupid people tend to marry other dysgenic low iq people
are less self-reliant because you can't figure things out yourselr. so you have to pay someone else to do it for you

>> No.20060976

that book is proof the author is not as high iq as he likes to believe

>> No.20061053

Well, the game's changing. When the Houston Rockets took the league by storm with its small ball revolution, everyone thought the center position was over with. But it isn't actually small ball that's effective in the half-court; it's skill-ball. The Warriors also proved this with their Death Lineup, or their Hamptons Five lineup, with Draymond at the 5. And even now, smaller players like Gary Payton II and Bruce Brown are redefining the way the game is played, being a nominal 2-guard while playing a 4/5 on offense and a free safety on defense.

>> No.20061065

>get the worst choices in wife material(stupid women, on average, tend to be ugly )
No, completely disagree. There's no correlation between IQ and inherent physical attractiveness.

>> No.20061147
File: 36 KB, 306x497, 28B7F9DC00000578-0-image-a-17_1431706732055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That book was the most embarrassing piece of trash I have ever wasted time reading. Oh God, he even went on a "le sportsball" and libertarian rant like 30 pages in. Then spends 5 pages describing a time when he "intellectually destroyed" some guy at a party and then was ostracized, taking this as an example of high iq misery. It's the ultimate genuine midwit tiny dick energy cliche machine
He's also a business major from university of Minnesota who calls himself an economist

>> No.20061160
File: 431 KB, 418x497, 1644457098441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can instantly tell who's low IQ based on their reaction to this book



>> No.20061173

>I think I'm there at critical mass. I have never seen a sportsb-
Stopped reading

>> No.20061233

>why you're resentful about it
I'm not that anon, but because IQ filtered me from pursuing specific fields.

>> No.20061669
File: 36 KB, 1057x436, 1631696691147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ talk is very gay.
This, also fuck your esl hating shit test.

>> No.20061679

>What one puts their mind to is more important than how much mind they have to work with, especially now that almost all the world's knowledge is freely available online.
I like this point. Good one, thanks.

>> No.20061761

As a growing up story it's totally valid. As a political appeal it's not. He's not trying to convince the reader to be a liberatarian but just comiserating to his audience. But here you are heckling from the sidelines when this isn't adressed to you.

>> No.20061767

Yep. This split dimension living is what makes high IQ a curse. I stop listening to your kind whenever I hear about "the big game"

>> No.20061779
File: 17 KB, 704x231, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a fun test. I disagree with the notion that IQ equates to intelligence, though. I can only hope that with your post you're making a mockery of those who do think such.

>> No.20061812

>you brag (if you need to brag) about your accomplishments. Test scores, GPA, research papers, knowledge accumulated, there's no shortage of socially acceptable outlets here
This is really not true. People get pissy if you know a lot about something they don't and teachers generally take their side on it, as counterintuitive as this may seem.

Furthermore, in the cases when 'intellectual' success is rewarded, it's almost always the grinding, memorizing kind, not the natural kind. When I was in high school I was on the Academic Team (trivia, basically) and there were these midwit girls who tried to memorize all this dumb shit to win and I just showed up to the meets with what I happened to know and I ultimately beat them and got to go to State's, which really pissed them off and was pretty controversial in general. The coaches acted pretty uncomfortable about the fact that they had to help me be the school's representative, rather than the nerdy girls.

>> No.20061819
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>> No.20061843
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1630518001934s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't read it.

>> No.20061853

Same but the author is a 5.4 "migtow" who makes videos about why not having a GF is the greatest thing in the world.

I get a very strong cope feel from his channel.

>> No.20062566

How did you get filtered by a shitpost? Your a retarded negro for misinterpreting this

>> No.20062575

GPT-3 post

>> No.20062596

Lot of midwit cope in this thread, you hate to see it.

>> No.20062638

IQ of 145 here. All I want to do is live a modest life with modest interests. I haven’t achieved anything in 30 years. Nobody depends on me for anything, I can do what I want at any given moment and I can get a beer with the lads on weekends. Life’s great.

>> No.20062736

Meanwhile, my retarded Mexican neighbors have 6 kids they have afford. I guess intelligence is not evolutionarily adaptive anymore.

>> No.20062748

Stupid people always have more children than smart people. Smart people are an anomaly, genetic mutations from hunter gatherer DNA. The world is not made for smart people.

>> No.20062758

Standardized tests don't "accommodate" anyone. They are neutral tests of a person's intellect.

>> No.20062799

If intelligence was never a selected trait in our species, then how did humans evolve to be more intelligent than apes?

>> No.20062811


>> No.20062821

I think this book's thesis (I'm assuming here) is that smart people have less friends and are more lonely and isolated than midwits. hence why women have such an easy time making friends.

>> No.20062823

I don't get what's so wrong with that. collective narcissism is what built societies so, good luck trying to build one where people experience ego death.

>> No.20062825

Intelligence is relative. It was important for hunter gatherers to track prey and discern nutritious fauna from poison for the human race to survive. It is not immediately important for people for people to understand quantum physics.
Intelligence is correlated to self-reflection and low self-esteem, both things that are less desirable on breeding. There’s a reason why there’s more average people than anything else, because average people on average are breeding more.

>> No.20062849

Of course intelligence is relative, you goof. That's self evident. My point was that being (relatively) intelligent no longer seems to be an adaptive trait, because (relatively) dumb people tend to have more kids.
> intelligence is correlated
Yes, and it's also correlated with problem solving. You're not exactly refuting my point, which is that our social environment doesn't favor these traits.

>> No.20062858
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 1644977844216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shucks. I got baited.

>> No.20062918

15 points is a big difference. Your brother seems like drooling retard because from your perspective he is.

>> No.20062927
File: 48 KB, 376x401, 1623919522084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was BORN SUPERIOR, that is an irrefutable, scientific fact

>> No.20062955 [DELETED] 

You have 101 IQ and autism.

>> No.20062959

141 and I have no problem being stupid

>> No.20062969

anon, you are probably gone by now, but why are you telling us how to be charismatic/manipulate people? I can't understand why you would make that post based on your own model that you give.

>> No.20062987

Ironic that psychology majors correlate with low IQ.

>> No.20062993

Once again "cope" isn't a thing

>> No.20063511
File: 101 KB, 918x543, accomplishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you insist on using darwinian terms, there's this idea of "group selection" which explains why genius exists. The genius himself will likely fail to reproduce, but his individual contributions will increase the likelihood of survival for the group, especially in the face of competing groups, thereby increasing the likelihood of passing on his genes indirectly (because his genes cluster with the group’s genes). So as a group selection strategy, a population will have gene frequencies that irregularly produce geniuses at the expense of that particular genius’s individual selection strategy. Examples of genius contributions conducive to group selection might be a new religion facilitating group cohesion, a new or improved weapon technology, a new farming technique, etc. Of course this is teleological and does not answer your original question on how it came to be in the first place because darwinism falls short here. Nor does it provide a good explanation on how these presumed 'genius genes' could continue to persist in a group overtime when geniuses like you accurately observed tend to not reproduce themselves. You won't get very far if you continue on looking at things through a material and darwinian paradigm. I recommend you abandon that and start looking else where if you actually care about the truth.

>> No.20063516

IQ might indicate how well you learn to think in different ways (aka current being a quais scientific), rather than how well you can understand the world for what it is. Ironically, maybe a deep love of life and kindness should be the metric - IQ, for me, was an escape for me that allowed me to be a POS rather than recognizing true competence as how you make others feel and your ability to convert religious lessons into daily habits. I'm still bad at the latter so lots of room to grow - but IQ has some characteristics that seem useful at the population level.

>> No.20063534

How did he end up there from the forest

>> No.20063587
File: 65 KB, 605x934, 1622555299274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

137 here but autistic as fuck which is usually the reason why people think of me as being a retard. I don't care however

>> No.20063615

neither does being a doctor lol

>> No.20063631
File: 39 KB, 374x347, confused anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20063638

Wow its great to know we have people with higher iq than einstein, and they all work on Wall Street doing trickle down economics for us! What a great time to be alive!

>> No.20063723

the real lateral play is not to be the smartest,
but to stay ahead of curves and trends
so that you may always slip through the nets
of this ever tightening great filter
so who cares, up or down, there's no logic,
no proportion, people think you're safe in the herd, but really in terms of demographics, it's
the herd that's getting thinned out, not the outliers
so statistically, it's better to stand out whether as the town idiot, or the rain man autist.
It's when you become expendable, replaceable, that you gotta start to worry.

>> No.20063869

>you were BORN MENTALLY ill, that is an irrefutable, scientific fact

>> No.20063905
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1644917687281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>um yeah im basically 130+ and smarter than everyone i know but i have nothing to show for it because uuuuuh
Whether you blame school, autism or ADHD saying this dumb shit outs you as a retard and even if it was true it would just be humiliating. Get real.

>> No.20063920

you are so retarded

>> No.20063963
File: 9 KB, 279x326, 1595650616350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My internet rule of thumb is that anyone who posts their IQ is actually 50 points smarter for taking IQ tests seriously

>> No.20064050

Low IQ people think the same thing though, it's not just me seeing that in him.

>> No.20064287

Wait what's the trick to guessing the post number?

>> No.20064313
File: 7 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought I was.a smart boi
>Actually a midwif with adhd
Books that can help me to cope with this fact

>> No.20064356

I'm probably a midwit but it doesn't really bother me because intelligence is just one measure of a human's worth and I tend to value other virtues more. From my experience the people who get wrapped up in this are high scorers that let the test go to their head. Grats to them for being smart I suppose, but most of these people you want to clobber in the mouth for being so childishly narcissistic

>> No.20064465

Tell us then, where do 150+ IQ people that aren't faggots gather?

>> No.20064495

Flowers for Algernon is a good book about this.

>> No.20064504

very based

>> No.20064512

>people that aren't faggots
You'll have to be more descriptive than that, almost everyone is a faggot from some perspective. In my view, 4chan is one such place where non-faggots gather in some numbers. Densely populated cities in general are good, but that's just because by the numbers more people means more non-faggots, regardless of how many extra faggots you wind up with. Sorting for high-IQ or high intelligence, you can go for places like Boston, NYC, San Francisco, Oxford, etc. Places with large and famous universities that attract the intelligent, or at least filter out the unintelligent somewhat.

Personally I think seeking out a place with a million smart non-faggots is the wrong approach. Humans can only handle 150-250 interpersonal relationships at a time so your best bet is to just make 150 friends and try to make sure at least a few of them are on your level of intelligence and wavelength of non-faggotry. Easier to find 150 such people than a million.

>> No.20064570

Poo poo, pee pee, fart fart

t. 140 IQ

>> No.20064716

I have a IQ of 149 and as a not-native speaker make native mistakes like 'would of'. Anybody else who does feel similar?

>> No.20064907

anyone I don't like is a faggot

>> No.20064988

>You can further get them to do what *you* want by convincing that they should do what you want to get what they want.

I thought you were talking about socializing?

>> No.20065104


>> No.20065395

>overall a score of 109
am I a delusional faggot for still thinking I am smarter than this?

>> No.20065422

Central Bank Boardrooms

>> No.20065506

no, you'd be a delusional faggot if you placed any value on a magic number from an internet test, and thought it implied anything significant about your intelligence.
>inb4 cope
t. >>20061779

>> No.20065515 [DELETED] 


>No, completely disagree. There's no correlation between IQ and inherent physical attractiveness.

i think there is. low iq people tend to have terrible taste in aesthetics

>> No.20065541 [DELETED] 


i also forgot

you get bored easily due to the lack of hobbies. low iq tender to have fewer hobbies

>> No.20065553


i also forgot:
you get bored easily due to the lack of hobbies. low iq people tend to have fewer hobbies.
i think one of the worst things about having a low iq

>> No.20065560


i think this is one of the worst*

>> No.20065580

I'm not sure I agree with that. Surely the pursuit of hobbies stems from boredom (or the fear of it)?
I think that low IQ people may be more satisfied with a narrower range of hobbies, while a high IQ person may feel the need to constantly branch out and do different things.

>> No.20065624

i think an example of a low iq person would be a woman who pays someone else to remove the malware on her computer instead of removing it herself(wasting money in the process)

low iq people for some reason never bother doing things themselves. they always have to get others to do it for them, because it's too complicated for them
they are like the opposite of DIY

>> No.20065662

i remember some indian dragging me to his house to fix his computer. there was nothing wrong with it. he forgot to plug it in. lmao
talk about low iq

>> No.20066133

What do they do anyway other than solving a few brain teasers?

>> No.20066367
File: 19 KB, 711x314, results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the number I always tend to be outclassed in memory, problem solving, and spatial awareness in an academic or workplace setting.
I feel like the problem with these tests is that they put too much chalk into this "select the following" format.

>> No.20066850

IQ matters and is scientific, but it doesn't say anything about being able to think with your own mind and tolerance with ideas that doesn't make you feel good but are correct nevertheless. Those two factors are what separates normies/NPCs/women and humans.

>> No.20067070

dumbest post in this entire thread, hands down

>> No.20067609
File: 599 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220314-225746_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in 3D a lot for my job, not sure if that helped with the spacial portion.

Do you think people actually practice for these tests so they can later brag about how well they did? If so, wouldn't that kind of defeat the point?

Maybe the winning move is to not take an IQ test in the first place.

>> No.20067615

What IQ means and what IQ colloquially represents is valued by everyone (justifies it's own existence.) However, there is most importantly the 'unspoken vibe' : IQ is 100% true, but everyone must necessarily pretend that it's not to get along, trapped in a world where everyone knows they are acting as themselves, but the show never ends. Such is the prison of the midwit, the only group of people for whom IQ truly matters, and the only group of people who will never have their fact of being so, confirmed.

>> No.20067635

The guy who wrote the book doesn't have to deal with any of the dumb people posed in your question, who are you talking about?

>> No.20067644

Lots of people are born better than you or I, only the dickless think it shouldn't be mentioned.

>> No.20067749

Reading that was like watching autism try to evolve beyond itself and failing.

>> No.20068151

Just proves my point.

>> No.20068179

I was considering joining Mensa, because I thought that they are smart enough to not fall for woke bullshit like the midwits at my Uni. Thanks for disproving that hypothesesis for me Anon.

>> No.20068183

>It's the single strongest predictors of if a person will end up in prison or have a successful career for example.
I believe that's zipcode actually, lol.
>Read The Bell Curve.
Ah, so your one of those. Not even worth engaging with, then.

>> No.20068246

It sounds like you’ve stumbled into Turchin’s theory of “The Overproduction of Elites”.

>> No.20068331

that graph only serves to give evidence that these standardized tests are little more than a set of arbitrary games designed to select for one dimensional subservient poindexters.
There is no proven correlation between IQ and success in real world terms. though low IQ can indicate inability to follow instructions and generally be unable to navigate life tasks. This is what IQ tests were originally for, to have an intelligence bar to enter the army.

>> No.20068419

>low IQ

>> No.20068430
File: 161 KB, 1536x764, screenshot-openpsychometrics.org-2022.03.15-10_12_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought you guys might be interested, this is what a dyslexic's results looks like: low verbal, high spatial.

>> No.20068487

Equally obnoxious are those who feel the need to say "You're not smart", "You're not special", and other similar ceteras to the people giving blogposts about their dislike of sportsball. Oh, you know doctors that like football? I know doctors that are Indian (of curry), what's your fucking point? You're completely ignoring the rest of his post and picking on a single flaw. You see a thought expressed very fucking plainly with little to no insight, and yet you still need to respond and criticise it to show the world that you're cleverer than someone else? What a coward. I get it, you were once as big a faggot as him, so you cringe when you read the post because you see a piece of yourself that you dislike.

I'm not sure if it's socio-economic or geographic, but where I live, people give strange looks and responses if they find out I'm doing maths for fun, sometimes they think I'm being sarcastic. It's something I used to be self-conscious about (doing maths for fun, that is), but now I tend to be more open about it (though not too open, as it may upset my superiors if they find out I'm having fun on the job, that is inexcusable). I do hate the way 'normies' act about academic pursuits, but I also hate the faggoty "sportsball bad" attitude of self-appointed intel-smegma-als.. Who gives a fuck, you don't watch the latest season of sports, whatever. Their enjoyment of such circenses is to your advantage, why would you want a world full of academics? Let them do what they're meant to do (suffer and burn HAAAHAHAHAHA), and you focus on you boo xoxoxo

ayooo we need a test where an A+ goes to whoever beats whitey's ass!!!

>> No.20068509

>hoTguht oYu uygs htgim eb itsenrdete, hist si awth d'xsysceil a utesrls oolsk elik l:wo lebvar, ghhi tipsaal.

Anon is this English?

>> No.20068529
File: 15 KB, 294x233, 1633990070492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but because IQ filtered me from pursuing specific fields.
Which fields?

I did a double major of ElecEng/Math and my FSIQ (WAIS-tested) is an 88.

>> No.20068624

IQ is the biggest predictor of success. #2 is conscientiousness.

>> No.20068683

>I believe that's zipcode actually, lol.
The wealthiest blacks commit more crime than the poorest whites.

>> No.20068703

>Its mor liek this for dislecksia
>Yoo spell it liek it sownds
>yoo allso miss 'b's with 'd's and forget how too spell very simple words

I fucking suck at anagrams, big part of why my score was so low for verbal. I had fairly intense training as a child to correct it. Sometimes I look at a word I spell by habit (training) and think 'that can't be how it's spelled', example: "standard" wtf is dard, there's no way dard is correct English, *look it up*, oh ok (i.e. it sounds like it should be spelled standerd).

>> No.20068707

>>I knew I was smart as a kid and praised too much for it, but luckily(?) I grew up poor so I didn't get too big a head about it and learned early to put my head towards resource acquisition and thrift rather than jerking myself off over test scores.
Why bother with either? I find it very hard to imagine 'productive' intelligent people as even an iota of consciousness is harrowingly alienating.

>> No.20069721

This is not true at all. Low IQ people basically lack the capacity to get bored, they process information so slowly and without peripheral distractions that they can spend hours glued to an activity. They only have a hard time with no stimulation at all (smarter people have more active imaginations), but given anything to work with they will be way more entertained.

>> No.20069796

Haven't read it. Don't seem very interesting.

>> No.20070999

I have it onto the reading it and it's always has that inside the impact being the brain. Like who? When was it then because of who it was!

>> No.20071095

>people who complain about not being able to relate to others due to some difference in IQ are idiots
This is true. I've never met a genuinely intelligent person in my life that expressed a nagging frustration of being surrounded by idiots.

>> No.20071886


>the pattern detection test is a good indicator of whether people will assimilate into existing power structures

Color me astonished

>> No.20072228

>Aaron clarey
>Reading books by manlets

>> No.20072233

>IQ correlates with aptitude like height correlates with basketball skill
So why no giant black professors?

>> No.20072285
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>> No.20072358

>In this section you will be a list of scrambled letters
nice iq test

>> No.20072367

looks hispanic

>> No.20072399

well this has to be bullshit
Or maybe not
My verbal IQ is pretty low irl
and I absolutely bombed the anagram test for 4 and 5 letters I got like one answer

>> No.20072407

>I must be high IQ because I don't like watching sportsball
You're not smart because you don't understand why people want an excuse to day drink with their mates.

>> No.20072411
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>> No.20072452

This is true, but let's say they got rid of all men. The ethnic female crime would still be higher than the asian/white.

>> No.20072459

IQ doesn't mean smart or street smart. All the high IQ faggots i know are pro lgbtq and Blsck lives matter. Smart people have 0 survival instincts.

>> No.20072467

The thing is, the people who need to rely on rote memorization to learn math are never going to find math even slightly useful in their whole fucking lives.
Same here. I tried very hard off and on in elementary school, but whenever I did I got in trouble for “working ahead”. Middle school and on I couldn’t give half a shit about schoolwork or grades.

>> No.20072472

this book is more like 'curse of the 120 iq' and doesn't get into the real high iq shit

>> No.20072522


>> No.20072790

That's because Zip codes can be broken down by demographics, and IQ averages differ by race.

Same Jewish trick used to say "crime is zip code dependant". Like no shit, you find the zipcodes with the races who commit the most crimes (blacks & mexicans) and tada, they're ranked the most violent.

>> No.20072796

Can we sage this thread to hell please, so at least we can live with a few days rest and hope before the next is posted?

>> No.20072807

Aaron Clarey writes the most generic shit ever and bitches about how everything is there to fuck you over. From women to college degrees to the local car mechanic. I never read such dreary writing in my life.

>> No.20072944

post iq

>> No.20072958
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I have a very low IQ, so I react to this book by not reading it, since I can't ever understand the curse of the high IQ anyway. I'd rather spend my time fucking my wife and mistress, and then shitposting on /lit.

>> No.20072987

being pro lgbtq and blm is a survival instinct

>> No.20073005

Pretending to be is.

>> No.20073147

lmao cope more brainlet

>> No.20073165

What the fuck? Do you have so little security in your identity and thoughts that everything is a fucking Jewish trick?

I'm pretty sure that people who want for equality have always wanted for equality, and you can only see the names on the posters and say "oi vey the fucking jews". You are aware that at the top everything is divinely justified, right? So it is in the best interest of every scum fucking parasite to have the Jews there, because it fucking adds to the "as God intended" narrative that is the only thing that blows their megalomania, right?

You're a fuckibg bitch, and a coward.


>> No.20073171

Only intelligence can recognize intelligence (intelligently).

>> No.20073188
File: 69 KB, 680x680, 1646597095940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want a world full of Academics? Did we talk academia? No Linux and movies and women mostly. Because that was my world. I miss it sorely. Before the brain drain outsourced everyone to sorrowful servitude under some retard's nutsack.
Self. Employed. Self employed, motherfucker. I was drinking with my mates. Our excuses were high culture! Not even the snobby kind mostly spongebob jokes and 90s movie cliches.
Now why do I have to pretend to be like someone I look nothing like, sound nothing like, feel nothing like and why do I want MY world of people who ARE like me? God this frustration of that stupid look on someones face offering me a beer for the 1000th time (allergy). Versus someone giving me my special accomodation that says, there there. Here. It's yours. It's for you.

>> No.20073192


>> No.20073195

post iq

>> No.20073242

Drooling retard here. That's actually not true.

>> No.20073260
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>> No.20073261

This. Only midwits care about "IQ".

>> No.20073268
File: 289 KB, 956x260, Screenshot 2021-09-21 11.16.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The beginning of wisdom is embracing the empty painful horror and enduring insight to the end and beyond the other side of the shore! What a faggot! Fact is some of us are lucky and the game is fucked. Own it.
Godless heathen spotted

>> No.20073310

>These days it's really not hard to find a community of intelligent people if you're willing to move to NYC, the Bay Area, or Boston.
i'm not moving to some overpriced cesspit.
> (and New York City, which had always been an attraction for the intelligent due to population/wealth/art density).
by your criteria would the web be a better place or substitute?
>population(job opportunities?)
I don't see why you may think this is valuable other then for economics rather then raw hubris.
class is completely irrelevant online (and debatably in wider discussion in general.)
>art density
the surplus of good art online is ubiquitous if you know where to look/(who to take seriously).
some fun examples I've enjoyed because why not

>> No.20073320

It's very accurate and useful when looking at populations. But yes, when looking at individuals it's useless

>> No.20073336

Why are pseudo intellectual troglodytes like this?

>> No.20073358

>ubiquitous of you know where to look

I think youean it is ubiquitous if your aesthetic falls in line with that of the majority of the popular internet.

To quote someone from one of the bandcamp pages

>A unique sound that reminds me of some of my favorite retro videogames and media

This 8-bit production is stale, and self referential.

It is very hard to find good art online because artists aren't allowed to mature. They show some talent (forgive the lack of a better word) or they post a nice piece of work, and are then forced by the weight and expectation of a whole lot of "weeeeee love you" cunts, who will just as quickly love some cunt in cosplay, and some other deepthroating a cock, to mass produce and loose focus. They get crushed, while cunt collect them like diseased pokemon

>> No.20073377

>non educated cope

>> No.20073385

funny eugenics moment

>> No.20073409

Niggerman Pepe Defrog

>> No.20073418

Why is it that you desire to socialize? Answer that question, and then socialize with that intent. Most smart people do not desire idle chatter. It may also be that your desire for such camaraderie is borne out of a different deficit, I.E: Being uncertain about your future makes you want to have a safety network. In such a case, you'll better solve your problems by getting financial success and stability.

>My point was that being (relatively) intelligent no longer seems to be an adaptive trait, because (relatively) dumb people tend to have more kids.
IQ has a negative correlation with fertility in times of overall low birth rates, and positive correlation with fertility in times of high birth rates. In other words, higher IQ individuals more readily react to environmental changes, whereas low IQ individuals do not change their overall reproductive strategy. This should come as a surprise to no one.

That's one in 10k. Even highly technical jobs, such as those requiring a PhD in physics/mathematics, average somewhere in the region of 140. There is no practical existing filter that goes that high. Of course, that's irrelevant. The distance between which communication of concepts is highly meaningful and efficient is at least 25-30 IQ points, as estimated by the Prometheus society. That is, you would have to have an IQ of at least 165 to 170 for there to be any semblance of problems. At which point you'll qualify for Prometheus society already and can find your company that way.

>> No.20073465

after reading this post i get the impression that you have not bothered to seek out anything note worthy online
>I think youean it is ubiquitous if your aesthetic falls in line with that of the majority of the popular internet
rude of you to call me a normie
>This 8-bit production is stale, and self referential.
giving pilotredsun this description is very funny to me and generally seems like you're not familiar with his works (or just didn't bother seeing/listening for yourself)
>It is very hard to find good art online because artists aren't allowed to mature. They show some talent (forgive the lack of a better word) or they post a nice piece of work, and are then forced by the weight and expectation of a whole lot of "weeeeee love you" cunts, who will just as quickly love some cunt in cosplay, and some other deepthroating a cock, to mass produce and loose focus. They get crushed, while cunt collect them like diseased pokemon
i can see what you mean in a round about way teh caretaker is a good example of this but from what ive noticed its mainly young and dumb zoomers who end up raping the original piece with a bunch a bullshit.
this guy has an interesting story revolving around what i've talked about and it seem no one in the west knows who tf he is lel
either way your post is pretty schizo for the most part and the last paragraph is retarded for the most part

>> No.20073472


>> No.20073544

Yes, unfortunately you are a normie. Squirm as you might the truth speaks volumes. You post and talk like you live on redit

I spend a disproportionate amount of time searching through music and art online

How was my post scitzo?

The moronic adhd of the internet is undeniable. It is like a racist 2 year old.

I read up on the reclusive musician, nothing new here at all.

Actually most of these examples you have linked to are already tried and tested. Try digging vinyl, and I mean really digging vinyl. People were doing much crazier shit, and other people were paying to have it pressed and distributed they believed in it so much. Most of it won't be found online because it takes too much effort to digitise, and the original waxes are probably lost because most of the record producers went bankrupt. But I guess life can all be unique and special if you keep yourself ignorant and in an echo chamber. I guess you can't be a scitzo if you just agree with all the voices, right?

How can you agree with what I wrote, and then dismiss it as retarded? Oh, for the most part, I get it the "fuck it, whatever" dismissal clause.

You seem like a shallow cunt. How goes you figurine collection?

>> No.20073577

>I spend a disproportionate amount of time searching through music and art online
link some

>> No.20073598


>> No.20073607


>> No.20073610

I fucking will. The suffering of an ego death sobers you up fast.

>> No.20073616

What if the cluster in question is a multicultural hell hole and your theory on genes of the group go out the window and the thing for the genius to do is cleanse the fucking gene pool.

>> No.20073688

>My verbal IQ is pretty low irl
online, too

>> No.20073752

All these people with low verbal abilities on /lit

Me too

Anagrams are for assholes

>> No.20073792
File: 22 KB, 722x283, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw near perfect memory score yet sometimes forget what I was thinking about just moments ago

>> No.20073797


Saying it's the dumbest post in the thread doesn't show how i am wrong.

you must be low iq not to know this

>> No.20073816

i get a different score every time i take an online test which makes me think online iq tests are bullshit

it depends how many answers i get right via a series of lucky guesses

i could get a score between 90 and 140

>> No.20073868

I had an operation to reduce my IQ, had too much

>> No.20073922

Postnumber future prediction?

>> No.20073940

subservient poindexter detected.

>> No.20073941
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>Unless you're on some extreme end of the bell-curve, your situation will probably be about average and the implications of the metric being measured won't really have a stand-out effect on your life
Isn't that uh. Kinda the point?

>> No.20074025

Yeah no shit. An actual IQ test takes actually quite a while to do and must be done by someone who is quilified to take it. You can still have some variation but then it is minimal. I got 137 on the first when I was like 11 and 139 when I was 19

>> No.20074216

This. People who are too physically weak to defend themselves are particularly influenced by apparent mass support for something.

>> No.20074250

low iq

>> No.20074284

why do people come on the internet just to tell lies?

>> No.20074293


>> No.20074294

this. our education system props up aspie automatons with no humanity or originality

>> No.20074304

Once your memory IQ reaches 150 you can remember the future as well.

>> No.20074530

my IQ is 135 or some shit and i'm here talking to you so clearly Iq doesn't mean anything because we're both equally retarded

>> No.20074619

>it's obviously a lie if someone claims to be 145 IQ
tells us everything we need to know about your IQ

>> No.20074626

the "everyone on 4chan is a retarded failure" meme is peak reddit

>> No.20075016

yes anon, everyone in this thread is 130+ that must be it. people never lie about things like this online. you really are smart

>> No.20075526

Wanting violent niggers in a pedos in your country is a survival instinct now? America is brazil 2.0

>> No.20075769

190iq can be children spiritually. And because of that, they are blinded to truth and dwell in the same contradictions retards below them dwell in.

>> No.20075821

its not a meme. if youre here youre a weird person in some way