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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 640x763, 8c4azc4chmk81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20048425 No.20048425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When's his next book review coming out?

>> No.20048438

Idk but I think It's nice he's influencing the younger generation to start reading.

>> No.20048442

He has tattoos and he’s an atheist

>> No.20048455
File: 61 KB, 1122x900, 76756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has tattoos
>he's an atheist

>Verification Not Required

>> No.20048474

>bot post

>> No.20048495

Why are the tattoos on his arm different?

>> No.20048507

The new one is from a space pod

>> No.20048519

Is this proof neck growth is purely genetic? Is it over for us necklets?

>> No.20048531

image's mirrored

>> No.20048549
File: 75 KB, 770x600, 76757899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20048559

You can grow your neck. Look at F1 drivers, all have massive necks on otherwise skinny bodies. Look at whatever their neck routine is and do incorporate in your own routine.

>> No.20048568

yeah, imma say based

>> No.20048575

>Look at whatever their neck routine is
are you aware of how hard it is to drive an F1 car?

>> No.20048680

>he doesnt train neck

>> No.20048694


>> No.20048697

His tattoos are like a spot-the-difference book. Where the fuck did the ones on the left go?

>> No.20048715

He started taking test, simple as

>> No.20048725



>> No.20048744
File: 198 KB, 752x931, firefox_2022-03-11_19-12-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do we think of pewdie's recommendation list?

>> No.20048811
File: 297 KB, 1024x1020, dqentyh5stb51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made this book chart from his recommendations over the years.

>> No.20048856

Shut up

>> No.20048860

But it's clearly his right arm in both pictures.

>> No.20048867 [DELETED] 

>he's teaching young men to not be shut-in dorks AND to read and lift
Unironically the most based Youtuber, not that that's saying much.

>> No.20048880

>he's teaching young men to not be shut-in dorks AND to read and lift AND to get married young to someone with the same skin color as you
Unironically the most based Youtuber, not that that's saying much

>> No.20048896

No, it's not. One of the images is mirrored.

>> No.20048956

he said he was currently reading blood meridian and liking it.
Also at some point he said he wanted to read Evola but though it might be too controversial so no review of that I guess

>> No.20049068

Wtf why did his tatoos change?

>> No.20049092

Image too small. I can't read all the titles. Does anyone have the proper res version?

>> No.20049129

he's a neonazi

>> No.20049177

He's a piece of cardboard so neurotic zoomers like you can project your favorite personality traits on him.

>> No.20049215

But if you look at both from his perspective it's his right arm.

>> No.20049291
File: 1.01 MB, 3456x3444, 1606535897652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yandex and google reverse image search

>> No.20049306

Any muscle can be made bigger. If you’re so insecure about your body, that’s what really is making it over.

>> No.20049308

Thanks a ton, bud!

>> No.20049342
File: 90 KB, 1066x1333, PewDiePie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20049354


>> No.20049420

nice, thanks for sharing

>> No.20049514

Honestly? Pretty basic
I'd guess this is a guy in his mid/late-teens eager to read "serious literature"

>> No.20049523

he gained so much his tattoos were literally transmogrified

>> No.20049554

This. The guy has no kids, millions of dollars, and probably spends less than 3 hours "working". The list is very basic, given he's in his 30s.

>> No.20049589


>> No.20049605

Entertainers don't work or something? Or you're just a jelaous faggot who hates successful people?

>> No.20049807

Watch his videos. It's absolute bottom of the barrel entertainment using the algorithm feedback loop.
>hates successful people
I bet he appreciates you defending him on here, though. Subhuman slave.

>> No.20049847

No one is saying entertainment isn't work. Its simply that Felix is very clearly doing the bare minimum of it. He probably outsources all the offscreen work to others

>> No.20049851

Okay, you just hate successful people, got it.

>> No.20049856

Ok, then.

>> No.20049858

He does
I have negative opinions about 1 specific successful person, specifically about their taste in literature. You can project all you want to, won't make your edaddy well read, or worth listening to. And I'll be there in the next thread when fatherless losers like you inevitably link his next book review here. Calling him a poorly read retard.

>> No.20049862

So why are his tattoos different?

>> No.20049873

He's not trying to be an expert, and he started reading the classics pretty late in life.

What makes you seethe?

>> No.20049901

>he admits he's not worth listening to therefore your criticism doesn't apply to him
What makes me seethe is specifically people like you posting threads about him. Now that I know some of you don't even think he has opinions worth hearing it makes me think even less of you.

>> No.20049935

What you're saying is that you'll keep coming to these threads and make bunch of butthurt posts about how poor his taste on literature is while not revealing yours. You do come off like those faggots who hate anyone that's successful. Stay mad.

>> No.20049947

Who said someone's honest and first opinions about a book aren't worth hearing? At the very least they're worth hearing for the uneducated, and I'm sure Pewdiepie has introduced countless young people to the classics.

>> No.20049969

>What you're saying is that you'll keep coming to these threads and make bunch of butthurt posts about how poor his taste on literature is while not revealing yours. I "reveal" my taste in books in good threads. In bad threads I shitpost and makes zoomers rage.
Ye, if i'm on then. Why not?
>You do come off like those faggots who hate anyone that's successful. Stay mad.
Repeating things don't make them true.
>Who said someone's honest and first opinions about a book aren't worth hearing?
>At the very least they're worth hearing for the uneducated
Sure, so maybe use his youtube comment section!
>and I'm sure Pewdiepie has introduced countless young people to the classics.
Wow very cool. They should all come here and tell us about how wacky the main character in The Stranger is.

>> No.20050005

Don't divert from what you said. Pewdiepie never said, nor was it ever implicit in any of his statements, that there is no value in his book commentary. So on the contrary, I think there is reasonable justification in calling his reviews entertaining and even occasionally enlightening. There's not exactly any other youtuber I know of with explicitly /lit/ taste.

>Wow very cool. They should all come here and tell us about how wacky the main character in The Stranger is.
Imagine boasting about being smarter than teenagers and the retarded masses.

>> No.20050012

Stay mad then, retard. You're not gonna change anyone's opinion.
>muh repeating
You literally do it. Anyone can see it.

>> No.20050083

Look. I do not give a shit about Pewdiepie posting whatever the fuck to his channel. I give a shit about broccoli heads making threads just like this, being annoying, and circlejerking how hecking based his entry level reading list is. Please lurk until you get some reading done. I shouldn't be able to tell you're a complete illiterate without any effort.
>Stay mad then, retard. You're not gonna change anyone's opinion.
Of course I will. You're gonna spend the rest of the day thinking about how someone dared to call your edaddy some bad words. Then you're going to internalize the things I've said. You'll stop posting about him completely. Just to avoid getting embarrassed. Me voicing this will delay this process, you might post about him in spite a few times, but in the long run, I win. You over-estimate how little time it takes to shit up eceleb threads.
>You literally do it. Anyone can see it.
Posting patterns of either a woman or a zoomer (hard to tell apart sometimes). You can project all you want on me, I will bully you incessantly until you stop.

>> No.20050104

I really don't care, but I'll keep coming here to see you seething about rich people with multiple walls of text, kek.

>> No.20050107

>I give a shit about broccoli heads making threads just like this, being annoying, and circlejerking how hecking based his entry level reading list is.
This whole site is cringe, I don't see how what you consider bad replies are exceptionally unique to pewdiepie posts. If you look in this thread barely any of the replies are 'circlejerking how hecking based his entry level reading list is'. The first post is literally just about his positive influence on the next generation.

These threads in themselves are not bad, and I too desire to know when his next book review will be.

>> No.20050118

Rent free

>> No.20050153

>still pretending Pewdiepie is indicative of rich people
Cope all you want zoomlet.
>This whole site is cringe, I don't see how what you consider bad replies are exceptionally unique to pewdiepie posts
There's good posts all the time. Generally, same with >>20050107 , you probably get intimidated by the lack of flashing lights and walls of texts. It's not perfect, but the one good thread makes it worth coming back.
>The first post is literally just about his positive influence on the next generation.
kek. No. People who hear about something as ubiquitous as books from a fucking eceleb will only make them readers for the aesthetic of being a reader. Which the world is full off the second you leave this site. Those people can read the best books, follow the best curated lists, but it will never make their opinions on those works worth hearing. Because they don't actually care about the content, they care about the social aspect of reading.

>> No.20050169

no longer human was so trash. complete waste of time.

>> No.20050258

Nice choice of buzzwords, "old"fag. Keep seething about rich people.

>> No.20050338

You keep responding with this tryhard veil of disinterest but you're coming off as pathetic and insecure. Zoomlet isn't a buzzword, I made it up.

>> No.20050349
File: 1.82 MB, 1455x951, 1647042257517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are underageb&s on this board now who will throw tantrums over perceived slights to their streamer gods

>> No.20050388

You sound like a faggot anon, ngl

>> No.20050453

based comeback genious
kys immediatly, zoomlet!

>> No.20051174

holy cringe

>> No.20051211

Extremely basic, but it could be a lot worse. At least it's actual literature, not self help or YA trash or whatever.

>> No.20051685

Partly, but only because almost no one actually works their fucking neck. Besides doing heavy lifts which by their own DO add mass to your neck (farmer carries achieve this effect more so), start implementing basic neck protocol stuff like what AlphaDestiny does and it'll grow, no ifs or buts.

>> No.20051748

does he still do book reviews? he started a monthly series but stopped posting and I don't watch him with a few exceptions
anyways he read nietzsche and kierkegaard at one point which was based