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/lit/ - Literature

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2004418 No.2004418 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: People post story ideas. People rate story ideas on a scale of 1-10.

>> No.2004450
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>> No.2004511

Idea: My cock turns into baking soda, hilarity ensues.

>> No.2004514

I really want to post it here, but I'm afraid that someone will steal it.

>> No.2004515

I was going to write something about what happens to characters in novels when the author stops writing. Not really a continuation of a story, but more like what the characters do when they are conscious of the fact they're in a novel.

I couldn't motivate myself enough to complete it though.

>> No.2004519

Mine is a bit bad, but I dunno

In the near (200 years or so)future, 2 underageb& children will begin posting on /lit/ and /new/ using tripcodes. They will appear immature at first, but gradually gain experience in arguing in the demanded fields, as well as rapidly changing trips in order to keep their past ideas out of sight until they are certain that they can hold a debate. Eventually, these children will gain enough influence to be invited to an online government conference, where they make a very strong impact. Suddenly, one of the children decides to go to space and announces her retirement, while the other child, now old enough to hold a political position, gives his identity out to the public and eventually takes over the world.

>> No.2004527


>> No.2004530

This sounds really interesting.

>> No.2004532

I had a really good idea for at TV show.
You get that guy from West Coast Choppers. The dickhead with the grey mustache. Get that asshole and the guy from Ice Road Truckers. Maybe a hot girl or the guy from Pawn Stars.
Anyway, they work on a combination dumptruck/chopper designed to function well in rough terrain, and they drive around dumping stuff.
The show's called Dump Bike and it's perfect.

>> No.2004543

thanks for the lols

>> No.2004545

I have always had an idea for a story where the main character was like an obsolete, or a worthless figure while drastic changes in the world around him took place. Like a slave during the American civil war or someshit. And while his world was changing around him he would learn things about life/war/love/gods and all of those heavy things, while still being insignificant.

Has this been done before?

>> No.2004548
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a vampire finds out he is a wizard and goes to a magic vampire school

>> No.2004549

Zany antics ensue.

>> No.2004557

Boner Academy is an excellent title for a film.

>> No.2004559

Here's one. I know I'll never write it, so I'll give it up.

Story about an alcoholic and the crazy things he does as he slowly pickles his brain cells. Lot's of potential for comedy and drama with his relatives and neighbors as he drives them to frustration.

>> No.2004560

An aging, angry man lives in a basement and writes about how old and angry he is. He does not give his name. Then he walks through the snow, talks to a prostitute, and goes on his angry way. It will be a short book and I will write it in Russian.

>> No.2004565
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A serial killer gets turned into a vampire and changes nothing

>> No.2004568


>> No.2004582 [DELETED] 

(a) a man faps to a porn, cums, and the sperm disappears

from that day onwards his sperm always just ...disappars


a man is born with a boner, and it never goes soft

>> No.2004583

there is a raskolnikov but no sonia

>> No.2004590


he doesn't then go out into the snow, the part with the prostitute is a flashback.

>> No.2004592

an intellectual slips into a drug induced delirium (just alcohol & shrooms would do) turning a classical realist plot into a weirded out pomo phantasmagoria

>> No.2004598

A guy is surprised when his penis starts talking to him, eventually giving him advice on how to pick up women.

>> No.2004608
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Anime/manga idea:
A Japanese high-school girl finds a genie. After the genie has been freed, typical Lucky-Star-style semi-plotless teenage antics ensue. Also, the high school girl can see demons and has an oni for an adopted brother.

Idgaf if you think it's shit; I'm still gonna write it.

>> No.2004615
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Did I ever tell you about the man who taught his asshole to talk?

>> No.2004645
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thailand, kansas, siberia, congo or the bolivian backwoods;
upper class hipsters try to troll a pious hermit into sex;
he twhacks off his finger to kill the boner;
hipsters impressed and change their impious hipster ways;
the word goes around; he's revered as a sorta saint by local villagers;
a get him a sick young dying girl to pray for her;
he suggests they get her to a real doctor but, alas, they cannot afford it.
she is found dead and *drumroll* raped, the hermit is nowhere to be found.

>> No.2004650

Story of a dolphin (or porpoise) who starts out in the wild, is captured for a Seaworld show, and ends up being trained for military special operations.

>> No.2004658

camus is stabbed by an arab for no reason at all

>> No.2004668


I've never heard the story. Did it work out in the end?

>> No.2004675

it sounded a lot like you

>> No.2004676


See: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead

>> No.2004677


>> No.2004687


>short book
>in Russian

Pick one.

>> No.2004694

A story about gay bashing cop who realize that he is gay himself

>> No.2004698

i've got a marvellous plot
for a film
it so fancy and great
it's a whole new genre
mixing guilermo arriaga, berthold brecht and amenábar
with a bit of pelevin and the coen bros
and i shall never work
will be living off fame
and you gonna get jealous
you'll discuss it on lit.

>> No.2004702


> am I the only one to find genius in this?

>> No.2004703

I remember one of Vonnegut's books where the author stepped into the story and spoke to the characters at some point, and they asked him for certain things to happen in the plot. Reminds me of this.

>> No.2004704

I'll do an alien invasion. I enjoy watching those films and reading similar things but the reasons are almost absolutely wrong and retarded. Example: the Mel Gibson movie "Signs" where these retards invade a planet with an atmosphere full of water, where water covers most of Earth, and its inhabitants are mostly made of water. Yet these retards with all their advanced technology failed to scout that out? Goddamnit the movie was ruined for me.

War of the Worlds was good, though.

If an alien race is invading Earth, it has to be for cellulose. I would make that clear in my writings. Not outright but you'd know the reason why eventually.

>> No.2004715

what a difficult
i am thorn

>> No.2004717

A retired juggler, living as a hermit in the bayou of Louisiana, is recruited to juggle saline-breast implants in a promotional for a struggling Los Angeles plastic surgery clinic. Except this clinic happens to be a front for an elaborate scam artist, who's desperately trying to throw off the authorities with a last ditch effort to generate capital before he frames the juggler for the crime.

In the movie, the juggler will be played by Bill Paxton.

>> No.2004725


Oh, Kilgore. You didn't even recognize your maker when he met you.

>> No.2004728
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he has to be ripping off every single social synecdoche. that would make it a satire at least

>> No.2004738

Edwin Plasterkeiss is a simple man, working a simple job trying to eke out a simple life. Except for the fact that he was born with a penis so disproportionately large that, were he ever to experience an erection, his blood pressure would drop so dramatically that he would go into shock and die. Able to control it though medication, Edwin never thought much of it until he meets a free-spirited, childless widow, desperate to conceive a child before it's too late. They bond, and it's not long before she desires him to be the father of her child. Except she's a Christian Scientist and will only have a child if it is conceived in a natural way. Edwin becomes stuck, pondering the meaning of life, sex and death.

I call it- the Mayfly.

>> No.2004742

a dostoyevskian movie about dostoyevsky culminating in slavophilia and his outrageous antisemitism. it will be full of hipster racism and beards.

>> No.2004749

Joey is just a regular kind guy-- except he's a sentient cellular phone! A life of people pressing him to their faces and screaming in his ear has made Joey irritable, to say the least. Now, people who pick him up hoping to make a call are greeted with a vitriolic stream of expletives, epithets and threats. It's not until a young child picks him up that he finally learns what life's all about.

>> No.2004750

i've got a better one:
a wounded soldier with a now-permanent errection is raped by a nurse; he just orgasms and dies. she is oppressed and starts an all-female fascist movement. her son just tells the tale growing from holden claufield over the good soldier svejk to richard crumb/woody allen.

>> No.2004759

It's the year 2291 and all of the world's knowledge has been successfully compiled onto what is called the 'omnicomp.' So complete is this record, that all of humanity have neural implants that allow for complete and instant access to the information. Except, during the compilation process, a rouge religious zealot inserted a program that removed the section about human reproduction and development. Now humanity is left to poke and prod themselves as they hope to empirically uncover how to solve- The Eternal Itch.

>> No.2004771

Also he gives them brain cancer

>> No.2004792

...and commits suicide

>> No.2004806

>Ringo crowd surfing on a drum while singing.

Ringo is such a fucking pimp!

>> No.2004836

great gatsby + tv's mad men + Dostoyevsky + serial-killer-drama

>> No.2004838
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There's a village in the world where only immortals live. The idea is that after several lifetimes' worth of experiences, losses and triumphs, this is the only logical place for them to live.

I don't really know where to go with it, but I thought it'd be interesting to explore immortality from the perspectives of different types of people.

>> No.2004848

Too bad it's already been written
in a bad movie format

>> No.2004852

boy meets girl but they can't be together

>> No.2004870

Guy is chased down by his future selves from a parallel universe who are trying to kill him to sort out a paradox they created.

>> No.2004874

Seriously? What's the name of the film? So much for original, maybe doing it better will be good enough.

>> No.2004881

I don't remember what it was entitled, but it involved a man killing a giant stone head or something.

>> No.2004882


but it's not exactly what you said

>> No.2004885

Instant classic, start production immediately. And then start it again with a new name.

>> No.2004911

A future where a computer determines the exact monetary value of every occupation in society,no exceptions. Teachers are set at 35,000 dollars.

>> No.2004919

>Skim over Zardox article on wikipedia

Okay, yeah, I was thinking of putting immortality in a more 'realistic' perspective. Something along the lines of what it feels like to be a surgeon, whose job it is to save lives but loses all value in mortality as he no longer fears death and it's effect on how he practices his work. Additionally, the haunting thoughts that were everyone to live 'liberated' of their fear of death, he could not make a living. So then he desperately hides his immortality for fear that the world might gain it through studying him, etc.

>> No.2004956

but if he gave the world immortality, wouldn't he be payed a ridiculous sum and never have to work again?
plothole you might wanna consider

>> No.2004968

I suppose the monetary end wouldn't really be a factor then, but then I could just go from the angle that he has a need to save people because that's how he validates himself. So then if no one needs a hero, he loses all feelings of self worth.

I guess what could follow would be multiple attempts to kill himself until he comes across the previously mentioned village, where perhaps people pretend to die and pretend to need things like doctors because, though everyone's immortal, they try to help each other fill in the gaps that their blessing has created.

>> No.2004981

could be good if done well
i wish you luck

>> No.2004999

A zuchini and a carrot are the last two vegetables left to be chopped for stew. The chef turns to them and asks who is going to be next.The colander gets knocked to the ground. They fight to the death in a cage match. While the stew boils in the pot.

>> No.2005012

A bus driver really wants to take a shit. Pulls over to side of the road, goes round the back of the bus, into the dark. Squatts, suspended from a branch by his arms. Branch breaks.OH NO!

>> No.2005022

Whole story whitten in imperative form about a man who shoots some fucking dick head on the beach. Who the fuck kicks sand on another person?

>> No.2005052

>mother and daughter lose touch for a few years
>mother is dying
>mother contacts daughter for the first time in a while with the news

flood deteced
>daughter comes back home
>they try to make amends with each other.
>good bad funny and emotional things happen

>> No.2005064

A demented whore is drugged and kidnapped by a sociopath slob and thrown in his basement. He plans on raping and killing her but then he is suddenly interested in some of her insane ramblings that resemble a story. However, morning comes, the story wasn't over and the psycho has a job so he keeps her alive until the following night, so she can finish her story. But after she finishes the story, she starts another that also stops at the middle in the morning, and so on.
One story would involve a guy flying using a DDR board, another with finding a ghost inside a beer can that grants him 3 wishes, you know where this is going...
If you don't agree with grimdark arabian nights, fuck you!

>> No.2005081
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So basically The Book of One Thousand and One Nights?

>> No.2005091

she ends killing her and running away, not marrying him

>> No.2005117

Set two hundred years after aliens succesfully colonized earth and inslaved humanity.
Humans are now part of the alien sociaty. They have equal rights and status, with full access to alien technology. The aliens still have a vastly superior intellect, but humanity is dominant in most sports and other physical activities, including sex. There is still lots of racism between the humans and aliens, and aliens moslty control all positions of power.
The story revolves around the first human president of earth. His name is Abama.

>> No.2005127
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>> No.2005137

A homosexual couple performs a terrorist attack in Kaaba, killing millions, and banning homosexuality.

>> No.2005205


>> No.2005212


Sure you can write.

>> No.2005215

Ayn Rand and Karl Marx are stuck in an elevator for eleven hours with a gay male stripper dressed up as a beekeeper for his next client

>> No.2005229

I don't see anyone with at least a pint of common sense up in that elevator. So, I guess, madness ensues?

>> No.2005234

A man cheats on his wife and absolutely nothing goes wrong with his relationship. He feels like both women are draining his vitality and lifeforce.

>> No.2005247

The gay stripper bee is only working to earn enough money to pay off the mob who currently hold his man-wife and love-child

>> No.2005255

>mob who currently hold
>mob hold

please, don't write, ever

>> No.2005259 [DELETED] 
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It's 5 in the damn morning, I couldn't care less
>mfw when submitting this response

>> No.2005270

the premise is nice but instead of marx i would have ayn rand meet leon trotsky; the stripper should also be an exiled declassé noble monarchist antisemite with cossack roots; preferably one of the exiled russian imperial army generals.

>> No.2005283

A lonely, 34 year old man struggles with crippling anxiety in a world where looks and confidence are more important than ever.
The man turns to alcoholism in order to alleviate this anxiety, and finds that he is liberated.
The main focus of the story should be the irony that the man is only liberated by a crutch.
He lives a happy life, constantly drunk, but is forced to hide his addiction from his loved ones.
The alcoholism grows so bad that he beats his mother in a drunken rage.
His father forces him in therapy.
With a great deal of time, he may recover, but now struggles to live with himself after his crime.
The theme should then turn to, and to end the story, with the question of "was the man to blame for beating his mother, or was it his anxiousness, as a side effect of this modern world?"

I was inspired by the amount of neckbeards on here, and a little bit by tripfags like Tybrax on /lit/ and Abatap on /tv/

>> No.2005285

I never browse this board (mostly on /v/ and /fit/) but I'll contribute:

An upper middle class 20 year old loses it all when his family is financially stricken due to the recent economic situation. He leaves home for a better life while he experiences the hardships of the times. The young man finds himself on the streets of LA when becomes acquaintances with individuals he once felt superior to. After experiencing many hardships at his new home, he has learned to appreciate the variety of people of separate class.

The book would connect with the modern young-adult facing the current economic troubles of life and the people of it.

How does it sound? Not sure if something similar has been written before but it's worth a shot.

>> No.2005288

A poor, Mexican immigrant lives in the basement of one of D.C.'s upper-areas.
The story will explore the difference of power and wealth between him and the senator who lives above him, and who is more deserving of power and money (the senator will be corrupt).

>> No.2005292

Ever read The Soloist?

>> No.2005303

On the Road, with a modern hip soundtrack featuring such hits as "Party in the USA", and "Baby", and 10x more car chase scenes, and MORE DRUGS!

>> No.2005307

>Note, using an actual scale. 1-4 is shit. 5 is average. 6 is good, 7 great, 8 amazing, etc.




It was shit anyway.


Sounds cool, kind of sucks you won't do it though.






Book of the year No years




Weeaboo/10. But I like it, 5/10




4/10, sounds overdone.


Probably not/10

>> No.2005310





























>> No.2005357

The story of a typical little girl who gets every kind of compulsions throughout her life and is sick in every way at 50. Omniscent narrator who gives every little detail of the roots of the compulsions. Her boyfriend is her childhood friend and and always wanted to protect her from everything. When the compulsions start to get worse he finally realizes there is something not right with her. In the end she kills him and suicides.

>> No.2005600

A kid moves to a new city and discovers all of his new teachers live in the same appartment building as he does.
Hilarity insues as the main character is forced to develop bonds with his teachers and they all help eachother out over time.

>> No.2005610

A fundamentalist Christian family are euphoric over the coming of the Rapture, but Jesus returns as an obnoxious, black methadone junkie and is glad that they worship him. He naturally boards up with the family.

>> No.2005627
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>> No.2005643

everythings been done before

>> No.2005666

Been working on it a while but it's a story of a shark travelling across the ocean to find a new place to eat people. It's a Bildungsroman.

Also, a short story in which Barack Obama's limbs become possessed.

They shall both be awesome. I hope.

>> No.2005675

Typical loner teen spends most of his time mastubating. Meets a girl one day, thinks he might have a shot. She fucks his friend at a party, so he masturbates all over her while she's sleeping. Gets arrested for sexual harassment or something. Story's told from the biased slutty female perspective.

>> No.2005677
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>> No.2005678

The world has been devastated by nuclear war and only a cyborg wolf remains to stalk the now empty ruins left by humanity, documenting the world that has been left behind. However he soon comes across a small group of humans attempting to make a journey across the wasteland to the coast and watches over them in secret. Before long it becomes apparent that a forgotten cache of war machines is awakening to pursue and crush this burgeoning group. The wolf is then torn between his programming to protect the same humans who killed his species in their war and his animal instinct to hunt man once more.

>> No.2005687

In a post-apocalyptic world, a wanderer without a family and a country tires to gain citizenship in a fascist dictatorship which is run by a man who thinks he is Batman.

>> No.2005695

Some guy starts cranking out a ton of propaganda that sparks a few terrorist attacks and soon a revolution in the United States. When the rebels ask him to join, he must confess that he was doing it all for the lulz. Hilarity ensues when he has to flee the country to avoid being killed.

>> No.2005709


and in a shocking twisty tail, he IS Batman, bringing order to the wasteland.

>> No.2005729

Loner (age: ~18-24) whose existence is rather pointless.

The loner is often depressed and has social anxiety.

Their primary activity to post on the world's most popular subversive website.

They don't know what to do with their life.

A story of unbridled angst and despair.

Just look at these reviews!

"A riveting tale of existential angst that forces one to recall the bitter writings of Dostoevsky"
Sam Beckett - San Francisco Times

"Truly this works examines the dark times our youth finds themselves in. A necessary work for anyone who wants to understand what our troubled youth are going through."
Meredith Smith - The New York Chronicle

"When I read this book I cried. I laughed. I sighed. Because it's all true and I lived it. I know you will be as emotionally affected reading it as I was living it."
Marshall Hope - Author of "Despair and Angst on the world's most subversive website"

>> No.2005806

A boy gains the power to become invisible.
Every time he does it though, a small of him becomes permanently invisible.

>> No.2005825

remake of the Sorrows of Young Werther / Last Letters of Jacapo Ortis set in present time, but the guy never meets the girl because it is an Internet relationship.

“Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.” -Gilde

>> No.2005844

An ex-superhero (of the Watchmen variety - no supernatural powers), unable to cope his uneventful life after having finally brought total peace to his city, gives himself amnesia somehow and sets up an elaborate mission for himself where he has to defeat a number of "enemies" and save the world. In the process, he ends up killing a number of enemies who actually turn out to be innocent people, and he leaves a trail of destruction in his wake as he attempts to solve the conflict that doesn't exist. It isn't revealed to the reader (or the protagonist) that he had given set everything up until the end, however, and panic ensues as he realizes that he's basically become a villain, having brought massive amounts of death and destruction to the city. He goes insane and kills himself.

>> No.2005852


Sounds too much like LotR...

>> No.2005873

college student goes to his pseudo-celebrity drug dealer's bestiality-themed art exhibition and hates it because it's too pretentious. Writes a scathing review in student paper.

Some time later he goes to Borneo to work for an environmentalist non-profit saving orangutans. Drug dealer is also volunteering there. They smoke DMT and protagonist cheats on his girlfriend with a red head in an american flag bikini.

Next day, they bring in an orangutan that had been raped by the villagers. It was wearing an american flag bikini and its whole body had been shaved, the razor burn making septic spots all over.

Drug dealer keeps making indirect hints that protagonist fucked a monkey. Protagonist verifies this and then gets revenge.

>> No.2005886

My story is about a futuristic retro society where the government employs strange and unusual tactics to slow growth, lower unemployment, and save money. Large machinery will be outlawed,thus "allowing" thousands of people to work picking crops in fields where harvesters once roamed. There will a law against having grass lawns,instead people will all be forced to grow vegetable patches to replace their front lawn. The terminally ill will be euthanized to cut medical cost.(This is done by a proxy doctor who is able to evaluate the persons medical chart more objectively.) And a whole lot more stuff like that. An example of a character would be an apple picker who has a brother stricken with cancer.

>> No.2005894

Sure is At Swim-Two-Birds in here.

>> No.2005906

Guy works as a carer in a nursing home, becomes friendly with one of the patients who led a very interesting life. The patient has Alzheimer's, and as the story progresses so does the disease, until by the end he is completely incapacitated. Unable to stand the sight of the man he knew reduced to shitting himself and babbling, the carer smothers him with a pillow.
The entire story would be told as a first person account by the carer to the Head Nurse of the ward as they waited for the police to arrive.

>> No.2005915

I could see this working, but only as a short story.

>> No.2005933

That's exactly what it's going to be. VALIDATION!

>> No.2005943

Call it "Animal Fagnetism"

>> No.2005962
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Post nuclear setting. Boy trapped in subway tunnel, finds a sentient train computer, they both try and get out. They are chased by rat-spiders. At the end, computer tricks boy, computer escapes, boy dies. Ending implies that the computer has a plan to erase humanity.
>rehash of terminator/fallout

>> No.2006012

a man, down on his luck and living a less than average life, feels that he needs something to spice up his life thats going no where. he joins a dating site. with not luck on the site.

a coworker of his buys a lamp off of craigslist which piques the interest of our protagonist. while on the site he sees the "personals" section. he has sex with both men and women.

one day he gets an email from a women whos add he replied to and they meet. they meet and the man recognizes her from somewhere. she says she doesnt know what hes talking about and they end up having sex in a hotel room. the man wakes up to find her gone and so he stays in the room for a while and watches some tv. the news is on. turns out the man had seen her somewhere she was diagnosed with aids and is now meeting men on craigslist and giving the dieases to everyone she meets.

the man has a swirl of emotions flush him. he doesnt tell anyone. he starts to think about his life. he realizes he doesnt have kids. he gets tested and hes hiv+

>> No.2006021

>Boy trapped in subway tunnel, finds a sentient train computer, they both try and get out
>rehash of terminator/fallout
more like thomas the tank engine but w/e

>> No.2006032

0/10 on the relative of D&E's average posts.

>> No.2006036
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>> No.2006062

Pregnant woman is attacked by vampire, her child ends up with birth defects because she loses a lot of blood and becomes anemic (the kid is mentally handicapped, deformed). Marriage falls to pieces. Woman becomes a vampire hunter. She sets out on a long quest to kill the so called Red Father, legendary progenitor of all vampires. In the end, she discovers that the Red Father is actually just a type of rare cave fungus that causes vampirism. The heroine must find a way to live with her anger.

>> No.2006300

As the apocalypse is happening, a user on 4chan sets up "Operation: New World" whereby he instructs users to meet at a certain area to establish a new civilization. Luckily, a few thousand members arrive and their society collapses within weeks due to the fact that all 4chan users are lazy and lack practical skills.

>> No.2008063

i'm blushing.