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/lit/ - Literature

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20051109 No.20051109 [Reply] [Original]


a beautiful wall

of text.

>> No.20051120

Looks like goatse lel

>> No.20051122


>> No.20051128

sharp razor blades slicing your ballsack

>> No.20051134

As for his feet, sometimes he wore on each a sock, or on the one a sock and on the other a stocking, or a boot, or a shoe, or a slipper, or a sock and boot, or a sock and shoe, or a sock and slipper, or a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a stocking, or on the one a stocking and on the other a boot, or a shoe, or a slipper, or a sock and boot, or a sock and shoe, or a sock and slipper, or a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a boot, or on the one a boot and on the other a shoe, or a slipper, or a sock and boot, or a sock and shoe, or a sock and slipper, or a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a shoe, or on the one a shoe and on the other a slipper, or a sock and boot, or a sock and shoe, or a sock and slipper, or a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a slipper, or on the one a slipper and on the other a sock and boot, or a sock and shoe, or a sock and slipper, or a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a sock and boot, or on the one a sock and boot and on the other a sock and shoe, or a sock and slipper, or a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a sock and shoe, or on the one a sock and shoe and on the other a sock and slipper, or a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a sock and slipper, or on the one a sock and slipper and on the other a stocking and boot, or a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a stocking and boot, or on the one a stocking and boot and on the other a stocking and shoe, or a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a stocking and shoe, or on the one a stocking and shoe and on the other a stocking and slipper, or nothing at all. And sometimes he wore on each a stocking and slipper, or on the one a stocking and slipper and on the other nothing at all. And sometimes he went barefoot.

>> No.20051186

Ecognosis, or the path to it, begins with an excavation of locality at all magnitudes and depths. To the expanding future of the cosmos and the history of deep time beneath our feet! phallogocentrism, excavating the base and discovering that it is in fact the centre of the radiation which prevents real environmental change from happening. Upwards or outwards into space, into the distant future which is already dead; and downwards or inwards into the core of the earth, into the anatomy of the organism itself. becoming upright allows us to better see and calculate distances, but to consider physico-logical space prior to place is to undermine our nervous entanglement in and with the world around us. An object overdetermines itself by a kind of magic; it persists, despite the solipsism of the nervous system stimulated by (or simulating) it, through a trace that obstinately refuses to be decoded and incorporated into a symbolic order. We create the experience of the object by nervous stimulation, but simultaneously, a remainder of the object creates the conditions for its own reality in situ. This apparent symbiosis, the entangled relation between subject and object, prior to any technological definitions of “tool” (both the architect and demolition man of physical space), is precisely the image of our relationship with the inhuman. Inhuman refers to the horizons behind and in front of us. “Us” has a very particular meaning here. Human being, the population of the now, as we understand it, defined at the very moment we are experiencing it. I have written these words, and as if by magic, you are now reading them. Whether or not you are engaged will determine whether you continue. The inhuman operates on the momentary centre from both directions, reciprocally shaping signs and determinations from either side. Properly understood, the limit(s) at which we can consider ourselves definably human. What is human exists in the now. What precedes and approaches us is no longer and not yet us. Can you jump into the same river twice? What about an infinite sphinx’s riddle? Neither the deceased nor the unborn are us. To say “us” holds special privilege– to be alive. You are alive right now. But in reading this irritating text, you are also currently engaging with something that cannot truly be called “alive” or “dead”. I am reaching you from before and beyond the grave, depending at what point you read it. But its not really me speaking. It never was. The author died. Texts became the inhuman transports between moments in time. What is carried over is the afterlife of the sign, the raw material potential of futurity. But why not the merely inorganic, the material? Why corrupt exteriority with a term that refers to a particular (in)humanoid form of futurity?

>> No.20051300

Harry Potter did a manic russian dance inside his piss-soaked banana pajama trousers, which had been recently hand washed by Hagrid. He pouted at Harry, his fists knocking his hips, as he began to violently scream at the scrawny urine-caked bastard, his face a twisting burning bush of impetuous rage, the claymore arms swung round furious stabs of fists at the idiot's face, ripping every tooth from the jaw as Harry went spinning out of the gothic stained windows of gryphons, like a toontown torpedo that lept it's way out of the shell, to sprint to the beach filled with little bikini-clad tykes, the appetite hardly sated for years, the thirst for children causing the tongue to slip from metal beaked jaws, as the resulting collision caused a massacre of children in an explosion hurling youthful organs: a pancreas from Sally Hill, aged 11, went flying across the mountains, crashing the window facing the one broken before, to collide with Hagrid, his head exploding in an instant violent death. Harry went spiraling down to the slaughtered sandy coast in a flatulent deflating balloon-like motion, his drooling face mixing spit into bloody viscera of paternal tragedies as his tongue began to lick a strike of the first taste as he finally hit the ground: Harry's first taste of human blood. It was from this tragedy forward that Harry realized his test; his destiny to become the master Vampire of all ages. Police never discovered the culprit of the initial bombing, for Harry Potter worked diligently to gather power by devouring, eliminating all the remains liquid or solid of the resulting blast. His disgusting piss soaked wizard sleepers barely contained as a jar of hell the bloated, plum bruised mass of body completely filled with blood. Harry's sight was drowned in an oceanic vignette of red as the official approached him. Officer Benny, aged 32, asked Harry if he had seen anyone try to blow up a beach filled with uncomfortably clad children. Harry responds by bursting a hydrant's worth of dead stream down onto the policeman, killing him from the force, a rushing snap of bones crushed by the torrent from the human grave from which it was released. Harry was propelled to the thundering skies from the projectile ascension, spiraling off to lands prayed to be hellish, incarcerating, by those who studied the arcane texts in the halls of the ancient days.

>> No.20051370

a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text a beautiful wall of text

>> No.20051589


>> No.20051644


>> No.20051649


>> No.20051668

This thread is living proof that /lit/ is creatively bankrupt.

>> No.20051720
File: 55 KB, 675x605, negroes story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20051728 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 551x700, war of the worlds hg wells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Post the most disappointing books you've ever read.

I have tried to read this book twice. First when I was 10 and I have tried again more recently. I thought it was going to be an exciting science fiction book. I read Jules Verne and loved From the Earth the Moon and 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, but War of the Worlds is the most wooden and unengaging text I have ever read. First of all, you seem to require a degree in English geography to understand what's going on. The characters "just exist" and lack personhood outside of the superficial qualities Wells ascribes to them. And, thirdly, though I don't have quotes, the prose is very direct- i.e. "this happened, then that happened, then this happened, then he tried to get on the barge, but there were crying women and children on the barge, then the tripods hit a carriage with the heat ray, then, just as they were about to die, the tripod got distracted by a horse, and it was distracted enough so they could finally leave." The scenes that should be exciting and cinematic fall flat and I am amazed that this book had the cultural impact it had. I can't believe 1930's America was shitting itself when they heard it on the radio. Every film adaptation is unironically better than the original, and I think the only reason for its success was a catchy name and interesting premise.

>> No.20051898

no its proof we dont want to burn our best ideas on datamining shills like YOU

>> No.20052067

>he has a limited number of ideas
>he does not come up with new ideas as needed and for the situation
>he probably scripts his party banter before hand

>> No.20052408

pointless bump for effort posts

>> No.20052491

Shut the fuck up lol.

>> No.20052538

absolutely based

>> No.20052540

feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet

>> No.20052546

>tfw the vast majority of /lit/ are now newfags who have no appreciation for the lost tradition of wall-of-text schizoposting
Sad to see it desu

>> No.20053501

Do you ever think about what a lovely place the world would be without all the people that make life so unpleasant? All the small, petty people... All the ugly, annoying people... It′s hard not to think about it. I like to think about what could be done to these people. Something cruel, something mean, something just. But the meaner the better. Goodness knows they deserve it. Have you ever dreamed of killing all the stupid people? Not just the unintelligent people, but the sort that don't know anything about anything but seem to have opinions about everything. They′re only too ready to offer their advice about how to run your life and yet look at how they run their own lives. For the most part they've accomplished nothing... they've contributed nothing. Their lives are miserable but they talk, talk, talk. At the very least their tongues should be cut out, at the very least. Do you ever wanna kill all the people who tell lies? Some certainly deserve it. Not necessarily the big liars or even those who teach lies as truth. I′m talking about people who say one thing and do another or who tell you they sent something express mail when you know they haven′t. Did you ever want to kill all the slow people in the world? The people who are in front of you when they should be behind you. It's a crime that the swift should be help back by the slow and it's criminal that nothing is going to rectify it. And what about all the really ugly people? Add them to the list as well. Some people try not to think about life′s ugliness. I've thought about it. I′ve thought about it quite a lot. Something should be done to these people. Something to make them suffer the way they've made us suffer. I say, bring back the circus maximus for starters. Unless these weeds are dealt with they′ll poison everything. They are poisoning everything. We need a gardener. A brutal gardener. A thorough, thoughtful gardener. An iron gardener. Whatever happened to Vlad the Impaler? Where's Genghis Kahn when you need him? Or Roi d'Ys? Ayatollah Khomeini? Adolf Hitler? Benito Mussolini? Nero? Diocletian? Kitchener? Come back! Come back!

>> No.20054423


Gertrude Stein is that you?

>> No.20054433


>the literature board on the anime forum is not full of future Nobel laureates

Feels like you have unfairly high expectations Anon

>> No.20054597

based watt poster

>> No.20055127

I want to effort post itt but the replies just depress me and sap my motivation. I want to take that chance and try, attempt to create something beautiful at the risk of being mocked, I want to be more than the average poster. But is there any point in it? Will my effort post change anything? Will it push other anons to try? Or will it just stay the same, get some insults, get some 'based,' and other low effort responses?

>> No.20055914

The Hitler that can be Hitler'd is not the eternal Hitler. Are you listening to me pigfucker? It's time to put down the books and get a job you piece of shit. God I hate women. Americans accept driving long distances as an ordinary fact of life. Why are Asian females so much more attractive than white females? Is this just mindless xenophilia? I will never self-identify as a "gamer." Swastika. Black Sun. Hammer and sickle. Marxist trannies love Nick Land. So do I. I'm not a tranny, you guys. I don't even like Discord. The English langguage. Celts. Arabs > Somalis. Germans use the fetuszerstoerermacher to perform abortions. The name of Jesus is totally lame and gay. Who worships a Jesus? Kadyrov is keyed. I like them Chechens. Sports? No. Cancel Ireland.

>> No.20056538

You can go home, Bart.

>> No.20057953

LOOK AT THE PICTURE, see the skull the par of bone removed, the "master-race" Frankenstein radio controls, the Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio, the Eyesight Television, the Frankenstein Earphone Radio, the Threshold Brainwash Radio, the latest new skull reforming to contain ALL Frankenstein Controls, even in THIN skulls of WHITE PEDIGREE MALES! Visible Frankenstein controls! The synthetic nerve-radio directional antennae loop! Make copies for yourself! There is NO ESCAPE from this worst gangster police state, using ALL of the deadly gangster Frankenstein controls!
In 1965, CIA gangster police BEAT ME BLOODY, dragged me IN CHAINS from Kennedy New York Airport! Since then I HIDE in forced jobless poverty, isolated alone in this low deadly niggertown old house. The brazen, deadly Gangster Police and niggerpuppet underlings spray me with POISON NERVE GAS from automobile exhausts and even lawnmowers! DEADLY ASSAULTS, even in my yard with knives, even bricks and stones, even DEADLY TOUCH TABIN or ELECTRIC SHOCK FLASHLIGHTS; even remote electronically controlled around-corners-projection of DEADLY TOUCH TARANTULA SPIDERS or even bloody-murder "accidents" to shut me up forever with a Sneak Undetectable Extermination! Even with trained parroting puppet assassins in MAXIMUM SECURITY INSANITY PRISON for writing these unforgivable TRUTHS!!

>> No.20057957

Until my undetectable extermination, I, Francis E. Dec, esq., 29 Maple Avenue, Hampstead, New York, I STAND ALONE against your mad, deadly, worldwide conspiratorial Gangster Computer God Communism with wall-to-wall deadly Gangster protection, life-long sworn conspirators, Murder Incorporated, organized crime, the police and judges, the Deadly Sneak Parroting Puppet Gangsters using all the Gangster deadly Frankenstein controls! These hangmanrope sneak deadly gangsters, the judges and the police, trick, trap, rob, wreck, butcher, and MURDER the people to keep them TERRORIZED in Gangster Frankenstein earphone radio slavery for the Communist Gangster Government and con-artist Parroting Puppet Gangster-playboy scum-on-top! The secret work of all police, in order to maintain a Communist "closed society"! The same worldwide mad deadly Communist gangster computer god that controls YOU as a terrorized Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio slave! Parroting Puppet, you are a terrorized member of the "MASTER RACE" worldwide 4 BILLION eye-sight television camera guinea pig Communist Gangster Computer God MASTER RACE! You're LIVING, THINKING mad, deadly worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God SECRET OVERALL PLAN: WORLDWIDE LIVING DEATH FRANKENSTEIN SLAVERY to explore and control the ENTIRE UNIVERSE with the endless "STAIRWAY TO THE STARS" - namely the manmade inside-out planets with nucleonic powered speeds MUCH faster than the speed of light! Look up and see the Gangster Computer God concocted NEW FAKE STARRY SKY! The worldwide completely controlled deadly degenerative climate and atmosphere through the new world round Translucent Exotic Gaseous Envelope which the worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God MANIPULATES through countless exactly positioned satellites; THE NEW FAKE PHONY "STARS" IN THE SYNTHETIC "SKY"!!

>> No.20057959

For AGES before Frankenstein Controls apeoidic niggers interbreedable with APES had no alphabet, not even NUMERALS! Slavery conspiracy over 300 years ago ideally tiny-brained apeoidic nigger Gangster government Eyesight TV Gangster spy cameras, Computer God New World Order DEGENERATION! When "gifted" with all Gangster Frankenstein controls, nigger deadly Gangster Parroting Puppet or niggertrained PROGRAMMED ROBOTS DEADLY APE-FRANKENSTEIN MACHINES!! Degenerative disease to ETERNAL Frankenstein slavery!! Overall plan through "ONE WORLD COMMUNISM" (Top Secret codeword!!!) meaning "worldwide absolutely helpless-and-hopeless simple-languaged mongrel-mulatto- apeoidic NIGGERS"!!
Worldwide, systematic instant plastic surgery BUTCHERY MURDER, fake ageing so ALL people are dead or useless by age 70! Done at night to YOU as a Frankenstein slave! Parroting puppet Gangster slave, now even you know I am a MENACE to your worldwide, mad, deadly Communist Gangster Computer God! Therefore, I must go to extermination. Before I am exterminated by this gangster, Computer God concocted and controlled worst mongrel organized crime murder incorporated Gangster Communist government, I hand YOU the secrets to save the entire human race, and the entire UNIVERSE!
Donate money, or even a manual typewriter to me, FOR YOUR ONLY HOPE FOR A FUTURE!!

>> No.20057972

I, Charlie Charles Francis, after 64 hours of nonstop gaming with only coke on my left hand and pepsi on my right hand to sustain me; exclaim that I, from this day henceforth, will abstain (and refuse) to participate in the endless grind (that is playing video games) and masturbation fortification (porn) of my willy and blastification of my eardrums (that is, listening to super hardcore Russian Zyzz inspired (Zyzz was a notable practitioner of gymology (that is, he went to the gym on a regular basis (although he used steroids))) which bumps you up in this dark post neo-Zuckerbergian world (but ultimately results into nothing) and makes you waste time) and henceforth vow: to never again do any of the aforementioned statements and to indulge myself into a life of Ted Kazyczyhztnskian inspired life of wilderness & quiet. Also niggers.

>> No.20058011

Effortposting should be for yourself and no one else. Stop trying to satisfy some arbitrary imagined audience and do it to satisfy your innate urge to write.