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/lit/ - Literature

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20048964 No.20048964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anon with a big dick here
is it true that all writers have big dicks and that you need to have a big dick to appreciate literature?

>> No.20048971

>is it true that all writers have big dicks
Objection: I am writing this post right now.


>> No.20048977

Grower anon here, is that why my writing sucks unless I’m writing with an erection? I always thought I was just getting aroused whenever my work started getting good, but maybe it’s actually the inverse.

>> No.20048984

thinking that you have to get an erection in order for your dick to be big, that the dick isn't the same dick erect or flaccid, is a testament to how you are a stupid faggot who will never write anything of value
4chan posts are not writing

>> No.20048996

Ask Fitzgerald.

>> No.20049026

Good writers have big dicks. Readers have small dicks.

>> No.20049043

I don't like this flaccid synthesis of the silliness of the OP with the salty, humorless combativeness of this reply. You can't saltily effortpost casuistry in response to replies to an initially wanton shitpost. The silliness of the initial shitpost doesn't give sufficient grounds for the subsequent categorial wrangling. I hope you die!

>> No.20049045
File: 43 KB, 492x493, 62935EA7-AD6E-4EDE-B749-4226C45E9805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thinking that you have to get an erection in order for your dick to be big
It’s true tho. I go from 3 inches to 7.5. Even my gf was surprised by the difference. It’s like an extendable antenna but with more girth

> you are a stupid faggot who will never write anything of value
This sounds like the insecure rantings of a small-dick incel, not a big dick Chad. Big dick chads don’t get this angry over innocuous dick-shitposting.

>> No.20049049

Very true.
t. dicklet who hates literature.
>verification not required

>> No.20049085

James Joyce to his wife Nora:
"Tired of lying under a man one night you tore off your chemise violently and began to ride me up and down. Perhaps the horn I had was not big enough for you for I remember that you bent down to my face and murmured tenderly ‘Fuck up, love! fuck up, love!'"

>> No.20049113
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 545D61E4-ADCE-4C03-A6FC-20EF5B3250C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just ended this man’s whole career

>> No.20049138

Pics or it did not happen

>> No.20049193

Is this supposed to be a blasé pepe?

>> No.20049196
File: 293 KB, 597x359, 854D9F46-FC51-4D6D-9975-DB12E57EB153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20049255
File: 175 KB, 469x469, 1646588761023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have big dick
>am a writer
The theory holds water

>> No.20049482

>It’s true tho. I go from 3 inches to 7.5. Even my gf was surprised by the difference. It’s like an extendable antenna but with more girth
genuinely retarded and also gay
>This sounds like the insecure rantings of a small-dick incel, not a big dick Chad. Big dick chads don’t get this angry over innocuous dick-shitposting.
>muh judgements
fucking retard

>> No.20049511

fake, there are british authors as well