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20047288 No.20047288 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about overcoming porn addiction or addiction in general that actually work? I know it's bad and that it's messing up my brain and libido, but still I keep doing it for some reason. It's like I don't care. Like there's a cognitive disconance in my mind. I have been succesful in abstaining for certain amounts of time, but only by sheer force of will. So yeah, please recommend me some good stuff friends!

>> No.20047291

checked. wtf is 'porn'?

>> No.20047304

Anything that is sexually suggestive, but not the real thing. This can be videos, nudes, sexting, camming, erotic audio, erotic novels etc. etc.

>> No.20047308

If this book didn’t work, you’re not going to find something better. You don’t really want to quit, so you haven’t yet.

>> No.20047310

worked for me desu
haven't watched porn or jerked off in 6 months

>> No.20047311

There's really no other way to do it than via sheer force of will. My advice would be to busy yourself with something worthwhile that you like and can keep you entertained. You'd quickly realize how easy it is to quit porn when you're actually busy doing something or when you realize you actually don't need it at all.

>> No.20047458

addiction is a response to persistent pain and stress, its your body's coping mechanism. Addictive pangs don't start in your mind. The best way to stop an addiction is to remove the chronic stress that triggers it in the first place

>> No.20047465

start lifting, worked for me

>> No.20047518
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>> No.20047673

Want some practical advice anon?

>Get a girlfriend (easiest way)
>Get a job/hobby anything that takes up your time so you literally don't have time to watch porn
>Go outside as often as you can, go to the beach, go on walks, just do whatever you can to not be alone at home with nothing to do
>Start lifting/going to the gym
>Start taking SSRIs

>> No.20047682

unironically do all of those things

>> No.20047686

The pali canon in its entirety.

>> No.20047688

Numbered Discourses 7
5. A Great Sacrifice

50. Sex

Then the brahmin Jāṇussoṇi went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha, “Does Master Gotama claim to be celibate?”

“Brahmin, if anyone should be rightly said to live the celibate life unbroken, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, full and pure, it’s me.”

“But what, Master Gotama, is a break, taint, stain, or mar in celibacy?”

“Firstly, an ascetic or brahmin who claims to be perfectly celibate does not mutually engage in sex with a female. However, they consent to being anointed, massaged, bathed, and rubbed by a female. They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. This is a break, taint, stain, or mar in celibacy. This is called one who lives the celibate life impurely, tied to the fetter of sex. They’re not freed from rebirth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress. They’re not freed from suffering, I say.

Furthermore, an ascetic or brahmin who claims to be perfectly celibate does not mutually engage in sex with a female. Nor do they consent to massage and bathing. However, they giggle and play and have fun with females. …

they gaze into a female’s eyes. …

they listen through a wall or rampart to the sound of females laughing or chatting or singing or crying. …

they recall when they used to laugh, chat, and have fun with females …

they see a householder or their child amusing themselves, supplied and provided with the five kinds of sensual stimulation. …

They don’t see a householder or their child amusing themselves, supplied and provided with the five kinds of sensual stimulation. However, they live the celibate life wishing to be reborn in one of the orders of gods. They think: ‘By this precept or observance or mortification or spiritual life, may I become one of the gods!’ They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. This is a break, taint, stain, or mar in celibacy. This is called one who lives the celibate life impurely, tied to the fetter of sex. They’re not free from rebirth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress. They’re not free from suffering, I say.

As long as I saw that these seven sexual fetters—or even one of them—had not been given up in me, I didn’t announce my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans.

But when I saw that these seven sexual fetters—every one of them—had been given up in me, I announced my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans. Knowledge and vision arose in me: ‘My freedom is unshakable; this is my last rebirth; now there’ll be no more future lives.’”

>> No.20048201

>just don't do it bro
Yes. This book is intended to help you see that porn does nothing positive for you and serves only to scratch the itch that it creates. It's a self-feeding cycle. What else were you expecting? Some kind of magic blessing? Don't blame other people for your lack of willpower.

>> No.20048226

Stop spending time idling on the internet
Stop using 4chan
Any time you notice yourself idly using your computer or phone when you don't need to, get up and go do something else
Exercise, read a book, dive into some sort of hobby or passion that takes your energy away from this context where bored porn urges flare up

>> No.20048242

What about this?

>> No.20048280

>porn addiction
just get a life, mate

>> No.20048308

What's so addictive about porn? Surely the cause is addiction to masturbation?

>> No.20048364

I've been doing good, a few slip ups here and there but luckily they don't end up as full on relapses. I had a few intimate moments while on molly with a friend who I've been crushing on for a while and it just reminded me how incredibly good intimacy with an actual girl can feel, and in a way that's very different than porn. The molly helped but it seemed to be the emotional event that made me finally, well and truly put my foot down. The story with her is ongoing and immaterial here, I'll just mention that she lives out of state.
The most difficult part for me is finally being ready to hook up with someone but being unable to because from what I can tell women collectively decided to stop having sex. I'm attractive and get plenty of attention but it seems impossible for that to turn into anything. It's not just me, the only people I know who are getting any got married years ago; my single friends who used to do fine are having just as hard a time as me. It's like I finally fix myself, finally kick a lifelong addiction which is a big feat for anyone, but it's totally thankless because I just had to wait until the dating market imploded. It's a terrible environment where I can't get sexual release, even legitimately. What the fuck is one supposed to do?? Why does it feel like our society has been engineered into one big torture mechanism?
Captcha: YXYXY

>> No.20048405
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>Get a girlfriend (easiest way)

>> No.20049156

literally none of those worked (except ssris which i didnt take). those are all things can brought benefits from my life, but they will never ever make someone quit porn, because they dont adress the core problems of any addiction.
they're coping mechanism for withdrawal etc nothing more, and an addict doesn't need a cope, he needs to quit

>> No.20049948

Literally just stop watching porn? What's it doing for you?

>it's pleasureable

Wrong, the feeling of orgasm is pleasureable and you associated that with porn.

>I like seeing naked women

You aren't seeing naked women, they're pixels and that's not true because if you saw the same naked woman 100 times you would be desensitized, it's novelty and dopamine addiction.

Simply realize you don't need porn, it isn't enjoyable so why keep watching it?

>> No.20049987

>good for the imagination and prefrontal cortex
>good for the body and reproductive system
>good for society as nobody is harmed in the making

Reading smut solves all porn issues.

>> No.20049994

The Coiled Serpent: A Philosophy of Conservation and Transmutation of Reproductive Energy
by C.J. Van Vliet

>> No.20050023

You guys arent taking this shit seriously arent you?

You are losers because you are ugly, not because of porn. Take the houellequian-pill boyi boyos.