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File: 96 KB, 1101x795, holy bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20053653 No.20053653 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine reading anything other than the Holy Bible (KJB) or commentaries unto it? Last thread >>20041384

>> No.20053669

First for actual Bible discussion

>> No.20053681 [DELETED] 

Posting unadulterated kino.

>> No.20053737

Torah with goyim sauce

>> No.20053758

Can you summarize? Seen a bit, seems great

>> No.20053768
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>> No.20053779
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>> No.20053784
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>> No.20053810

Basically, the documentarian originally argued for an early date in the 15th century BC, but then got torn to shreds by an Egyptologist, he brought that Egyptologist on board to help revise it and they just rereleased the updated documentary yesterday.

TL;DW: There is evidence for the Exodus; the date was between 1300 and 1250 BC; the Pharaoh of the Exodus was Ramses II; the Israelites were stationed at Avaris and the Egyptian capital was Pi-Ramesses, thus explaining how Moses and Aaron were able to speak with the Pharaoh and get his messages back so quickly to the Israelites, which wouldn't have been possible at other times when the capital was in Thebes or Memphis, hundreds of miles away. The use of Egyptian loanwords throughout the Book of Exodus also highlights its connection to the area and is not something that later forgers would've likely considered had the story been a later myth rather than a historical account. That's the first 15 minutes.

>> No.20053830

Archeological proof of Garden of Eden when?

>> No.20053878

It will never happen, unfortunately.!The pre-Fall world is beyond the reach of science. Modern science relies on uniformitarian assumptions regarding the laws of nature and the way the world works, but the world before the Fall was radically different than the world we live in now. Plus if it could even be said to be directly on Earth (as the Genesis account seems to indicate), then it was probably totally gone or obscured by the time Noah’s Flood wiped out everything and probably drastically reshaped the geography.

>> No.20053923
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The first half in summary.

>> No.20053943

I'm catholic and I want to go to heaven right after I die. I noticed there are 2 different paths I could take, A) maxxing out your sainthood stats:
>enter a monastery right now and live a life of prayer
>practice strict mortification and deny yourself bodily pleasures lest you fall into sin
>go on until your body is ruined and mind's only occupation is worhipping God, or until you get martyred
Additionally, if you give in and, say, jerk off and get a heart attack before an opportunity to repent, you're going straight to hell.
or B) living a life of generally doubtful morality, like most normies:
>have protected sex before marriage, abuse alcohol, never fast, skip church often, etc.
>go to confession
>get absolution
>right after that adore the eucharist for half an hour for plenary indulgence - now all your past doesn't matter and you're a blank slate
>repeat if you commit mortal sin
>if you commit venial sing, say a prayer for partial indulgence so you skip the little purgatory time it gets you
Who allowed THE one true religion to be exploitable like this? How does it comply with Christ's words that the gate to heaven is narrow? Why would anyone ever select the first path and care more than they should, if the end results are the same?

>> No.20053967
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>watching Gaither vids
>who are the Golden Angels?

>> No.20054122

isn't the king james version just chopped and screwed to justify the divine right of kings? How can you take this shit seriously?

>> No.20054129

No, it's just the Geneva Bible but without the anti-monarchist marginal notes.

>> No.20054149

Imagine listening to whomever it is you've been listening to. Pro tip, they are leading (You) into retardation.

>> No.20054162
File: 238 KB, 1080x948, KJV-RV-Interlinear-Bible-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the RV instead.

>> No.20054167

Read the Literal Standard Version and be mindful of contentious translations.

>> No.20054179


>> No.20054206

A is wrong and a stupid idea. You're here to help others find salvation too, not be selfish.
B works as long as it's true repentance.
You have a warped idea of it.

>> No.20054225

In short, read the Bible, and understand it.

>> No.20054242

Imagine doing anything other than this.

>> No.20054307
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I just saw Kathy Lee Gifford on CBN and she knows a lot about the Bible. She has obviously spent a lot of time reading it and learning about it.

>> No.20054316

>Who allowed THE one true religion to be exploitable like this?
It isn't. The second path you gave is a deliberate effort to fool God. You aren't actually repenting, your adoration of the Eucharist is a put-on, etc. Essentially you are engaging in sacrilege. God is not mocked.

>> No.20054321

Good advice. I did this and converted to Catholicism.

>> No.20054347
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είναι αυτό το δόλωμα?

>> No.20054370
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Same but with Orthodoxy. I’ll always find you guys more bro-tier than Prots

>> No.20054447

Why are you so sub label oriented? I'm just Christian.

>> No.20054472

In other words you are a Protestant.

>> No.20054524

So Christians are Protestants.
What are you then?

>> No.20054531

Surveying random people in the streets:
>what religion are you?
>I'm Catholic
>I'm Russian/Greek/Coptic/Ethiopian/Serbian/Oriental/Bulgarian etc. Orthodox

>> No.20054536
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Such faith requires a proper baptism.

>> No.20054546

Why can't you make an actual argument? Do you think you are fooling anyone with stuff like this? You make your position seem weak and pathetic, frankly.

>> No.20054565

You'll throw the paper-thin arguments of "veneration isn't worship" and whatever else you can come up with. When your own response to someone calling themselves a Christian is to label them Protestant, that's a curious thing.

>> No.20054586

>You'll throw the paper-thin arguments of "veneration isn't worship" and whatever else you can come up with.
Because it isn't. Your refusal to take our word for it when we tell you we are not worshiping someone is absurd. You are accusing us of lying and therefore bearing false witness against us.
>When your own response to someone calling themselves a Christian is to label them Protestant, that's a curious thing.
There is no group of Christians that magically transcends all history and does not fall into some category such as this. You are playing word games. Again, it is pathetic.

>> No.20054601

Alas, there is no record of Catholic or Orthodox doctrine in ancient Christian documents either.
I won't take your word for it when you ask someone other than God for salvation, and consider them a coredeemer of humanity.

>> No.20054605

Bible isn't literature

>> No.20054620

>Alas, there is no record of Catholic or Orthodox doctrine in ancient Christian documents either.

Doesn't matter what is cited, you will claim it isn't early enough.

>I won't take your word for it when you ask someone other than God for salvation
What does this mean?

1 Cor. 9:22 To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Is Paul saving people by his own power? Is he saying the has replaced Christ? Of course not. But when we use the same language you start crying idolatry.

>and consider them a coredeemer of humanity.
This is not a Catholic dogma.

>> No.20054632

Literature isn’t Holy.

>> No.20054648
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>no record of Catholic or Orthodox doctrine in ancient Christian documents

>> No.20054657


>> No.20054667

It still seems unfair, doesn't it? Let's suppose person B actually repented. Why should he gain the same reward as person A, who tryharded all life, and have his past fualts erased for free? The parable of the workers in the vineyard never made sense to me.
At the same time, an otherwise godly man who happens to be in mortal sin at instance of death is damned, and he would make a much better saint than person B.

>> No.20054714

>It still seems unfair, doesn't it?
Why do you care if God is merciful to others? Is that not a good thing? If you think that you deserve salvation any more than they do then you are suffering a spiritual delusion.
>At the same time, an otherwise godly man who happens to be in mortal sin at instance of death is damned
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Tim. 4:7). It is possible to fail in the end. Such a person does have recourse to the Last Rites. He also may have his mortal sin forgiven through an act of perfect contrition, without a priest.

>> No.20054909

t. Prot with no church or connection to the apostles

>> No.20055082

No this is just another slide thread to derail productive discussion compared to the last one. Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.20055104

The Septuagint still has parts that suck like its original version of Daniel and various other places. You LXX-only shills are the other side of the textual exclusivist coin.

>> No.20055173
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>LXX bad
virginity truly is a virtue, keep yours

>> No.20055184

The 70 translators thing is a myth.
It is not bad. It has an important place in textual studies. But it is still a translation.

>> No.20055212
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Sure proved your point crypto-Turk

>> No.20055297
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Salam anon. God bless you too.

Now join my fight in glorious honor of the Holy LXX against Masoretic Judaizing scum.

>> No.20055321

If God thought the LXX was His Holy word then He would make sure it was prominently available to all Christians everywhere. The MT with some LXX adjustments is what He has obviously blessed and given to the world.

>> No.20055371

“God’s word is for our profit” the Apostle tells us. Of course the Masoretic has merit, and only adds to the LXX and vice versa. His message is clear even in our modern gender neutral translations like the NRSV and the NASB 2020, we are to live a Christian life. Once again Paul reminds us not be hung up on the letter, because “the letter kills and it is the spirit that gives life”.

>> No.20055399

If you look at the dates and corresponding societal manifestations it becomes perfectly clear that the NRSV literally released the demons into the collective psyche that resulted in the present wave of fruition in the trans phenomenon and gay becoming just another personal identity option.

>> No.20055410

Yes anon, I'm sure a gender-neutral Bible translation was the sole cause of this phenomenon, which of course was not influenced in any way by other factors and arose from nowhere the instant the first copy of the NRSV rolled off the press.

>> No.20055420

Indeed, the LXX was not in universal use among Christians. Not all NT quotations of the OT match the Septuagint. The West used the the Vulgate which had its OT translated from Hebrew. And the OT of the Syriac Peshitta was also translated from Hebrew.

>> No.20055434
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But if I dont look..

>> No.20055483

I find these threads repulsive, and I won't visit them anymore. I am sure many of you are great individuals, but I continue to observe nothing but debauchery and blasphemy.
How could you not feel immediate shame after typing such a sentence?

You bicker, and you don't facilitate productive discussion pertaining to scripture. Or even anything productive for that matter. Would Jesus have every described anyone as 'bro-tier' or insulted anyone with such a derogatory label such as 'Prot'.

As is a common meme on here: I don't think most of you even read the Bible. At the very least, you aren't true to what you have read.

God bless those that have remained true and post here, and God bless those that have fallen ill. I hope that I will be able to find another place wherein I can openly discuss scripture and the Faith.

>> No.20055501

It's pretty rough and increasingly pointless. I'm mainly waiting around now for a report from the Anon who reads the Bible to his Dad.

>> No.20055535

The LXX turned pagan Europe into Christondom. And to this day universal among us.

>> No.20055545

I was reading the Bible today and I really don’t like Joshua going around circumcising children.
I see it as genital mutilation, if God wanted us to be circumcised He would have made us without a foreskin in the first place

>> No.20055547

Telling that you call out that relatively benign post and not the people calling others Satanists, pagans, idolaters, etc. Not fooling anyone.

>> No.20055551

Well that is false. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.20055561

I started reading the bible and I'm i listening to a guy give commentary on it
Up to the building of the ark now
It nice it explains stuff like why God chose Abel over Cain and other stuff

I should take better notes or something but I listen while I'm driving....

>> No.20055566

idk got into budhism because of pewdiepie (kek) it just challenges me i like it it almost quite frankly repulses me it takes a fact almost all religions have to an extent that the after life or next life is more important and that this world is not so important but goes more in depth with it and it just really rubs me the wrong way i feel like i'm on a cheese grater i WON'T unclench or let go of the sword i think it's important to look at all knowledge on any subject not just one school of thought this doesn't mean you seperate from your own beliefs or culture but you can talk and learn can't you?

>> No.20055588
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>if i have a pulse, i have a purpose. That means I have an opportunity. One more day to be loyal to god

>> No.20055617
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I wasn’t asking, I am telling you.

>> No.20055649
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>> No.20055714

What do I do in regards to my sins? What are mortal sins and what do they require for mercy?

Corect in those two being the only options? If the righteous are like a dirty rag to God, ie everyone is sinful by nature, then what is the appropriate, honest to God mindset to be having for a spirit fueled life of fulfilling God's will? So far, it sounds to me like we are flawed men and God seeks integrity and actualization as highly valued qualities of man, so God wants us to know he has opened the path towards salvation, and that while you may sin and act wickedly, the way to get back on the path is to be honest about yourself and your vices and admit and overcome that weakness and the honest effort from making those choices is the behavior you ultimately want to become

>> No.20055737

David Wood just interviewed Bart Ehrman and Bart provides some surprising moments of support for the faith. For some reason the chemistry between these two brings things out of Bart that outright debates do not.


>> No.20055819

>What do I do in regards to my sins?
Pray for mercy. I mean can you undo them? Can you separate the milk from your coffee after mixing? And the same with our sins, we become polluted. So we have faith, that we can be forgiven. Because, we recognize our faults and dont commit the sin anymore.

>> No.20056143

What do you guys think this means
>And the Lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.
Luke 16:8-9 KJVAE

>> No.20056364

>You LXX-only shills are the other side of the textual exclusivist coin.
Yes, we LXX shills, like St. Paul, who knew the Hebrew Bible in both Greek and Hebrew/Aramaic, and still chose to quote the Greek version 80% of the time in his epistles.

>> No.20056396

Today I read chapters 13 to 17 of the book of John to my dad. We shared bread and wine, although we had a hard time opening up the bottle of wine. It was a very nice experience.
I plan on continuing with Acts next saturday, but I will read as much of the NT on my own as I can next week.

>> No.20056446

>chapters 13 to 17 of the book of John to my dad
>shared bread and wine
Excellent, excellent. How did he seem to take the experience? How did you take the experience? May God be with you in your morning departure and onward.

>> No.20056509

You read those 3 memes and think it's pro-LXX?

>> No.20056512

He seemed to like it, although I can tell he found it a bit strange, but he listened to me very respectfully. The experience meant a lot to me, especially because I had been crying before we started. I was sad thinking about how much I would miss him, and our little routine, and all the beautiful things in my town. But reading to him, and sharing the bread and the wine gave me some clarity of mind, and it brought me peace. As I was coming home I tried to memorize every little detail of the route I take, and everything seemed more vivid and alive. The trees weren't green but purple and blue. My dad gave me a big hug. I felt sadness inside of me but also comfort, I don't know how to properly explain the feeling. I was sad, I still am, but I feel in my heart that everything will be okay.
I thank you for your words, anon. May God be with you tomorrow too

>> No.20056519

Is he dying or are you just a little faggot?

>> No.20056557

I just love him a lot, anon

>> No.20056573

Imagine being (You). Any real Christians here will pray for you.
Your sharings of these things have been an inexpressible blessing. Never let the world you are about to venture into remove you from who you are with your Dad during these experiences.

>> No.20056601 [DELETED] 
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> Is he dying or are you just a little faggot?

>> No.20056607

The meds I’ll take are the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

>> No.20056617

>crying for your perfectly happy and healthy dad for no reason

>> No.20056622

I hope you find Jesus one day, fren

>> No.20056631

I'm truly in sorrow for you not having been raised by a dad but the solution to the resulting issues is not in belittling the love others have for their dads.

>> No.20056634

I have a dad, he's very sick and he was never absent and I'll cry when he dies, but not just randomly while he's still alive and I happen to be talking to him.

>> No.20056650

I will listen to your advice, anon. It means a lot to me, thank you
I was crying because I'm moving tomorrow, anon. I've spent almost every day of my life with him for the past 20 years.
I'm very sorry to hear that your dad is sick

>> No.20056659

That's terrible, you are a total fucking prick though.

>> No.20056668

Im not a Christian or a Jew but Im interested in the bible and its lessons. Is it worthwhile to read the bible as a book rather than as God's word? I have trouble convincing myself God wrote this, and actually I also wouldn't mind advice on how to change this as well, or atleast on how to find the true, correct religion to believe in

>> No.20056689

Read it, listen for the voice of the Shepherd and follow Him above any and all other things (including ideals or purported "facts"). Have faith in the voice of the Shepherd, He will lead you home.

>> No.20056719

I suggest if you are to read anything from the Bible that you start with the Gospels. They are the centerpoint of everything. Even the OT only truly makes sense in the light of its prefiguration of Jesus.

On the point about reading the Bible as a book, sure, it’s possible. Not sure if I would read it cover-to-cover though if I were to do that. The Bible was written by many people over a long period of time who were inspired by the Spirit. If you would like to see the Bible as more than a normal book though, my advice would be to pray for guidance (even if it feels silly at first if you have not done prayer before), and to look into the historicity of many aspects of the Gospels, including the resurrection.

>> No.20056759

Read the first 8 chapters of Matthew (less than 10k words, and the first book of the New Testament) and just see how you like it. KJV if you can handle the Elizabethan English, ESV otherwise.

>> No.20056762

I mean, it's not like it wouldn't be practical to preach in Hebrew to an audience which was primarily from a non-Hebrew speaking community and time period.

>> No.20056942

The Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews,

>> No.20056952
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Reading Hebrews now. I think it's the most difficult book to read, but if you read it carefully, it destroys Judaism and its lies.
>which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.
>Hebrews 9:10 KJB

>> No.20057001

>it destroys Judaism and its lies
Care to explain further?

>> No.20057012

Luke 4:4
And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’”

>> No.20057013

I mean, It's not like the community that text would have be directed toward was also largely ignorant of Hebrew by that point in time or like the ancient-rite churches haven't entirely agreed on the Pauline authorship of the text.

>> No.20057025

The reformation is over.

>> No.20057036
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>divers washing

>> No.20057038

I've heard both of these perspectives from various people on this board:
>the element of esotericism is missing from Christianity, which is why people become restless and get into Gnosticism, kabbalah, or the like after becoming dissatisfied with Christianity's lack of depth
>there is no barrier between the exoteric and the esoteric parts of Christianity, making any kind of 'initiation' or revealed secrets unnecessary - any believer, lay or not, can experience the mysteries of the faith fully
Is either one correct?

>> No.20057045

That was the main thing that tripped me up when I was 10 years old reading my KJB. I kept wondering what any of this had to do with scuba, and would think about the little treasure chest and diver decorations in muh fish tank.

>> No.20057053
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>people get bored and unsatisfied with Christianity, so they moved to Kabbalah
No one has ever said that. Kikes disguise their supremacist literature and simultaneously insert Anti-Christian elements into society under the guise of Pro-Kabbalah.

>> No.20057187

You really have to think sometimes that maybe so many people that you judged are actually closer to God than (You). It may not be apparent, but that could also be because you're using your own standards to judge when your standards and measures are wholly inadequate. It may be better to assume that everyone is saved but (You) and repent and serve the children of God in any and all ways that you can find. Lift all others up no matter what you think places yourself above them. Those who exalt themselves shall be abased, and those who humble themselves shall be exalted.

>> No.20057210
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Plenty of Christian mysticism to delve into.

>> No.20057250

Read the Bible very carefully. It is overflowing with mystical instruction and prompting, often very easy to look over because of its seeming simplicity and apparent plainness.

>> No.20057328

Get into Christian Neoplatonism and have the best of both worlds

>> No.20057651

What part of Christianity is unmystical?

>> No.20057658

>humility is the key

>> No.20057683
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>godless judaizing heretics
You’ll get yours..

>> No.20057903

how significant was the account of the cleansing of the temple?

>> No.20058081

They’re both wrong, unless one is talking about soulless Evangelicalism or something. Orthodoxy is very mystical.

>> No.20058092
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The Israel Bible?

>> No.20058207

Hi bros, Peace be with you!

Is there a *real* distinction between Transactional and Covenant relationships? Marriage is now pushed to be viewed as a transaction, which 1. is not biblical or Christian; 2. devalues the historical interpretation (which is in the West *generally* aligned with the Christian understanding). I am not a scholar, but I can see that Marriage is an image of the Testament between God and His people. However, even the covenant has an exchange happening in either direction: One side circumcise their progeny, the other Side ensures they will fill up the continents. In marriage, both sides promise to hold to each other through sickness and poverty.

So are Transactional and Covenant relationships between things meaningfully different?

>> No.20058220

Marriage is a prefiguration of the church.

>> No.20058837
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>> No.20058862
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Okay, Okay,
Who else became Orthodox today in support of Putin smashing GloboHomo?
I'd better see more Icons around here!

>> No.20058879

Phyletist go away

>> No.20058900

>t. gay nazi dying for Ukis

>> No.20058914

>You’ll get yours
Oh, good, it's nice to hear I will be rewarded for sharing a video where an agnostic/atheist provides valuable scholarly viewpoint support for faith in Jesus despite his own disbelief.

>> No.20058924

All the Russian Orthodox Christians and presbyters were driven underground decades ago. Those men you see around Putin that appear to be presbyters are political tools.

>> No.20058927

>I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily -- Corinthians 15:31
What does this mean bros? How do I learn how to die?

>> No.20058931


>> No.20058953

Does anyone *actually* believe these things?

>> No.20059043

My daily habits are warped by every day consumption of media. Since the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed I feel the urge to be entertained, as if I almost dread the silence and the emptiness. Thankfully I've managed to find the time and energy to read the Bible again and research some other aspects of the faith like doctrine, saints and church history.
I read the NT a year ago and now I'm slowly going through the OT. I'm at Joseph's dreams in Genesis. I feel I don't really understand its full meaning but as of now I'm just trying to read through it and become familiarized with it, I will at some point complement my readings with explanations in videos or podcasts. Any reccomendation would be apreciated.

Also, I know we all have our reasons to take issue with the other christian denominations, but we should ignore those differences and come together in Christ, at least while we are here.
I'm Catholic, but I admire the reverence and live tradition the Orthodox have, the evangelical drive some protestants have and even the whole "I'm not X, I'm Christian" thing sounds kinda beautiful in a way.
I hope one day we can all come together under one church as God intended.

>> No.20059127

It is impossible for humans to fully understand the full meaning. It will reveal deeper and deeper levels throughout your life if you keep reading/studying it, and those new levels are often like hiking a trail and running up on an incredible vista you weren't expecting. Check out Bible Project videos for further insights and it would be well worth while to go ahead and watch some now on parts you've already read, including Genesis.

>> No.20059167

>the evangelical drive some protestants have
This is indeed commendable.
>and even the whole "I'm not X, I'm Christian" thing sounds kinda beautiful in a way.
This is just a talking point, however. They're just as much a part of a particular tradition as anyone else is.

>> No.20059263

>They're just as much a part of a particular tradition as anyone else is
There's an important, outright *crucial* difference on *at the very least* psychological levels...we do not make idols of our "denominations", we just see ourselves as Christians. The "denomination" is essentially just a sub consideration, to a certain extent. We do not go around thinking of ourselves as anything but Christian and have no need to announcing ourselves as anything other.
>as much a part of a particular tradition
This isn't even accurate either, we are fruited from the totality of all Christian tradition. Any of us are free to study and identify with any past Christian's thoughts/writings/etc. We are also free to not concern ourselves with any of them and only focus on the pure fountain that is Scripture, God's codified word to any and all of us, no matter whom nor when we are.

To limit oneself to the claims and demands of some "denomination" (and like it or not, Catholicism and Orthodoxy are denominations, cope) can also be to limit one's own potentials in understanding and growing in God. If some mistake is picked up and codified along the way with in any given denomination, the length of time that mistake is perpetuated will never iron it into smooth actual truth. God gave us Scripture for reasons, a pillar of which is that so we would have a solid, dependable resource to check against the claims of others, just as the Bereans did to be sure of Paul's claims. No one has any legitimate authority to counter or twist Scripture.

>> No.20059280

Yes, this thread is full of people who do.

>> No.20059321

The lies spouted to try and drive people away from truth and salvation in Christ? No, we don't.

>> No.20059345

>Any of us are free to study and identify with any past Christian's thoughts/writings/etc. We are also free to not concern ourselves with any of them and only focus on the pure fountain that is Scripture ...
Yes, all of this is your tradition. You believe that the individual should not be hindered by an external authority which has any binding say over Christian doctrine, but that the individual should engage with God freely, however he deems it fit according to his own conscience, and that this liberty should be preserved as an intrinsic good and the manner in which Christianity is to be followed. This is your theological tradition, which was created in the 17th century. It is of course contrary to the original Reformation, which made strong recourse to state authority and had no problem utilizing established state churches and civil authority to recognize religion. It comes from later reactions to this such as the Nonconformist movement among Puritans in England and their offshoots such as Baptists. You are pretending you are elevated out of history but you are very grounded in it. Anyone who says they have no tradition is simply all the more bound to it due to their blindness.

>> No.20059350

>which made strong recourse to state authority and had no problem utilizing established state churches and civil authority to recognize religion
meant to say "regulate religion" at the end, not recognize

>> No.20059359

To add to this something I intended to include, re: psychological (at least) difference, think deeply upon what it says about the thinking behind announcing oneself first and foremost as anything other than simply "Christian". For one thing it says "I am different from that". For yet another, it says "I am above that". So, not only does that telegraph a certain arrogance, that of being "above", "better" than simply Christian (and by implication, those who identify themselves as only such), but *putting before* is part of the essential very definition of idolatry. Idolatry is deeply ingrained into the psyches of those who think of themselves as their "denomination" over being simply "Christian". They *worship* their institutions and their institutional practices more than actually directly worshiping God.

>> No.20059377

>Just a talking point
Definetely, it can be and is often used as a way to besmirch the Catholic and Orthodox church by claiming that we are not christians, we're X. But I like the concept. In a perfect world where there was only one church for christians it'd be so nice to not have to deal with our differences and just use the figure of Christ and his teachings as our presentation. I know a lot of people who are ignorant on the faith and its history and have trouble understanding what it is to be a christian because of the split.

>> No.20059391

>It comes from
reading Scripture and seeing how full of shit the institutions were/are. If the institutions were solidly backed by and adherent to Scripture then there would be no issue with their claims to authority. Not to mention the outright blatant abuses of authority. To set oneself as a false authority of God is...to set oneself as a false authority of God, which we are to be carefully on guard against, according to Scripture.

>> No.20059422

If we're going to get into pop psychology then it sounds to me like you simply have an inferiority complex. Catholics need to refer to themselves specifically as such because the Reformation happened. Before Christendom was destroyed the simple label of Christian was often sufficient. Of course these people believed the things you condemn. And of course today there are these people like you who have no problem labeling us as Satanists, idolaters, the Antichrist, etc.
You are simply blind. You are a product of history and of certain modes of thought. The "return to the source of the Bible and reconstruct Christianity" is a concept that grew out of the Renaissance, with its motto of "ad fontes." Intellectual life was drawn back to the pagan classics, and so religion needed to be drawn back to its source texts, of course something only possible with the invention of the printing press. You are a believer in the primacy of the individual conscience and its liberty in matters of religion. You aren't the simple "I just follow the Bible" charade that you put on. Maybe one day you will see it.

>> No.20059445

I understand how you may feel that, but consider that the diferentiation we make by calling ourselves Catholic, Orthodox, Lutherans, Baptists, etc, is one that came out of necessity since we all believe that our institution is the true christian way and the others, in virtue of not being true, can't be christians.
Catholic means universal, Orthodox means it follows tradition. Those two could be argued are not really controversial, they just emphasize different aspects of the same thing, just like Baptists, I assume, emphasize baptism. Other names like Lutherans are a bit more concerning since it feels like they are following Luther's teachings, which are indeed based on christianity to an extent, but they allude to the man instead of the faith itself.

I guess it's all semantics.

We should really just try to find the good in every manifestation of christianity and work towards unity, rejecting infighting and "I'm the true christian" mentality. Unless it's blatant, and I do mean BLATANT heresy.

>> No.20059473

The technical name for Orthodoxy is the Orthodox Catholic Church, because they believe they are the legitimate Catholic Church. Relevant to the analysis of the nomenclature.

>> No.20059475

>religion needed to be drawn back to its source texts, of course something only possible with the invention of the printing press
So how was proper religion restore under Josiah, after everything had become corrupted under false traditions, and Scripture was found hidden in the temple during renovations and it was realized the (then) present practices were false?

Yes, all of this is right there in Scripture, for all to see, let the readers understand, those with ears to hear hear. Let no one draw you away from or twist its Truth.

>> No.20059504

I'm Catholic and I've tried to understand the difference between the Catholic church and the Orthodox one but it's very confusing. Something to do with the translation of "filioque"? Anyone can shed some light about it?

>> No.20059516

Because we have the promise of God that the Holy Spirit will guide the Church and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Your theory is absurd for other reasons. There will be a point at which the true faith was lost, and regardless of how you configure it, this is very early, not long after the death of the Apostles. The Church could not make it even a few centuries without collapsing into idolatry.

>> No.20059525

They reject certain aspects of papal authority. They don't reject the term filioque in the Creed (when properly understood) but reject the authority of the Pope to add it. There are other issues but it can become rather abstruse.

>> No.20059542

>They don't reject the term filioque in the Creed (when properly understood)
Let me clarify what I mean. They don't include the term, but when it is properly qualified they do not think that it is theologically wrong.

>> No.20059563

The ekkesia, actually, which is those called out from the world to God, and their assemblies, not an earthly institution registered with the state, and yes, one of the reasons that the gates of Hades cannot overcome it is because it is not a centralized singular institution. Paul even pluralizes it sometimes, to the ekklesias, meaning all gatherings of believers, and not the Roman Catholic "Church™".

>> No.20059584

There is a singular Church and then there are Churches within the singular Church. For example the five Patriarchates. And this Church is not only an institution on earth but a mystical body of all Christians including those in heaven. You don't know anything about Catholic theology.

>> No.20059603

>The ekkesia, actually
The Church.

>> No.20059612

The mystical Body is not *limited* to those in heaven, the entire Body is mystical. I know plenty enough about Catholic theology, much of it is good, much of it is terrible, but one is required to accept the terrible in order to join. No thanks. Even Satan quotes most parts of Scripture correctly, but it's the twists that get you.

>> No.20059620
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Putin is globohomo.

t. clearly not

>> No.20059651

>The mystical Body is not *limited* to those in heaven
I didn't say it was. I said the Church on earth and those in heaven are the same body.
>Even Satan quotes most parts of Scripture correctly, but it's the twists that get you.
Scripture has to be read in the context of the Church to be understood properly.

>> No.20059737

>the earthly part of His Body slaughtered countless Christians and burned people alive for saying the stars were other suns
>the earthly part of His Body fleeced the peasants with pay for less Diet Hell schemes
>the earthly part of His Body disregards direct teachings of Christ and has endless excuses and ultimately appeals to their own authority to "back" it
>the earthly part of His Body is world famous for gay rape of children
Yeah, no. The ekklesia is made up *only* of true believers/followers of Christ, not one member less nor more, while any earthly institutions hold varying numbers of those among their members.

>> No.20059740

The filioque is not part of the Nicene-Constanopalitan Creed and is a violation of the canons of the 7 ecumenical counsels, and is therefore officially rejected as a heresy equal to Arianism. The See of Rome was righteously excommunicated in 1054 by all the other Sees, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, Nicaea, everyone. After which the See of Rome literally lost any and all clerical authority and has remained a runaway Church ever since. Simply because they went against the initial dogmas laid by the fathers upon apostolic foundations.

>> No.20059756
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Salam alaikum

>> No.20059763

This is what Orthodox crypto-Protestants actually believe.

>> No.20059782

So are there particular sins that a person can engage in (other than apostasy) which cut them off from the body of Christ? This would be the Catholic understanding of mortal sin. Or are people who do these never part of the body of Christ to begin with?

>> No.20059787

Are you really trying to ad hom me with labels?

For the record I grew up surrounded by Roman Catholics, still am, some of my best friends still are, and I personally got nothing but respect for the devout. Church politics are crazy but you can’t blame neither me nor any other layperson for it. Scripture said the Church will be under attack, and it is.

>> No.20059806

David was part of His ekklesia, and did commit grave sin, but was a true believer/follower of God. There are many, many non believers in most, if not all, institutional churches. The institution of the Catholic Church™ is not made up of only true believers, and there are true believers who are not a part of it, therefore it, as an institution, is not synonymous with the Body of Christ.

>> No.20059813

As circumcision made a person part of the covenant, so baptism makes one part of the church. Whether that person shows the fruits of faith, works, and repentance, they are still indelibly marked by baptism.

>> No.20059818

Just read the Book of Judges. Did the tribe of Benjamin deserve to get decimated? Why are Jews so cruel even against their fellow Jews?

>> No.20059834

BTW, (and again), the actual word that gets translated as church is ekklesia, and it is not an institution. Witness Acts 7:38 (translated varyingly as "assembly", "church", "congregation"), which refers to Israelites in the wilderness, long before there was any such thing as a Catholic "Church™".

>> No.20059854
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>by all the other Sees, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, Nicaea, everyone.
The fact that eberyone excommunicated Rome is not proof that Rome was wrong, idiot. In fact, the fact that soon afterwards everyone EXCEPT ROME was invaded by Muslims (a heretical Orthodox Christian sect) and nearly lost the entirety of Christendom except through the heroism of the 'barbarian' West is a very powerful argument in favor of the Roman Pontiff's Divine Jurisdiction over all other 'Sees'. Just as Protestantism was a Roman Catholic offshoot, so too was Islam the Eastern Orthodox offshoot that nearly collapsed the entire ship of Christendom. However, between Protestants and Muslims, it's undeniable that the Protestants are the more Christian-like. Therefore, if we are to judge a tree also by its offshoots as much as by its fruits, the evidence makes it clear that Roman Catholicism is the Church belonging truly to Christ.

>> No.20059860


>> No.20059885
File: 150 KB, 826x908, 7864F110-2502-4573-8B02-B14CD061C8C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Islam the Eastern Orthodox offshoot
oh Lord, if only..

>> No.20059898

Ok nice post bro, but how is all that relevant to discussion of the Bible?

>> No.20059913

Islam is not a heresy of Orthodoxy. Look into the historical accounts—Ishmaelites were adopting Jewish customs and laws in the centuries before Muhammad, and Arabia was full of heretical Christian sects of various kinds, and out of this mess arose a pagan who claimed to be a prophet, pushing a syncretic mess of Jewish ideas, non-Trinitarian Christianity and Arabian paganism

>> No.20060020

Christbros, why do you think miracles stopped happening as people got less superstitious?

>> No.20060024

They still happen.

>> No.20060043

Because God saw that people misused the words "miracle" and "curse" to designate every single phenomenon that people did not want to bother themselves to explain, which is why He decided to give the gift of revelation to mathemacians and natural scientists instead.

>> No.20060049

>heretical Christian sects of various kinds
under whose jurisdiction?

>> No.20060096

No one’s. Arabia, particularly the Hejaz, was not within Christendom. Mecca was a literal backwater. Jews had a lot of influence in Southern Arabia. Christians did live in places such as Najran, but they were massacred by Jews under Dhu Nuwas and were some sort of Nestorians or something. Judaizing pagan syncretism is the origin of Islam

>> No.20060106

Having experienced miracles, they haven't.

>> No.20060150

What miracles have you experienced, anon?

>> No.20060217

t. intellectually lazy faggot

>> No.20060270

It does no good whatsoever to tell nor hear of others, they must be experienced directly. Walk in faith until you do.
>t. doesn't know how to t.
You just called yourself an intellectually lazy faggot. On second thought, perhaps that was your intent and you just felt the need to blurt out a random statement of honesty.

>> No.20060309
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2 days until his 87th birthday, it's going to be sad and a huge loss when he passes. What a preacher.

>> No.20060360

>It does no good whatsoever to tell nor hear of others, they must be experienced directly. Walk in faith until you do.
Dumb and lame

>> No.20060425

>t. dumb and lame

>> No.20060478

"t." can be used both to point out one one person's thoughts about themselves as well as to accuse another person of being a person who does something disagreeable. It is up to to the reader to guess which one is being used, but customary use seems to dictate that an isolated "t." is an insult meant for the person being replied to whereas "t." at the end of a slightly longer post is meant to say something about the speaker (or, well, the person who wrote that post).

>> No.20060649

A t. without a greentext is speaking of yourself, with a greentext is speaking of the person quoted.

>> No.20060671

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20060696

The dumb and lame person calling others dumb and lame, obviously.

>> No.20060732

He did not say "t." which was part of your quote, so you don't seem to have been quoting him. The > if for quoting what other people say.

>> No.20060749

>t. thinks she knows things which she does not
A greentext with t. is saying that the person quoted is that thing.
t. person who understands all of this perfectly.

>> No.20060755

You seem like quite the expert memer, anon.

>> No.20060788

Whom quotest thou however?

>> No.20060824

(You) seem like quite the nooticer.
Sorry, I only converse in NRSVue.

>> No.20060862

>Sorry, I only converse in NRSVue.
A true ma--- er, I mean person, of principle.

>> No.20061399 [DELETED] 
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New religion board

>> No.20061415

I wonder how reads to Dad and leaving home Anon's departure day has gone. Hopefully there are others praying for him, and also total prick with sick Dad Anon. May God bless and keep them both and all.

>> No.20061422

Also let's pray that new religion board anon kindly fucks off with the spamming her dung.

>> No.20061435


>> No.20061514

Make an updated Kuroba with this site and then I'll use it.

>> No.20061949

Hi anon! I planned on continuing to read Acts today, but I was very tired after my dad left and fell asleep. I might read some before going to bed. I miss both him and my mom a lot, but I called them and told them I'll be okay and that they shouldn't worry about me. I will let you know what chapters I read later, or tomorrow. I greatly appreciate your prayers, may God bless you too

>> No.20061993

What is that haircut?

>> No.20062042

>Mark 12:29 RSV
>Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one
Other translations like Knox reword this to sound more like "there are no gods other than the Lord" but specifically emphasizing the lord as "one" seems to be at odds with the Trinity. I know that the Trinity is very heavily implied at the end of Matthew but this seems like a weird thing for Mark to go out of its way to include. What is the context here I'm not getting?

>> No.20062047
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>> No.20062061

The Greek literally says
>ἀπεκρίθη ὁ Ἰησοῦς ὅτι πρώτη ἐστιν· ἄκουε Ἰσραήλ, κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν κύριος εἷς ἐστίν·
>and Jesus answered him: "The first of all the commands [is], 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.'"

>> No.20062085

As for Knox, he translated it from the Vulgate, which says
>Iesus autem respondit ei quia primum omnium mandatum est audi Israhel Dominus Deus noster Deus unus est
which the DRB literally translates as
>And Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is, Hear, O Israel: the Lord thy God is one God.
and the Knox translates as
>Jesus answered him, The first commandment of all is, Listen, Israel; there is no God but the Lord thy God.

>> No.20062506


>> No.20062618

Do any of you know some good commentaries for Exodus?

>> No.20062952

The NIV Application Commentary: Exodus by Peter Enns. Shame the translation it's attached to, but the commentary itself is solid. I'd also recommend Dr. David Falk's "Ancient Egypt and the Bible" videos, because he will remind you that the Book of Exodus literally is history. Few theological commentaries can really compete with being able to say "No, seriously, this actually happened."

>> No.20062970

>Imagine reading anything other than the Holy Bible (KJB)
The eternal anglo.
t. Schlachter 2000 chad

>> No.20062999
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>find King James "turquoise"
>it's black instead of turquoise
What's with all this false advertising?

>> No.20063006


>> No.20063936

Thank you!

>> No.20063955
File: 28 KB, 480x360, kramer-seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Assmann, egyptologist Jan Assmann. Has a book on Exodus and covenant theology.

>> No.20064043
File: 23 KB, 570x351, assman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What all asses are in the Bible besides Balaam's talking one and the one Jesus rode into Jerusalem?

>> No.20064545

Daily reminder that NIV readers are open gay
ESV readers are closet gay
NRSV readers are fluid
Catholic translations are worse than gay anything is better than them

>> No.20064582

I'm on the 3rd gospel right now and getting a little bit burnt out reading the same things over and over again. I was enjoying this at first but now I'm demoralized by the thought that I still have one more gospel to read and it's made my progress grind to a halt. That being said I like that Luke mixed it up a bit with a few stories about Jesus's birth and childhood

>> No.20064603

Fuck off shitposter

>> No.20064620

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are normally grouped together and termed the Synoptic Gospels because they share many of the same stories. John is unique and different from them.

>> No.20064637
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This verse gives me such hope. I feel like lately God doesn't answer my prayers or at least he's taking too long, but I always come back to this verse and I just say, I'm all in.

>> No.20064641

Keep your eyes sharp, the little differences in each are quite important.
Also yeah, John is completely different.

>> No.20064653

Romans 12:12

>> No.20064699

>implying it's not true
Pray the gay away

>> No.20064812

Can you go LARP somewhere else?

>> No.20064858

Luke is important because he's literally writing it (and Acts) as a historian. In fact, it's been noted that both of those books are written in the exact style as Tacitus or Josephus or any ancient historian would write: historical biography written as historical biography from someone who talked to all the witnesses he could find, since they were alive, and wrote it all down, occasionally citing his sources directly in the text. Atheists will try to dismiss the Bible as if it's all one thing written by one human scribe, but it's important to note that Luke's Gospel and Acts, for many decades, were just inspired biography/history that were copied and preached over and over again because of their importance. Luke may not have known his books would become part of "The Bible," so they were written as if they'd just join the other history books and biographies in the great libraries. That's why I believe Luke is especially important when arguing with secularists.

>> No.20064894

On another Gospel curiosity, Matthew being a tax collector had to basically be able to write down spoken agreements, so his transcription is likely to be the exact words Jesus spoke.
On Biblical veracity, there's also some archaisms and language usage(e.g. Hebrew neologisms and new uses of words in Greek)that guarantee it was written at that time, by them.

>> No.20064916

Whenever someone asks about God I feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm to help them find Him and find peace, but internally I'm struggling quite often to find my own purpose and conviction...

Sometimes it feels like the doubt can't ever be beaten, but I would never let the many people around me (at least those not yet in the Faith) know about this.

Am I wrong to offer advice that I myself struggle with?

>> No.20064936

Well we are all imperfect in Gods sight, and we are all unworthy of his Grace/salvation. It is important Richard Sibbes in "The Bruised Reed" writes a passage on how to help lead people to the Way. Basically it is about being merciful, simplistic and compassionate. Not bombarding them with confusing and false preaching

>> No.20064949

John is much different in many ways and is the pinnacle of the Gospels as far as I’m concerned

>> No.20064955

What is your struggle with it exactly?

>> No.20064961

Correct. I mentioned this in a previous thread, but since we're pretty sure Matthew was originally written in Hebrew, and because certain books of the OT actually have Aramaic bleed into the larger Hebrew text, it's very possible, if not probable, that the quotes in Matthew could've been transcribed directly in the same Aramaic they were spoken in, with the surrounding narrative text in Hebrew. This would mean the Greek Matthew quotes of Jesus were directly translated from Aramaic to Greek rather than from Aramaic to Hebrew to Greek, thus meaning it's unlikely anything was lost in translation.

>> No.20064980

Yes I usually talk about how fulfilling it is to find yourself (sincerely so) amongst fellow believers, your core being just feels better and that the most important thing to start with is reading the Bible.

I'm in my mid twenties and the sheer amount of my brothers who are lost because of so many evil influences is staggering. I'd like to think they're reaching out because deep down they know this age of "post irony internet meme guy who cares" is a vacuum where community and faith is supposed to go.

I think it's because I've always been "gifted" intellectually (sorry there isn't a better way to say that without sounding like an ass), and I've developed an obsession with "knowing" the truth behind something. And I suppose it's having a hard time about death and purpose, as though, in my arrogance, I cannot bring myself to hand over these worries.
I find myself (at times) struggling to truly trust God on that supreme level, and feel ashamed for it.

>> No.20064982

>but specifically emphasizing the lord as "one" seems to be at odds with the Trinity.
One divine essence is being spoken of here. Other so-called ‘gods’ are not transcendent, eternal and all-good beings, they exist within the universe, are born and die, etc.

>> No.20064999

Couldn't agree more anon with younger milenialls and zoomers being completely lost. With the absence of God the desire for men and women to bond in monogamous relationships and create a supportive God centric family are in rapid decline. The youth are almost homicidal in that they don;t even want children or it isn't a thought because they are so coddled, struggle to afford housing/ have debt and above all they are fearful and immature . Our society is sick, I can't blame the youth for their ailments

>> No.20065000

And as to the greek an anon pointed out with the glossary, it's in the first person, so Jesus is talking about Himself.

>> No.20065024

Can someone refer me to an explanation of why the common sentiment of "Christ's triumph over death is significant?

Christians often talk about how God wins some battle against evil and the idea of the victory on the cross but when you're literally all powerful and omniscient wouldn't Christ's life be just a single bad weekend?

>> No.20065031

Proverbs 3:5-6
Study the Bible more, it gets easier. You've likely already looked very far into some point just to realize it is true all along.

>> No.20065063

God is just and good, so our sins had to be judged. That fell on Christ, who by taking our burden and sacrificing Himself for our sins, freed us of them. free of sin, we are free of its result, which is death. We were all damned, because we are sinful beings.
>isn't it just a bad weekend
No, it was death.

>> No.20065187

Go tweak and mod your discord
My post was better than just saying bump

>> No.20065223
File: 295 KB, 1600x2400, NKJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

>> No.20065278

Thomas Nelson was good before an "Orthodox" convert became their CEO and sold the previously independent company to an investment firm then it got sold to NewsCorp. Everything he did was Jew af and now it's just another China printed gospel widget producer like that piece of shit Orthodox Study Bible. That same "Orthodox" writes his own books on business and puts on seminars.

>> No.20065369

Protestants bibliolatry is so strange. Let me consoom and buy more Bibles! I need more commentaries! Wait, I should sell all I have and give it to the poor? N-no, I would rather just read endless commentaries by professors who also have not sold all they have and given it to the poor...

>> No.20065603

>open an old Bible
>only markings in the OT are light pencil brackets around Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6

>> No.20065643

vatican is isis? wtf

>> No.20065885

The Catholics do worship Isis disguised as Mary and have slaughtered countless Christians so not too far off.

>> No.20066861

They killed many heretics who were engaged in the active destruction of Christian civilization. An important distinction.

>> No.20066887

From where in the Bible do you derive that the state is obligated to provide absolute religious liberty to its citizens?

>> No.20066888

Weird how Jesus and the Apostles never killed heretics or taught to do so. Maybe that was part of the secret "Tradition" that didn't get put into the Bible but was told to the "Church" by them.

>> No.20066922

Jesus is the same God who commanded the extermination of idolaters in the Old Testament.

>> No.20066954

How the hell do you push through reading the boring parts of the Bible, like the lists of laws and the prophecy/wisdom books?

>> No.20066959
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Are there any books about the phallus being the Holy Spirit or being greater than The Holy Spirit?
I really think I'm onto something.

>> No.20066964

You're thinking of Roman Catholics.

>> No.20066970

There is no church called "Roman Catholic," there is only the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Catholic Church.

>> No.20066974

Specific ones in specific circumstances and under God's direct command, not just a group of human LARPers that hijacked His church in the pursuit of wealth, self power and glory.

>> No.20066986

This is a cope. It's like saying that circumcision is evil. The duty of the state is the regulation of civil affairs and the punishment of evil doers.

>> No.20067001

The duty of the state is to preserve its monopoly on violence, to serve as a mediator for disputes and conflicts of interest between citizens, and to even out the gap in wealth between the rich and the poor by providing for services such as public road maintenance, free primary and secondary education for all, and public health care systems.

>> No.20067062

Imagine calling what is in Scripture a "cope".
And the duty of the state is whatever the state decides its duty is. This world is ruled by Satan.

>> No.20067121

How can a book written by Jewish people for the sake of justifying their traditional practices by the means of mystic legends, mixed together with lamentations on the conquest of their land by greater powers such as the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans, and the fabrication of prophecies of the coming of a "liberator" for the land of Israel be anything but a book of Kike-ish cope for not getting everything they wanna have?

>> No.20067262

Yeah, how could such a book? But this is a Bible thread so you'll need to discuss whatever book that is you're describing in a thread about it.

>> No.20067268

>not just a group of human LARPers that hijacked His church in the pursuit of wealth, self power and glory.
Joel Osteen?

>> No.20067276

Fascinating. What document are you speaking of? The post seems to be removed.

>> No.20067299

You're supposed to live in a state of repentance, not abuse God's grace. With that said, God isn't sending someone to hell because they died during a sinful act necessarily, if overall they're in a state of repentance and just happened to have a moment of weakness. God is holistic and loving, not looking for technicalities to send people to hell. He's looking for reasons to get people into heaven. Just repent and don't abuse His forgiving nature. Catholicism isn't the one true version of Christianity. There are some that are clearly heretical deviations (mormonism , jehovah's witness) and there are certain far left protestant heretical churches, as well as heresies promoted by the current pope. The main thing is having a personal relationship with christ and striving to do his will, no matter what branch you're a member of.

>> No.20067306

The documentary is still there.
If you mean the original? That's gone, but you can see the Egyptologist in question review it here:

>> No.20067314

Jesus says not to use such a word.

>> No.20067323

Islam is a completely different religion; a false faith of demons. Protestant branches of Christstianity are not. There are heretical protestant churches and the current catholic pope promotes heresy after heresy, however that doesn't negate mean catholicism as a whole isn't Christian anymore than anyone's reasons for dismissing all protestant branches is valid.

>> No.20067341

>Islam is a completely different religion
The Quran was plagiarized from Syro-Aramaic lectionaries of the Eastern Church.

>> No.20067960

How screwed am I if I just don't buy it?

>> No.20068047

Reminder that anything other than goatskin isn't a Bible cover.

>> No.20068055

That was before Christ. Post Christ is TruTone®.

>> No.20068072

Goatskin, calfskin, and cowhide are fine. Just don't be one of those assholes with an alligator/kangaroo/ostrich/bison/etc. cover.

>> No.20068335

You deserve to burn in hell, eternally. What difference does it make exactly which material objects you buy?

>> No.20068518

The state bears the power of the sword for the punishment of evildoers. The KJV has a nice rendering of it:

Rom. 13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

>Imagine calling what is in Scripture a "cope".
All Protestants continually mistake their own understanding of Scripture with Scripture itself. I am calling your incorrect understand a cope. Read Romans 13 on the role of the civil magistrate. He can indeed disobey God and behave in an evil manner, but the office is instituted by God for the good of mankind.

>> No.20068794

Islam is just a persistent heresy of Christianity. They don’t deserve the name of ‘religion’

>> No.20068848

Do you burn incense to your fancy Bible too?

>> No.20068931

>The Bible doesn't say something about X, therefore X is banned
This is a principle that you must establish from the Bible

>> No.20069012

It's partly based off New Testament Apocrypha that were never recognized as canonical by any church too.

>> No.20069033

Quranic laws are actually more similar to Torah law than they are to what Jesus preached. It's more like they just took what they liked from the Torah (prohibiting eating pork and animals not sacrificed in God's name, ritual penis mutilation, divorce laws, ritual fasting) and then added in some legends taken from the Gospels and other sources to make it seem like they weren't entirely against Christians.
The paradise they promise seems more like the Garden of Eden than it does like the Heaven spoken of in the New Testament.

>> No.20069044

What's the meaning of the phrase "the third heaven" as used in the NT?

>> No.20069071

The whole set of branches that starts with the first Anabaptists. Anything intellectually descended from the Puritans especially; they are theologically empty and void.

>> No.20069083

The problem is the modern way of thinking completely misses the symbolism of scripture. If you were to explain how man is created as a microcosm in Genesis, most mainline Protestants would just give you the NPC stare.

>> No.20069092

First heaven = the air, second heaven = the firmament (what we think of as outer space and the solar system), third heaven = where God's throne is, outside of our material reality.

>> No.20069258
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Good question. Expect different answers. There is a lot of interesting dogma about heaven.

>> No.20069695

You seem to have a very pedestrian understanding of things, including what is and is not mystical to begin with. Pro tip, the widow with her 2 mites was in a greater state of mystical awareness of and union with God than a whole room full of "high concept" philosophers.
Most "Orthodox", or Catholics by far will too. It's all on an individual basis. True mystics are not borne of institutions. Many that are claimed by such institutions are not truly very "advanced". Most of the truly very "advanced" are completely unknown to all but a very few that know them personally. There are very "advanced" mystics in very common churches filled with congregations who have no idea that there are such among them. God's not in the celebrity business.

>> No.20069701

Meant to quote >>20069071 above "Puritans".

>> No.20069737

Thanks for sharing some bullshit you made up.

>> No.20069754

Quite the plumbing job.

>> No.20069756

Yes. However, any yapp over 1/4" is tryhard.

>> No.20069757

How many books are there in the Bible?

>> No.20069760

66 without Apocrypha and 73 with

>> No.20069795

>I can't see farther than 2 inches in front of my own face, but that doesn't stop me from talking about things light years beyond

>> No.20069864

There are 73 books in the Bible that are agreed upon universally by all the apostolic churches. The Greeks, however, also have 1 Esdras (known as 3 Esdras in the Vulgate), 3 & 4 Maccabees, the Prayer of Manasseh, and Psalm 151. The Ethiopians, meanwhile, have 81 books.

>> No.20069912

True, also see: >>20059913

>> No.20070045

I want to become Orthodox because I see a glimpse of the triune god's eternal light illuminating the things that matter in this world, of which peace is one thing.

>> No.20070106

I'm a baptised/confirmed Catholic but I've never actually read the Bible. I don't completely understand the different sects of Christianity but from what I can gather, Orthodoxy is the way.
I have an english KJV Bible sitting on my desk right now, should I just read from left to right? I've done a small amount of research and I think I would benefit from a fresh read, plus some apocrypha (Gnostic texts, Gospel of Judas).
Also I really dig Jordan B Peterson's Old Testament analysis series even if he's cringe on most things.
Sorry for the loaded blogpost but yeah should I just read all the way through?

>> No.20070117

>I've never actually read the Bible. I don't completely understand the different sects of Christianity but from what I can gather, Orthodoxy is the way.
Sounds about right for an Orthodox convert

>> No.20070130

To answer your question though I recommend reading the New Testament, then the Old Testament, then the New Testament again. There's a high probability of burning out long before you get to the New Testament if you just do a straight read through. I don't recommend reading non-canonical heretical texts such as Gnostic works until you are more grounded, if at all.

>> No.20070150

Grandson receives Bible found next to dumpster 15 years after woman's death


>> No.20070203

Honestly bros, some of the alleged prophecies for Christ in the OT that the Church Fathers make seem like complete bull to me. Am I alone in thinking they see Him even where He is not in the OT? Also, I sometimes wonder whether many of the things in the prophetic books and warnings to Israel came true. I don’t like these doubts, but I can’t help but think it

>> No.20070245

>Church Fathers
Found your problem. The ekklesia has *one* Father, God, and He has *one* collection of writings, the Holy Bible.

>> No.20070255

Can you give some specific examples?

>> No.20070269

Ok then in that case we have to interpret what are the prophecies Christ fulfilled ourselves and it seems like anon here thinks he didn’t fulfill them

>> No.20070270

Is this correct? I don't know how this shitty video got reccomended to me.

>> No.20070301

I was just reading Amos and stuff like this is said to be a prediction of Christ according to some patristic writer according to the OSB’s commentary (I look at this translation mainly for the Septuagint):
>This is what He showed me: Behold, the Lord was standing by a wall true to plumb, with a plumb line in His hand. “Amos, what do you see?” asked the LORD. “A plumb line,” I replied. “Behold,” said the Lord, “I am setting a plumb line among My people Israel; I will no longer spare them: The high places of Isaac will be deserted,and the sanctuaries of Israel will be laid waste; and I will rise up against the house of Jeroboam with My sword.”
It seems like these patristic writers will quite often latch onto nonsense like this and claim that it is talking about Christ when contextually it quite obviously isn’t. The other thing I mentioned is the sorts of prophecies saying that God will completely annihilate Damascus, or Egpyt, or other similar places, but for all I know these had been fulfilled to some extent at some point. Things like Hosea 11:1 quoted in the Gospels too are taken completely out of their original context too. I do find these things concerning, but I have also had God tell me to follow Jesus and many positive experiences with Christianity

>> No.20070345

The Bible tells you what He fulfilled, ding dong. There's no need to read the opinions of later randos.

>> No.20070356

>It seems like these patristic writers will quite often latch onto nonsense like this and claim that it is talking about Christ when contextually it quite obviously isn’t
Yes, it gets even worse with their Mary worship, as if Ezekiel 44:2 is Mary's vagina and the burning bush was "a type of Mary". Over and over I tell people to stop listening to these retards and stick with the Holy Bible.

>> No.20070403
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>literally persecuting Christ’s Church
tsk tsk tsk

>> No.20070433

>turds get flushed into hell
Quite an accurate analogy

>> No.20070445


>> No.20070528


>> No.20070599


>> No.20070608

>plumb line
>Jesus learned the trade of carpenter (tektōn in greek, closer to "builder")

>> No.20070660

No anon, you are dead wrong. Jesus in the flesh is King. He is royalty, by blood. While on earth He truly acted His part and behaved like a King. He spoke in parable, He performed miracles, personally didn’t fish, didn’t row, He sat on the boat, tells Peter to go fish instead. Sermoned in the synagogues throughout Palestine.

Now this is an entirely different question for the thread altogether. How did Jesus preach in the temple on a sabbath when according to their laws at the time, only priests are aloud and only Levites are priests?

>> No.20070679

I have the ESV. Is it acceptable or do I need a different translation?

Mostly I want to read it to get upset at shit like claims that a murderous and jealous god is loving and that eternal life is a reward and not torture.

>> No.20070701

Yes, the ESV is perfectly compatible with your chosen path of retardation.

>> No.20070748

Well, He learned it.
As for the other question, you've answered it yourself
>according to their laws

>> No.20070761

Here you go buddy, the Bible for you.


>> No.20070905

>Jesus is monarch who wants a personal relationship with you which runs contrary to every real life example of a monarch
How to reconcile these inconsistencies. How to cope with missing out on when Jesus was another one of the bros to him becoming more like another detached lofty authority.

>> No.20071040

In order to be born again, you first have to die. Jesus spoke of a threshold, when you stop pretending, and give up your will to God, and do your Master’s wishes against your own will.

>> No.20071107

Just started reading the bible can I seriously be saved bros?

>> No.20071117

If a thief sentenced to death and nailed to a cross can be saved merely by rebuking a man for mocking Jesus and asking Him to remember Him in His Kingdom, anyone can be saved if they have faith in Jesus Christ

>> No.20071133

ESV is the biggest Bible with the lowest reading level so it sounds right up your alley.

>> No.20071190

False. ESV is 10th grade reading level and NIV is 7th. KJV is highest at 12th.

>> No.20071237

>women of the bible
what books of the bible does Kathie Lee Gifford appear in?

>> No.20071250

It's from Fox News, and parent NewsCorp, which owns Zondervan and Thomas Nelson and publishing rights to all of the top Bible translations besides the KJB, NASB, and ESV. So, obviously it's Satanic.


>> No.20071395

>which owns Zondervan and Thomas Nelson and publishing rights to all of the top Bible translations besides the KJB, NASB, and ESV
Or, you know, all the other translations.

>> No.20071689

>all of the *top*
No one cares about your pet failure like the Catholic ones that don't even register on the charts.

>> No.20071727

New thread

>> No.20071756

The KJB, NASB, and the ESV aren't even full Bibles because they're missing 7 holy books that all Christians agreed on.

>> No.20072091

God blessed the KJB to be the best selling and most read Bible of all time by a huge margin, and cursed the Douay-Rheims to being a literal who to all but a few cultists. Cope.