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20043569 No.20043569 [Reply] [Original]

Which book inspired you to become a better person?

>> No.20043611

Unironically The Myth of Sisyphus
I think about it frequently when making decisions

>> No.20043630

How does it affect your decision-making?

>> No.20043639


>> No.20043701

"Embracing the absurd", i.e., taking action instead of staying in a state of neutrality. Would feel bad by going into too much detail, as it's mostly personal. But I hope you get my point.

>> No.20043705

Mein Kampf.

>> No.20043787

Don’t lie!
It was Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

OP said “better”

>> No.20043805

not a book but many Columbo episodes made me want to be more humble, seeing how he tricks the murderers in the most ingenious ways but always refuses to show even the faintest signs of superiority, smugness, pride or even satisfaction

>> No.20044175

The bible.

>> No.20045458


Also: Ghandi's Autobiography

>> No.20045707

The Idiot

>> No.20047019

A lot of the characters that seemed to belive that war was this great thing, who either died some meaningless death or were detached from the misery and pointlessness around them made me start to question the absurdity in nationalism and the idea of "just" war.

>> No.20047031

Stinky Steve: Book One - a Minecraft Mishap by P.T Evans.

A Happy Death by Albert Camus

>> No.20047576


>> No.20047579

extremely based

>> No.20047592

Embracing le absurd sounds like something that would be posted on Reddit

>> No.20047608

>am i fitting in yet fellow 4channelers

>> No.20047650


>> No.20047716
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No game no life 6.

>> No.20047720

No, it doesn't. And you are a fucking RETARD

>> No.20048352


>> No.20048366

Malebranche's Elucidations/Dialogues.

>> No.20048449

Hello my 16 year old self. Don't start taking a bunch of acid just to embrace le absurdity and weirdness and make it a personality

>> No.20048459

Oh and read the bible ASAP to end your edgelord phase. Repent and accept Jesus into your heart

>> No.20049183

The Ego and its Own
Not in an angsty egoist way. It just made me realize the basic egoists nature of man. Relieved a lot of stress and anxiety about myself.

>> No.20049363

Infinite Jest put me in the proper state of mind to get sober for good

>> No.20049497

The Zhuan Falun

>> No.20050111

unironically Revolt Against The Modern World. While reading something just clicked in me. Not necessarily all the weird nonsense and racial stuff Evola put in but the overall attitude. Started eating better, excercising, lost 25 pounds and taking my job training seriously. IDK why I'm not an evolian overall but the whole attitude he represented resonated with me.

>> No.20050123

the poetic edda. specifically the havamal and the heroic cycles regarding the fall of the volsungs

>> No.20050159

Probably every book I have read has inspired me to improve myself in some way, at least the fiction. If you do not see your own flaws in the books you read you either are a plotfag or incapable of self reflection and need a character who is literally you to ever even question your own assumed greatness.

>> No.20050477

based and columbopilled

>> No.20050980

The Hobbit

>> No.20050999

On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers

>> No.20051015
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>> No.20051400
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The Holy Bible

>> No.20051430
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>> No.20052647


>> No.20052703
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>better person

>> No.20052993

Obviously Plato's dialogues, Sallust, Cicero

>> No.20053002

Infinite Jest then the Bible