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20045207 No.20045207 [Reply] [Original]

is this worth reading or just a cash grab? I readed maps of meaning and twelve rules and was able to more or less understand Aion afterwards without getting too filtered. im also open to reading picrel but am somewhat skeptical

>> No.20045237

shameless self bump, debating whether or not to proceed to checkout

>> No.20045247
File: 141 KB, 1262x634, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20045279

idiot. you spam every jbp thread with that

>> No.20045310

He’s a bump Anon. I’m was a big JP fan back in the day. I’d say if you read 12 Rules and watched a lot of his videos you’re probably. I had gotten out of my JP phase by the time More Rules was released and don’t have any real interest in reading it.

Hopefully someone who has read it and doesn’t hate the guy can give you a better answer

>> No.20045315

God damn I’m a retard.
Here’s a bump*
You’re probably good*

>> No.20045322

how did you get out of that phase? i'm still balls deep in it. marathoned the bible lectures a while ago

>> No.20045360

>did the Bible series 3 times
>read 12 rules 5 times
>took in all his YouTube content like a coke fiend

Two things eventually got my me out of my JP phase. The first was that I had eventually taken in so much of his content there was really nothing left to take in. The second was his fall due to pull addiction. I don’t blame him for it or think his addiction takes away from the truth of a lot of what he had to say. The guy seemed like a quite teacher suddenly thrust into global fame. I can’t honestly say I wouldn’t crack under that kind of pressure. But even so it was hard to watch a hero crash and burn that hard, and I never got back into him after that.

Hey man if you’re enjoying your JP phase just follow it. A lot of anons will give you shit for it, but Fuck’um. He helped a lot of people out, myself included. If you like his content then read and listen to it. Eventually you’ll realize that you have things you disagree with him on, and after that you’ll probably get more interested in the thinkers and writers that influenced him.

>> No.20045407

I understand. I felt real bad when I saw that video of him dirivng the remote control car, daughter filming it in the backyard. He's been through a lot, and it must be hard to stick to your principles when the going gets tough, so I respect him even more for that. must also help having a loving wife and daughter to pull through imo. I don't feel ready yet to dive into to bigtime thinkers like Nietzsche or Jung alone yet, guess i'll buy this one and see what's up

>> No.20045461

>"I readed"
>unironically likes Juden Peterstein
many such cases

>> No.20045498

>ca1lib exists
>Still pays for books

>> No.20045511

I need to have a book in my hand. if I can't take notes and dog-ear pages, I don't feel like I have any proof I'm reading or learning something i can take with me

>> No.20045516

I relate a lot to this post.

JBP is very much the kind of person you idolize as a college undergrad when the culture war is raging very tangibly all around you, but then once you get out and have time to read and think about things more abstractly you see him more as just an intro sampler of Jung, Nietzsche, the Bible and a few others. He's not *bad* but he's like a tutorial for deep thinking and not the real thing.

>> No.20045694

Same on the Nietzsche and June, but I did start reading Dosto because of him.

>> No.20045701

> JBP is very much the kind of person you idolize as a college undergrad when the culture war is raging very tangibly all around you, but then once you get out and have time to read and think about things more abstractly you see him more as just an intro…
I relate a lot to this post

>> No.20045729
File: 174 KB, 428x426, Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 00.10.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly what happened to me. But I tried reading 12 more rules, dropped it in the second chapter. I might read it eventually but ever since he came back everything felt so cringe. I dont hate the guy but that nigger should fucking continue the biblical series already.

Who in the fuck thought this was a good thumbnail. Shit like this put me the fuck off. Fucking JUSTed.

>> No.20045744

Does she have any qualifications besides being his daughter? Is she a psychologist as well?

>> No.20045753

Not as good as the first one.
Just skip it.

>> No.20045755

She has nothing besides being "dads daughter"
She literally introduced herself like this in the podcast. I watched her interview robert greene on her own podcast and it was fucking abysmal how bad she is at talking to people. Bitch has 400k subs too. Dolled up jewgina. She really is not very good.

>> No.20045917

His daughter has her own wikifeet page and openly acknowledged it - in a post with her exposed feet, no less - on her Instagram account. That is all you need to know about this "man" and his success methods of "child-rearing." Babby's first Elmer Gantry.

>> No.20046815

so he did marry a jewess? Always got the feeling that he did