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20049522 No.20049522 [Reply] [Original]

>And then, all of a sudden, everybody stated jesting with no end in sight, almost as if it was infinite.

Fucking seriously?

>> No.20049527

Don't tell me that's the last line?

>> No.20049575

>Thanks a lot for sticking around -
>You've finished the Cantos by Ezra Pound!
I understand and appreciate the tenets of modernism and the clever subversion of his own use of ideography, but I must say, I was not all that enthused at the conclusion of an otherwise masterful work.

>> No.20049588

Don't tell me you are that new?

>> No.20050443

>Here ends 'The Republic' by me, Plato. If you liked what you read, please consider hitting the subscribe button below and turn the notifications on so you never miss another dialogue.
What a load of shit.

>> No.20050450

>And on the horizon was a blood meridian, or the evening redness of the west
Fucking really

>> No.20050481

>and as I kneel'd before the glory eternal, with
>Beatrice beloved circling in utmost gentle grace,
>I felt that this comedy had been truly divine
If any anons can explain this translation i'd appreciate it, because i cant make sense of what it means

>> No.20050514

>hey yall, it's me, Marcus Aurelius. I hope you guys respected my wishes and burned these meditations of mine. It's for my eyes only ;)

Rather modern diction from a Roman emporer

>> No.20050563

>And only then Mychkine realised all the mistakes he had made which led to this unfathomably desperate situation, for he was truly a motherfucking Idiot.
what a hack

>> No.20050582
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9-11? That’s a terrible name for a book. Norm said.
It reminds me of that tragedy.

>> No.20050600
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>And suddenly at that moment, it truly was as if Atlas Shrugged
Rand what the fuck

>> No.20050667
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>I am the anti-ass par excellence and thus a world-historical monster—I am, in Greek, and not only in Greek, the Antichrist.

Bravo Nietzsche

>> No.20050746
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its all true harry potter, and the deathly hollows part too

>> No.20050757


>> No.20050811

I am. C'est la vie I guess (??).

>> No.20051045


>"And in the end, it turned out the ego I was looking for really was my own all along".

Nice going Max.

>> No.20051185
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Yes I will yes if my name is not Ulysses.

>> No.20051194
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>Reading anything by David Fucker Wallace

David Koresh is my go to long-haired preacher

>> No.20051205

I enjoyed some of his short stories, but I couldn't believe people considered his magnum opus to be any good when he wrote the final line "And that was the fate of it all, a house on fire and many dead, because we were mere Branch Davidian Seventh-day Adventists."

>> No.20051215

>maybe the branch davidians were the seventh-day adventists we met along the way

>> No.20051233
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>whale that's why I call it my moby dick

>> No.20051258

>and then I realized the true path, that of of sun and steel

>> No.20051262
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>They don't call it Crime and Funishment! The end.

>> No.20051480

>It wasn't about my destination to the end of the night, it was about my Journey to the End of the Night
I wish I never read that last page

>> No.20051487

>And there he was, after all this time. The "great" Gatsby.

>> No.20051521

>the name's gatsby. the great gatsby

>> No.20051606
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>And so we come to the terminus of gravity's rainbow... that's my queue! Bon voyage! I'll see you guys next time... and just between you and me, I heard it through the grape'vine' that my next novel is going to a graveyard smash.
Jesus christ and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse,
>O, I was working at the lab late one night,
>When my eyes beheld an eerie sight!
>For my monster from his slab began to rise,
>And suddenly to my surprise...
>He did the monster mash!
>(The monster mash) It was a graveyard smash!
>(He did the mash) It caught on in a flash,
>(He did the mash) He did the monster mash!
Is this the original rick roll or something? Why would he do this?

>> No.20051623
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>The Iliad by Homer
Seriously? They put the title on the cover of the book?

>> No.20051719

>Can you suck my titty juice?
>yeah sure why not


>> No.20052195

he's using the term comedy in the classical sense--there are tragedies, which typically end in death/funeral, and comedies, which typically end in a sort of marriage.

dante's divine comedy refers to a sort of spiritual (eg divine) marriage

>> No.20052211

>Cash was building my coffin as I lay dying
dropped the book right there, hack

>> No.20052253

>I guess the real Parerga and Paralipomena: Volume 1: Short Philosophical Essays were the friends we made along the way.
You've GOT to be kidding me, Shopenhaurer!

>> No.20052908
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>He had gotten away with everything. That was why we called him The Great Gatsby

>> No.20052916

That is probably why you will remember it.

>> No.20053540

>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49.
Really, Pynch? Was that necessary?

>> No.20053555

>Socrates, what do you think will happen, now that you must be executed and die?
>All I know is I must now...Phaedo-way

>> No.20053575

>well acktually

>> No.20053934

Kekked and checked

>> No.20054312

>and this is all of it, no more can be added to The Bible
wtf I thought it was a serious religion

>> No.20054389

Best one yet

>> No.20054449

>...and thus concludes the epic quadrilogy, and there were Four Channels forevermore.
Very anticlimactic and a bit stilted, if you ask me.

>> No.20054806


>> No.20055225 [DELETED] 

And Mason & Dixon lived happily ever after.

>> No.20055240

>But I finally understood it
>I did a crime
>And there was punishment

fucking REALLY?

>> No.20055263

>"And Mason & Dixon lived happily ever after."

>> No.20055288

"Wow" yawned Marlowe. "That was a big sleep".

>> No.20055402

>This malign, vicious sphere has now - and forevermore! - revealed itself as a willing participant in this, The Conspiracy Against The Human Race, the vacuous masses blinded to their plight by the odious ministrations of petty morality bequeathed them by centuries of ghoulish religious officiations
Bit purple innit

>> No.20055480
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>> No.20055506

>Snow is general all over Ireland, upon all the living and the Dubliners.

>> No.20055517

>"So I guess that's how things are, huh, Mr. Wind-Up Bird?"
>"Yes, I suppose so, May Kawasaki."
>"You should write a chronicle about what happened to you and your wife."
>And so I did and it was called The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.
shitty fucking writing. I hate yapanese "people"

>> No.20055572


"Mr. Rearden," said Francisco, his voice solemnly calm, "if you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders—what would you tell him to do?"

"I . . . don't know. What . . . could he do? What would you tell him?"

"To shrug."

>> No.20055616
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>I was awoken from peaceful dreaming by my clockwork orange egg-timer and knew instinctively that it was time to rape.

>> No.20055642

>"Finally, after all this time, I have become... Eggplant"
Fucking really?

>> No.20055646

And that was when I saw gravity's rainbow.

>> No.20055647

>As I delved deeper and deeper into the cave I began to hear a faint tune, and I knew that I had finally found them, the notes from underground.

>> No.20055660

>I guess we really were Two Soldiers

>> No.20055684

>Now I can turn to my son and say "We Were Soldiers Once... And Young"

>> No.20055726

>1. And the Israelites spake unto Moses: "Why is it that the LORD wants to live in a tent with us instead of in the Heavens he created?"
>2. And Moses was troubled by the question and slept poorly that night.
>3. When he entered the tabernacle the next morning he spoke unto the LORD and said:
>4. "My LORD, surely the Heavens thou hast created are more splendid than this, why is it that you choose to live with us in this tent?"
>5. And the smoke over the mountain grew thick and dark and the top of the mountain could not be seen.
>6. "Well, just Leviticus I can, I suppose"

>> No.20055744

Holy SOUL, I will now read your novel

>> No.20056465
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>His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He jests in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, DFW. He is jesting, jesting. He says that he will never die.

>> No.20056499

>and now you, reader of this book, know of how the Sun became New
Bravo Wolfe

>> No.20056533

unreal, best post with trips

>> No.20056539


>> No.20056794

>the Man looked out and spat at the horizon as it dipped into its red terminus. it dawned on him then that it was a blood meridian :)
why did mccarthy feel the need to draw the smiley face onto the paper?? wtf?

>> No.20056807

"Now everybody!"

>> No.20056811
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>> No.20057097
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>..and as The Brothers Karamazov (Narrated by David Smith, courtesy of Audible) were standing there, they knew that this would be my last book, because I will die in roughly two months.

This guy is really supposed to be on of the greats? Is it just Russian shilling?

>> No.20057178

I love this more than I should.

>> No.20057486
File: 55 KB, 522x640, 33D308CB-FE7D-4F7A-8077-7DF83784823A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Das ist es! Das ist Mein Kampf(tm)!
I’m glad he fucking lost

>> No.20057518

He did actually use the book title in the ending of one of the chapters. SOMEONE didn't read the book.

>> No.20057906

biden won, get over it.

>> No.20058033
