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20040399 No.20040399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about how we're surrounded by grotesque images, and it's effects on the human psyche?

>> No.20040407
File: 110 KB, 819x1024, 1646720592156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grotesque looking people, grotesque images... Psychological effects of images, something havign to do with this. We live in a time where we scroll mindlessly through images and this is why I am seeking an understanding of this topic.

>> No.20040411
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These are just examples of what I mean by "grotesque" encompassing even wojaks. They're horrific and hideous fo even look at yet we really like clicking on them. I know this is bad for the psyche but I don't know how which is why I request books and literature on this topic. Is it a symbolic thing?

>> No.20040417
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Bonus points if you can figure out why I am often repulsed by looking at some of these things.

>> No.20040428

>be a medieval peasant
>conscripted to army
>see men disemboweled with spears and trampled by horses on the battlefield
>return home
>wife bleeds out in childbirth, oldest son has his skull split open by a mule
>go to church for funeral
>carving of emaciated man nailed to a cross is the focal point of the room

>be a modern man
>see a goth on the train
You're a huge pussy

>> No.20040436
File: 410 KB, 840x854, 0e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what normal people look like now

I haven't gone outside in well over a year

>> No.20040442

Unironically the works of Nietzsche

>> No.20040449

Yes. Not sure how society can hold itself together past a certain point.

t. trad-cath at law school in a red state

>> No.20040458

Based. I am greatful for my life and will live it to it's fullest.

>> No.20040462

I don't have books on this but consider that I have a specific weird mental problem, like OCD, where I am obsessed with beauty and purity. It's not a moral or religious sentiment, I'm not religious, I just want things and people to be spiritually clean and free of filth and corruption. Generally speaking when I see something become sullied by events or imagery I find unpleasant I stop looking at it. I am an extreme perfectionist and when I fail to match the absolute Platonic ideal I've held in my mind I disregad all the work I have done. I phase the perceived corrupted things out like I'm switching away from a bad TV channel. Imagine what it feels like to be in my shoes in this specific era. I've legitimately wondered if there is in fact a God and he made this world to punish me specifically, because everything is so hopelessly corrupt and degenerate, filthy, impure. Not even imagination is safe, nothing is. If I could describe this time with a few words I'd use those words specifically. It drives me mad. In my desperate search for this unsullied garden, no matter how small, populated by perfect and whole beings, no matter how few, I've only found regrets. And I know that I am sullied myself.
Today I went to read the Bible which is what I do when I am really desperate and I stumbled on Titus 1:15 and I wept,
>Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

>> No.20040464

Discussion of the grotesque has always been an element of artistic development, retard.

>> No.20040471

Man you are full of shit. The vast majority of people look totally unremarkable. They dress conservatively, they don't have weird hair or flashy makeup. They don't go around constantly basedfacing for an audience. The internet has poisoned all of your minds I swear to god. I am begging you to go work a job with regular people.

>> No.20040476

I really can't imagine the level of redditism and unfuckabilitity you'd have to be at to unironically call yourself a "trad-cath". Sincere catholics just call themselves catholics.

>> No.20040484

My point is that seeing some guy with gauged ears is nothing. It barely qualifies as grotesque. These pictures of people making youtube faces even less so. Go into an church and you will see depictions of torture. OP is a pussy, I stand by that

>> No.20040486

>>be a medieval peasant
>>conscripted to army
Here's where I immediately discarded your post.

>> No.20040502

>on 4chan
Choose one and only one

>> No.20040507

You're one of these insecure reddit missionaries trying to 'stick it to the arrogant 4channers' who are actually just having normal discussions, I stand by that.

>> No.20040508

>be a medieval peasant
>conscripted to army

>> No.20040516

Sorry for offending you.

>> No.20040524

You think armies were composed entirely of nobles or something?

>> No.20040528

This isn't a normal discussion and nobody is actually answering OP's question anyway

>> No.20040529

Obviously things like dead bodies are a natural sight that human beings are evolved to be able to deal with. Gender-bending freakshows are relatively new and are not something we are naturally prepared to stomach, and the un-supported coping process definitely seems like it can cause issues.

>> No.20040531

Hordes of insulin resistant pig-people are more grotesque than any wound youd see on the battlefield

>> No.20040546

>Gender-bending freakshows are relatively new
Joan of Arc cut her hair short and wore men's clothing

>> No.20040553

you just think that because you're a retard who fell for the meme that everyone on 4chan is a hopeless loser who eats tendies (hence why you came here to feel better about yourself)

>> No.20040567

I have been coming here for over a decade

>> No.20040577

She wasn't trying to pass as male but had adopted a male profession and the attire it required. They didn't make women's armor or anything anime like that. And when she was imprisoned she requested pants because the guards attempted to (or succeeded in) violating her when she was wearing a skirt/dress.

>> No.20040580

It's really cute that you learned that fun fact but it is not remotely profound. If anything, it's 'the exception that proves the rule', dressing in a practical manner as a woman was seen as a big deal by the standards of the time. Contrast that to the pic in the OP.

>> No.20040585

With 10 reddit tabs open

>> No.20040594

it's comical how since trump it has become trendy to be a catholic or christian on this site

>> No.20040596

The English had her tried for heresy, wearing men's clothing was a part of that charge

>> No.20040603

It is universally accepted that it was a bullshit trial only done to off their political enemy. She was posthumously exonerated by the pope.

>> No.20040607

More comical still when you consider that Trump is obviously a godless hedonist but these people were so dumb that they bought he shallow lies anyway.

>> No.20040610

There is a qualitative difference between changing one's gender and wearing pants because you have to ride on horseback, or cutting your hair short to wear a helmet, etc. Were the men who shaved in WW1 in order to wear gasmasks trans?

>> No.20040620
File: 48 KB, 930x704, 1558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow that person looks even worse than Divine. Pink Flamingos was genuine artistic 'grotesqueness', that's just a deranged loser who lives on the internet and cuts themselves.

>> No.20040623

How many other girl soldiers were there?

>> No.20040626
File: 54 KB, 600x859, joan-of-arc-death-at-the-stake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah such a disgusting tranny

>> No.20040628

>painting from centuries after her death

>> No.20040633

I don't get why you're committing to this retarded angle, it clearly isn't fruitful. It barely even had to do with the original argument it was responding to.
>there are disgusting trannies walking around my hometown who are unemployed and hated by everyone
>yeah well 1400's france had a beloved national hero who cut her hair short so she looked like a cute tomboy instead of a conventional stacy!

>> No.20040636

post a photograph of her then, faggot

>> No.20040638

You are retarded beyond comprehension

>> No.20040641

You say this because you have run out of pseudo arguments

>> No.20040644

>so she looked like a cute tomboy instead of a conventional stacy
Oh my god I can't even make fun of you

>> No.20040652

Yeah, because there is nothing to make fun of.

>> No.20040654

This (being unreasonably upset by superficialities) is a symptom of being on the psychopath spectrum
Suggested treatment is to kys

>> No.20040657
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>> No.20040658

I bet you're also a white supremacist aren't you

>> No.20040661

not really, I just think white people are better people overall

>> No.20040666

In what sense?

>> No.20040667

Post chin faggot

>> No.20040674

I'm just trying to ruffle feathers. Perhaps in the modern day, Joan of Arc would be a disgusting unemployed tranny. She had visions, it took a while for anyone to take her seriously. There are other examples of "trans" people throughout history, even older ones. The hijra in India, muxe in Mexico. I figured you guys would dismiss those because they aren't white. Figured I might as well go for /lit/'s best girl. That you call her a "cute tomboy" is just as perverse as saying she crossdressed.

>> No.20040680

You are fucking illiterate.
>Unto the pure ALL THINGS are pure
So you have nothing to worry about.
The hand of god sent you reassurance and you were too retarded to receive it.

>> No.20040681

If you agree that she was a heretic then you already believe God talks to people, among other things more outlandish than a woman wearing pants because she is surrounded by hostile men who God told her to fight.

>> No.20040683
File: 274 KB, 1024x1075, z680sj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not OCD. It's just these images are so repulsive and I see people that look like them everywhere. It's so disgusting that I personally think that looking too long at them will have effects on my psyche. It feels demonic.
Post chin faggot. I know your chud phenotype looking ass lurks this thread.

>> No.20040684

>in the modern day people with the tangible mental illnesses that have always existed almost surely become hopeless losers who are encouraged to get even less mentally healthy instead of finding a spot as a healthy lovable weirdo
yeah that's the problem

>> No.20040685

I feel nothing seeing the ugly and grotesque but indifference and sometimes curiosity, it doesn't affect me at all. What did my mind mean by this?

>> No.20040698

>Post chin
I'm not trying to attack him, just curious because most WSs also seem to be obsessed with beauty and disgusted by everything.

>> No.20040700

>implying your ilk tolerate even the slightest deviance from gender norms

>> No.20040709

One side of my family is catholic, so I have enough passing cultural knowledge to blend in if I have to. None of them have ever even heard the term “trad-cath”.
Every “trad-cath” I’ve encountered has no catholic family and hasn’t so much as gone to confession in the past decade, if ever. It’s just a weird way of signaling you’re mildly antisocial and hate queers.

>> No.20040717

>your ilk
You're talking to multiple different people. Not everyone who admits disgust to people who look worse than circus clowns are Nazis. I have a fair amount of tolerance in me, I'm just not a moralfag and I don't pretend to be blind.

>> No.20040718

Well I'm not a White Supremacist, but I can understand their position. There is an obvious love for beauty that I share with them and very strict standards for cleanliness and hygiene. It is natural that upon seeing something grotesque, we are repulsed by it. If somebody isn't, something is wrong with them. I'm not elaborating.

>> No.20040726

Tell me more.

>> No.20040734
File: 98 KB, 750x500, B1C41DE2-12C6-4F8D-924A-E2FBB156DEAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s literally just an average-looking person.
My only theory is that maybe if you’re a turbo zoomer your aesthetic sense has been distorted by the media’s sampling bias towards only showing exceptionally attractive people that seeing average or ugly people causes actual emotional distress, which is very funny.

>> No.20040737

Not him but can you please explain your reading of this passage because I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.20040744

I’m too lazy to find the article, but there’s something wrong neurologically with extremely socially conservative people where their disgust response is really pronounced and their brain is took weak to suppress it.
It’s brain damage.

>> No.20040746

It's the embryotic start of the world to come. As man strays further from true adversary, he insists upon a world made up of dreams where he can do what he want, and the dreams of men, especially through the filter of reality, are grotesque. City dwellers were frequently reviled and equated with the damned or demons throughout history, so the effect is probably consistent revulsion.

For myself I feel pity for them. Not because they're ugly, but because HRTs really fuck up the body and it must suck to be indebted to pharmaceutical companies for life.

>> No.20040754
File: 481 KB, 1079x1904, A27B6618-5F28-4CE0-80E0-EDC98EAB69F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unto the pure all things are pure. Unto the pure rotting corpses are pure. Unto the pure cringe internet trannies are pure.
Unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Unto the unbelieving and unrepentant sinners picrel is unpure.
Faith is polarized sunglasses for purity.

>> No.20040760
File: 165 KB, 768x403, what the faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those things were all understood to be injurious and were easy to fit into a greater symbolic order. even the crucifix was understood as an image of christ's sacrifice/his terrible fate.
now however we're expected to understand certain types of bodily mutilation and subversion of gender roles as "life-affirming" and positive. we're expected to applaud people who voluntarily exclude themselves from the possibility of reproduction (and not as an ascetic pursuit, but to engage in greater hedonism).
picrel isn't a gargoyle designed to contrast with and elevate sculptures of angels and saints to sublimity, but as an artistic end in itself.
there's something terribly sick in our culture and aesthetics and you're literally retarded/spiritually dead if you choose to argue about whether or not that's true instead of why we've gotten here or how to overcome it.

>> No.20040792

What does this mean? do you think medieval warfare was some warhammer fantasy shit with knights duelling on the battlefield and kings fighting in the front ranks.

>> No.20040819
File: 32 KB, 634x416, article-2618531-006BEF1100000258-736_634x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just demoralizing here. Post your chin you dysgenic kike.

>> No.20040826
File: 237 KB, 1600x1160, oddnerdrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more works by brain damaged artists

>> No.20040846

People (who lived in urban centres at least) in the Middle Ages probably saw many more diseased and maimed and mentally ill people

>> No.20040856

shitty pol thread

>> No.20040857

> Gender-bending freakshows are relatively new and are not something we are naturally prepared to stomach

>> No.20040861

yeah and they were pitiable charity cases, not participants in "pride" parades

>> No.20040875

That sculpture was by a f*g

>> No.20040947

I'm sure they gathered levies from the peasantry, hired mercenaries, had a standing army, had nobles with their superior equipment, but what did he say that's wrong? Genuinely interested as a dabbler who's also interested in not making a fool of himself

>> No.20040957

I like this image because it's a nice Dorian Gray-esque representation of what your soul looks like after years on 4chan

I quit years ago but I come by to check out /lit/ every few months

t. 2008 oldfag

>> No.20040974

The dreams of men are foiled by a grotesque, banal reality. If they were not, they would not be grotesque themselves; at worst, lesser than ideal.

>> No.20040995

Scandinavians and Western Europeans still live in dream-like realities tho

>> No.20041009

Ja but do they have Zwerge?

>> No.20041014

Trannies aren't getting special dispensation from the pope though. There's plenty of historical trannies— hilariously a lot of the ones in prominent positions in the British civil service and armed forces were Irish women who were like
>fuck becoming a lady they don't get paid

>> No.20041017


>> No.20041035

You are a literal retard if you think people are trying to follow trump's example.

>> No.20041048

Historians who study the Middle Ages think that.

>> No.20041051

In what place does a normal person look like that?

>> No.20041060

The majority of medieval history did not feature conscripted peasants.

>> No.20041075

Lots of White Americans and Brits look like that