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20040736 No.20040736 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best and most comprehensive books about anthropocene and the sixth extinction? Or just nature in general.
I read Before Nature Dies by Jean Dorst. It was good but seriously outdated. Is Elizabeth Kolbert worth reading?

>> No.20041998
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Well it won the Pulitzer while the Leaky book of the same name didn’t. Haven’t read either, so can’t make a comparison for you.
Nor this one, but I bring it to your attention.

Anyone else around read any of these?

>> No.20042007

It's all lies. They have no evidence of anything. Enjoy your fairy tales.

>> No.20042016
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You don’t know what a fairytale is


>> No.20042250

Kolbert is decent enough for a pop sci book. It's mostly different examples / perspectives on the developments, so if you're already familiar with the topic there won't be much new in it except for the examples. It reads easily though.

>> No.20043189

Allright, I have some familiarity with the subject so now I´m on the fence about it.
Will check it out, thanks.

Does anyone know of anything more in depth? Something more specific.