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20043810 No.20043810 [Reply] [Original]

I psychologically torture myself daily.
>You're not that smart
>You're repulsive
>You're a fraud
>Something is seriously wrong with you
>Nothing you do is interesting or valuable
>You will never improve
>Everybody secretly hates you
>You deserve to be unhappy
>No woman will ever want you
>You'll never be satisfied with your life
>Get it over with and kill yourself
And so on. When I examine my life logically I know that none of these "criticisms" are grounded in reality but I can't seem to reason myself out of self hatred. I shouldn't be so critically of myself but I still find myself getting trapped in these destructive thought loops. Do you know of anything that might help fix this kind of thinking? I'm all ears.

>> No.20043819
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When I examine my life logically I know that all these criticisms are grounded in reality.

>> No.20043912


>> No.20043987

Most of these are probably rooted in some kind of reality. Identify your issues. Work to overcome them.

>> No.20044016

>books for making peace with yourself


>> No.20044148
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Anon all of the things you describe are symptoms of an overidentification with the ego.
You wrongly believe that you are a subject that exists isolated from and independent of the outside world when in reality you are part of everything and everything is part of you.
There is nothing to improve and you should not strive to be happy. Instead you should focus on being only. You must look at someone else and realize you are looking at yourself.
Read about
>dialectical monism
>no subject-object separation
>interdependent origination
>not-knowing as origin of all suffering
Also the way you feel might just be something physical that is affecting your mind, I always feel depressed when I don't get enough vitamin D and omega-3 and a lack of magnesium often causes neurotic thought processes.

>> No.20044815

Personally I just accepted it and gave up

>> No.20044901

>vitamin D and omega-3 and a lack of magnesium
K2 is important to take with D3.
I also recommend Lithium Aspartate in very small amounts. Raw and unpasteurized sauerkraut with quercetin can also help.

>> No.20045431

Look up the default mode network. Start meditating.

>> No.20045485
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One of the biggest lies people are fed nowadays, is that all of your thoughts are yours. Christ conquered the demons, but you can willingly submit yourself to them. Find where you have broken the commandments and you will find the root of your troubles.

>> No.20046817

Feeling good by David burns

>> No.20046843

The Cynic Epistles

>> No.20046849
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>> No.20047133

>when my brain tortures me using past experience I feel bad
>oh and when it tortures me it says it's "examining my life" logically
if you don't dominate your brain like a little bitch it is you will never experience happiness

>> No.20047183
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Poor Cromwell,—great Cromwell! The inarticulate Prophet; Prophet who could not speak. Rude, confused, struggling to utter himself, with his savage depth, with his wild sincerity; and he looked so strange, among the elegant Euphemisms, dainty little Falklands, didactic Chillingworths, diplomatic Clarendons! Consider him. An outer hull of chaotic confusion, visions of the Devil, nervous dreams, almost semi-madness; and yet such a clear determinate man's-energy working in the heart of that. A kind of chaotic man. The ray as of pure starlight and fire, working in such an element of boundless hypochondria, unformed black of darkness! And yet withal this hypochondria, what was it but the very greatness of the man? The depth and tenderness of his wild affections: the quantity of sympathy he had with things,—the quantity of insight he would yet get into the heart of things, the mastery he would yet get over things: this was his hypochondria. The man's misery, as man's misery always does, came of his greatness. Samuel Johnson too is that kind of man. Sorrow-stricken, half-distracted; the wide element of mournful black enveloping him,—wide as the world. It is the character of a prophetic man; a man with his whole soul seeing, and struggling to see.