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/lit/ - Literature

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20046863 No.20046863 [Reply] [Original]

I love this book soooo much.

It validates every opinion I've ever had about minorities, women, and the poor people. The main characters are giant shitlords, and you really have to admire the amount of cunt and semen they produce. These dudes are literally responsible for the entire island of britain. It is well known that the islands of Britain were formed by giants taking dumps in the sea. The English are literally growing crops in giant shit! They live their entire lives, throw babies out of their cunts, who then wear glasses and masturbate onto spoons, before they contract rheumatism - what a shame- on a literal pile of shit! And by that I mean the "shit of giants," although the shit is indeed giant. In fact, all the earth's continents are formed by giant shit congeaning around the globe. Poor Africa! He really ate too many blood sausages before excreting that one! However, in the making of Asia, the "yellow continent," he did not eat blood sausage but rather french fried potatoes. Wheras the creation of Africa burned his ass with cayenene and scratched it with splinters of Fennel, the excretion of Asia was smooth, and the result was a pale brown, completely homogeneous shit, like clay, with an oily froth, the result of bile salts, floating on top. Much more can be said about the fecal origin of the continents, a secret history that is no doubt abhored by our day's naturalists, but I just want to let you know that if you value humor in any way, this is the book for you, and you should start reading it like I have.

Thank you.

>> No.20046925

I only listened to that one Gentle Giant song about it (The Advent of Panurge) and I love that song, so I might read it.

>> No.20046942

Trust me, this book is an anathema to the contradictions of post-modern life. Very quick and entertaining from the offset, and no philosophical haranguing or despair so common in today's literature.

>> No.20047051

I didn't see that sort of part, probably non-existent but yeah it counts

>> No.20047088

That literature is the definition of humor. It is racist, but if we approached true utopia where black and white is literally the same, it will become just a shitpost not racism

>> No.20047093
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The reading of Rabelais is not easy to everyone, and perhaps to those for whom it is least easy, he would be most medicinal... He is the sanest of all the great writers; perhaps the only sane one. What he has the power of communicating to us is a renewal of that physiological energy, which alone makes it possible to enjoy this monstrous world. Other writers interpret things, or warn us against things. Rabelais takes us by the hand, shows us the cup of life, deep as eternity, and bids us drink and be satisfied.

Those who suffer most from Rabelais' manner of treating sex are the incurably vicious. The really evil libidinous people, that is to say the spiteful, the mean, the base and inhuman, fly from his presence, and for the obvious reason that he makes sex-pleasure so generous... so natural, so legitimate, that their dark morbid perverted natures can get no more joy out of it. Their lust, their lechery, is a cold dead Saurian thing, a thing with the gravity of a slow-worm—and when this great laughing and generous sage comes forth into the sunshine with his noble companies of amorous and happy people, these Shadow-lovers, these Lent-lovers, these Fleshly Sentimentalists, writhe in shame, and seek refuge in a deeper darkness. How strained and inhuman, too; and one might add, how mad and irrelevant—that high, cold, disdainful translunar scorn with which the "moral-immoralism" of Nietzsche scourges our poor flesh and blood. One turns with relief to Zarathustra after associating with pious people. But, after Rabelais, even that terrific psychologist seems contorted and thin.

It is impossible not to be struck by the difference between the Rabelaisian tone in regard to erotic and excremental matters and the kind of outspokenness of our own day. With Mr. James Joyce, for example, the urge underlying his obscenities is a savage, almost pathological attraction-repulsion; whereas with Rabelais "these primordials" simply fall into their places like splendid sacraments, essential parts of his huge gala song.

His broad, free, humorous treatment of "country matters" has done us service. It has cleared the air of much that is hypocritical and unseemly, and has been a justification for many sincere people who have wished to approach such subjects in a natural way. It should be clearly understood that Rabelais never wrote a single page that is pornographic. In fact he is the great purifier. He lets fresh air into the unhealthy closets of human society, and his laughter, like sunshine, causes wormwood and pungent camomile to grow out of the very middens of the world. Concealed drains are dangerous, those open to the air harmless. Rabelais follows the aristocratic tradition of natural refinement.

>> No.20047115

Thank you

>> No.20047831
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thanks anon. i tend to avoid translations nowadays, but i'm going to read this.

>> No.20049591
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>poop is funny

>> No.20049598

peepee poopoo

>> No.20049601
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>poop is no laughing matter

>> No.20049615

>It validates every opinion I've ever had about minorities, women, and the poor people.
Holy shit would /pol/ fags fuck off? The classics will never belong to you.

>> No.20049618

No. We're gonna continue reading 'em and talking about 'em and you're gonna continue never being a woman.

>> No.20049633

the classics are racist and misogynistic therefore belong to /pol/. go back to r*ddit and discuss intersectional YA

>> No.20050093
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>poop is funny
Always has been.