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File: 46 KB, 850x560, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20044731 No.20044731 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20044734

Press S to shit on OP

>> No.20044737


>> No.20044750

Thank you, I've been baiting with ddg filenames on my homeboard for ages and never had a you.
What's a non-semitic search engine in your view?

>> No.20044762

Personally, I go on /x/ or /pol/ with a hebrew filename/screenshot frequently

>> No.20044787

lmao pol whines harder than SJWs at this point

>> No.20045859

I can't decide whether I want him to finish the books or not. On one hand, he's a cunt for dragging it out this long, and I want closure on a series I genuinely enjoyed. On the other hand the absolutely ridiculous postulations of fans regarding the many potential endings is probably more fun than actually having and reading his books.

>> No.20045865


>> No.20045866

What's wrong with duckduckgo?

>> No.20046734

still google

>> No.20046743

>still google

>> No.20046747

ok retard

>> No.20046797

Think about why the number of DDG users is unknown. Dumb fuck

>> No.20046801

Finally happened. Right after Elden Ring as well

>> No.20046812

Oh yes just like all those companies that keep your data 'private' until it's leaked all over the web.

>> No.20046816

i guess the guy who owns it said on twitter they were actively
>censoring russian disinformation
by making it intentionally go lower on the search results.

basically, nullifying why they even exist

>> No.20046827

>muh Russia
Russia is so pathetic they lose wars to lesser nations and then chose to leave the internet kek. Who gives a fuck if DDG want to script out their faggotry, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.20046828

holy reddit

>> No.20046830

Suck my cock sergey

>> No.20046831

>wanting your search engine to parse less information
how is this any better than google, retard

>> No.20046834

Russia is leaving the internet today and creating their own firewalled garbage, you dumb fuck. Imagine thinking the CCP would add anything to your daily browsing

>> No.20046844

Not a single s for OP...

>> No.20046848

yandex is still up, if yandex can parse russian pages why should I accept that DDG can't?

>> No.20046857

You really do just slurp up everything companies and media tell you, huh

>> No.20046864

>This is now a realpolitik thread

>> No.20046870

lmao what a stupid faggot you are

>> No.20046891
File: 275 KB, 654x708, 1646977637963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare DDG stand up to the boundless might of Russia - simply unacceptable
As I said, nothing of value was lost. You're literally shilling to have North Korea or the CCP participate in your search results

>> No.20046896

for those that don't know, this faggot posted on his blog about all the things he's working on and not winds of winter

>> No.20046903

>wanting your search engine to parse less information
why would you want a worse search engine

>> No.20046905

Have you ever watched RT?

>> No.20046906

sure, it just seems like NBC or Al Jazeera except instead of lying for the US or Qatar it lies for Russia.

>> No.20046909

so that's all you're "missing" out on. who gives a fuck

>> No.20046912

so should DDG exclude results from website like CNN, NBC, BBC, Al Jazeera too?

>> No.20046936

>CNN, NBC, BBC, Al Jazeera
Did any of their governments start a war while simultaneously blaming the entire western world for the conflict? We allowed Russia to do whatever they wanted, and this was the result. This wasn't just a random string of events that has occurred. Remember, Russia is about to block the entire net.

>> No.20046944

okay so this isn't about how you want to miss out propaganda, this is about how you hate russia. are you a pole or a ukrainian or something? why do you people think we care about slavs? I dont care if ukrainians exterminate russians or russians exterminate ukrainians. either-or, I dont want their information excluded from my reach. and to answer your question
>Did any of their governments start a war while simultaneously blaming the entire western world for the conflict?
fucking Iraq, you know, that war we started based on a lie we invented that led to 1 million iraqis dying? why are your slavic brains so tiny as to think that we don't know our own history

>> No.20046951

>this is about how you hate russia
We a now in wartimes, anon. Individuals and corporations don't need to hold allegiance to anyone. Did you actually think the entire world would stay neutral?

>> No.20046955

you aren't even a real human being

>> No.20046957

okay so your opinion on this matter is moot because you're clearly biased. nothing you've said matters

>> No.20046961

Russia went full NK and China with controlling information. Point to where I'm wrong

>> No.20046968

I don't care what happens to Russia. Putin is shutting down the entire net and you faggots cry about DDG kek. Like any of you retards ever read a Russian article anyway

>> No.20046971

you clearly do care about Russia you've already played your hand retard, nobody is buying your whole "WELL IM NOT ON ANY PARTICULAR SIDE BUT HERE'S WHY YOU SHOULD AGREE ENTIRELY WITH THIS ONE SIDE" schtick

>> No.20046972

you're defending "controlling information" by citing "controlling information" as a negative

>> No.20046981

We are at war now and it was Putin's choice. Cry more

>> No.20046991

Did this fat fuck actually contribute anything to Elden Ring? It doesn’t look like it and the story is very reminiscent of all other souls games. Seems a brilliant marketing move from the nips to pay him to be attached though.

>> No.20046993
File: 10 KB, 586x528, 1623982523270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally could not care less. That's the thing here anon, there won't be some big anti-war and pro-war movements here like there were in all of the real actual wars. Nobody cares, the quibbles of Slavniggers is so below the normal person's radar that they can't even be assed to form an opinion. All of your seething about how we just have to agree that having less access to information is good because MUH RUSSIA MUH YOU CRANE is just...inconsequential. When gas prices go through the roof, people won't be arguing about how this is Russia's fault or Ukraine's fault. It's not even in the vocabulary.

>> No.20047009

Putin already made it clear his plans stretch further than Ukraine. And did you actually manage skip over the fact he's threatened nuclear war several times?

Moreover, financial war is the step before a hot war. Guess where we are, fren?

>> No.20047026
File: 33 KB, 338x281, 1630549418463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped reading here, couldn't care less whether you suck his dick or pretend he's evil or whatever. not my problem

>> No.20047030


>> No.20047229

We? Who is we? You're Ukrainian? I guarantee you are not.
There has been much war. You only care about this one because the news tells you to.
When people talk about sheep/sheeple, they mean (You) specifically.

>> No.20047283

Ukraine quickly turned into a proxy war between Russia and NATO. Looking at all the unprecedented sanctions, we are certainly already at war.

>> No.20047295

fake news, the western media also made fake accusation of the Tiananmen incident in 1989

>> No.20047302

kys chang

>> No.20047312

Dude, are you ok?

>> No.20047322

>oh boy, coming back to see the thread I made got 52 replies, hopefully we'll have some fun discussion of the living hell of being an ASOIAF reader

>> No.20047323
File: 1.82 MB, 3000x1990, partytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write the first half of a Tolkein/Dune fanfic
>Get millions of dollars for it from Hollywood
>Be old
>Two choices on how to spend the remaining years of your life:
>Sit alone in a room writing the second half of the story for a bunch of insufferable nerds who are guaranteed to whine about every detail of your story
>Party with playboy models and goof off

Be honest Anon. Which would you pick?

>> No.20047331

Looks like Vatnik's have hijacked your thread bro. This shit is happening all over 4chan - especially /k/.

>> No.20047350

My only hope at this point is that after he's dead his editors release all the chapters that were originally supposed to be the end of the Feast/Dance book, which are SURELY written.

>> No.20048504

SearX is good because you can use results from engines that work well like google or bing but in a way that gives out less data. Yandex is good and their reverse image search is excellent. Duckduckgo is utter dogshit and their image search is beyond useless, I don't know how those jews messed up Lucene to such an extent.

>> No.20048517

I use startpage

>> No.20048540

Marketing move? His name is only in one trailer from what I remember. He's not even mentioned on steam page.

>> No.20048548

I'd sit alone in my room, girls have cooties.

>> No.20048711


>> No.20048729

>It’s my world, and while I have been working closely with some fantastic writers and showrunners, ultimately it is up to me to try to keep the canon… well, canonical… and to do all I can to help make the new shows great. (And I love these stories too).

>> No.20048732

>Martin Ring

>> No.20048737

>And HOUSE OF THE DRAGON is coming soon. That’s what you will see first.

>> No.20048807

Don't be retarded, he says himself he loves working and by his own account he's currently engaged with a dozen projects.

>> No.20048810

Ddg literally being run by a jew you fucking clown. I use startpage.

>> No.20049711

Did the show bring this fat degenerate to his knees? His whole little book series is tainted now.

>> No.20050944

he will not finish the book series at the rate he has been writing they will be done when he would be 149

>> No.20052261
File: 190 KB, 1434x1013, 1647032273084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre literally posting fake news my enlightened man

>> No.20052266
File: 62 KB, 732x398, 1646937558878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20053099

marginalia search

>> No.20053262

It's like I'm looking at a bygone era when I see Playboy bunnies

>> No.20054219

Well shit, guess I'm done with using DDG